Company With Ties To Trump Receives Millions From Small Business Loan Program

Trump has ties to THOUSANDS of businesses, contractors, suppliers & general contractors because of his decades of being a builder.

If you have something criminal or shady post it otherwise stfu.
But they aren’t all big donors or his state campaign finance chair.
Is he/her a legit business and did they get the money allowed by law to any applying business? Or was there something done underhanded?

We've been through this guilt by association bullshit over and over.
So. Am I correct in thinking you feel there is no need for i dependent overdpsight here? (no problem, I understand that you think Trump and Republicans need absolutely no oversight)
you keep saying REPUBLICANS as if no Democrat ever spent money w/o oversight.

no oversight is a problem for both sides. you don't watch it carefully they will push their agenda. BOTH SIDES.

when you argue from a singular point of view, it's partisan. when you blame the OTHER side and ONLY the OTHER side, it's partisan. and in my mind, why we never get anywhere. the instant reaction to getting blamed for something is to counter blame. HUMAN trait.

so while we agree on how to view news (and while some sites like CNN still have solid reporters there, i simply no longer care when your mainstay is to inflame people with rhetoric) - when do we agree on what's human trait vs. "those damn (insert stereotype here)"?

then again maybe blaming someone is also simply human nature and i'm wasting my time trying to get people to stop being so monocular in their views.
Trump has ties to THOUSANDS of businesses, contractors, suppliers & general contractors because of his decades of being a builder.

If you have something criminal or shady post it otherwise stfu.
But they aren’t all big donors or his state campaign finance chair.
Is he/her a legit business and did they get the money allowed by law to any applying business? Or was there something done underhanded?

We've been through this guilt by association bullshit over and over.

On the bolded part: bullshit. Biden, Clinton,’ve done your bit.
Obama's pastor yes. Anything else, nope
Guilt by association.
so are you doing the "guilt by association" because you honestly feel this was intentional by trump, or is this "payback" because they did it to your side?

what do want out of these conversations? that's what i ask myself quite often and my answer is open dialog on issues, not people. 99% of these conversations are shoving blame on someone and simply not open to being "wrong" in doing so. i simply see no point in having discussions with people when it's a rinse / repeat circular roller coaster of bullshit.
Company With Ties To Trump Receives Millions From Small Business Loan Program
Shades of Barry and Hillary again! The eternal axiomatic truth! Proof once again that it just pays to kiss politician's asses! Obumma took care of his buddies, Hillary paid back her foreign donors and now Trump took care of one of his. Big deal. Don't act surprised like this is something new.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
Key Terms for those suffering TDS (Trump Defense System): Independent Oversight.

Key Term for you, how about cutting and pasting the part of the article that showed any actual hint of anything wrong?

I haven't made a claim about wrong doing - yet. The point is - the Dems are right. This needs independent oversight, that you guys resist! People who need this money aren't getting it. The real small business!

You did in your OP!!

Actually, looking at the big companies and franchises getting the biggest share of small business money, no. I disagree. The Republicans are way more interested in making sure their big time donors and lobbyists get squeezed into the definition of "small business" then they are in serving the real small business. Sounds like pork to me. Only they got away with it while most of the Dem pork, including some of the demands for stricter rules - was ditched.

You mean the franchisee who scrimped and saved for 10 years in order to purchase a business of their own?

Pork is when Pelosi wanted to give millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.
You know, that NON-PROFIT organization that is worth $500 BILLION dollars
Key Terms for those suffering TDS (Trump Defense System): Independent Oversight.

Key Term for you, how about cutting and pasting the part of the article that showed any actual hint of anything wrong?

I haven't made a claim about wrong doing - yet. The point is - the Dems are right. This needs independent oversight, that you guys resist! People who need this money aren't getting it. The real small business!

You did in your OP!!


Libs don't really pay attention to the shit they say.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
if the money was for small businesses, then i have a problem with big corps coming in to take it. a family thai restaurant that just opened up near me. i loved it. tried to go before opening and met the owners. very nice couple. they put everything they had into it and a week or so after opening all i can say is i'm glad i went there once; it likely won't be there when this is done. first few months of a new business is critical and these people, like many others, were cut off at the knees. even a "loan" is debt they didn't figure into opening.

it sucks. i get that big companies need to keep feeding people too. but then i just ask why we're all hiding out from life as if it's going to hurt it. word up, it is. no one is getting out alive and for some of us our exit will totally suck. that is a factor we simply cannot change. while i agree we can act smart, i don't see us doing that now.

i see us acting in media driven panic and people in total fear to simply breathe.
Key Terms for those suffering TDS (Trump Defense System): Independent Oversight.

