Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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It's still not an investment unless government pays for most of it. And like I stated earlier, if you ran the numbers, you would find much more money in your pocket after 20 years if you invested that 25K into a growth fund or perhaps some good real estate, so if your goal is to save money, buying solar panels is probably the worst way to accomplish that goal.
It's an investment but not the kind you're think of. It's an investment by the people and the dividends are not just saving on an electric bill. It's knowing you are doing something that will make life better for the community, your kids, and your grand kids. I know for someone like you that seems completely ridiculous but believe or not there are lots of people in this world that care about the environment and in California a lot more that in most places.

Well at least that would be honest. But people coming here saying how much money they are going to save in the next 25 years is ridiculous. First of all we don't know what electric rates will be in the next couple of decades. Secondly, even if you end up saving money, it won't be anything substantial. Third, you still risk losing money if the panels become defective, you need a roof repair, or again, electric rates decrease.

Now if somebody says they bought alternative power sources because of the environment and there are no real benefits other than that, then I can't argue with them. Good for you.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.
And the overarching point there is that it's forced. I can't opt out of Social Security. Why? Because the concept is dead on arrival unless people who don't want to be in it are forced to be (and it still doesn't work anyway when they are forced into it).

Any system built on forcing unwilling participants to participate is doomed to failure.

Unlike private investment instruments your Social Security didn't lose value when BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America crashed the world economy in 2007.
If the money you pay into Social Security was put into an IRA instead, we would all be millionaires when we retired - even if you include the effect of the stock market crash.

I'll use me for an example. I started my contributions in 1975. If I put my social security contributions in a private account such as 401k/IRA/Keogh I would have lost 80% of my investment. Retirement accounts in the United States lost $2 trillion in the 15 months preceding 11-8-2008.

Of course baby bush stole $650 billion from social security to pay for the invasion of Iraq and tax breaks for the wealthy.

From Commie Fact:

Our ruling

A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False.

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

Thanks for clearing that up it was actually 703 billion. Don't you just love Republicans?

Why does it not surprise me that's the only thing you seen and understood about the article. Never mind, like most leftists, you don't read anything that goes against your beliefs be it right or wrong.
Your belief that government is good at planning and solving social problems couldn't be more absurd. Government causes all the social issues that are humanly solvable. Social Security is how government prevents people from making long term plans by robbing them when they are young and turing the proceeds over to those who didn't plan for their retirement. There couldn't be a worse example of government "planning" than Social Security and Medicare.
And the overarching point there is that it's forced. I can't opt out of Social Security. Why? Because the concept is dead on arrival unless people who don't want to be in it are forced to be (and it still doesn't work anyway when they are forced into it).

Any system built on forcing unwilling participants to participate is doomed to failure.

Unlike private investment instruments your Social Security didn't lose value when BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America crashed the world economy in 2007.
If the money you pay into Social Security was put into an IRA instead, we would all be millionaires when we retired - even if you include the effect of the stock market crash.

I'll use me for an example. I started my contributions in 1975. If I put my social security contributions in a private account such as 401k/IRA/Keogh I would have lost 80% of my investment. Retirement accounts in the United States lost $2 trillion in the 15 months preceding 11-8-2008.

Of course baby bush stole $650 billion from social security to pay for the invasion of Iraq and tax breaks for the wealthy.

If I put my social security contributions in a private account such as 401k/IRA/Keogh I would have lost 80% of my investment.

You must have held some really crappy investments if you'd have lost 80%.
Why don't you post a list of your biggest losing holdings?

As I stated before I called all out in August of 2007. I didn't lose anything. Also, I haven't been in the market for 6 months because there's not a lot of net profit being made.
Unlike private investment instruments your Social Security didn't lose value when BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America crashed the world economy in 2007.
If the money you pay into Social Security was put into an IRA instead, we would all be millionaires when we retired - even if you include the effect of the stock market crash.

I'll use me for an example. I started my contributions in 1975. If I put my social security contributions in a private account such as 401k/IRA/Keogh I would have lost 80% of my investment. Retirement accounts in the United States lost $2 trillion in the 15 months preceding 11-8-2008.

