Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!
Actually, dipshit, no one blamed the flag. The flag has been the subject of protests and boycotts of South Carolina for years. The murder by one who identified with this symbol of racial hatred simply shed light on this again.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Seems you are the one lacking reasoning skills. Nowhere did he say that the flag caused anyone to do anything. And Southern White Churches do not generally fly the KKK flag. Those that do, are clearly not Christian.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Seems you are the one lacking reasoning skills. Nowhere did he say that the flag caused anyone to do anything. And Southern White Churches do not generally fly the KKK flag. Those that do, are clearly not Christian.
But what if a parishioner has a battle flag sticker on a vehicle in the parking lot? If Leftist logic follows, a flag hating Leftist would be besotted by uncontrollably urges to go into the church and start gunning down bigots. Don't blame me. I'm just following your rationale that symbols need to be eradicated because they compel bigots to homicidal rampages. Destroy the flag and these things won't occur anymore, right?
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Seems you are the one lacking reasoning skills. Nowhere did he say that the flag caused anyone to do anything. And Southern White Churches do not generally fly the KKK flag. Those that do, are clearly not Christian.
But what if a parishioner has a battle flag sticker on a vehicle in the parking lot? If Leftist logic follows, a flag hating Leftist would be besotted by uncontrollably urges to go into the church and start gunning down bigots. Don't blame me. I'm just following your rationale that symbols need to be eradicated because they compel bigots to homicidal rampages. Destroy the flag and these things won't occur anymore, right?
Are you stupid or just pretending to be so? No one said that the flag caused anyone to do harm. And no one want to eradicate the favorite flag of inbred racists. It is a free country and you can your buddies can fly it from your car, your pickup, your trailer park and even have it tattooed on your forehead. No one cares. The flag was removed from the State Capitol because it is wrong for the state government to display a symbol of racism. Many South Carolinians are African American. They have the right to not have their government implicitly enforce the racism that flag symbolizes by flying in on public property. That is all that the flag controversy was about. You can keep lying and claiming that liberals argue that the flag causes bigots to act, but everyone know that you are lying.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Seems you are the one lacking reasoning skills. Nowhere did he say that the flag caused anyone to do anything. And Southern White Churches do not generally fly the KKK flag. Those that do, are clearly not Christian.
But what if a parishioner has a battle flag sticker on a vehicle in the parking lot? If Leftist logic follows, a flag hating Leftist would be besotted by uncontrollably urges to go into the church and start gunning down bigots. Don't blame me. I'm just following your rationale that symbols need to be eradicated because they compel bigots to homicidal rampages. Destroy the flag and these things won't occur anymore, right?
Are you stupid or just pretending to be so? No one said that the flag caused anyone to do harm. And no one want to eradicate the favorite flag of inbred racists. It is a free country and you can your buddies can fly it from your car, your pickup, your trailer park and even have it tattooed on your forehead. No one cares. The flag was removed from the State Capitol because it is wrong for the state government to display a symbol of racism. Many South Carolinians are African American. They have the right to not have their government implicitly enforce the racism that flag symbolizes by flying in on public property. That is all that the flag controversy was about. You can keep lying and claiming that liberals argue that the flag causes bigots to act, but everyone know that you are lying.
I beg to differ

Confederate Flag Kills 7 At Alabama Shopping Mall - The Daily Currant - The Daily Currant

Seven people were killed this morning when a Confederate flag walked into an Alabama shopping mall and started shooting.

According to local reports, the flag entered Cherrywood Mall outside Huntsville armed with two AK-47 assault rifles, a P 228 handgun and several grenades. It immediately proceeded to unload its ordinance on unsuspecting shoppers.

In addition to those killed, 23 people were injured and are currently being treated in area emergency rooms. Several are in critical condition and not expected to survive.

The flag’s motivations are uncertain at the moment. However, according to witnesses the flag did specifically target White people with Northern accents.

“The flag chased us down the hallway screaming ‘Die, Yankees Die!’, says Justin Anderson, an aeronautical engineer originally from New Hampshire. “Luckily flags don’t move very fast, so my girlfriend and I managed to outrun it.”

Lucy Patterson, a homemaker from New Jersey wasn’t so lucky. Both her legs were blown off when the flag lobbed a hand grenade at her feet.

“It looked straight into my eyes, pulled the pin, and threw a deathball my way,” she says. “It was so cold-blooded. Almost as if it weren't human.”

Shortly thereafter the flag turned the gun on itself, shooting itself in the pole several times. Rushed to Huntsville Beth-Israel Medical Center, it was pronounced dead on arrival.

