Comparing 2016 to 2019 polls???

Trump whooped their ass in 2016 and in 2020 he'll have the added advantage of being a sitting president, a 4 year track record of wins, and a flailing liberal media he's spent 4 years bitch slapping. This election is Trump's to win or lose, never mind the cast of clowns Dem's are running in the primary.
A track record of wins?? That is so much bullshit What has he won ?? His wall that Mexico is going to pay for the huge debt ,,the infrastructure not going on ,stealing money from the military ,spending 100's of millions on golf trips TO HIS HOTELS ? etc etc etc etc refusing his people from honoring subpoenas??

Eddie Eddie Eddie you need to come to grips with the fact that Trump has beaten you. :itsok:
Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
dont you mean
well national security is constitutional and healthcare isnt

Typical moron....

Here's a picture of what scares this idiot into believing that "national security" is threatened.....
View attachment 277927
these guys


Proof that a wall doesn't work, so instead, they concentrate on traumatizing little girls. It's easier and makes them feel all macho.

its proof they do work since they were caught in the act, and the parents are responsible for what happens to their children
As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval (BTW, always keep an eye on the DIS-approval ratings.)

Nonetheless, the cult will find some kind of "shelter" in repeatedly stating that the polls were wrong in 2016 so they could be wrong in 2019........This infantile rationale FAILS to consider the two most important factors when it comes to polling this orange clown:

1. In 2016, Trump ran on demagoguery.....promising crap to uneducated voters with NO intention or the means of ever fulfilling those promises........In other words, in 2016 TRUMP HAD NO REAL POLITICAL HISTORY (only false promises)....AND NOW THERE SHOULD THE HELL IS A HISTORY OF HIS FAILURES.

2. In 2016, polls which gauge the voters' sentiment were EXACTLY on target......Evidence of that is the real fact that Trump LOST the popular vote......he is currently infesting the oval office based the quirk of an outdated electoral college system...basically pulling a poker inside straight........In short, polls measure voters and NOT the sentiments of an electoral college.

The money you must be spending on tissues must be astronomical. So much crying.
Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren

MORON........which of the upper tiered democrats is NOT beating the crap out of your orange clown???

How damn
As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval (BTW, always keep an eye on the DIS-approval ratings.)

Nonetheless, the cult will find some kind of "shelter" in repeatedly stating that the polls were wrong in 2016 so they could be wrong in 2019........This infantile rationale FAILS to consider the two most important factors when it comes to polling this orange clown:

1. In 2016, Trump ran on demagoguery.....promising crap to uneducated voters with NO intention or the means of ever fulfilling those promises........In other words, in 2016 TRUMP HAD NO REAL POLITICAL HISTORY (only false promises)....AND NOW THERE SHOULD THE HELL IS A HISTORY OF HIS FAILURES.

2. In 2016, polls which gauge the voters' sentiment were EXACTLY on target......Evidence of that is the real fact that Trump LOST the popular vote......he is currently infesting the oval office based the quirk of an outdated electoral college system...basically pulling a poker inside straight........In short, polls measure voters and NOT the sentiments of an electoral college.
Boy, are you going to be disappointed.
A track record of wins?? That is so much bullshit What has he won ?? His wall that Mexico is going to pay for the huge debt ,,the infrastructure not going on ,stealing money from the military ,spending 100's of millions on golf trips TO HIS HOTELS ? etc etc etc etc refusing his people from honoring subpoenas??

Eddie Eddie Eddie you need to come to grips with the fact that Trump has beaten you. :itsok:
Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for your concern, but we'll take care of that. You should worry about your own business.
Trump whooped their ass in 2016 and in 2020 he'll have the added advantage of being a sitting president, a 4 year track record of wins, and a flailing liberal media he's spent 4 years bitch slapping. This election is Trump's to win or lose, never mind the cast of clowns Dem's are running in the primary.
A track record of wins?? That is so much bullshit What has he won ?? His wall that Mexico is going to pay for the huge debt ,,the infrastructure not going on ,stealing money from the military ,spending 100's of millions on golf trips TO HIS HOTELS ? etc etc etc etc refusing his people from honoring subpoenas??

Eddie Eddie Eddie you need to come to grips with the fact that Trump has beaten you. :itsok:
Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

4th, and last in this thread
Eddie Eddie Eddie you need to come to grips with the fact that Trump has beaten you. :itsok:
Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for your concern, but we'll take care of that. You should worry about your own business.

We will win in 2020 and continue dictating to blue states how things are going to be, suck it.
Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren

MORON........which of the upper tiered democrats is NOT beating the crap out of your orange clown???

How damn

Yet to a person they're all making promises they can't keep.

