Compromise vs Principles and the American voter.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
I saw this graph today at and thought it was very interesting.
The question in a poll conducted by YouGov for The Economist, asked Americans whether they want a member of Congress who "compromises to get things done" or one who "sticks to their principles no matter what." Democrats and independents, by wide margins, chose compromise. But a slim majority of Republicans preferred standing on principle."
Why Republicans Don't Compromise - Molly Ball - The Atlantic
The results showed the mindset differences of Republicans versus just about everyone else. Standing firm on principles isn't a bad thing, it's actually a desirable human trait.
The question is whether standing so firmly on principles works for a functioning representative government? I threw the words "representative government" for a reason. A representative government is supposed to represent all the people and not represent just a select group of people. This leads to what is viewed as a dysfunctional government.


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It's a pretty fair representation that the democrats and independents are more then willing to work together on our issues so everyone comes out happy, vs. the far right that want their way and only their way.
It's a pretty fair representation that the democrats and independents are more then willing to work together on our issues so everyone comes out happy, vs. the far right that want their way and only their way.

Like your avatar...your head is stuck up your ass.
Today, Obama said to the Speaker - "I will not negotiate...(let me repeat that again)...I will not negotiate until you do everything I want, then I will talk".
So who is the willing one again?
It's a pretty fair representation that the democrats and independents are more then willing to work together on our issues so everyone comes out happy, vs. the far right that want their way and only their way.

Like your avatar...your head is stuck up your ass.
Today, Obama said to the Speaker - "I will not negotiate...(let me repeat that again)...I will not negotiate until you do everything I want, then I will talk".
So who is the willing one again?

The right wingers are holding the nation hostage over paying it's bills. There is nothing to negotiate. The end of the year is when the new spending is drawn up in which the president is completely willing to negotiate. The GOP are acting like a bunch of babies refusing to bring up a vote that would pass.
This topic is based on the false premise that members of Congress have principles. The only principle a member of Congress has is to make sure they spend enough borrowed money to get re-elected. Our $17 trillion debt has been created to keep 535 people employed. That's nearly $32 billion of borrowed money per job.

But that is what we demand of them. Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it. Gimme my mortgage interest deduction, gimme my free health care. Gimme my child tax credit. Gimme my Obamaphone.

Principles? The Right had no problem with waterboarding, warrantless wiretaps, 291 Executive Orders, spying on Americans, suspending habeas corpus for US citizens, starting two wars, bombing the living shit out of third world countries, ignoring ten diplomatic missions being bombed with many dozens of casualties, doubling the national debt, creating a massive new health entitlement, creating a massive new Cabinet department, exploding the size of government, letting Wall Street ass rape the common man, and even demanded we invade Iran.

But the second the "Muslim born in Kenya" moves into the White House, the Right suddenly goes into full moral outrage mode every day. Catastrophic amnesia on an astronomical scale! They had to scoop seven pounds of brain matter out of their skulls to make this forgetfulness possible. The Right has become positively schizophrenic.

The exact inverse has been true for the Left.

So don't spin some yarn about "principles". They are both now big spending, big government, in the pocket of big business, parties.
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Since Democrats value compromise by such an overwhelming margin,

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?
It's a pretty fair representation that the democrats and independents are more then willing to work together on our issues so everyone comes out happy

Such "working together" has resulted in near $20 trillion of debt, $100+ trillion of unfunded liabilities and a post-Constitutional Republic that has seen government grow to enormous proportions, while the markets in which they meddle produce lousy results and skyrocketing inflation and the folks say they want to help are worse off than ever.

Stick your compromise up you ass. You do NOT know what is best for everyone else.
Since Democrats value compromise by such an overwhelming margin,

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?

Obama wanted single payer healthcare. ObamaCare is the compromise.

Obama wanted to end the Bush tax cuts. Year after year the GOP refused to budge or compromise and threatened shutdown after shutdown until Obama totally capitulated. Finally, after several years, he got them ended for the top one percent.

We have a $17 trillion debt. Sooner or later, everyone is going to have to take a bite of that shit sandwich. We all demanded gifts from the government, and now we must all pay for them. Not just the top one percent.

