Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

#blacklivesmatter plans to disrupt the Republican National Convention. Do you support what they plan to do? Is that a racist attack?

of course they will support them. You see only THEY have rights and freedoms of speech. everyone else is suppose to BOW DOWN to them

It's a nasty tactic people better wake up to

Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat
Thank you Stat, for this story. I am one of the nuts that say the flag is about history, but you have proven to me that not everyone feels that way. I now agree with you. When ignorant people start interrupting a child's party with hate, it's time for a change. My Confederate T shirt is going in the garbage today.

You really believe these guys just randomly targeted this birthday party, where they were outnumbered by at least two to one, for intimidation,


A crowd of blacks were offended by a line of trucks flying confederate flags and took impulsive action?

BTW, who do you think was more likely to have been drinking?

These boys are obviously dumb enough to do this without liquid courage.
Yes, and forcing them to yell racial slurs!!! :rolleyes:

So, you ignore the rock throwing, the causing an accident and focus on the harsh language that was in response?


Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
The rock throwing that caused the accident. Did they park in the field before or after that happened?

Thanks again

That has been covered repeatedly before.

The rock throwing occurred when the last truck was driving by.

That truck then swerved, hit the median, had a blowout, and then had to pull over to change the tire.

After that, the other trucks came back to protect that lone truck's driver and/or passengers.

So, what is your point, that you have had to have this explained so over and over again?

Dude, all I'm asking you is if they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I know you like to write a lot but its a really simple answer and one that doesnt require a retelling of events. I'm talking about the SEQUENCE of events. So lets go

Were they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.

Its a simple question: Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the blown tire?
of course they will support them. You see only THEY have rights and freedoms of speech. everyone else is suppose to BOW DOWN to them

It's a nasty tactic people better wake up to

Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

You're about as retarded as your handle.
So, you ignore the rock throwing, the causing an accident and focus on the harsh language that was in response?


Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
That has been covered repeatedly before.

The rock throwing occurred when the last truck was driving by.

That truck then swerved, hit the median, had a blowout, and then had to pull over to change the tire.

After that, the other trucks came back to protect that lone truck's driver and/or passengers.

So, what is your point, that you have had to have this explained so over and over again?

Dude, all I'm asking you is if they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I know you like to write a lot but its a really simple answer and one that doesnt require a retelling of events. I'm talking about the SEQUENCE of events. So lets go

Were they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.

Its a simple question: Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the blown tire?

The video doesn't specify. You're asking the guy to answer a question that cannot be answered unless he was there.

Move on!
I thought they said they parked in a driveway accross the street. How did they get into a field next door to the party?
Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

You're about as retarded as your handle.

Got nothing I see.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

You're about as retarded as your handle.

Got nothing I see.

I got plenty, but I choose not to waste it on a retarded punk like you.
Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
Dude, all I'm asking you is if they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I know you like to write a lot but its a really simple answer and one that doesnt require a retelling of events. I'm talking about the SEQUENCE of events. So lets go

Were they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.

Its a simple question: Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the blown tire?

The video doesn't specify. You're asking the guy to answer a question that cannot be answered unless he was there.

Move on!

Are you the boyfriend or the Misses?
Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

You're about as retarded as your handle.

Got nothing I see.

I got plenty, but I choose not to waste it on a retarded punk like you.

How and why do you suppose those fellers ended up in a field next door to the party?
Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.

Its a simple question: Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the blown tire?

The video doesn't specify. You're asking the guy to answer a question that cannot be answered unless he was there.

Move on!

Are you the boyfriend or the Misses?

I'm tired of seeing you ask the same old tired question that you cannot even explain the relevance for.

Move on!
of course they will support them. You see only THEY have rights and freedoms of speech. everyone else is suppose to BOW DOWN to them

It's a nasty tactic people better wake up to

Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

What is "on the video"?

Her story is not credible.

Do you think that a crowd of random blacks, after the demagoguery of the past few months might be greatly provoked by the sight of trucks flying the Confederate Flag?
You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

You're about as retarded as your handle.

Got nothing I see.

I got plenty, but I choose not to waste it on a retarded punk like you.