Of course baby bush stole $650 billion from social security to pay for the invasion of Iraq and tax breaks for the wealthy.

From Commie Fact:

Our ruling

A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False.

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

Thanks for clearing that up it was actually 703 billion. Don't you just love Republicans?

Why does it not surprise me that's the only thing you seen and understood about the article. Never mind, like most leftists, you don't read anything that goes against your beliefs be it right or wrong.

I'm sure that if you would have seen something derogatory to what I was stating and that link you would have posted it, but since you didn't thanks for the ignorant post.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...
Nothing is FREE IDIOT
Free to you, dumbbell. And free birth control is better than free... Saves many billions in Welfare and Hospital spending.
Your major malfunction is that you think the world owes you a living. You want the solar panels and they are worth their salt you should pay for them. Not someone else.

There is no such thing as FREE..............someone has to pay...............which your brain doesn't compute.
Actually, mr. brainwash, I am happily retired and want the best 4 the country, not the rich alone.
aka ........make others pay for your fantasies.......of saving the a lot of cartoons too probably...............Are you Captain OZONE.......
Every other rich country can do it, while the richest 1 can't because for 35 years the GOP has been running a giveaway 4 the greedy idiot GOP, super duper. Our country our country is going to hell, dumbass, except for the richest. Brainwashed functional moron.
It's an investment but not the kind you're think of. It's an investment by the people and the dividends are not just saving on an electric bill. It's knowing you are doing something that will make life better for the community, your kids, and your grand kids. I know for someone like you that seems completely ridiculous but believe or not there are lots of people in this world that care about the environment and in California a lot more that in most places.

Well at least that would be honest. But people coming here saying how much money they are going to save in the next 25 years is ridiculous. First of all we don't know what electric rates will be in the next couple of decades. Secondly, even if you end up saving money, it won't be anything substantial. Third, you still risk losing money if the panels become defective, you need a roof repair, or again, electric rates decrease.

Now if somebody says they bought alternative power sources because of the environment and there are no real benefits other than that, then I can't argue with them. Good for you.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.

Eliminating the seven plus million people that have to work a second or third job to make ends meet, and the 20% of Americans making less than $20,000 a year would benefit the economy greatly. The number one problem that this country has is that the American workers make s*** for wages, and by voting for Republicans you're just making it worse.
It's an investment but not the kind you're think of. It's an investment by the people and the dividends are not just saving on an electric bill. It's knowing you are doing something that will make life better for the community, your kids, and your grand kids. I know for someone like you that seems completely ridiculous but believe or not there are lots of people in this world that care about the environment and in California a lot more that in most places.

Well at least that would be honest. But people coming here saying how much money they are going to save in the next 25 years is ridiculous. First of all we don't know what electric rates will be in the next couple of decades. Secondly, even if you end up saving money, it won't be anything substantial. Third, you still risk losing money if the panels become defective, you need a roof repair, or again, electric rates decrease.

Now if somebody says they bought alternative power sources because of the environment and there are no real benefits other than that, then I can't argue with them. Good for you.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.

Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.
Well at least that would be honest. But people coming here saying how much money they are going to save in the next 25 years is ridiculous. First of all we don't know what electric rates will be in the next couple of decades. Secondly, even if you end up saving money, it won't be anything substantial. Third, you still risk losing money if the panels become defective, you need a roof repair, or again, electric rates decrease.

Now if somebody says they bought alternative power sources because of the environment and there are no real benefits other than that, then I can't argue with them. Good for you.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.

Eliminating the seven plus million people that have to work a second or third job to make ends meet, and the 20% of Americans making less than $20,000 a year would benefit the economy greatly. The number one problem that this country has is that the American workers make s*** for wages, and by voting for Republicans you're just making it worse.

Oh, so now Republican politicians set wages too?????

What's wrong with working a second job? For many of my working years, I worked six day a week jobs or had another part-time job. I'd still have one today if I didn't make property investments and became a landlord.