DUDE, freaking Bernie spent the same $84 billion tax increase 4 times over in the last debate. When asked how he was going to fund his campaign promises again and again he said he would pay for them with the same tax increase he just spent 5 minutes prior on some other promise.
Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for your concern, but we'll take care of that. You should worry about your own business.

We will win in 2020 and continue dictating to blue states how things are going to be, suck it.
Remember Blues?

Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for your concern, but we'll take care of that. You should worry about your own business.

We will win in 2020 and continue dictating to blue states how things are going to be, suck it.
Ain't it great when the 48% can dictate to the 52% Ain't America great??
Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren

MORON........which of the upper tiered democrats is NOT beating the crap out of your orange clown???

How damn

Yet to a person they're all making promises they can't keep.

Naaahhhh.......evasive bullshit in casting the blame on everyone.......Sure, politicians promise many things that would be difficult to fulfill,,,but Trump promised things that were IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill and still managed to sway uneducated and naive voters who see themselves as victims.

Trump promised a health care plan that would cover EVERYONE, be BETTER and CHEAPER......starting on day one of his tenure........What the fuck happened?

Trump promised to bring back the coal-mining industry....and industry that CANNOT be ever brought back to the level it once was....Only delusional people believed that lie.

Trump promised that famous wall fully paid by Mexico....and only morons believed him.

Trump promised all-out PEACE in the Middle East ......How's THAT going.???

Trump promised the stopping of currency manipulation by China.....Want to hold your breath???

Trump promised that North Korea would hand over its nuclear capabilities based on the fact that Trump is such a "charming": asshole............NK is still laughing at the orange clown.

Should I go on....?????
We will win in 2020 and continue dictating to blue states how things are going to be, suck it.

Speaking of sucking........those orange lips look great on you, Blues......LMAO......
A track record of wins?? That is so much bullshit What has he won ?? His wall that Mexico is going to pay for the huge debt ,,the infrastructure not going on ,stealing money from the military ,spending 100's of millions on golf trips TO HIS HOTELS ? etc etc etc etc refusing his people from honoring subpoenas??

Eddie Eddie Eddie you need to come to grips with the fact that Trump has beaten you. :itsok:
Yes he has Blues BUT has that been good for America 39% think so Hope the rest of us can vote in 2020

Compared to who, the Clintons? Do you realize how insane it was to even consider putting the Clintons back in the White House holy crap.

It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
like Shakespere said "we come to bury Trump not praise him"
As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval (BTW, always keep an eye on the DIS-approval ratings.)

Nonetheless, the cult will find some kind of "shelter" in repeatedly stating that the polls were wrong in 2016 so they could be wrong in 2019........This infantile rationale FAILS to consider the two most important factors when it comes to polling this orange clown:

1. In 2016, Trump ran on demagoguery.....promising crap to uneducated voters with NO intention or the means of ever fulfilling those promises........In other words, in 2016 TRUMP HAD NO REAL POLITICAL HISTORY (only false promises)....AND NOW THERE SHOULD THE HELL IS A HISTORY OF HIS FAILURES.

2. In 2016, polls which gauge the voters' sentiment were EXACTLY on target......Evidence of that is the real fact that Trump LOST the popular vote......he is currently infesting the oval office based the quirk of an outdated electoral college system...basically pulling a poker inside straight........In short, polls measure voters and NOT the sentiments of an electoral college.
Go ahead and drop your pussy hat off at the cleaners.
Shouldn't you be spending your time trying to find a Dem candidate who isn't a joke? While we are on this subject, Bernie, Warren

MORON........which of the upper tiered democrats is NOT beating the crap out of your orange clown???

How damn

Yet to a person they're all making promises they can't keep.

Naaahhhh.......evasive bullshit in casting the blame on everyone.......Sure, politicians promise many things that would be difficult to fulfill,,,but Trump promised things that were IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill and still managed to sway uneducated and naive voters who see themselves as victims.

Trump promised a health care plan that would cover EVERYONE, be BETTER and CHEAPER......starting on day one of his tenure........What the fuck happened?

Trump promised to bring back the coal-mining industry....and industry that CANNOT be ever brought back to the level it once was....Only delusional people believed that lie.

Trump promised that famous wall fully paid by Mexico....and only morons believed him.

Trump promised all-out PEACE in the Middle East ......How's THAT going.???

Trump promised the stopping of currency manipulation by China.....Want to hold your breath???

Trump promised that North Korea would hand over its nuclear capabilities based on the fact that Trump is such a "charming": asshole............NK is still laughing at the orange clown.

Should I go on....?????

LOL, to a PERSON they are promising free shit to everyone. They are promising to spend money that they will never have, it simply can't be done. Cut it with the Trump shit, he's not my guy. In fact he is spending us into oblivion.You'd do much better here if you got your emotions under control.

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