Comrade is 'poorly informed and impulsive" John McCain

2008: McCain is Hitler! He will kill everyone on the planet! He's the worst human being on the planet!

2017: I sure like McCain, he's a stand up guy.
And, John McCain is often full of shit, uninformed, corrupt, self-dealing, and soon-to-be dead.

Just sayin'. Not that he's wrong. Just lacks credibility.
Wow...................your blind support of Trump is just amazing. If Trump does something stupid or says something dumb, you guys are there to jump to his defense, no matter how bad it is or how true it is.
John Mc-shit-Stain needs to join the Democrat Party, that is who he is, it's who he has always been.
Wow...................your blind support of Trump is just amazing. If Trump does something stupid or says something dumb, you guys are there to jump to his defense, no matter how bad it is or how true it is

More precisely, for all his faults, Trump is 100% better for America than John SELLOUT McAIPAC and Paul BIZARRO Ryan....
Here is our "Senator" from AZ hanging out with the Mossad, and Mossad agent Simon Elliot aka ISIS leader Al Baghdadi....

McCain has just turned out to another of a long line of losers to Trump. The only difference is that he is GOP.

He joins:


and countless other.

I won't even bother with Democrats because it's pretty much all of them.
2008: McCain is Hitler! He will kill everyone on the planet! He's the worst human being on the planet!

2017: I sure like McCain, he's a stand up guy.

"He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured."
Another crybaby, we lost thread! So great to know lefties are still butt hurt over the election ten months ago.

This BS is so funny, how can you take the left wing nuts seriously anymore.
John McCain's Foundation is supported by the Clintons and Soros. He should just walk across that bloody aisle and become the Democrat we've know him to be for forever.

And get the fuck out of conservative faces.

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