Why do you on the left believe that people should be paid more than their labor is worth? Why do you believe that the American consumer would support overpaid labor at a company?
Well at least that would be honest. But people coming here saying how much money they are going to save in the next 25 years is ridiculous. First of all we don't know what electric rates will be in the next couple of decades. Secondly, even if you end up saving money, it won't be anything substantial. Third, you still risk losing money if the panels become defective, you need a roof repair, or again, electric rates decrease.

Now if somebody says they bought alternative power sources because of the environment and there are no real benefits other than that, then I can't argue with them. Good for you.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.

Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.

Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
Your Wikipedia link says 97 to 98% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming. The other two are garbage propaganda.
And the overarching point there is that it's forced. I can't opt out of Social Security. Why? Because the concept is dead on arrival unless people who don't want to be in it are forced to be (and it still doesn't work anyway when they are forced into it).

Any system built on forcing unwilling participants to participate is doomed to failure.

Unlike private investment instruments your Social Security didn't lose value when BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America crashed the world economy in 2007.
If the money you pay into Social Security was put into an IRA instead, we would all be millionaires when we retired - even if you include the effect of the stock market crash.

I'll use me for an example. I started my contributions in 1975. If I put my social security contributions in a private account such as 401k/IRA/Keogh I would have lost 80% of my investment. Retirement accounts in the United States lost $2 trillion in the 15 months preceding 11-8-2008.

Of course baby bush stole $650 billion from social security to pay for the invasion of Iraq and tax breaks for the wealthy.

If I put my social security contributions in a private account such as 401k/IRA/Keogh I would have lost 80% of my investment.

You must have held some really crappy investments if you'd have lost 80%.
Why don't you post a list of your biggest losing holdings?

As I stated before I called all out in August of 2007. I didn't lose anything. Also, I haven't been in the market for 6 months because there's not a lot of net profit being made.

I didn't lose anything.

You said your private IRA would have lost 80% if you were in the market.

What would you have lost 80% on?
Be specific.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.

Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
The last link from 2013 was was before the the discovery that the oceans have warmed so much they make up for much of somewhat lower air temperature Rises.
Of course it's about the environment. It's the primary reason to consider solar. Savings are all based on projections. However the likelihood of the cost of electric power in California not going up is pretty slim with the state importing more power every year. The Cost of solar panels have dramatically dropped in price and there's no reason to expect that the drop won't continue as volume continues to rise.

If the majority of the people in California see global warming as a clear danger to the state, then it is certainly reasonable that the state should take action. Government changes in new construction requirements to deal with future potential problems is nothing new. California has revised building codes several times to lessen damage from earthquakes. Years ago, Florida revised codes for new construction to include hurricane construction. Building codes in all states were revised in the 20th century to provide additional electrical capacity and grounding in new construction to deal with the anticipated growth in home appliances.

The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.

Eliminating the seven plus million people that have to work a second or third job to make ends meet, and the 20% of Americans making less than $20,000 a year would benefit the economy greatly. The number one problem that this country has is that the American workers make s*** for wages, and by voting for Republicans you're just making it worse.

Oh, so now Republican politicians set wages too?????

What's wrong with working a second job? For many of my working years, I worked six day a week jobs or had another part-time job. I'd still have one today if I didn't make property investments and became a landlord.

Why do you on the left believe that people should be paid more than their labor is worth? Why do you believe that the American consumer would support overpaid labor at a company?
Yeah, if you had to suffer during this GOP giveaway 2 the rich, people in the future should also LOL!
The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.

Eliminating the seven plus million people that have to work a second or third job to make ends meet, and the 20% of Americans making less than $20,000 a year would benefit the economy greatly. The number one problem that this country has is that the American workers make s*** for wages, and by voting for Republicans you're just making it worse.

Oh, so now Republican politicians set wages too?????

What's wrong with working a second job? For many of my working years, I worked six day a week jobs or had another part-time job. I'd still have one today if I didn't make property investments and became a landlord.

Why do you on the left believe that people should be paid more than their labor is worth? Why do you believe that the American consumer would support overpaid labor at a company?
Yeah, if you had to suffer during this GOP giveaway 2 the rich, people in the future should also LOL!

