Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them


The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat
Thank you Stat, for this story. I am one of the nuts that say the flag is about history, but you have proven to me that not everyone feels that way. I now agree with you. When ignorant people start interrupting a child's party with hate, it's time for a change. My Confederate T shirt is going in the garbage today.
A bunch of trucks driving around waving Confederate has to think they are looney already, so it's not hard to believe they were being annoying and confrontational.....just another way to show they hate blacks.

No, one does NOT have to think that, unless one WANTS to.

It is far more likely that a bunch of blacks, after the constant demagoguery of the last couple of months would be provoked by the sight of some trucks with confederate flags and react violently and aggressively, than these guys just targeted at random a larger gathering of blacks.

There is no reason to think that they hate blacks. THat is just your regional bigotry showing.
They just call Black people ni66ers because they are so fond of them

What's far more likely is that you are full of shit.....

You mean it's not an endearment? I hear them calling each other that all the time. Funny thing is, none of them seem to be insulted by it.
Well if you are too stupid to realize that using that word denotes idiocy unless it's used in it's actual meaning, no wonder you are stupid enough to believe that the poor ole shit rag wavers were just good ole boys doing nothing.

Oh so the blacks that use the word are just idiots according to you. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, dummy. Whites can call each other cracker, and it's not an insult....same thing with blacks calling other blacks the "n" word....doesn't have the same impact as when one of another race uses it. You knew that,'re just trying to act dumb so you can keep using it?
Looks like from your avatar, you got a little hatred going on yourself. Should white Southern churches be warned? By your logic, you can't control what you do or how many people you kill because symbols have the power to divest you of all higher reasoning skills.
Seems you are the one lacking reasoning skills. Nowhere did he say that the flag caused anyone to do anything. And Southern White Churches do not generally fly the KKK flag. Those that do, are clearly not Christian.
But what if a parishioner has a battle flag sticker on a vehicle in the parking lot? If Leftist logic follows, a flag hating Leftist would be besotted by uncontrollably urges to go into the church and start gunning down bigots. Don't blame me. I'm just following your rationale that symbols need to be eradicated because they compel bigots to homicidal rampages. Destroy the flag and these things won't occur anymore, right?
Are you stupid or just pretending to be so? No one said that the flag caused anyone to do harm. And no one want to eradicate the favorite flag of inbred racists. It is a free country and you can your buddies can fly it from your car, your pickup, your trailer park and even have it tattooed on your forehead. No one cares. The flag was removed from the State Capitol because it is wrong for the state government to display a symbol of racism. Many South Carolinians are African American. They have the right to not have their government implicitly enforce the racism that flag symbolizes by flying in on public property. That is all that the flag controversy was about. You can keep lying and claiming that liberals argue that the flag causes bigots to act, but everyone know that you are lying.
I beg to differ

Confederate Flag Kills 7 At Alabama Shopping Mall - The Daily Currant - The Daily Currant

Seven people were killed this morning when a Confederate flag walked into an Alabama shopping mall and started shooting.

According to local reports, the flag entered Cherrywood Mall outside Huntsville armed with two AK-47 assault rifles, a P 228 handgun and several grenades. It immediately proceeded to unload its ordinance on unsuspecting shoppers.

In addition to those killed, 23 people were injured and are currently being treated in area emergency rooms. Several are in critical condition and not expected to survive.

The flag’s motivations are uncertain at the moment. However, according to witnesses the flag did specifically target White people with Northern accents.

“The flag chased us down the hallway screaming ‘Die, Yankees Die!’, says Justin Anderson, an aeronautical engineer originally from New Hampshire. “Luckily flags don’t move very fast, so my girlfriend and I managed to outrun it.”

Lucy Patterson, a homemaker from New Jersey wasn’t so lucky. Both her legs were blown off when the flag lobbed a hand grenade at her feet.

“It looked straight into my eyes, pulled the pin, and threw a deathball my way,” she says. “It was so cold-blooded. Almost as if it weren't human.”

Shortly thereafter the flag turned the gun on itself, shooting itself in the pole several times. Rushed to Huntsville Beth-Israel Medical Center, it was pronounced dead on arrival.

Confederate flags have increasingly been committing mass shootings in the South. Although retailers like Wal-Mart and Amazon have belatedly banned their sale, the existing stockpile of flags should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

“It’s a real tragedy,” says Bret Michaels, the CEO of retailer Wal-Mart, “We should have stopped selling Confederate flags sooner. Think of how many flag-on-human shootings we could have prevented.”
Once again, are you really this stupid?
Apparently -
No, one does NOT have to think that, unless one WANTS to.

