Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.
All of Europe is an example of that.
California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.

Well said. It now leads the nation in poverty. The Communists are killing the Middle Class out there. They're leaving in droves. If you're very rich or very poor, you're welcome in California. Middle Class folks are no longer welcome. And that's gonna lead to its demise. Without that massive tax revenue, the state will collapse. It'll be Venezuela. But hey, the folks wanted Communist-rule. It is what it is.

Trump ran on a platform to make America great again.

The Democrats run on a platform to make America like Venezuela.
Trump is sinking America into the swamp.
Because for the most part, building codes and regulation are there for a purpose. For one, if you hired a company to build your house, and they are building it the wrong way or in a way that presents a danger to you and others, it's perfectly understandable. You also don't want to get ripped off by them installing something that will cost you a fortune to fix down the road. Those regulations also help protect the buyer of your home if you sell it.

Solar panels? Such regulations are not protecting anybody. So why solar panels? Because environment is a leftist obsession, and we shouldn't allow anybody to write laws based on their personal hangups. If you want to spend the money to save the world, go right ahead. But don't write laws to force me to do the same especially if my political view resents the global warming hoax.

This regulation is there for a purpose whether you acknowledge that or not.

This means that going foreward, new housing will not require any large upscaling of centralized power production. Fewer production facilities running for fewer hours a day. Simpler, more localized and efficient transmission infrasructure. Excess will be put back into the grid and used locally in real time. If you can't see the benefit of that going foreward, then you aren't trying to.
Lastly, less dependency on a huge, outdated and inefficient power grid and transmission system is far better for national security.

Why do you care where the power comes from as long as it works when you flip the switch?

I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

And that's fine with me if people buy it on their own without taxpayers footing much of the bill. Also so they aren't forced to buy them.

Government didn't force people to buy cars, citiznes bought them because of it's advantages.
Government didn't force people to buy smart phones, people bought them freely because of their advantages.
Government didn't force anybody to get an MRI. People freely chose to get those for themselves.

The govt built the interstate highway system that made the market for cars boom.
The govt built or subsidized every bit of large infrastructure in this country, including the internet, which allowed for massive business expansion around them. The govt has always been the driver of progress.

All the interstate highway system did is bankrupt the railroads. That was a private system that didn't require any tax money to be spent, and it was perfectly adequate for interstate travel. So the interstate highway system actually retarded the economic development of this country by diverting huge amounts of capital into a system that wasn't needed.

The governent had very little to do with with the development of the internet. I was responsible for perhaps one of the pieces out of the 20 that were needed to make it viable.
I should open a business in California where for a price, I install a solar rig on a house, get it passed and inspected, then after all is done, just pop it back off, leave a solar panel-looking decal up there to look like they are still there and move on to the next house. Satisfy the state, and save each home owner about $15,000 bucks in the process.
The govt built the interstate highway system that made the market for cars boom.
The govt built or subsidized every bit of large infrastructure in this country, including the internet, which allowed for massive business expansion around them. The govt has always been the driver of progress.

The Federal Government built the interstate system as part of our military defense. President Eisenhower and the generals at the time saw how much Autobahns helped the Nazi's move military equipment and supplies quickly to supply their Blitzkrieg and how crippling it was when they ran out of their roads and railroads.

The vast majority of infrastructure is built by taxpayers, locally, agreeing to pay for THEIR roads, sewer, water, police, and fire. I don't recall the government paying for my first laptop, nor the software. Although, as a business expense I did deduct it from my gross income. I also don't recall government paying for a large part of my radio-telephone. The brand new Buick Century cost $12,000. and the radio-telephone $3,000. long before cell phones.

PROFIT has always been and always will be the driver of progress.


Okay. Let's say she pays 3% interest a year and makes a monthly payment of $65.24

Loan Calculator |

Using the above loan calculator, I see it takes her 200 months to pay off the $10,258 loan.
Nearly 17 years before she starts to see any return on her investment.
If we Californians got a dollar of every hating thread here we would be richer lol. A friend is now visiting a red state, he told me texto....these people are in worse conditions than some third world countries.
He is an immigrant, self made millionaire it was possible for him to be what he is only in a blue state....he felt the racism thr minute je landed. So sick!!!

I take it that this imaginary friend has visited downtown San Francisco and Los Angeles?



If we Californians got a dollar of every hating thread here we would be richer lol. A friend is now visiting a red state, he told me texto....these people are in worse conditions than some third world countries.
He is an immigrant, self made millionaire it was possible for him to be what he is only in a blue state....he felt the racism thr minute je landed. So sick!!!

