Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding ‘revolution, Nothing Less’

LOL. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Now the citizens are actually seeing it for themselves in the disappearing cryosphere, and the extreme weather events.
So our soft hearted peaceful anarcho commie, bripat, condemns the commies.

We have always had the latter in small number, just like the hard right reactionaries (shootspeeders) who think armed revolution would work.
I will repeat what I wrote in bripat's thread, since they are the same one and coordinated by the far right paid bloggers.

So our soft hearted peaceful anarcho commie, bripat, condemns the commies.

We have always had the latter in small number, just like the hard right reactionaries (shootspeeders) who think armed revolution would work.
Common sense thinking people understand it's the Left/Communist nutters who are behind the hysterical Global Warming fear mongering. They want to force their agendas on others by way of Government intimidation and force. And you have to question anyone who worships a delusional buffoon who thinks he invented the Internet. Al Gore is a joke.

The People are choosing Freedom & Liberty. They value that more than they fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. They're telling the Communists to piss off. They're over the 'Global Warming' scam.
Global warming is a fact.

Paulitician hysteria is a fact.

I value my Freedom & Liberty far more than i fear the 'Global Warming' Boogeyman. You Communist wingnuts aren't gonna be allowed to force your agenda on others by way of Government force. It's just not gonna happen. The People are sick of your fear mongering. They're moving on.
Maybe you could get them outlawed, Stupie!

The People are moving on. Your Global Warming Boogeyman whining is old & tired. You're free to 'save the planet' anyway you see fit. Buy a tent, go off the grid, and go live in the woods. Do what ya gotta do. No one's stopping you. But leave the rest of us alone. You're not gonna be allowed to force your agenda on others by way of Government force. You wingnuts are just gonna have to learn to deal with that.
AGWCult is a front for Marxism. There's no science, they just pat each pother on the back in "Peer review" and call anyone who asks them for evidence a "DENIER!!!!!"

well, no, it's more like we've given you a ton of evidence, but you g uys pretend it doesn't exist.

Melting icecaps, houses collapsing because the permafrost beneath them have turned to slush, dying coral reefs... but doing something about it might mean you can't drive a big car and might have to car pool.

Telling an addict he needs to change his ways is always going to be met with hostility.

How did Leo Decaprio get to N.Y........ his PRIVATE JET

I tuned in to The Weather Channel this morning as always. They are admittedly leftist when it comes to environmental issues. They were covering the march in New York. One marcher was carrying a sign promoting "environmental justice". What is this? Suffice it to say that it means the industrialized world would be paying gobs and gobs of money to third world shit holes governed by dictators and monarchs with years and years of human rights abuses. .

Bingo. I've been saying for years the whole climate change cult is nothing but an initiative for global wealth redistribution and to allow the 1% to add to their billions at the expense of the rest of us.
One of the bright spots about Glowball Warming is that rising oceans will drown New York City and all that live there. Let's hope it comes suddenly and when the damn fools are gathered from all over the nation to group-whine!
One would have to question those who worship a buffoon who thinks he invented the Internet. Al Gore is a joke. Global Warming fear mongering had its heyday. But that day has passed. The People caught on. They now realize its Left/Communist wingnuts trying to force their agendas on others by way of Government force.

The People are choosing Freedom & Liberty instead. And that's obviously very upsetting to the warming zealots. But it is what it is. Time to turn the page on the Global Warming Boogeyman.
Common sense thinking people have to question those who worship a buffoon who believes he invented the Internet. It isn't too hard to research and see who's behind the Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering. It's Left/Communist wingnuts.
In other words, you have no science, Paulitician, to back your claims.
LOL. Nearly 400,000 there. You really think that there are that many Communists in the whole of the US? Pattycake, you and the rest of your Red under the Bed ilk are a hoot.
The largest anti-Iraq war protests during and after the Bush years were organized by International ANSWER, a Stalinist organization which is an arm of the WWP. They acquired the permits, set the dates, chose the people who spoke at those events, coordinated with other far left organizations to advertise and achieve high turnouts, and herded the crowds using ANSWER personnel. Most people who attend these protests have no idea they are serving as useful idiots for the communist organizers behind them, but the rube crowds make great recruitment promotional material to make the WWP and its various incarnations and fellow travelers appear bigger and more powerful than they actually are.
Common sense thinking people have to question those who worship a buffoon who believes he invented the Internet. It isn't too hard to research and see who's behind the Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering. It's Left/Communist wingnuts.

Common sense says that we do not listen to one who spreads proven lies. Gore NEVER claimed to have invented the internet. However he probably deserves more credit than any other public official.

And are you saying that capitalism IS NOT NOW a threat to the environment? ROFLMAO!
Join the People s Climate March in NYC

The ANSWER Coalition will be mobilizing its members and supporters to attend the historic People's Climate March. World leaders are coming to New York City for a United Nations summit on the climate crisis. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we will take a stand to bend the course of history. We will take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities.

Contact ANSWER New York City at (212) 694-8720 or [email protected]
In other words, you have no science, Paulitician, to back your claims.

It's over. Your Warming Boogeyman fear mongering glory days have now passed. The People don't want you forcing your agenda on them. They've decided on Freedom & Liberty instead. They're gonna take their chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman, rather than with you Communist assholes. So deal with it.
The commie Democrats claim the AGW hoax has nothing to do with their agenda. Unfortunately the truth comes out over and over again:

F** the Police: Communists Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March in New York City Demanding 8216 Revolution Nothing Less Video

Tens-of-thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of New York City Sunday to demand political leaders take action on climate change.

While the protest remained peaceful, much of the “People’s Climate March” appeared to be made up of fringe elements of the political left.

Lion and tigers and bears (and commies) oh my!!


Dozens of signs denouncing capitalism were spotted at the demonstration, often held by self-proclaimed socialists. “Capitalism is destroying the planet,” a sticker on one woman’s shirt read, “We need revolution, nothing less.”(continued)
LOL. Nearly 400,000 there. You really think that there are that many Communists in the whole of the US? Pattycake, you and the rest of your Red under the Bed ilk are a hoot.

Sure there are. Half the Democrat party is communist.
So our soft hearted peaceful anarcho commie, bripat, condemns the commies.

We have always had the latter in small number, just like the hard right reactionaries (shootspeeders) who think armed revolution would work.
With a membership of approximately 2,000 people, WWP has been extremely effective in organizing the massive anti-war rallies of recent years, some of which have drawn hundreds of thousands of participants. It is the driving force behind Ramsey Clark’sInternational Action Center and International ANSWER; WWP activists run both organizations. Several key ANSWER officials — including Brian Becker, Sara Flounders, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Holmes, and Sarah Sloan — are WWP members.

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