It is far more likely that a bunch of blacks, after the constant demagoguery of the last couple of months would be provoked by the sight of some trucks with confederate flags and react violently and aggressively, than these guys just targeted at random a larger gathering of blacks.

There is no reason to think that they hate blacks. THat is just your regional bigotry showing.
They just call Black people ni66ers because they are so fond of them

What's far more likely is that you are full of shit.....

You mean it's not an endearment? I hear them calling each other that all the time. Funny thing is, none of them seem to be insulted by it.
Well if you are too stupid to realize that using that word denotes idiocy unless it's used in it's actual meaning, no wonder you are stupid enough to believe that the poor ole shit rag wavers were just good ole boys doing nothing.

Oh so the blacks that use the word are just idiots according to you. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, dummy. Whites can call each other cracker, and it's not an insult....same thing with blacks calling other blacks the "n" word....doesn't have the same impact as when one of another race uses it. You knew that,'re just trying to act dumb so you can keep using it?

How often do you hear whites calling each other cracker?

BTW cracker doesn't offend me and it doesn't matter what race the person is saying it. I reckon I've got thicker skin than most liberals and blacks.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Which caused Democrats to go after their flag. The fact you don't see the lapse in logic in all this is what makes you so hilarious. I guess when you're a Leftist and the only tool in your tool bag is useless gestures that don't actually solve any problems, you're abandoned to rage when anyone points out how feckless you are.
The same thing that has caused many people to work to remove this flag from other state capitols; that caused them the have this flag removed from the top of the capitol building ten years ago. What brought this to the attention of the nation again was the fact that a racist killer displayed this flag and that when the US flag was taken to half staff to honor the dead, the racist, klan flag stayed at full staff, flying in the face of the families of the racist killer.
So liberals decided once again to take advantage of the situation and push through a useless gesture rather than addressing the root causes. They don't even want to ask him (Roof) specifically for a motive. They just wanted to tear down what they hate and then move on to the next thing they hate.
They just call Black people ni66ers because they are so fond of them

What's far more likely is that you are full of shit.....

You mean it's not an endearment? I hear them calling each other that all the time. Funny thing is, none of them seem to be insulted by it.
Well if you are too stupid to realize that using that word denotes idiocy unless it's used in it's actual meaning, no wonder you are stupid enough to believe that the poor ole shit rag wavers were just good ole boys doing nothing.

Oh so the blacks that use the word are just idiots according to you. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, dummy. Whites can call each other cracker, and it's not an insult....same thing with blacks calling other blacks the "n" word....doesn't have the same impact as when one of another race uses it. You knew that,'re just trying to act dumb so you can keep using it?

How often do you hear whites calling each other cracker?

BTW cracker doesn't offend me and it doesn't matter what race the person is saying it. I reckon I've got thicker skin than most liberals and blacks.
Native Americans are that way too. Except for the few bitterness hustlers, we really don't care what a football team calls itself.

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat
Thank you Stat, for this story. I am one of the nuts that say the flag is about history, but you have proven to me that not everyone feels that way. I now agree with you. When ignorant people start interrupting a child's party with hate, it's time for a change. My Confederate T shirt is going in the garbage today.
You might want to check into the story better.....because it appears the only reason the trucks stopped was because some kid threw a rock at him and he drove into a divider causing a flat tire.

Oh......and I never owned a Confederate flag anything. Why did you?

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat
Thank you Stat, for this story. I am one of the nuts that say the flag is about history, but you have proven to me that not everyone feels that way. I now agree with you. When ignorant people start interrupting a child's party with hate, it's time for a change. My Confederate T shirt is going in the garbage today.
They didn't know it was a child's birthday party, but the child's relatives did and decided to invite a confrontation. If a child's birthday party is the main concern, then this whole thread is about blaming the wrong people.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Which caused Democrats to go after their flag. The fact you don't see the lapse in logic in all this is what makes you so hilarious. I guess when you're a Leftist and the only tool in your tool bag is useless gestures that don't actually solve any problems, you're abandoned to rage when anyone points out how feckless you are.
The same thing that has caused many people to work to remove this flag from other state capitols; that caused them the have this flag removed from the top of the capitol building ten years ago. What brought this to the attention of the nation again was the fact that a racist killer displayed this flag and that when the US flag was taken to half staff to honor the dead, the racist, klan flag stayed at full staff, flying in the face of the families of the racist killer.
So liberals decided once again to take advantage of the situation and push through a useless gesture rather than addressing the root causes. They don't even want to ask him (Roof) specifically for a motive. They just wanted to tear down what they hate and then move on to the next thing they hate.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Which caused Democrats to go after their flag. The fact you don't see the lapse in logic in all this is what makes you so hilarious. I guess when you're a Leftist and the only tool in your tool bag is useless gestures that don't actually solve any problems, you're abandoned to rage when anyone points out how feckless you are.
The same thing that has caused many people to work to remove this flag from other state capitols; that caused them the have this flag removed from the top of the capitol building ten years ago. What brought this to the attention of the nation again was the fact that a racist killer displayed this flag and that when the US flag was taken to half staff to honor the dead, the racist, klan flag stayed at full staff, flying in the face of the families of the racist killer.
So liberals decided once again to take advantage of the situation and push through a useless gesture rather than addressing the root causes. They don't even want to ask him (Roof) specifically for a motive. They just wanted to tear down what they hate and then move on to the next thing they hate.
No. The Republican governor; the republican senate and the republican house in South Carolina voted to remove the klan flag from the Capitol grounds.
Actually they pretty much were, when some assholes started yelling at them and throwing rocks.

