Confederate Flag Belongs To The Democrats!

Justifiable Homicide ?
Group That May Have Influenced Charleston Killer He Had Some Legitimate Grievances
A white nationalist group that may have influenced the suspected gunman in last week's massacre at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina said Sunday in a statement that it believes he had "legitimate grievances" against black people.

The Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) is a group that has long been tied to prominent Republican politicians in the American South and counts opposition to "all efforts to mix the races of mankind" among its stated principles.
It is true that the Democrats were the anti black party years ago. But even though their perception has changed over time to be the "tolerant" party; whether you be talking about race, sexual orientation, or any other social issue people come up with, the fact is they are still deeply racist at the top and throw the racist image onto conservatives to gain support from the very people they attack with their policies.

Democrats are responsible for the welfare state that traps a large percentage of blacks into a cycle of generational poverty by creating dependency on the government and lack of self responsibility.

Democrats are responsible for abortion which has killed more than half of blacks that would have been born since the 70s.

The list goes on but people will never wake up to the truth of the way things are ran if they get their information from the propaganda and lies spewed at us through cable news and mainstream media.

So if more blacks had been born into poverty, and if the government did nothing to help blacks in poverty,

THEN black America would be SO much better off.

Goddam! Genius!
Well NY Carbineer, If more of the blacks born into poverty weren't reliant on handouts they would find a way to be productive and might just realize they were better off than if they were just waiting on a welfare check. Not to mention they wouldn't be a burden on those who do work and pay taxes. And it's not only black people by any means, eventually this country will have to wake up to the fact that 40% of us can't support ourselves and support the other 60% of americans on food stamps forever.
Most people on stamps are children or work. Raise the gd min wage- this is ridiculous...and thanks for the world depression, hater dupes.
Breaking: NO ONE wants to be on welfare.
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Who could imagine that scoundrels like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff "Bull" Connor would be members of today's Democrat Party? Do you want us to believe that these overt racists were, in reality, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, Kumbya singing Liberals?


Just to inform, "Kumbaya" was replaced by "Angels" and for our gay libs, "It's raining men", orders of mdk !!!

Also, I like my Latte with lots of milk!

I always thought that song was odd. I think of the mess they must have made when the hit the ground. lol.

When you crack an egg on the sidewalk, is that not also lost protein??


Protein doesn't hit the ground in my presence. lol.

*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*
*I am not going there*

Ok, that one just blew me away.
ahhhh yeah, too late, two sexual innuendos means the gaydar has done gone off.....
The Confederate Flag Is the Legacy of Democrats, Not Republicans!
June 22, 2015

Windows Media


RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Do people care about this stuff anymore? Does it matter? Or is truth something so elusive that it's impossible to achieve because everybody has a bias and somebody's truth is somebody else's lie? And if a truth is a lie to somebody then it can't be the truth? Is this where we are now, facts are irrelevant? The Confederate flag in South Carolina.. There's a man. There's a name. There's a reason why that Confederate flag flies over the Statehouse in South Carolina.

You know the name, don't you, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Yeah, his name was Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, of (impression), "There's too much consumin' goin' on out there!" Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, well-known Democrat -- senator from South Carolina -- is responsible for the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina! When did this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics to the song Dixie?

When did all this become a Republican problem? If you go to Arkansas... You know, all these old racial segregationists, they're all Democrats. Bill Clinton's mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist! And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas. I've got the proclamation right there in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.

Yo, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party are a sad bunch of humans!

View attachment 42958
It one time. But, I know this will come as a shock to you...the stances of the political parties has changed....most so in the 1960s. That's when minority voters started switching to the Democrats and the Old Guard Conservatives gravitated to the GOP. Glad to have pointed that out for you.

This wasn't from the 60's.

"Mitt Romney called for its removal. Carly Fiorina called it a “symbol of racial hatred,”

"In 1987, when her husband was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated “The blue star above the word “ARKANSAS” is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.”

Read more: As Governor Bill Clinton Honored Confederacy On Arkansas Flag The Daily Caller

Read more: As Governor Bill Clinton Honored Confederacy On Arkansas Flag The Daily Caller
The Confederate Flag Is the Legacy of Democrats, Not Republicans!
June 22, 2015

Windows Media


RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Do people care about this stuff anymore? Does it matter? Or is truth something so elusive that it's impossible to achieve because everybody has a bias and somebody's truth is somebody else's lie? And if a truth is a lie to somebody then it can't be the truth? Is this where we are now, facts are irrelevant? The Confederate flag in South Carolina.. There's a man. There's a name. There's a reason why that Confederate flag flies over the Statehouse in South Carolina.

You know the name, don't you, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Yeah, his name was Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, of (impression), "There's too much consumin' goin' on out there!" Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, well-known Democrat -- senator from South Carolina -- is responsible for the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina! When did this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics to the song Dixie?

When did all this become a Republican problem? If you go to Arkansas... You know, all these old racial segregationists, they're all Democrats. Bill Clinton's mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist! And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas. I've got the proclamation right there in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.

Yo, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party are a sad bunch of humans!

