Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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Will they also require the batteries to store the electricity? Without those, you're only off grid during daylight hours. You know, when everyone is at work or school...

My guess would be that the vast majority of such systems will be grid-tie systems. With this kind of system, the house is still connected to the utility. If the system is big enough that at some points in the day, it produces more power than the house is using, then excess power is “sold” to the utility; against other times when the house is drawing power from the utility.

I do not think that it will ever be common for a house to have a big enough solar power system to fully meet its needs. To have a fully off-grid system, you need to have a big enough system that during the day, it produces not only enough power to meet the house's needs during that time, but enough excess power to be stored in batteries, and used at night, in times of bad weather, and anywhen else that the system is not producing enough. I don't think this is possible, with current or anticipated technology, without having a “solar farm” that covers considerably more acreage than the house itself.
Government tell you how much insulation you must have, the number of electric outlets, type of pipes and wiring you must use, depth of a cellar, the height of a roof, the size of the house on a lot, etc.... State housing laws and local building codes are about what is best for the community, not the owner. Owners change but the buildings remains.
Why should the community dictate what kind of house you live in? For example, those tiny houses that are all the rage violate most zoning laws.
I own a house in a community where, you can't have a house with less than 2,000 sq. ft. You can't build a wall higher than 4 feet. You can't have an out building. You can't have a shingle roof and you can't add a second floor if it blocks the view of any owner. It's all about the community.
Those are called CDD's, and the rules are imposed by the developer, not the government.
$114 per month divided by 911 kilowatts is about 11 cents, you expect people to pay $2.50 to 3.50 per kilowatt....

lol, you got your ratesmixed up and are comparing kW/month to kW/day

$3/30 = 10 cents

I was kind and rounded up. Read the prior citations and see where they say it costs $2.50 to $3.50 to produce a solar kilowatt. Then consider the 8 kilowatt system can't even supply your daily needs.
$114 per month divided by 911 kilowatts is about 11 cents, you expect people to pay $2.50 to 3.50 per kilowatt....

lol, you got your ratesmixed up and are comparing kW/month to kW/day

$3/30 = 10 cents

I was kind and rounded up. Read the prior citations and see where they say it costs $2.50 to $3.50 to produce a solar kilowatt. Then consider the 8 kilowatt system can't even supply your daily needs.

I have 12kW system above my head, do you seriously think I don't know how much it will cost me?
I have oil heat . There’s a bunch of safety regs when it comes to holding tanks . Lots of older homes are grandfathered , but if u sell you have to update. .

That would depend on the state and county or city.
$114 per month divided by 911 kilowatts is about 11 cents, you expect people to pay $2.50 to 3.50 per kilowatt....

lol, you got your ratesmixed up and are comparing kW/month to kW/day

$3/30 = 10 cents

I was kind and rounded up. Read the prior citations and see where they say it costs $2.50 to $3.50 to produce a solar kilowatt. Then consider the 8 kilowatt system can't even supply your daily needs.

I have 12kW system above my head, do you seriously think I don't know how much it will cost me?

Oh no doubt you have no idea. Further, your system will need replacing before you show any type of true savings.
$114 per month divided by 911 kilowatts is about 11 cents, you expect people to pay $2.50 to 3.50 per kilowatt....

lol, you got your ratesmixed up and are comparing kW/month to kW/day

$3/30 = 10 cents

I was kind and rounded up. Read the prior citations and see where they say it costs $2.50 to $3.50 to produce a solar kilowatt. Then consider the 8 kilowatt system can't even supply your daily needs.

I have 12kW system above my head, do you seriously think I don't know how much it will cost me?

I'm not being a smart ass here, just very curious: what did you pay for your system and how much was your electric bill prior to the panels?
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.

Solar takes far longer to pay for itself than people own the house. I live in Florida and here the re-sale of a house with solar panels is far less than if it had no panels at all.