I have no idea WTF that even means. I don't suffer when people get to keep their own money. Suffering is what liberals do when people get to keep their own money. I bet you can't even sleep most nights without nightmares.
The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.

Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
The last link from 2013 was was before the the discovery that the oceans have warmed so much they make up for much of somewhat lower air temperature Rises.

It doesn't matter. It's a hoax as far as I (and many) are concerned. If you want to believe in it, go right ahead, but don't have your politicians forcing me to spend money on YOUR hoax. It's so anti-American.
The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.

Eliminating the seven plus million people that have to work a second or third job to make ends meet, and the 20% of Americans making less than $20,000 a year would benefit the economy greatly. The number one problem that this country has is that the American workers make s*** for wages, and by voting for Republicans you're just making it worse.

Oh, so now Republican politicians set wages too?????

What's wrong with working a second job? For many of my working years, I worked six day a week jobs or had another part-time job. I'd still have one today if I didn't make property investments and became a landlord.

Why do you on the left believe that people should be paid more than their labor is worth? Why do you believe that the American consumer would support overpaid labor at a company?
Yeah, if you had to suffer during this GOP giveaway 2 the rich, people in the future should also LOL!
Every other rich country has a living wage, at least 1 month paid vacation, health insurance for all, great cheap healthcare, cheap great daycare and paid parental leave. But we can't afford Anything because our rich have to pay the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and get all the new Wealth, right, silly Dupes?
The difference of course is that hurricanes, earthquakes, appliances are all real things. Global Warming is not real, it's a theory. And it's ridiculous to force people to buy things based on an unproven theory. It's like saying all new homes should have the largest room reserved as a church in case Jesus Christ comes back.

It's just a theory and a belief.

Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
Your Wikipedia link says 97 to 98% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming. The other two are garbage propaganda.

Anything that tells the truth is garbage propaganda to a liberal.
If you weren't brainwashed functional morons, you would have bought solar panels basically for free under Obama and now would be saving big time on your electrical bill. But no...

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. The last thing I would do is be a participant adding to it with something as stupid as solar panels. If we keep heading in this direction, trust me, our debt will finish off this country long before global warming.

Eliminating the seven plus million people that have to work a second or third job to make ends meet, and the 20% of Americans making less than $20,000 a year would benefit the economy greatly. The number one problem that this country has is that the American workers make s*** for wages, and by voting for Republicans you're just making it worse.

Oh, so now Republican politicians set wages too?????

What's wrong with working a second job? For many of my working years, I worked six day a week jobs or had another part-time job. I'd still have one today if I didn't make property investments and became a landlord.

Why do you on the left believe that people should be paid more than their labor is worth? Why do you believe that the American consumer would support overpaid labor at a company?
Yeah, if you had to suffer during this GOP giveaway 2 the rich, people in the future should also LOL!

I have no idea WTF that even means. I don't suffer when people get to keep their own money. Suffering is what liberals do when people get to keep their own money. I bet you can't even sleep most nights without nightmares.
no Democrat is talking about raising your taxes, just cutting them and paying you more. For Christ sake! LOL!
Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
Your Wikipedia link says 97 to 98% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming. The other two are garbage propaganda.

Anything that tells the truth is garbage propaganda to a liberal.
Wikipedia says 97 to 98 percent of climatologists believe in MMGW. Your second link is a joke. Your third link is 5 years old, before ocean warming was discovered, super duper.
Then why is the temperature in Winnipeg Canada the same as in Las Vegas Nevada?

I don't know. Nobody does. We simply don't understand enough about the planet yet alone think we can control weather or climate.
Only GOP Dupes don't know global warming is a fact. In the whole world. All the climatologists do, except those who work 4 big oil and fox, dingbats.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
Your Wikipedia link says 97 to 98% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming. The other two are garbage propaganda.

Anything that tells the truth is garbage propaganda to a liberal.
You get my award as most brainwashed, propaganda spewing dupe on here LOL!
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