Yes, and forcing them to yell racial slurs!!! :rolleyes:

So, you ignore the rock throwing, the causing an accident and focus on the harsh language that was in response?


Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Correll wants to believe the white guys story despite the police not finding any evidence of it happening. Its too hard for Correll to talk about the video UNLESS he inserts the Rock throwing as being a catalyst for every and anything the white dudes with guns did
What portion of this series of events are you considering the "incident"?

The Rock throwing? The verbal exchange? The use of the n-word?

The rock throwing that caused the accident. Did they park in the field before or after that happened?

Thanks again

That has been covered repeatedly before.

The rock throwing occurred when the last truck was driving by.

That truck then swerved, hit the median, had a blowout, and then had to pull over to change the tire.

After that, the other trucks came back to protect that lone truck's driver and/or passengers.

So, what is your point, that you have had to have this explained so over and over again?

Dude, all I'm asking you is if they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I know you like to write a lot but its a really simple answer and one that doesnt require a retelling of events. I'm talking about the SEQUENCE of events. So lets go

Were they were in the field BEFORE or AFTER the accident occurred?

I've been asking you why is it relevant?

Seems you ignore questions as well.

I would like to answer but it seems Correll is holding us all up. I've asked the same question at least 20 times and everytime he responds he's confused about the question all over again

I am not sure why you are playing dumb.

From the scenario that was reported and that I have repeatedly repeated to you over and over again,

the trucks were driving by the party when they outraged blacks started throwing rocks. After the blowout the one truck pulled over, and then a little later the other trucks returned to help protect that trucks passenger(s) from the angry mob.
Actually they pretty much were, when some assholes started yelling at them and throwing rocks.

Yes, and forcing them to yell racial slurs!!! :rolleyes:

So, you ignore the rock throwing, the causing an accident and focus on the harsh language that was in response?


Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.
Or provoked. I know that white people flinging out slurs for absolutely no reason fits the twisted narrative in your Leftist head, but it doesn't fit reality.

When provoked, I do not throw out racial slurs. Do you know why that is?

You want to bet on what types of words the outraged blacks from the party were using?
Actually they pretty much were, when some assholes started yelling at them and throwing rocks.

Yes, and forcing them to yell racial slurs!!! :rolleyes:

So, you ignore the rock throwing, the causing an accident and focus on the harsh language that was in response?


Yes, I am ignoring the rock throwing because....

From the link in the OP

“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

However, we do know that people don't yell out racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Nope. YOu're ignoring the rock throwing because it doesn't serve your agenda.

People use racial slurs if they are racists...

Or perhaps to insult a group of people who attacked them for no reason and threatened them.

BTW, what type of language do you think that rowdy, upset crowd was using when they "confronted" the truck that had the blowout?

You know they used anti-white racial slurs.

The only question is, are you honest enough to admit it?

No one invited them to the boys birthday party. They circled around and settled there to stir up trouble. No one uses racial slurs unless they are indeed racist.

Please point out the anti-white racial slurs.

What I heard is this...

This is a child's birthday party,

He's the one that had the gun.

That is a threat, officer.

The party goers in effect "invited" the truckers when they threw rocks and caused an accident.

ONe of the men had a gun? Good. Self defense is the primary purpose of owning guns, and these guys, while minding their own business found themselves in physical danger.

I'm glad the outraged blacks did not actually escalate to mob violence.
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Every one of you Leftwats made that claim when you responded to a man murdering 9 people by going after a flag....your flag to be precise.

I mean, duh!

He used the flag as a symbol to express his hatred. He got his crazy mixed up info, that black people are ruining this country, from a right wing extremist site. It was an eye opening experience for him.

What if he had used a UN flag? Would you be up for banning them?
Splain how a confederate flag killed 9 people..