View attachment 42958
It one time. But, I know this will come as a shock to you...the stances of the political parties has changed....most so in the 1960s. That's when minority voters started switching to the Democrats and the Old Guard Conservatives gravitated to the GOP. Glad to have pointed that out for you.

This wasn't from the 60's.

"Mitt Romney called for its removal. Carly Fiorina called it a “symbol of racial hatred,”

"In 1987, when her husband was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated “The blue star above the word “ARKANSAS” is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.”

Read more: As Governor Bill Clinton Honored Confederacy On Arkansas Flag The Daily Caller

Read more: As Governor Bill Clinton Honored Confederacy On Arkansas Flag The Daily Caller

Wtf seriously?? A blue star? You want to ban blue stars now? :uhh:

The four stars represent the four nations that have held dominion over Arkansas -- France, Spain, the USA and the CSA.

And they're ALL blue.

My thunder, the lengths you partisan hacks will go to....
Most of the people on food stamps are taking advantage of the system. And raising the min wage will only worsen our problems. If the min wage went to 15 an hour like they are pushing for, a LOT of jobs are going to be lost because it would be too expensive for employers to keep low skill workers
If you owned a small business, how do you think it would affect your budget if you had to pay a burger flipper 15 an hour. It's not fear mongering, it's common sense. But libs don't seem to have much of that
If you owned a small business, how do you think it would affect your budget if you had to pay a burger flipper 15 an hour. It's not fear mongering, it's common sense. But libs don't seem to have much of that
I paid my mortar forkers that much, so suck it...and I still made 75k a year....
Congratulations. However, in the meantime small businesses are struggling across the country. With the taxes, licenses and fees, and regulations, the US is one of the most difficult countries to grow a business in the world. Companies with the means to do so are moving their headquarters out of the country at a record rate with Obama calling them traitors because they dont want to be raped by big government. Paying a min wage worker 15 dollars an hour in my state would more than double their pay, and undoubtedly cut their hours drastically if they were even lucky enough to keep their job
Most of the people on food stamps are taking advantage of the system. And raising the min wage will only worsen our problems. If the min wage went to 15 an hour like they are pushing for, a LOT of jobs are going to be lost because it would be too expensive for employers to keep low skill workers
Most of the people on food stamps are children.
Most of the children on food stamps also have $100 shoes and thousands of dollars worth of video games that their parents bought instead of having to pay for food. When I was younger I went without a lot of things and never gave a single thought to taking advantage of others so I could spend my money on frivolous things
Most of the people on food stamps are taking advantage of the system. And raising the min wage will only worsen our problems. If the min wage went to 15 an hour like they are pushing for, a LOT of jobs are going to be lost because it would be too expensive for employers to keep low skill workers
Most of the people on food stamps are children.
.... Whose parents are "taking advantage of the system."
The Confederate Flag Is the Legacy of Democrats, Not Republicans!
June 22, 2015

Windows Media


RUSH: Folks, do you realize the Confederate flag flies because of the Democrat Party? Do people even care anymore about truth, objective truth, ontological certitude?

Do people care about this stuff anymore? Does it matter? Or is truth something so elusive that it's impossible to achieve because everybody has a bias and somebody's truth is somebody else's lie? And if a truth is a lie to somebody then it can't be the truth? Is this where we are now, facts are irrelevant? The Confederate flag in South Carolina.. There's a man. There's a name. There's a reason why that Confederate flag flies over the Statehouse in South Carolina.

You know the name, don't you, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Yeah, his name was Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, of (impression), "There's too much consumin' goin' on out there!" Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, well-known Democrat -- senator from South Carolina -- is responsible for the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina! When did this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics to the song Dixie?

When did all this become a Republican problem? If you go to Arkansas... You know, all these old racial segregationists, they're all Democrats. Bill Clinton's mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist! And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas. I've got the proclamation right there in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers.

Yo, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party are a sad bunch of humans!

View attachment 42958
It one time. But, I know this will come as a shock to you...the stances of the political parties has changed....most so in the 1960s. That's when minority voters started switching to the Democrats and the Old Guard Conservatives gravitated to the GOP. Glad to have pointed that out for you.

They were better known as Goldwater Republicans - which is why Barry Goldwater didn't even carry the Republican vote and suffered the worst defeat in history at the time when he ran for POTUS .

The stances of the Parties haven't changed - only the rhetoric - as per Lyndon Johnson - "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years - "

Also as per Lyndon Johnson

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again "

Democratic Parties Racist History
Most of the people on food stamps are taking advantage of the system. And raising the min wage will only worsen our problems. If the min wage went to 15 an hour like they are pushing for, a LOT of jobs are going to be lost because it would be too expensive for employers to keep low skill workers
Most of the people on food stamps are children.
.... Whose parents are "taking advantage of the system."
Care to prove that, or are you comfortable arguing from anecdote?
Goddam, you have to have seven pounds of brain damage to think the extreme right wing conservative Democrats of more than 50 years ago have any kind of connection to the modern Democratic Party.

Seriously. You have to be stupid, stupid, stupid.
So you feel Al Gore Jr [The Closet Racist]. has no connection to Al Gore SR.[ the Klansman] ... or that it was OK for Bill Clinton to eulogize Byrd - former Grand Wizard of the Klan ..... Hmmm interesting

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