Confederate Flag Belongs To The Democrats!

Flags don't represent political parties, Pinky. Nor do political parties invent them.

Consider your source --- Lush Rimjob. 'Nuff said. :rolleyes:

Yo, I would pick Rush Limbaugh over Al Sharpton any day!

Just an observation until the South Carolina shooting no one here Republican or Democrat gave a rats ass about the Confederate flag and if you did you were dam sure keeping it to yourself.

Are you sure about that?

You should do some reading:

Search Results for Query Confederate flag US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I did not all of them some at the beginning, middle, and end and not all but a lot of them were pretty recent within the last four or five days.
Just an observation until the South Carolina shooting no one here Republican or Democrat gave a rats ass about the Confederate flag and if you did you were dam sure keeping it to yourself.
That is totally false.
Considering the Confederate flag and where it flew was not a hot button issue on here until the shooting I would say it's not.
The Confederate Flag Is the Legacy of Democrats, Not Republicans!
June 22, 2015

Windows Media


RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Do people care about this stuff anymore? Does it matter? Or is truth something so elusive that it's impossible to achieve because everybody has a bias and somebody's truth is somebody else's lie? And if a truth is a lie to somebody then it can't be the truth? Is this where we are now, facts are irrelevant? The Confederate flag in South Carolina.. There's a man. There's a name. There's a reason why that Confederate flag flies over the Statehouse in South Carolina.

You know the name, don't you, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Yeah, his name was Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, of (impression), "There's too much consumin' goin' on out there!" Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, well-known Democrat -- senator from South Carolina -- is responsible for the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina! When did this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics to the song Dixie?

When did all this become a Republican problem? If you go to Arkansas... You know, all these old racial segregationists, they're all Democrats. Bill Clinton's mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist! And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas. I've got the proclamation right there in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.

Yo, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party are a sad bunch of humans!

View attachment 42958
How are you going to convince anyone that the confederates voted for Obama? Really dude, you are DESPERATE!
Legalized slavery existed under the American flag a heckuva lot longer then under the Confederate battle flag (4 years). True story.
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Yo, a little more on the racist Democrat Party!
View attachment 42959
You know that's a false urban legend, right? Please tell us you aren't stupid enough to believe that without checking it out. :rofl:

Yo, why, because the Dem`s want it to be!!! Sorry, it don`t work that way in the real America!!!


No, because it's a bogus quote. One guy reports hearing it. Nobody else did.

It's one of the same bogus quotes Steve McRacist keeps in his litter box sig line. So there's your kindred spirit.

Yo, keep dreaming fool!


Find me a corroborating source then. :eusa_whistle:

--- Still waiting for an answer on this too...

RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Obviously Rust Limpbag doesn't. Because in the election of 1860 that precipitated the Civil War (and thus the Stars and Bars flag), the Democratic candidate for President (Douglas) won Zero electoral votes in the South -- same number as Lincoln. Because the South was so dissatisfied with the DP they ran their own candidates.

So what is he saying -- the Democratic Party made the Confederate flag fly by losing the election?

Funny that with all this money Blimpbag is supposedly making he can't afford to buy a history book.
It is true that the Democrats were the anti black party years ago. But even though their perception has changed over time to be the "tolerant" party; whether you be talking about race, sexual orientation, or any other social issue people come up with, the fact is they are still deeply racist at the top and throw the racist image onto conservatives to gain support from the very people they attack with their policies.

Democrats are responsible for the welfare state that traps a large percentage of blacks into a cycle of generational poverty by creating dependency on the government and lack of self responsibility.

Democrats are responsible for abortion which has killed more than half of blacks that would have been born since the 70s.

The list goes on but people will never wake up to the truth of the way things are ran if they get their information from the propaganda and lies spewed at us through cable news and mainstream media.
It is true that the Democrats were the anti black party years ago. But even though their perception has changed over time to be the "tolerant" party; whether you be talking about race, sexual orientation, or any other social issue people come up with, the fact is they are still deeply racist at the top and throw the racist image onto conservatives to gain support from the very people they attack with their policies.

Democrats are responsible for the welfare state that traps a large percentage of blacks into a cycle of generational poverty by creating dependency on the government and lack of self responsibility.

Democrats are responsible for abortion which has killed more than half of blacks that would have been born since the 70s.

The list goes on but people will never wake up to the truth of the way things are ran if they get their information from the propaganda and lies spewed at us through cable news and mainstream media.

So if more blacks had been born into poverty, and if the government did nothing to help blacks in poverty,

THEN black America would be SO much better off.