Roll it into a mortgage and you'll be paying for it, plus interest, for 30 years, long after the life of the panels. What a deal! That doesn't take into consideration the higher property taxes and insurance.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is great you are willing to be somewhat energy neutral and environmentally friendly. It just crosses lines when you mandate others to do the same, particularly when the economics are so bad.
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.

8kW (kilowatt) solar systems typically sell in the US (as at March 2017) for between $2.95 and $3.50 per watt meaning a cost of between $23,600 and $28,000 before the 30% solar tax credit.

After the 30% solar tax credit this equates to a range of $16,520 to $19,600.

However, the price varies by state and also depending on whether the system is purchased for cash or whether the system is financed. Most solar financing offers have an origination fee of 10-12% and so systems that are financed are usually 10-15% more expensive.

8kW solar power system | How much they cost, produce and roofspace requirements

SOMEONE, ME, as in taxpayer not receiving any benefit, are paying that 30%. WHY?
Solar panels create 300 times more waste than nuclear does for the equivalent amount of energy.

Are we headed for a solar waste crisis?

Don't get me wrong, I think it is great you are willing to be somewhat energy neutral and environmentally friendly. It just crosses lines when you mandate others to do the same, particularly when the economics are so bad.

Exactly. This mandate ups the cost of a home. That means if you wanted to build a 300K home, you can now only build a 275K home with solar panels.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is great you are willing to be somewhat energy neutral and environmentally friendly. It just crosses lines when you mandate others to do the same, particularly when the economics are so bad.

Exactly. This mandate ups the cost of a home. That means if you wanted to build a 300K home, you can now only build a 275K home with solar panels.

Yes, but you can exclude illegal immigrants from your neighborhood....
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.

8kW (kilowatt) solar systems typically sell in the US (as at March 2017) for between $2.95 and $3.50 per watt meaning a cost of between $23,600 and $28,000 before the 30% solar tax credit.

After the 30% solar tax credit this equates to a range of $16,520 to $19,600.

However, the price varies by state and also depending on whether the system is purchased for cash or whether the system is financed. Most solar financing offers have an origination fee of 10-12% and so systems that are financed are usually 10-15% more expensive.

8kW solar power system | How much they cost, produce and roofspace requirements

SOMEONE, ME, as in taxpayer not receiving any benefit, are paying that 30%. WHY?

It's worse than that.

What happens when people start using less of a product? The product becomes more expensive to recoup the losses of the people no longer buying the product.

So your tax dollars are paying for people to have these panels. More and more people start getting them and getting off the grid. Besides what your taxes are paying for the panels, you are also paying increase costs for your on grid electricity.
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.

8kW (kilowatt) solar systems typically sell in the US (as at March 2017) for between $2.95 and $3.50 per watt meaning a cost of between $23,600 and $28,000 before the 30% solar tax credit.

After the 30% solar tax credit this equates to a range of $16,520 to $19,600.

However, the price varies by state and also depending on whether the system is purchased for cash or whether the system is financed. Most solar financing offers have an origination fee of 10-12% and so systems that are financed are usually 10-15% more expensive.

8kW solar power system | How much they cost, produce and roofspace requirements

SOMEONE, ME, as in taxpayer not receiving any benefit, are paying that 30%. WHY?

It's worse than that.

What happens when people start using less of a product? The product becomes more expensive to recoup the losses of the people no longer buying the product.

So your tax dollars are paying for people to have these panels. More and more people start getting them and getting off the grid. Besides what your taxes are paying for the panels, you are also paying increase costs for your on grid electricity.

Well, you're not exactly getting off the grid, at least not in So. Cal. Most systems require a hookup to Edison. If it's not hooked up, it doesn't work.
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.
In your opinion, There is no guarantee. No one should be forced into horse shit...

Solar output is very stable on annual basis.
Not up here in the northern plain states, Renewables are costly, inefficient and unreliable up here in the northern plains states.
Crazy Cali can do what they want I guess, just don’t expect other states too follow suit.

WIthout gov backing you’d probably wouldn’t have much of any energy grid .

And a grid, serving the entire community has what to do with ME, TAXPAYER down the street, paying for your solar panels?
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