Compelling evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

I know, I know this sounds like crazy talk but the man in this interview is as credible as they come and the evidence put forward is VERY compelling.

18 year military pilot, Top Gun and a Commander at the time of the incident with military video footage

This kind of stuff is FACINATING to me. I watched about the first 30 or 40 minutes of this last night but it was late so I wasn't able to finish it.

Given the sheer number of galaxies, stars and planets, you'd have to be some kind of a special fool not to think there is life more intelligent than the demodipshits on this board out there.
This thread should be in the conspiracy forum with the rest of the idiotic nonsense.
are you not up on current events?

youre mocking this thread, but its literally video tape from our fighter pilots running a training that was released based on the FOIA.

Do you think the govt faked the training video or what??

US Navy confirms previously released UFO videos show 'unidentified aerial phenomena' - CNNPolitics

It’s a reflection off Elvis’ ass as he moons the gullible from a fake lunar module piloted by Bigfoot and jfk.
This thread should be in the conspiracy forum with the rest of the idiotic nonsense.
are you not up on current events?

youre mocking this thread, but its literally video tape from our fighter pilots running a training that was released based on the FOIA.

Do you think the govt faked the training video or what??

US Navy confirms previously released UFO videos show 'unidentified aerial phenomena' - CNNPolitics

It’s a reflection off Elvis’ ass as he moons the gullible from a fake lunar module piloted by Bigfoot and jfk.
It was National news...seems like you missed it and are thinking this is another kook story.

It isnt. Every major news outlet covered, and the Navy confirmed its validity.
This is not evidence of extraterrestrials...its just technology that we're not currently aware of as a general population.
I think it is evidence. Consider just for a moment the possibility that another country has achieved the seemingly impossible when it comes to stealth and propulsion. Do you think for one second they are going to risk exposing that technological leap to the world by flying a couple miles off our coast?
Several things here:

1st, no matter WHAT, youre speculating. So.
.a proper approach is not to make wild guesses like "aliens!"

2nd, yea, I'd expect another Country under the assumption that we CANT detect operate off our Coast. They appeared to not have wanted to get caught, and did. Second, even the pilot postulated it could be a "prepping the battlefield" sort of thing. All these are plausible.

3rd, it could even be our own Gov't...because it doesnt act as a megalyth and communicate with all other Departments. They didnt evem have a protocol to talk between Departments before 9/11, if you recall.

All plausible... therefore, jumping to Aliens is premature.
The latest video incident released by the military happened in 2017. Well after 9/11.
Yea, I know...that wasnt the point. The point was that theres an established historical trend in our Govt to keep its not implausible that theres a Department witholding technological advancements.

Further, theyd have to keep it from Pilots because if they need it to remain a secret, then we need to remain having air plane pilots to operate the technology we ARENT keeping secret.

Again...all supposition, all postulating...but all plausible...therefore, no actionable need for a reasonable mind to jump to Aliens without knowing more.
I'm open minded to all possibilities which is why the title says EVIDENCE and not PROOF.
I firmly believe that if we possessed this technology the government would not release evidence of it nor would they allow the testing of it to overlap with regular training locations/times of other branches of the US military.
If the military believed for one second that these were aircraft of another country, the video would never have been declassified and allowed to be released to the public.

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