Goddam! Genius!
It is true that the Democrats were the anti black party years ago. But even though their perception has changed over time to be the "tolerant" party; whether you be talking about race, sexual orientation, or any other social issue people come up with, the fact is they are still deeply racist at the top and throw the racist image onto conservatives to gain support from the very people they attack with their policies.

Democrats are responsible for the welfare state that traps a large percentage of blacks into a cycle of generational poverty by creating dependency on the government and lack of self responsibility.

Democrats are responsible for abortion which has killed more than half of blacks that would have been born since the 70s.

The list goes on but people will never wake up to the truth of the way things are ran if they get their information from the propaganda and lies spewed at us through cable news and mainstream media.

So if more blacks had been born into poverty, and if the government did nothing to help blacks in poverty,

THEN black America would be SO much better off.

Goddam! Genius!
Well NY Carbineer, If more of the blacks born into poverty weren't reliant on handouts they would find a way to be productive and might just realize they were better off than if they were just waiting on a welfare check. Not to mention they wouldn't be a burden on those who do work and pay taxes. And it's not only black people by any means, eventually this country will have to wake up to the fact that 40% of us can't support ourselves and support the other 60% of americans on food stamps forever.
The Confederate Flag Is the Legacy of Democrats, Not Republicans!
June 22, 2015

Windows Media


RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Do people care about this stuff anymore? Does it matter? Or is truth something so elusive that it's impossible to achieve because everybody has a bias and somebody's truth is somebody else's lie? And if a truth is a lie to somebody then it can't be the truth? Is this where we are now, facts are irrelevant? The Confederate flag in South Carolina.. There's a man. There's a name. There's a reason why that Confederate flag flies over the Statehouse in South Carolina.

You know the name, don't you, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Yeah, his name was Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, of (impression), "There's too much consumin' goin' on out there!" Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, well-known Democrat -- senator from South Carolina -- is responsible for the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina! When did this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics to the song Dixie?

When did all this become a Republican problem? If you go to Arkansas... You know, all these old racial segregationists, they're all Democrats. Bill Clinton's mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist! And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas. I've got the proclamation right there in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.

Yo, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party are a sad bunch of humans!

View attachment 42958

Which is why of course the Democrats are fighting so hard right now to keep the bars and stars still flying......
Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!
Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!

I always thought that song was odd. I think of the mess they must have made when the hit the ground. lol.
Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!

Uh, oh, I just got a nasty letter from the Hujukubah high-holy council-command thingy.

Not "Angels". Instead, "We are the world", on a video with Stephanie doing some intense bellydancing. Well, at least we assume that's her belly. OMG OMG FRIKKEN FRIKKEN...
Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!

I always thought that song was odd. I think of the mess they must have made when the hit the ground. lol.

When you crack an egg on the sidewalk, is that not also lost protein??

Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!

I always thought that song was odd. I think of the mess they must have made when the hit the ground. lol.

When you crack an egg on the sidewalk, is that not also lost protein??


Protein doesn't hit the ground in my presence. lol.
Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!

I always thought that song was odd. I think of the mess they must have made when the hit the ground. lol.

When you crack an egg on the sidewalk, is that not also lost protein??


Protein doesn't hit the ground in my presence. lol.

*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*

Ok, that one just blew me away.
It is true that the Democrats were the anti black party years ago. But even though their perception has changed over time to be the "tolerant" party; whether you be talking about race, sexual orientation, or any other social issue people come up with, the fact is they are still deeply racist at the top and throw the racist image onto conservatives to gain support from the very people they attack with their policies.

Democrats are responsible for the welfare state that traps a large percentage of blacks into a cycle of generational poverty by creating dependency on the government and lack of self responsibility.

Democrats are responsible for abortion which has killed more than half of blacks that would have been born since the 70s.

The list goes on but people will never wake up to the truth of the way things are ran if they get their information from the propaganda and lies spewed at us through cable news and mainstream media.

So if more blacks had been born into poverty, and if the government did nothing to help blacks in poverty,

THEN black America would be SO much better off.

Goddam! Genius!
Well NY Carbineer, If more of the blacks born into poverty weren't reliant on handouts they would find a way to be productive and might just realize they were better off than if they were just waiting on a welfare check. Not to mention they wouldn't be a burden on those who do work and pay taxes. And it's not only black people by any means, eventually this country will have to wake up to the fact that 40% of us can't support ourselves and support the other 60% of americans on food stamps forever.
Most people on stamps are children or work. Raise the gd min wage- this is rdiculous...and thanks for the world depression, hater dupes.

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