I take it that this imaginary friend has visited downtown San Francisco and Los Angeles?



It's sad but it's a pocket in cities that has millions of people...
In red states is even worse with drug epidemics and poverty and they voted for trump thinking that they will prosper.
LA has people from all over the world and the US coming to better themselves....I've seen thousands and thousands of successful cant say that about millions of regressive in shitty states.
t's sad but it's a pocket in cities that has millions of people...
In red states is even worse with drug epidemics and poverty and they voted for trump thinking that they will prosper.
LA has people from all over the world and the US coming to better themselves....I've seen thousands and thousands of successful cant say that about millions of regressive in shitty states.

‘National disgrace’: Community fights back as California overrun by homelessness, human waste, needles
By Tori Richards | Fox News
February 26, 2018


Trash trucks and contractors in hazmat gear have descended on the camp and so far removed 250 tons of trash, 1,100 pounds of human waste and 5,000 hypodermic needles.


‘National disgrace’: Community fights back as California overrun by homelessness, human waste, needles

Talk to yourself from here on out. You're a troll, nothing more or less.

t's sad but it's a pocket in cities that has millions of people...
In red states is even worse with drug epidemics and poverty and they voted for trump thinking that they will prosper.
LA has people from all over the world and the US coming to better themselves....I've seen thousands and thousands of successful cant say that about millions of regressive in shitty states.

‘National disgrace’: Community fights back as California overrun by homelessness, human waste, needles
By Tori Richards | Fox News
February 26, 2018


Trash trucks and contractors in hazmat gear have descended on the camp and so far removed 250 tons of trash, 1,100 pounds of human waste and 5,000 hypodermic needles.


‘National disgrace’: Community fights back as California overrun by homelessness, human waste, needles

Talk to yourself from here on out. You're a troll, nothing more or less.

That's like saying all Americans are obese ( which is true In most red states).....or saying all republicans are racists. Or worse, all conservatives are dumb and hypocrites.

Can you post which communist country has required solar panels before Liberal California did.

That's kind of the point. Even Communists didn't even do that to their people.

So, a communist country never required solar panels, but some idiot conservative cited it anyway...

Well at one time, there was no way to compare the liberties of a US citizen and a Communist citizen. Thanks to liberalism, we can make such comparisons today.

How so?

Burning more coal?
Solar does have its place.

Lots of places.

Places where a tie to the grid would be hugely expensive or downright impossible. And then not just solar but also a backup wind machine and enough batteries to get through a week or two with clouds and no wind.

I know because I have installed several such systems.

Here's my ride home arriving.

View attachment 192942

Solar panels are on the south-facing slope of the roof. Wind machine would be off screen to the left. Would be but since the trip was to find out why it wasn't working - the blades had flown off - there wouldn't be much to see. In the building are 36 batteries of the sort used to start bulldozers.

As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
Solar does have its place.

Lots of places.

Places where a tie to the grid would be hugely expensive or downright impossible. And then not just solar but also a backup wind machine and enough batteries to get through a week or two with clouds and no wind.

I know because I have installed several such systems.

Here's my ride home arriving.

View attachment 192942

Solar panels are on the south-facing slope of the roof. Wind machine would be off screen to the left. Would be but since the trip was to find out why it wasn't working - the blades had flown off - there wouldn't be much to see. In the building are 36 batteries of the sort used to start bulldozers.

As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.
Anyone here familiar with the Favelas in Brazil? It's what California is gonna look like if the Communists/Democrats continue to control the state. Californians really should reconsider supporting them.
Solar does have its place.

Lots of places.

Places where a tie to the grid would be hugely expensive or downright impossible. And then not just solar but also a backup wind machine and enough batteries to get through a week or two with clouds and no wind.

I know because I have installed several such systems.

Here's my ride home arriving.

View attachment 192942

Solar panels are on the south-facing slope of the roof. Wind machine would be off screen to the left. Would be but since the trip was to find out why it wasn't working - the blades had flown off - there wouldn't be much to see. In the building are 36 batteries of the sort used to start bulldozers.

As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.
^^ Bullshit
BTW, EXXON is researching the use of algae to run cars.

Great, if one day folks decide they want those 'algae cars', so be it. But Government shouldn't be allowed to force them on the People. It's abuse of power. I have nothing against solar panels, but i am against Government abuse if power. That's far more dangerous to me than 'Global Warming.' I value my Freedom & Liberty far more than i fear the Global Warming Boogeyman.
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