How and why do you suppose those fellers ended up in a field next door to the party?

Don't be an ass, that was covered in the linked OP.

It has been repeatedly discussed.
So, you ignore the rock throwing, the causing an accident and focus on the harsh language that was in response?


Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
That has been covered repeatedly before.

The rock throwing occurred when the last truck was driving by.

That truck then swerved, hit the median, had a blowout, and then had to pull over to change the tire.

After that, the other trucks came back to protect that lone truck's driver and/or passengers.

So, what is your point, that you have had to have this explained so over and over again?

Dude, all I'm asking you is if they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I know you like to write a lot but its a really simple answer and one that doesnt require a retelling of events. I'm talking about the SEQUENCE of events. So lets go

Were they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.

Its a simple question: Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the blown tire?

Apparently, Levi Bush, the Grand Wizard, can't keep his story straight about the flat tire. Below are the two conflicting stories.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

Bush told Belanger the group was driving around conducting a fundraiser and the reason they stopped on the grass near the birthday party was because he got a flat tire. Bush said people at the predominately-black birthday party approached his group in a hostile manner and that’s when the situation escalated.

Woman says men with confederate flags threatened her family
Apparently, Levi Bush, the Grand Wizard, can't keep his story straight about the flat tire. Below are the two conflicting stories.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

Bush told Belanger the group was driving around conducting a fundraiser and the reason they stopped on the grass near the birthday party was because he got a flat tire. Bush said people at the predominately-black birthday party approached his group in a hostile manner and that’s when the situation escalated.

Woman says men with confederate flags threatened her family

2 Different stories? Well, thats one credible guy there! :rofl:
Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
Dude, all I'm asking you is if they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I know you like to write a lot but its a really simple answer and one that doesnt require a retelling of events. I'm talking about the SEQUENCE of events. So lets go

Were they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.

Its a simple question: Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the blown tire?

Apparently, Levi Bush, the Grand Wizard, can't keep his story straight about the flat tire. Below are the two conflicting stories.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

Bush told Belanger the group was driving around conducting a fundraiser and the reason they stopped on the grass near the birthday party was because he got a flat tire. Bush said people at the predominately-black birthday party approached his group in a hostile manner and that’s when the situation escalated.

Woman says men with confederate flags threatened her family

These stories do not conflict.

And link please to show that Levi is in the klan.

Or admit that you are just a slanderous asshole.
Apparently, Levi Bush, the Grand Wizard, can't keep his story straight about the flat tire. Below are the two conflicting stories.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

Bush told Belanger the group was driving around conducting a fundraiser and the reason they stopped on the grass near the birthday party was because he got a flat tire. Bush said people at the predominately-black birthday party approached his group in a hostile manner and that’s when the situation escalated.

Woman says men with confederate flags threatened her family

2 Different stories? Well, thats one credible guy there! :rofl:

What was your point about "when the trucks parked"?

I have answered it EVEN MORE SIMPLY FOR YOU than before.

So WTF were you on about?
What was your point about "when the trucks parked"?

I have answered it EVEN MORE SIMPLY FOR YOU than before.

So WTF were you on about?

The most simple way to answer is one word. Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the tire was blown?

The capital letters are the only response I need and the most simplest
Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

It's on the video. It is in evidence. Where's the video of the angry rock throwing blacks? Your boys weren't smart enough to video?

What is "on the video"?

Her story is not credible.

Do you think that a crowd of random blacks, after the demagoguery of the past few months might be greatly provoked by the sight of trucks flying the Confederate Flag?

Right. We all know blacks aren't to be trusted. Especially when grouped together.
Just some good ole' boys. Never meanin' no harm. We was just fooling' about Roscoe.
What was your point about "when the trucks parked"?

I have answered it EVEN MORE SIMPLY FOR YOU than before.

So WTF were you on about?

The most simple way to answer is one word. Were they parked in the field BEFORE or AFTER the tire was blown?

The capital letters are the only response I need and the most simplest

You use "They" as though all the trucks were together during the parking process. YOu do realize that is not the case?

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