Key Term for you, how about cutting and pasting the part of the article that showed any actual hint of anything wrong?

I haven't made a claim about wrong doing - yet. The point is - the Dems are right. This needs independent oversight, that you guys resist! People who need this money aren't getting it. The real small business!

You did in your OP!!


Libs don't really pay attention to the shit they say.
i've had discussions with many on the right who read shit into articles and will beat the crap out of you if you correct them. human nature is human nature.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
if the money was for small businesses, then i have a problem with big corps coming in to take it. a family thai restaurant that just opened up near me. i loved it. tried to go before opening and met the owners. very nice couple. they put everything they had into it and a week or so after opening all i can say is i'm glad i went there once; it likely won't be there when this is done. first few months of a new business is critical and these people, like many others, were cut off at the knees. even a "loan" is debt they didn't figure into opening.

it sucks. i get that big companies need to keep feeding people too. but then i just ask why we're all hiding out from life as if it's going to hurt it. word up, it is. no one is getting out alive and for some of us our exit will totally suck. that is a factor we simply cannot change. while i agree we can act smart, i don't see us doing that now.

i see us acting in media driven panic and people in total fear to simply breathe.

What kind of irks me is these bigger business....and the big corporations? They got a big windfall from the tax cuts. What happened to all that?
Actually, looking at the big companies and franchises getting the biggest share of small business money, no. I disagree. The Republicans are way more interested in making sure their big time donors and lobbyists get squeezed into the definition of "small business" then they are in serving the real small business. Sounds like pork to me. Only they got away with it while most of the Dem pork, including some of the demands for stricter rules - was ditched.

You mean the franchisee who scrimped and saved for 10 years in order to purchase a business of their own?

Pork is when Pelosi wanted to give millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.
You know, that NON-PROFIT organization that is worth $500 BILLION dollars
1. Nope
2. Pork is when McConnel specifically cut out PP from any benefits but energy companies and such got a handout.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
if the money was for small businesses, then i have a problem with big corps coming in to take it. a family thai restaurant that just opened up near me. i loved it. tried to go before opening and met the owners. very nice couple. they put everything they had into it and a week or so after opening all i can say is i'm glad i went there once; it likely won't be there when this is done. first few months of a new business is critical and these people, like many others, were cut off at the knees. even a "loan" is debt they didn't figure into opening.

it sucks. i get that big companies need to keep feeding people too. but then i just ask why we're all hiding out from life as if it's going to hurt it. word up, it is. no one is getting out alive and for some of us our exit will totally suck. that is a factor we simply cannot change. while i agree we can act smart, i don't see us doing that now.

i see us acting in media driven panic and people in total fear to simply breathe.

the 'big corps' (whatever that means to you) aren't coming in and 'taking it'.
All who qualify are being LOANED monies.

The 'issue', I guess, is that our politicians didn't realize how many biz's small or large would need loans.

Email Pelosi and tell her to get her butt on a jet back to DC in order to vote on the most recent bill that will fund the SBA.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
if the money was for small businesses, then i have a problem with big corps coming in to take it. a family thai restaurant that just opened up near me. i loved it. tried to go before opening and met the owners. very nice couple. they put everything they had into it and a week or so after opening all i can say is i'm glad i went there once; it likely won't be there when this is done. first few months of a new business is critical and these people, like many others, were cut off at the knees. even a "loan" is debt they didn't figure into opening.

it sucks. i get that big companies need to keep feeding people too. but then i just ask why we're all hiding out from life as if it's going to hurt it. word up, it is. no one is getting out alive and for some of us our exit will totally suck. that is a factor we simply cannot change. while i agree we can act smart, i don't see us doing that now.

i see us acting in media driven panic and people in total fear to simply breathe.

