Confederate Flag Belongs To The Democrats!

Most of the people on food stamps are taking advantage of the system. And raising the min wage will only worsen our problems. If the min wage went to 15 an hour like they are pushing for, a LOT of jobs are going to be lost because it would be too expensive for employers to keep low skill workers
Most of the people on food stamps are children.
.... Whose parents are "taking advantage of the system."
Care to prove that, or are you comfortable arguing from anecdote?
Note the quote ["] you dote
Most of the people on food stamps are taking advantage of the system. And raising the min wage will only worsen our problems. If the min wage went to 15 an hour like they are pushing for, a LOT of jobs are going to be lost because it would be too expensive for employers to keep low skill workers
Most of the people on food stamps are children.
.... Whose parents are "taking advantage of the system."
Care to prove that, or are you comfortable arguing from anecdote?
Note the quote ["] you dote
right. Care to prove that the parents of children on Food Stamps are taking advantage of the system, or are you comfortable arguing from anecdote?
The Confederate Flag Is the Legacy of Democrats, Not Republicans!
June 22, 2015

Windows Media


RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Do people care about this stuff anymore? Does it matter? Or is truth something so elusive that it's impossible to achieve because everybody has a bias and somebody's truth is somebody else's lie? And if a truth is a lie to somebody then it can't be the truth? Is this where we are now, facts are irrelevant? The Confederate flag in South Carolina.. There's a man. There's a name. There's a reason why that Confederate flag flies over the Statehouse in South Carolina.

You know the name, don't you, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Yeah, his name was Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, of (impression), "There's too much consumin' goin' on out there!" Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, well-known Democrat -- senator from South Carolina -- is responsible for the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina! When did this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics to the song Dixie?

When did all this become a Republican problem? If you go to Arkansas... You know, all these old racial segregationists, they're all Democrats. Bill Clinton's mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist! And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas. I've got the proclamation right there in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.

Yo, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party are a sad bunch of humans!

View attachment 42958
It one time. But, I know this will come as a shock to you...the stances of the political parties has changed....most so in the 1960s. That's when minority voters started switching to the Democrats and the Old Guard Conservatives gravitated to the GOP. Glad to have pointed that out for you.

They were better known as Goldwater Republicans - which is why Barry Goldwater didn't even carry the Republican vote and suffered the worst defeat in history at the time when he ran for POTUS .

The stances of the Parties haven't changed - only the rhetoric - as per Lyndon Johnson - "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years - "

Also as per Lyndon Johnson

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again "

Democratic Parties Racist History

Invented quote, but no the parties certainly HAVE changed over the years.

When the Republican Party was invented in 1854, attracting the dying Whigs and the numerous Abolitionists, they were the party of Liberalism. That's what it means to call for equality. And after the War they acted as the party of Big Government, engaged the first forays into what we now call "affirmative action" (which is more Leftist than Liberal) and engaging governmental action as an engine to drive the economy.

The Democratic Party at the same time was the party of small, decentralized government and "states' rights" -- the same sentiment favoured by the more Randian Republican contingent today. "States' Rights" did not necessarily mean racism at the time; it simply meant who had control. Abolitionism versus Slavery was defined along geographic lines rather than political ones, and the geography was defined by economy, depending on whether or not your region's economy ran on slave power or not.

By the end of the 19th century the RP had taken on the interests of Big Business and the rich, while the DP took on the growing Populist movement, particularly with the William Jennings Bryan era, and began to side with unions, the common worker, and immigrants -- in effect taking on the visceral elements of Liberalism. In effect the two parties did a slow 180, overlapping in the so-called "Progressive" era. And that's how we got where we are.

To pretend that the DP and RP represent today exactly what they've always represented is to walk around without an understanding of one's own history. Political parties are not founded to represent a hard fast ideology. They're founded to organize energies into the goal of acquiring power. To that end, the ideology used will be whatever works at the time.

Goldwater, for his part, got clobbered mainly because of the sympathy vote for Kennedy's assassination, and secondarily because while he was essentially honest he was also way further to the right than the mainstream. For most of the country it wasn't a choice to spend much time mulling over.
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Most of the children on food stamps also have $100 shoes and thousands of dollars worth of video games that their parents bought instead of having to pay for food. When I was younger I went without a lot of things and never gave a single thought to taking advantage of others so I could spend my money on frivolous things

Yeah I'm sure there's a link for this too. :rolleyes:
The faked buttons again?

GreenBean, if you don't want to be thought of as a deliberate fraudster, you need to apologize for that attempted fraud.

And if you didn't know it was a fraud, and had just blindly believed something that one of your political cult sources fed you, you need to tell everyone what source fed you the big lie, and then denounce that source. Shielding a lying source would make you a willing accomplice to the fraud.

It's just another Dumbocrat window of Opportunity

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