Confederate flags have increasingly been committing mass shootings in the South. Although retailers like Wal-Mart and Amazon have belatedly banned their sale, the existing stockpile of flags should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

“It’s a real tragedy,” says Bret Michaels, the CEO of retailer Wal-Mart, “We should have stopped selling Confederate flags sooner. Think of how many flag-on-human shootings we could have prevented.”
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Seems you are the one lacking reasoning skills. Nowhere did he say that the flag caused anyone to do anything. And Southern White Churches do not generally fly the KKK flag. Those that do, are clearly not Christian.
But what if a parishioner has a battle flag sticker on a vehicle in the parking lot? If Leftist logic follows, a flag hating Leftist would be besotted by uncontrollably urges to go into the church and start gunning down bigots. Don't blame me. I'm just following your rationale that symbols need to be eradicated because they compel bigots to homicidal rampages. Destroy the flag and these things won't occur anymore, right?
Are you stupid or just pretending to be so? No one said that the flag caused anyone to do harm. And no one want to eradicate the favorite flag of inbred racists. It is a free country and you can your buddies can fly it from your car, your pickup, your trailer park and even have it tattooed on your forehead. No one cares. The flag was removed from the State Capitol because it is wrong for the state government to display a symbol of racism. Many South Carolinians are African American. They have the right to not have their government implicitly enforce the racism that flag symbolizes by flying in on public property. That is all that the flag controversy was about. You can keep lying and claiming that liberals argue that the flag causes bigots to act, but everyone know that you are lying.
I beg to differ

Confederate Flag Kills 7 At Alabama Shopping Mall - The Daily Currant - The Daily Currant

Seven people were killed this morning when a Confederate flag walked into an Alabama shopping mall and started shooting.

According to local reports, the flag entered Cherrywood Mall outside Huntsville armed with two AK-47 assault rifles, a P 228 handgun and several grenades. It immediately proceeded to unload its ordinance on unsuspecting shoppers.

In addition to those killed, 23 people were injured and are currently being treated in area emergency rooms. Several are in critical condition and not expected to survive.

The flag’s motivations are uncertain at the moment. However, according to witnesses the flag did specifically target White people with Northern accents.

“The flag chased us down the hallway screaming ‘Die, Yankees Die!’, says Justin Anderson, an aeronautical engineer originally from New Hampshire. “Luckily flags don’t move very fast, so my girlfriend and I managed to outrun it.”

Lucy Patterson, a homemaker from New Jersey wasn’t so lucky. Both her legs were blown off when the flag lobbed a hand grenade at her feet.

“It looked straight into my eyes, pulled the pin, and threw a deathball my way,” she says. “It was so cold-blooded. Almost as if it weren't human.”

Shortly thereafter the flag turned the gun on itself, shooting itself in the pole several times. Rushed to Huntsville Beth-Israel Medical Center, it was pronounced dead on arrival.

Confederate flags have increasingly been committing mass shootings in the South. Although retailers like Wal-Mart and Amazon have belatedly banned their sale, the existing stockpile of flags should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

“It’s a real tragedy,” says Bret Michaels, the CEO of retailer Wal-Mart, “We should have stopped selling Confederate flags sooner. Think of how many flag-on-human shootings we could have prevented.”
Once again, are you really this stupid?
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

So you do understand that no one said the flag killed anyone. So you lied, exactly what I thought. Pretending to be stupid is stupid
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Which caused Democrats to go after their flag. The fact you don't see the lapse in logic in all this is what makes you so hilarious. I guess when you're a Leftist and the only tool in your tool bag is useless gestures that don't actually solve any problems, you're abandoned to rage when anyone points out how feckless you are.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Dimocrats caused the issue years ago......and now they act like it's a major issue.

Once again......Dummycraps causing problems, then acting like they have a reasonable solution.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
So why did they have to remove the Confederate Flag?

Why are these sorry fucks going around trying to get rid of Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Stonewall Jackson, even the stars and stripes?
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Which caused Democrats to go after their flag. The fact you don't see the lapse in logic in all this is what makes you so hilarious. I guess when you're a Leftist and the only tool in your tool bag is useless gestures that don't actually solve any problems, you're abandoned to rage when anyone points out how feckless you are.
The same thing that has caused many people to work to remove this flag from other state capitols; that caused them the have this flag removed from the top of the capitol building ten years ago. What brought this to the attention of the nation again was the fact that a racist killer displayed this flag and that when the US flag was taken to half staff to honor the dead, the racist, klan flag stayed at full staff, flying in the face of the families of the racist killer.
#blacklivesmatter plans to disrupt the Republican National Convention. Do you support what they plan to do? Is that a racist attack?

of course they will support them. You see only THEY have rights and freedoms of speech. everyone else is suppose to BOW DOWN to them

It's a nasty tactic people better wake up to

Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh! we did not. But it's clear from your assertion that you have a problem with reality.

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