compare and contrast Hillary's misdeeds and Trump's

Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.

Next he'll be wanting to compare Obama and Trump. NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous and stupid - but hilarious. Let's talk about the election...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
'rump's obsession with Hillary is contagious. His whole cult has the illness.
I know. Let's start by comparing their tax records and see if we can find any funny business there.

Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.

Next he'll be wanting to compare Obama and Trump. NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous and stupid - but hilarious. Let's talk about the election...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

Actually, I'm on Hillary's side. I wanted to see if any Trumpsters could crawl out from under their rocks and make a case that Trump's misdeeds are not as bad.
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.
Exactly. She is not the issue anymore. She's not in office. She has no role in government. Get over it. She's not relevant.
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.

Next he'll be wanting to compare Obama and Trump. NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous and stupid - but hilarious. Let's talk about the election...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
Yeah, we know you don't want anyone to point out your hypocrisy by comparing your statements about these two cases. The only difference you dirtbags can use to justify your diamatrically opposed positions is the fact that one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican.
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.
Exactly. She is not the issue anymore. She's not in office. She has no role in government. Get over it. She's not relevant.
We know you don't want her to be an issue, but the fact remains that if Trump broke some law against "collusion," then she broke it ten times over. The fact is that Trump broke no laws but she did. You're arguing that she shouldn't be prosecuted simply because she lost, and that Trump should be prosecuted simply because she one. You're a dirtbag, in other words, and a two-faced piece of shit.
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.

Next he'll be wanting to compare Obama and Trump. NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous and stupid - but hilarious. Let's talk about the election...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

Actually, I'm on Hillary's side. I wanted to see if any Trumpsters could crawl out from under their rocks and make a case that Trump's misdeeds are not as bad.

What "misdeeds?" What law did he break?
Outside of the private emails I really can't note anything Hillary has ever done that has ever been proven to be criminal.

Trump...The list is very long with thousands of law suites for screwing over his workers, sexual abuse, and what ever the fuck he did in Russia.

Trump is a mobster.
Outside of the private emails I really can't note anything Hillary has ever done that has ever been proven to be criminal.

Trump...The list is very long with thousands of law suites for screwing over his workers, sexual abuse, and what ever the fuck he did in Russia.

Trump is a mobster.

That's because you're an idiot who swallows fake news by the bucket full. Hillary broke our laws regarding access to claissifed information with abandon. She also sold her office to the highest bidder when she was Secretary of State. She paid Russian spies to produce dirt on her political opponent, which is in violation of the campaign laws. A detailed listing of all the laws she has broken would take more time than I have.
Please, in a way that's thorough and on point and easy to understand.
This has been repeatedly done over and over in nauseating detail.

It all boils down to this, simply:

Investigatios, no crime, no evidence.

Crime, evidence, no investigation.
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.

Next he'll be wanting to compare Obama and Trump. NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous and stupid - but hilarious. Let's talk about the election...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

Actually, I'm on Hillary's side. I wanted to see if any Trumpsters could crawl out from under their rocks and make a case that Trump's misdeeds are not as bad.

What "misdeeds?" What law did he break?
Why? Ya know Hillary didn’t win the election. She’s not even in government anymore! Trump can stop running against her.

Next he'll be wanting to compare Obama and Trump. NaziCons are hilarious. Dangerous and stupid - but hilarious. Let's talk about the election...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

Actually, I'm on Hillary's side. I wanted to see if any Trumpsters could crawl out from under their rocks and make a case that Trump's misdeeds are not as bad.

What "misdeeds?" What law did he break?

You shit the devil ate, who limited misdeeds to broken laws, clown?

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