Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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I guess that depends on where you live and what you use. My monthly electric bill is around 50 bucks a month. That's 600 bucks a year. Do you know how long it would take me just to break even on solar panels? And once you break even, how much more would you need to invest for replacement panels when those break down?

WOW! Your electric bill is more than 50% less than the State average?

Yep, that's what I pay.

Why don't you remove the personal information and post your bill INCLUDING your yearly energy usage.

For what, to make you happy? Why would I lie about something like that? My electric bill has been as low as $35.00 and as high as $70.00. In the fall and spring when I don't use my furnace or AC, it's about $40.00. When I use the furnace extensively or AC it's about $65.00. However up north, I typically use AC between June and August. I don't have central. I use a window AC in my living room and I have one in my bedroom, but the one in my bedroom I only use about three to four times a season.

Your electric usage is less than 50% of the State average. That's an amazing feat! I'd be showing everyone I could!

You don't have central air and heat? You do know it's 2018?

You do have a choice. Exactly every bit of existing housing stock is free from that regulation.

I said that. Buy an existing home but with the additional cost of new homes being $40K more that will drive up the cost of existing homes. Everybody gets screwed. Another dumbass Liberal deal with unintended consequences.

Ny neighbor's house doesn't increase in value when I update my kitchen and bathrooms.
Are you lying or are you really THIS dense?

There are some improvements that add value to a home. Solar panels is not one of them. In fact it detracts from the value.

Absolutely. One of the things most buyers look for in a home is future expenses. How good are the windows? How old is the furnace or AC? How old is the roof and things like that.

So in the future, a couple looks at a house with 30 year old solar panels. The first thing that would cross my mind is how many of those I'm going to have to replace in the next ten years. Or if allowed by law, how much is it going to cost me to have those things removed and have a regular roof installed?
If a house has a 30-year-old solar system on the roof, it is almost certain to need a new ROOF soon.

View attachment 192986

Okay. Let's say she pays 3% interest a year and makes a monthly payment of $65.24

Loan Calculator |

Using the above loan calculator, I see it takes her 200 months to pay off the $10,258 loan.
Nearly 17 years before she starts to see any return on her investment.

You forgot to factor rate increases for power. Also, if you attach it to a home mortgage the monthly payments are much less.
That's the same logic that has people taking out 8 year car loans.
Slippery slope?

They let the homeless shit in the streets. Now THAT'S a slippery slope! :auiqs.jpg:

We have homeless due to Republicans and Corporate America.

Of course you do. :lmao:

Written like a true sociopath. Perhaps you should get help for your mental illness.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

Your lack of conscience precludes you from seeing that homelessness causes a drain on the tax base which has less monies to spend on the important things like police, fire, and infrastructure. Lack of affordable housing and low wages are the most prevalent in cause of homelessness. Since Republicans and Corporate America want to keep the middle class poor, they are the reason why we have homeless.

The homeless is a drain on the tax base if we spend government funds on them. They are not a drain if do the right thing and stop supporting them. If you are homeless in the country on earth with the largest economy it is your own damn fault.

The way to stop homeless and poverty is to stop failed Left economic polices that destroys the economy.
Slippery slope?

They let the homeless shit in the streets. Now THAT'S a slippery slope! :auiqs.jpg:

We have homeless due to Republicans and Corporate America.

Of course you do. :lmao:

Written like a true sociopath. Perhaps you should get help for your mental illness.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

Your lack of conscience precludes you from seeing that homelessness causes a drain on the tax base which has less monies to spend on the important things like police, fire, and infrastructure. Lack of affordable housing and low wages are the most prevalent in cause of homelessness. Since Republicans and Corporate America want to keep the middle class poor, they are the reason why we have homeless.
Government is the main cause of homelessness. Government drives up the price of housing to the point where few can afford it. Democrats also import large percentage of people in this country who are below the poverty line.
By the time you get enough roof space to support your energy needs, you have a 4,000 square foot house in California.

At $150/square foot that is a $600,000 house plus your $20,000 solar system. Ten percent down makes it unaffordable for most folks to build right there. Thirty year mortgage is about $2,750 per month plus insurance and taxes on top of that.

Move out of California and lower your expectations.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Excuse me, perhaps I'm the only one but I fail to see the correlation. Might you expand on your thought?
.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money to better grow economy so that the revenue loss is made up.

But according to the same rightwingers when someone gets to keep more of their money because they bought a solar system....that needs to be paid for by someone else?

I don’t see you actually addressing that contradiction. Want to try again?

That is warped thinking. When I am forced to spend an additional $40,000 or $50,000 for a house, to save $300-$500. a month allow me to keep MORE of my money? The TAX CUT, for the vast majority of Americans, allows me to keep more of MY money.