What kind of irks me is these bigger business....and the big corporations? They got a big windfall from the tax cuts. What happened to all that?
how long ago was that? pretty sure it was spent. many of those companies gave their employees bonuses, right? where did that go? kinda the same logic. taxes go up, you adjust. they go down, you adjust. but no one really prepared to shut everything down for a few months w/o serious ramifications.

the local barber, my thai place to eat, or big chains. they're designed to maintain and continue a level of growth based off past history and performance.

so far only HEB in austin, tx has really been "ready" properly and the rest of the country can take notes from businesses who got it right. our collective gov sure isn't. too busy blaming people vs shutting the fuck up, working together and getting this whipped.

this can't be a true "crisis" if we have time to bitch about our every day problems. if you're in a burning building, are you going to argue over who gets out first and why and who can take what things with them, or are you going to stop all that shit and get everyone out of the building ASAP?

they call this a crisis but they don't act like it is. across the board.
Actually, looking at the big companies and franchises getting the biggest share of small business money, no. I disagree. The Republicans are way more interested in making sure their big time donors and lobbyists get squeezed into the definition of "small business" then they are in serving the real small business. Sounds like pork to me. Only they got away with it while most of the Dem pork, including some of the demands for stricter rules - was ditched.

You mean the franchisee who scrimped and saved for 10 years in order to purchase a business of their own?

Pork is when Pelosi wanted to give millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.
You know, that NON-PROFIT organization that is worth $500 BILLION dollars
1. Nope
2. Pork is when McConnel specifically cut out PP from any benefits but energy companies and such got a handout.

1 Yup (lol!)

2. Show me where energy companies received loans.

You need to rid your mind of the word 'handout'.
SBA loans are not handouts.
Key Terms for those suffering TDS (Trump Defense System): Independent Oversight.

Key Term for you, how about cutting and pasting the part of the article that showed any actual hint of anything wrong?

I haven't made a claim about wrong doing - yet. The point is - the Dems are right. This needs independent oversight, that you guys resist! People who need this money aren't getting it. The real small business!

You did in your OP!!


Libs don't really pay attention to the shit they say.
i've had discussions with many on the right who read shit into articles and will beat the crap out of you if you correct them. human nature is human nature.

The lib in question, puts up that thread title, "with ties to trump" and then denies making an accusation of wrong doing.

I believe that she believes that. I think that she just reflexively made such accusations and insults without any thought, and is actually shocked when people seriously address them.

And such behavior is pretty common on the Left.

I don't recall seeing any cons do that, but I will try to keep an eye out for it.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
if the money was for small businesses, then i have a problem with big corps coming in to take it. a family thai restaurant that just opened up near me. i loved it. tried to go before opening and met the owners. very nice couple. they put everything they had into it and a week or so after opening all i can say is i'm glad i went there once; it likely won't be there when this is done. first few months of a new business is critical and these people, like many others, were cut off at the knees. even a "loan" is debt they didn't figure into opening.

it sucks. i get that big companies need to keep feeding people too. but then i just ask why we're all hiding out from life as if it's going to hurt it. word up, it is. no one is getting out alive and for some of us our exit will totally suck. that is a factor we simply cannot change. while i agree we can act smart, i don't see us doing that now.

i see us acting in media driven panic and people in total fear to simply breathe.

the 'big corps' (whatever that means to you) aren't coming in and 'taking it'.
All who qualify are being LOANED monies.

The 'issue', I guess, is that our politicians didn't realize how many biz's small or large would need loans.

Email Pelosi and tell her to get her butt on a jet back to DC in order to vote on the most recent bill that will fund the SBA.
how did fogo de chau qualify?

"In response to the outcry over the chain's acceptance of PPP funding, CEO Barry McGowan defended the decision to accept the loans, telling the Wall Street Journal, "The scale of our business doesn't matter."

if the scale of their business doesn't matter, how did they qualify for "small business loans"?

again i get that they have to keep their employees going as well. there simply is NO GOOD ANSWER here when you shut down life as we know it to go hide at home and hope you don't get sick. but if the intention of this $$$ was for truly businesses less than 500 people, then no these companies should have not been able to tap into those funds. should they be helped? sure. if we have ink for the money machines what the hell.

but they should not have been able to loophole into funds geared to save small business.

and it's not just pelosi. she's a bitch from hell, i totally agree. but blaming a singular person is what keeps us from focusing on the problem."
Actually, looking at the big companies and franchises getting the biggest share of small business money, no. I disagree. The Republicans are way more interested in making sure their big time donors and lobbyists get squeezed into the definition of "small business" then they are in serving the real small business. Sounds like pork to me. Only they got away with it while most of the Dem pork, including some of the demands for stricter rules - was ditched.

