Confederate Flag to be Removed from Mississippi State Flag?

Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.


Why don't they post the bible or the cross as their symbol of southern heritage at the statehouse?

Why was it decided to fly the CBF over the statehouse in 1962?
What was happening in 1962 that made them feel the need to fly that flag?
They were scared of losing their control as Whites.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
To some, to others it represents a history of racism and hate.

The people will decide this matter themselves, through debate in the context of private society, in a free and democratic society, absent interference from government or the courts.
Those people need to be educated. But considering the Gruberites who elected obama twice I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
To some, to others it represents a history of racism and hate.

The people will decide this matter themselves, through debate in the context of private society, in a free and democratic society, absent interference from government or the courts.
Those people need to be educated. But considering the Gruberites who elected obama twice I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

well just look at the lying from the left on this board. if they didn't have that they wouldn't have anything. you never hear them campaign on a Positive message
So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.


Why don't they post the bible or the cross as their symbol of southern heritage at the statehouse?

Why was it decided to fly the CBF over the statehouse in 1962?
What was happening in 1962 that made them feel the need to fly that flag?
They were scared of losing their control as Whites.

In that time no one thought there was a real threat of white losing control. They simply feared the slaughter of a slave rebellion.

You really should read some history some time, doofus.

Meanwhile, this more than explains what happens when the CBF is brought up in controversy; the old magicians distraction while we all get money taken out of our pocket, freaking fools.

Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.


Why don't they post the bible or the cross as their symbol of southern heritage at the statehouse?

Why was it decided to fly the CBF over the statehouse in 1962?
What was happening in 1962 that made them feel the need to fly that flag?

they would post the Bible or a cross were it not for the libtards like you that would have a hissy fit to have it removed, telling your tall tale that it is unconstitutional.

And 1962 was like most years of that time till the present; the libtards were buying a communist line of agit-prop that fortunately helped to get Civil Rights passed for blacks, but the commies loved the discord it created and the pitting of Americans against each other. So it was a typical and mostly unremarkable year; why do you axe?
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.

It is an apt comparison to any rational person. The entire purpose and symbolism behind it's creation and use was wholly defeated. It was not the only symbol but it is a symbol of repression and supremacy that has been used for years. Just the very fact that it has been co-opted by supremacists is reason enough to get rid of it.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.

It is an apt comparison to any rational person. The entire purpose and symbolism behind it's creation and use was wholly defeated. It was not the only symbol but it is a symbol of repression and supremacy that has been used for years. Just the very fact that it has been co-opted by supremacists is reason enough to get rid of it.

Ah, so if I don't agree that comparing the use of a signal flag to all uses of a national flag, *I* am the irrational person? lol, you libtards just kill me.

You apparently do not understand the 'entire purpose and symbolism" of that flag, moron. It was a battle flag, not a national flag. It was used to signal troops in battle and was never used in any Confederate court or slave market, unlike Old Glory. That idiot racists have tried to hijack it is irrelevant, and you libtards acting as if it does is just part of your corporate sponsored hustle and distraction paid for by the Ford Foundation so American workers can be distracted as corporations rip us all off.

That makes you either a traitor to the American people or just another dimwitted stooge, take your pick.

I will sure feel safer with fewer confederate flags on the loose, thanks to walmart and other sane companies. Just like guns, flags have been know to kill people all on their own.
I will sure feel safer with fewer confederate flags on the loose, thanks to walmart and other sane companies. Just like guns, flags have been know to kill people all on their own.

Yep, they leap down from their flag poles and assault and strangle people all by them own damned selves! OMG!

Wow the bloated half dead old bitter christian crackers are having a melt down
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.


Wow the bloated half dead old bitter christian crackers are having a melt down

No, when ass hats like you cant understand us its not us having a meltdown, its what is left of your brain having a meltdown, Batshit

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