...compromise is the price for living in a democracy.


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Roy Blunt...

Republican senator says time for compromise - Yahoo! News

...seems to forget that America is supposed to be a constitutionally based republic, not a freakin' democracy. Democracy is mob rule at best, requires a massive police force & always is one step away from totalitarian control. Democracy limits then walks all over individual liberty, leading to run a way taxes to cover the debt spending of special interest groups. What is this love affair that people have with mob rule democracy???

I hear the word compromise being flung around Capital Hill like compromise is some kind of Messiah. How does compromise strengthen our federal Constitution & also our state Constitutions??? Does compromise strengthen our Bill Of Rights??? Am I missing something here??? I can't help thinking that compromise leads to more compromise. Enough compromise & we end up with Stalin's USSR, like no individual rights left... just state granted rights that can be changed & nullified by the ruling elite at a drop of a pin.

I'm not picking on the GOP exclusively as the DNC are also up to their armpits in undeniable debauchery & compromise also. I do single out the centrist Republican Main Street Partnership(blue repubs) as RINO's on a big government, compromise your Liberties type mission. Special interest, class envy, corporate welfare, world cop, & the womb to the tomb mentality seem to be what's driving the compromise problem.

I'd suggest...

1) SPECIAL INTEREST; your NOT 'special' so don't expect anything others aren't getting.

2) CLASS ENVY CROWD; you don't like flipping burgers then get back to school.

3) CORPORATE WELFARE; if your too stupid to run a business then find another job.

4) WORLD COP; if your dumb enough to kill yourselves we can't help you.

5) WOMB TO TOMB; we ain't your parents so don't expect us to take care of you.

I'm sure some busy body bleeding hearts that can't stand to be out of the social activity lime light for any longer than a blink of the eye will say... "We're all one big loving human family that need each other 24/7!"

We're all ONE? Not that I ever heard like I got my own life. Do you???

Loving? I don't think so, but you can check with the guy that eats other peoples faces to find out how loving he is!

Human? Yeah, I'll agree on that one!

Family? Last I counted there we're 11 of my family left including 2nd cousins. Jimmy Belinski from Eugene Oregon is not part of my family.

Just posted to get some other views from both sides of the issues regarding democracies & compromise, so fire away!

Oh, almost forgot! The next time ya get your rigs body work & paint done, & ya see that body looking brand shinny new... except for the 2 big dents that did not get repaired on the passenger side before the body man painted it... will you accept his compromise of 47.00$ less on your bill for not finishing the body work?

Moral of the story; "ya can't fix stupid... EVEN WITH DUCT TAPE!"
What a load, it's high time the republicans abandon any arbitrary hard lines and rigid ideologies that make them unable to effectively respond to problems in this country.
What a load, it's high time the republicans abandon any arbitrary hard lines and rigid ideologies that make them unable to effectively respond to problems in this country.

The only problem this country has is you Communist liberals. We're trying to deal with you guys, but you're like a cancer. You mooch off the host until you destroy it and you're very hard to cure. But don't worry, we'll find a cure for cancer and we'll find a cure for liberals.
What a load, it's high time the republicans abandon any arbitrary hard lines and rigid ideologies that make them unable to effectively respond to problems in this country.

The only problem this country has is you Communist liberals. We're trying to deal with you guys, but you're like a cancer. You mooch off the host until you destroy it and you're very hard to cure. But don't worry, we'll find a cure for cancer and we'll find a cure for liberals.

Typical response from your sort.
#4-Ty, brainwashed ignoramus...

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)...
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What a load, it's high time the republicans abandon any arbitrary hard lines and rigid ideologies that make them unable to effectively respond to problems in this country.

I'd say round up the GOP/DNC politicians, ALL U.S. attorneys, & send em 3rd class by freight ship to Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda can use em like women for their pent up sexual tensions. Keep the few that qualify by their past voting record as... constitutionally based representatives of & for the people. The last thing the constituency needs is so called "help" from the politicians... THE POLITICIANS ARE THE PROBLEM... along with their "brothers" we call attorneys.

If you ever hear... "I'm from the government & I'm hear to help you" ...get rid of the g-man as fast as possible. If a g-ment agency offers ya financial assistance just tell em... "No thanks, I'd rather starve to death than face the strings attached to these ensnaring social programs & 'free' worthless federal reserve notes.

If ya trust the politicians to help the constituency then you'd most likely trust child molesters to help with the kids. Politicians & attorneys are one entity. The one entity serves only one purpose... to pillage, receive gain at others cost, molest & Dominate over their victims & worship themselves. Be careful who you vote for, & remember, Obama & Romney sleep in the same political bed called the... republoCRATIC party!

Check out Obama & Romney's past records for yourself...

Project Vote Smart - The Voter's Self Defense System

...& let me know if you find any meaningful ideological difference between them while they were/are in office.
What a load, it's high time the republicans abandon any arbitrary hard lines and rigid ideologies that make them unable to effectively respond to problems in this country.

The only problem this country has is you Communist liberals. We're trying to deal with you guys, but you're like a cancer. You mooch off the host until you destroy it and you're very hard to cure. But don't worry, we'll find a cure for cancer and we'll find a cure for liberals.

Typical response from your sort.

No kidding, high on stupidity and full of shit, the epitome of the right winger.
In my 20 years involved in politics the only time the C word comes up is when the scum of the earth Democrats are in need of compromise. Obama sure as shit didn't compromise on death care and only an idiot doesnt know this. Never compromise is my message to new fiscal cons in Congress. Never ever! Like the traitors matter anymore sheesh haven't they done 40 years of spending damage in four years? Yeah that's enough
What a load, it's high time the republicans abandon any arbitrary hard lines and rigid ideologies that make them unable to effectively respond to problems in this country.

The only problem this country has is you Communist liberals. We're trying to deal with you guys, but you're like a cancer. You mooch off the host until you destroy it and you're very hard to cure. But don't worry, we'll find a cure for cancer and we'll find a cure for liberals.
Ageed and imo the liberal will never be a decent tolerant human being. They think they have a monopoly on compassion when in fact every policy is paving the way to Hell as the saying goes.

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