Comparing 2016 to 2019 polls???

Then there's reality, Trump has accomplished more than the last three POTUS combined.

Impossible to argue or debate with the above IDIOT that may actually "believe" what the cult member wrote....
The moron is too high on orange
As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval (BTW, always keep an eye on the DIS-approval ratings.)

Nonetheless, the cult will find some kind of "shelter" in repeatedly stating that the polls were wrong in 2016 so they could be wrong in 2019........This infantile rationale FAILS to consider the two most important factors when it comes to polling this orange clown:

1. In 2016, Trump ran on demagoguery.....promising crap to uneducated voters with NO intention or the means of ever fulfilling those promises........In other words, in 2016 TRUMP HAD NO REAL POLITICAL HISTORY (only false promises)....AND NOW THERE SHOULD THE HELL IS A HISTORY OF HIS FAILURES.

2. In 2016, polls which gauge the voters' sentiment were EXACTLY on target......Evidence of that is the real fact that Trump LOST the popular vote......he is currently infesting the oval office based the quirk of an outdated electoral college system...basically pulling a poker inside straight........In short, polls measure voters and NOT the sentiments of an electoral college.
Soooo, you are mad at the 2016 outcome, and, there is NO WAY he could EVER win again?
As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval (BTW, always keep an eye on the DIS-approval ratings.)

Nonetheless, the cult will find some kind of "shelter" in repeatedly stating that the polls were wrong in 2016 so they could be wrong in 2019........This infantile rationale FAILS to consider the two most important factors when it comes to polling this orange clown:

1. In 2016, Trump ran on demagoguery.....promising crap to uneducated voters with NO intention or the means of ever fulfilling those promises........In other words, in 2016 TRUMP HAD NO REAL POLITICAL HISTORY (only false promises)....AND NOW THERE SHOULD THE HELL IS A HISTORY OF HIS FAILURES.

2. In 2016, polls which gauge the voters' sentiment were EXACTLY on target......Evidence of that is the real fact that Trump LOST the popular vote......he is currently infesting the oval office based the quirk of an outdated electoral college system...basically pulling a poker inside straight........In short, polls measure voters and NOT the sentiments of an electoral college.
You democrats are obsessed with polls. I will tell you why you shouldn’t.. they are all run by democrats obsessed with power. They are almost all false. So don’t get your feelings hurt
As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval..........

I guess that makes you a complete moron and cult member, of the socialist bent.
IN FACT, Trump has surpassed Obama many, many times at equivalent points in their presidencies.

Gallup found that 47% agree with Trump on the issues, edging Obama at the two year mark of his presidency. In April 2007, 45% agreed with Obama on issues, said Gallup

So, spare us your ignorance and your hyperbole.

As only a complete moron and cult member would deny, Trump is perhaps the worst [so-called] president to poll so damn poorly....never having reached 50% approval (BTW, always keep an eye on the DIS-approval ratings.)

Nonetheless, the cult will find some kind of "shelter" in repeatedly stating that the polls were wrong in 2016 so they could be wrong in 2019........This infantile rationale FAILS to consider the two most important factors when it comes to polling this orange clown:

1. In 2016, Trump ran on demagoguery.....promising crap to uneducated voters with NO intention or the means of ever fulfilling those promises........In other words, in 2016 TRUMP HAD NO REAL POLITICAL HISTORY (only false promises)....AND NOW THERE SHOULD THE HELL IS A HISTORY OF HIS FAILURES.

2. In 2016, polls which gauge the voters' sentiment were EXACTLY on target......Evidence of that is the real fact that Trump LOST the popular vote......he is currently infesting the oval office based the quirk of an outdated electoral college system...basically pulling a poker inside straight........In short, polls measure voters and NOT the sentiments of an electoral college.
Soooo, you are mad at the 2016 outcome, and, there is NO WAY he could EVER win again?

If THAT is all you got from my O/'re too dumb to even be abke to turn your 'puter on all my yourself.....Go back to bed.
That's right, Trump polled so bad right before the election that the Hildabeast was up about 20 points. How did that work out for y'all?
That's right, Trump polled so bad right before the election that the Hildabeast was up about 20 points. How did that work out for y'all?
Not good at all and as plainly visible horrible for America with the Dunce in command
That's right, Trump polled so bad right before the election that the Hildabeast was up about 20 points. How did that work out for y'all?
Not good at all and as plainly visible horrible for America with the Dunce in command
What is the left's version of horrible? I'd say that Truman sending Troops to Korea and mismanaging the conflict to the point that we lost about 50,000 Americans in three years was horrible but democrats (and the media) don't see it that way. LBJ quitting his war in Vietnam just when we needed leadership was horrible. I'd say that a president who was caught committing sodomy in a freaking broom closet with an intern and then bombing Europe to deflect criticism was horrible. Maybe a president who told Americans that good factory jobs were gone and not coming back while Black unemployment was in double digits, was horrible. The two years of Trump look pretty good in comparison.

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