Compelling evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

I believe they're time travelers because extraterrestrials wouldn't need to be stealth about their existence.
Unless they follow the "prime directive", in which case they are only allowed to observe. Captain Picard can tell you all about it, if you have questions.
Yesterday off Outer Banks, North US military or civilian aircraft in the area at the time:

Yesterday off Outer Banks, North US military or civilian aircraft in the area at the time:

"I am pretty sure I know what those lights are," Derrick Chennault, who identified himself as a former Marine based at the 2nd Marine Air Wing in Cherry Point, N.C. wrote.

“We used to regularly drop flares out of the back of our plane in the evenings for military exercises in that area," Chennault continued. "They are one million candle power each so they were pretty bright and can be seen from far away and floated down slow as they hung from a parachute.“
“We used to regularly drop flares out of the back of our plane in the evenings for military exercises in that area," Chennault continued. "They are one million candle power each so they were pretty bright and can be seen from far away and floated down slow as they hung from a parachute.“

Pentagon said shortly after that comment they had no aircraft in that sector during this event. The "flares" is a common dodge...they tried that with "Phoenix Lights" laughed at and shut up.
“We used to regularly drop flares out of the back of our plane in the evenings for military exercises in that area," Chennault continued. "They are one million candle power each so they were pretty bright and can be seen from far away and floated down slow as they hung from a parachute.“

Pentagon said shortly after that comment they had no aircraft in that sector during this event. The "flares" is a common dodge...they tried that with "Phoenix Lights" laughed at and shut up.
Calling it a dodge implies that humans are behind it anyhow. Covering something up.
Calling it a dodge implies that humans are behind it anyhow. Covering something up.

They found a crashed UFO outside of Roswell (my great aunt lived there) in 1947. I've read too many accounts to doubt it happened. We got a lot of useful stuff from that event.....probably where the stealth tech came from and things we won't know about for years when they reverse-engineered it.
Calling it a dodge implies that humans are behind it anyhow. Covering something up.

They found a crashed UFO outside of Roswell (my great aunt lived there) in 1947. I've read too many accounts to doubt it happened. We got a lot of useful stuff from that event.....probably where the stealth tech came from and things we won't know about for years.
I get ya, but all I'm saying is that in regards to the OP - we either know about it or we don't, and if we do...we obviously keep it from SOME parts of the air force...and I'm not compelled to believe it's outer-worldly when so many other possibilities exist, just yet. It cheapens proper skepticism.

Some people are such eager suckers....
For the lights one, I'd tend to agree.

For the one released by the actual Navy - - - not really. It came out like 3 weeks or so ago.

I don't think it's outer-worldly necessarily, but it's not any "known" technology and the pilots were certainly unaware of it.
For the lights one, I'd tend to agree.

Thousands of people saw "Phoenix Lights"....this craft was only a couple hundred feet off the deck....are they all nuts or imagining things?
They're JUST lights, at the end of the day. Indicative of 1, 000 things, so tells us NO ...thing.

Really? So how come people under it couldn't see the stars and people who were off to one side or the other said it blocked their view of the other side until it passed? I left a link and there are dozens of others. If you're afraid to admit we have frequent visitors from other planets, say so and I won't continue. The craft that messed with me up on the lake wasn't a mirage or "flares" killed my engine and lit me up.....I was trained at great expense by the US Army to be a professional observer and I don't imagine things.
They're JUST lights, at the end of the day. Indicative of 1, 000 things, so tells us NO ...thing.

Really? So how come people under it couldn't see the stars and people who were off to one side or the other said it blocked their view of the other side until it passed? I left a link and there are dozens of others. If you're afraid to admit we have frequent visitors from other planets, say so and I won't continue. The craft that messed with me up on the lake wasn't a mirage or "flares" killed my engine and lit me up.....I was trained at great expense by the US Army to be a professional observer and I don't imagine things.
"admit" means i think something i wont say.

i dont "think" it...need more nothing to "admit"...4 me.

im not saying UFOs aren't "evidence," but this is not very compelling at all.

The one in the OP is....these lights are not.
This thread should be in the conspiracy forum with the rest of the idiotic nonsense.

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