$40,000 at a current reasonable interest rate of 4.43% for 30 years amounts to an additional $201.00 per month and over $70,000 over the life of the loan. Will the system last 30 years? Of course not. Within 15-20 years there will be something far better and far less expensive meaning what I spent in 2018 is flushed.
Well said. They're driving the Middle Class out. California will be left with only the very rich and the very poor. Without that massive Middle Class tax revenue, the state will collapse. The Communists are dooming California.

As you know, and know well, the rich are leaving in droves. They are sick of paying for the homeless who are invited to their state by their local governments for their votes.

The great state of California has massive problems and seem to be doing everything possible to exacerbate the problem rather than even attempt solutions.
Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.

Well said. They're driving the Middle Class out. California will be left with only the very rich and the very poor. Without that massive Middle Class tax revenue, the state will collapse. The Communists are dooming California.

There are plenty of middle-class in California. What's making it difficult are the capitalist racketeers driving up prices to satisfy their investors and driving down wages to satisfy their investors.

If you were honest with yourself you'd know that is happening in your State of confusion also.
Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.

Well said. They're driving the Middle Class out. California will be left with only the very rich and the very poor. Without that massive Middle Class tax revenue, the state will collapse. The Communists are dooming California.

Another big industry in California is agriculture and the Liberals are even fucking that up. Remember last year when the environmental wackos were cutting off water supplies to the Imperial Valley to protect some stupid fish?

Liberals screw up everything they touch.

California's agriculture industry is $46B strong. How is that being "fucked-up?"
Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

That is a lie.

The government spend just as much money with or without filthy ass subsidies.

That means somebody else pays the money that would have been paid in tax. Either through revenue or debt.

Kind of like when that asshole Obama gave Solyndrda a half billion in subsidies he went in debt with the Federal government that year meaning our children will have to pay back the subsidy. The same damn thing with your stupid subsidy. All subsidies, either direct payment or though tax reduction, are a form of welfare.

The study of Economics is not a Moon Bat's strong suit, is it?

Your idiotic solar panels is nothing more than a tax on Moon Bat ignorance with a little welfare thrown in.

I love to see you stupid Moon Bats being taxed for being idiots.

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money to better grow economy so that the revenue loss is made up.

But according to the same rightwingers when someone gets to keep more of their money because they bought a solar system....that needs to be paid for by someone else?

I don’t see you actually addressing that contradiction. Want to try again?

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money

An across the board tax cut is not the same as a subsidy provided for a specific behavior.

A subsidy is a subsidy, there are different qualifiers.
WOW! Your electric bill is more than 50% less than the State average?

Yep, that's what I pay.

Why don't you remove the personal information and post your bill INCLUDING your yearly energy usage.

For what, to make you happy? Why would I lie about something like that? My electric bill has been as low as $35.00 and as high as $70.00. In the fall and spring when I don't use my furnace or AC, it's about $40.00. When I use the furnace extensively or AC it's about $65.00. However up north, I typically use AC between June and August. I don't have central. I use a window AC in my living room and I have one in my bedroom, but the one in my bedroom I only use about three to four times a season.

Your electric usage is less than 50% of the State average. That's an amazing feat! I'd be showing everyone I could!

You don't have central air and heat? You do know it's 2018?


Thank You!
I said that. Buy an existing home but with the additional cost of new homes being $40K more that will drive up the cost of existing homes. Everybody gets screwed. Another dumbass Liberal deal with unintended consequences.

Ny neighbor's house doesn't increase in value when I update my kitchen and bathrooms.
Are you lying or are you really THIS dense?

There are some improvements that add value to a home. Solar panels is not one of them. In fact it detracts from the value.

Absolutely. One of the things most buyers look for in a home is future expenses. How good are the windows? How old is the furnace or AC? How old is the roof and things like that.

So in the future, a couple looks at a house with 30 year old solar panels. The first thing that would cross my mind is how many of those I'm going to have to replace in the next ten years. Or if allowed by law, how much is it going to cost me to have those things removed and have a regular roof installed?
If a house has a 30-year-old solar system on the roof, it is almost certain to need a new ROOF soon.

In the late 70's, my Father had solar water heating installed for the pool and the house. That part of the roof that was under the panels looked brand new. Kinda like your farmers tan.
I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.

Well said. They're driving the Middle Class out. California will be left with only the very rich and the very poor. Without that massive Middle Class tax revenue, the state will collapse. The Communists are dooming California.

Another big industry in California is agriculture and the Liberals are even fucking that up. Remember last year when the environmental wackos were cutting off water supplies to the Imperial Valley to protect some stupid fish?

Liberals screw up everything they touch.

California's agriculture industry is $46B strong. How is that being "fucked-up?"
Run by conservatives..
Those rural counties in California vote conservative... dumbass
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