The Right seriously fucked up by not putting a viable alternative to ObamaCare. Even now, they offer nothing to replace it. So don't pretend the Right has any compromise on the table. They want to kill ObamaCare and return us all to the health care death spiral we have been in for decades.
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Since Democrats value compromise by such an overwhelming margin,

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?

Obama wanted single payer healthcare. ObamaCare is the compromise.

Obama wanted to end the Bush tax cuts. Year after year the GOP refused to budge or compromise and threatened shutdown after shutdown until Obama totally capitulated. Finally, after several years, he got them ended for the top one percent.

We have a $17 trillion debt. Sooner or later, everyone is going to have to take a bite of that shit sandwich. We all demanded gifts from the government, and now we must all pay for them. Not just the top one percent.

The Right seriously fucked up by not putting a viable alternative to ObamaCare. Even now, they offer nothing to replace it. So don't pretend the Right has any compromise on the table. They want to kill ObamaCare and return us all to the health care death spiral we have been in for decades.

Obamacare is no "compromise".....because not ONE Republican voted for fact it barely squeaked through Congress...

Obamacare passed in the House by only 7 measly votes (1.5%)......and was snuck through the Senate on Christmas eve.....

some Democrats even had to be 'persuaded' with special deals in order to get their votes....hence " the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, Gator Aid, the Montana Earmark and the New England Handouts"...

this sleazy partisan piece of crap passed in the 'dark of night' should not be funded....:mad:
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Obamacare is no "compromise".....because not ONE Republican voted for fact it barely squeaked through Congress...

Incorrect. It passed in the SENATE, it was NEVER considered by the HOUSE.....NEVER

"“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

Since Democrats value compromise by such an overwhelming margin,

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?
Probably because the Democrats have compromised and the gop has not.
When the initial Dem budget was presented to the republicans it called for the sequester funds to be restored. The gop rejected that budget. The current budget does not call for the sequester funds to be restored and is very close to the Ryan budget which the gop approves of. Yet, the gop refuses to accept it. The bottom line is this, the Democrats have compromised and the republicans have resorted to extortion (Give us everything we want or we destroy the economy!)
It's a pretty fair representation that the democrats and independents are more then willing to work together on our issues so everyone comes out happy, vs. the far right that want their way and only their way.

Like your avatar...your head is stuck up your ass.
Today, Obama said to the Speaker - "I will not negotiate...(let me repeat that again)...I will not negotiate until you do everything I want, then I will talk".
So who is the willing one again?

Boehner can compromise anytime by putting the senate CR up for vote without any strings attached.
Boehner can compromise anytime by putting the senate CR up for vote without any strings attached.

WHY should the fund a law which which was NEVER considered by the House?

"“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.
Since Democrats value compromise by such an overwhelming margin,

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?

Because the only compromise the gop will accept is not allowing Obamacare to take effect, and Obama, or any other potus, isn't going there. The gop says let's negoitate so you can give me what I want ... even though I can't muster the votes to get it ... unless you cave in.
Boehner can compromise anytime by putting the senate CR up for vote without any strings attached.

WHY should the fund a law which which was NEVER considered by the House?

"“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

ACA was not 'considered' by the gop? No dems live in TPM districts? Mitt didn't run on getting rid of it?
Boehner can compromise anytime by putting the senate CR up for vote without any strings attached.

WHY should the fund a law which which was NEVER considered by the House?

"“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

ACA was not 'considered' by the gop? No dems live in TPM districts? Mitt didn't run on getting rid of it?

Provide a LINK to the bill which ORIGINATED in the House.

Since Democrats value compromise by such an overwhelming margin,

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?
Probably because the Democrats have compromised and the gop has not.
When the initial Dem budget was presented to the republicans it called for the sequester funds to be restored. The gop rejected that budget. The current budget does not call for the sequester funds to be restored and is very close to the Ryan budget which the gop approves of. Yet, the gop refuses to accept it. The bottom line is this, the Democrats have compromised and the republicans have resorted to extortion (Give us everything we want or we destroy the economy!)

how can the Democrats think we can fund Obamacare and actually keep a budget.....?

Obamacare will bankrupt us....

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