You mean the franchisee who scrimped and saved for 10 years in order to purchase a business of their own?

Pork is when Pelosi wanted to give millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.
You know, that NON-PROFIT organization that is worth $500 BILLION dollars
1. Nope
2. Pork is when McConnel specifically cut out PP from any benefits but energy companies and such got a handout.

1 Yup (lol!)

2. Show me where energy companies received loans.

You need to rid your mind of the word 'handout'.
SBA loans are not handouts.
what are they then if they don't have to be repaid as long as you do XYZ?
Key Terms for those suffering TDS (Trump Defense System): Independent Oversight.

Key Term for you, how about cutting and pasting the part of the article that showed any actual hint of anything wrong?

I haven't made a claim about wrong doing - yet. The point is - the Dems are right. This needs independent oversight, that you guys resist! People who need this money aren't getting it. The real small business!

You did in your OP!!


Libs don't really pay attention to the shit they say.
i've had discussions with many on the right who read shit into articles and will beat the crap out of you if you correct them. human nature is human nature.

The lib in question, puts up that thread title, "with ties to trump" and then denies making an accusation of wrong doing.

I believe that she believes that. I think that she just reflexively made such accusations and insults without any thought, and is actually shocked when people seriously address them.

And such behavior is pretty common on the Left.

I don't recall seeing any cons do that, but I will try to keep an eye out for it.
i can go through my ignore list of people on the right who do that if you'd like. but yes, i've seen people on the right come in here saying Judical Review did XYZ and it means 123 and it's evil!!!! and the story said nothing of the sort. i pointed this out and got a new ass ripped into me.

people who are emotionally adamant about their point don't want to be questioned about it. period.
Again: oversight! Why are these business' getting such HUGE amounts, while way too many genuinely small business' not getting ANYTHING?

Loans to employers < 500 and > 500 employees...

In order to keep employees on the payroll rather than lay them off without NOTHING.

Big business need bigger amounts.

Nothing has been done wrong here.

In fact this thread should go into CT .


Next: Email Pelosi and tell her to get her @ss back to DC so she can get busy writing phase 4 instead of wasting the taxpayers money.

The US is in crisis and Pelosi sits at her home in SanFran showing off her icecream.
if the money was for small businesses, then i have a problem with big corps coming in to take it. a family thai restaurant that just opened up near me. i loved it. tried to go before opening and met the owners. very nice couple. they put everything they had into it and a week or so after opening all i can say is i'm glad i went there once; it likely won't be there when this is done. first few months of a new business is critical and these people, like many others, were cut off at the knees. even a "loan" is debt they didn't figure into opening.

it sucks. i get that big companies need to keep feeding people too. but then i just ask why we're all hiding out from life as if it's going to hurt it. word up, it is. no one is getting out alive and for some of us our exit will totally suck. that is a factor we simply cannot change. while i agree we can act smart, i don't see us doing that now.

i see us acting in media driven panic and people in total fear to simply breathe.

the 'big corps' (whatever that means to you) aren't coming in and 'taking it'.
All who qualify are being LOANED monies.

The 'issue', I guess, is that our politicians didn't realize how many biz's small or large would need loans.

Email Pelosi and tell her to get her butt on a jet back to DC in order to vote on the most recent bill that will fund the SBA.
how did fogo de chau qualify?

"In response to the outcry over the chain's acceptance of PPP funding, CEO Barry McGowan defended the decision to accept the loans, telling the Wall Street Journal, "The scale of our business doesn't matter."

if the scale of their business doesn't matter, how did they qualify for "small business loans"?

again i get that they have to keep their employees going as well. there simply is NO GOOD ANSWER here when you shut down life as we know it to go hide at home and hope you don't get sick. but if the intention of this $$$ was for truly businesses less than 500 people, then no these companies should have not been able to tap into those funds. should they be helped? sure. if we have ink for the money machines what the hell.

but they should not have been able to loophole into funds geared to save small business.

and it's not just pelosi. she's a bitch from hell, i totally agree. but blaming a singular person is what keeps us from focusing on the problem."

Complain to Pelosi,

she was Queen of the guidelines.

And, no. There is an SBA loan program for employers with >500 employees.

Business will receive the loans as long as they keep employees on the payroll.

It has nothing to do with the scale of their business.
It has to do with the amount of employees they have.

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