Who the hell do you think controls the media, numbnuts?

Obama does. He tells them the stories to cover and the stories not to cover.
Splain when anyone made that asinine claim. Also, splain why you are not taking your meds.
Who gave all of you members of the collective the idea that a Confederate Flag must be the root cause of the attack?

Who's been trying for years to get South Carolina to take theirs down?

Answer: The leftist media.

They put a ring in your noses and pull you around from one issue to another by yanking your chain.
No one said a fucking word about the flag causing him to kill. Racist views caused him to kill.
Which caused Democrats to go after their flag. The fact you don't see the lapse in logic in all this is what makes you so hilarious. I guess when you're a Leftist and the only tool in your tool bag is useless gestures that don't actually solve any problems, you're abandoned to rage when anyone points out how feckless you are.
The same thing that has caused many people to work to remove this flag from other state capitols; that caused them the have this flag removed from the top of the capitol building ten years ago. What brought this to the attention of the nation again was the fact that a racist killer displayed this flag and that when the US flag was taken to half staff to honor the dead, the racist, klan flag stayed at full staff, flying in the face of the families of the racist killer.

"Flying in the face"? Sure, if they went down to the capitol building and then looked across the street, then it would have been "in their face".

Otherwise, if the media hadn't made an issue of it, they would not have given it any thought, as they had real issues to deal with.
#blacklivesmatter plans to disrupt the Republican National Convention. Do you support what they plan to do? Is that a racist attack?

of course they will support them. You see only THEY have rights and freedoms of speech. everyone else is suppose to BOW DOWN to them

It's a nasty tactic people better wake up to

Funny you only see the incident in the OP as free speech and not a nasty tactic focused on a child's birthday.
Funny how you don't see the betrayal of the child's own relatives in provoking a confrontation at a child's birthday party. You, being a Leftist and therefore racist, cannot see past your own bigotry.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly how it happened.
The woman in the video was very upset that the flagtards brought this to a child's party.
She says it multiple times. Your version isn't supported.

You do realize that her saying it multiple times is not really supportive evidence, right?

I mean, you're smart enough to type, you were able to find your computer inside of your house, so that indicates some level of brain function...

Her story is not very credible.

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat
Thank you Stat, for this story. I am one of the nuts that say the flag is about history, but you have proven to me that not everyone feels that way. I now agree with you. When ignorant people start interrupting a child's party with hate, it's time for a change. My Confederate T shirt is going in the garbage today.

You really believe these guys just randomly targeted this birthday party, where they were outnumbered by at least two to one, for intimidation,


A crowd of blacks were offended by a line of trucks flying confederate flags and took impulsive action?

BTW, who do you think was more likely to have been drinking?
They just call Black people ni66ers because they are so fond of them

What's far more likely is that you are full of shit.....

You mean it's not an endearment? I hear them calling each other that all the time. Funny thing is, none of them seem to be insulted by it.
Well if you are too stupid to realize that using that word denotes idiocy unless it's used in it's actual meaning, no wonder you are stupid enough to believe that the poor ole shit rag wavers were just good ole boys doing nothing.

Oh so the blacks that use the word are just idiots according to you. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, dummy. Whites can call each other cracker, and it's not an insult....same thing with blacks calling other blacks the "n" word....doesn't have the same impact as when one of another race uses it. You knew that,'re just trying to act dumb so you can keep using it?

How often do you hear whites calling each other cracker?
I've heard it enough.

BTW cracker doesn't offend me and it doesn't matter what race the person is saying it. I reckon I've got thicker skin than most liberals and blacks.
It doesn't me either.......and you don't have thicker certainly are taking up for the ones that use the word......guess your skin is not as thick as you think.
You mean it's not an endearment? I hear them calling each other that all the time. Funny thing is, none of them seem to be insulted by it.
Well if you are too stupid to realize that using that word denotes idiocy unless it's used in it's actual meaning, no wonder you are stupid enough to believe that the poor ole shit rag wavers were just good ole boys doing nothing.

Oh so the blacks that use the word are just idiots according to you. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, dummy. Whites can call each other cracker, and it's not an insult....same thing with blacks calling other blacks the "n" word....doesn't have the same impact as when one of another race uses it. You knew that,'re just trying to act dumb so you can keep using it?

How often do you hear whites calling each other cracker?
I've heard it enough.

BTW cracker doesn't offend me and it doesn't matter what race the person is saying it. I reckon I've got thicker skin than most liberals and blacks.
It doesn't me either.......and you don't have thicker certainly are taking up for the ones that use the word......guess your skin is not as thick as you think.

You sir are a liar.

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