Confederate Flag to be Removed from Mississippi State Flag?

Just heard it's been proposed.
By a racist negro lawmaker more than likely. ALL citizens of Mississippi already took care of this years ago. I remember following it and being SHOCKED such a black state voted to keep the flag. Course as we have seen over the past 2 or 3 years citizens are no longer allowed to make decisions for themselves when it comes to things affecting their states.
Why are Marxist so enamored with air brushing the historical record?

its what they need to transform our country. a bunch of freaking Fascist but don't talk of BANNING abortion. omg
The Constitution says abortion is legal.

Where? What article? What paragraph and sentence of that article?

You fucking liar.

Look what they tried to do to Indiana when they didn't bow to them. now they have went after SC because of some flag. and you can bet none of these race hustlers/ the people filled with nothing but racial greivence lives in the state

And which state is your trailer park in?
Why are Marxist so enamored with air brushing the historical record?

its what they need to transform our country. a bunch of freaking Fascist but don't talk of BANNING abortion. omg
The Constitution says abortion is legal.

Where? What article? What paragraph and sentence of that article?

You fucking liar.

Look what they tried to do to Indiana when they didn't bow to them. now they have went after SC because of some flag. and you can bet none of these race hustlers/ the people filled with nothing but racial greivence lives in the state

And which state is your trailer park in?

Don't you have a car to go chase, dog?
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.
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No more Washington monument or vestiges of any founding fathers.
Remove the red and white from Maryland state emblems.
Just replace everything with a democrat swastika.
Democrat Swastika? ... God, that's just dumb.

It is more appropriate than the comparison of a battle signal flag to a nation state flag like you just 'bingoed' like a drooling idiot above.

If you libtards were any more stupid you would have to hire a conservative to wipe your ass and spoon feed you your cereal.
No more Washington monument or vestiges of any founding fathers.
Remove the red and white from Maryland state emblems.
Just replace everything with a democrat swastika.
Democrat Swastika? ... God, that's just dumb.
It's a totally accurate concept. Democrats are book-burners.

Why stop with that similarity between the Dems and the Nazis at merely burning books?

Both are socialists.

Both are racialist in their analysis of EVERYTHING.

Both wanted to grow government no matter the cost in personal freedom.

Both tolerate ZERO opposition to the state.

Both operate on the presumption that the government always knows best.

Both wanted the people to see themselves as being needful of the care of the state and the state given as much power as required to accomplish this.

Both thought that knowledge was entirely subjective and neither even make a pretense any more about being objective and argue objectivity is impossible to attain so why bother?

Both hated the opposition of the Biblical churches that had the audacity to oppose their programs and used slander, sabotage and unjust prosecution to destroy their opponents as much as possible.

Both had guns banned or regulated into curiosities where they could manage to pull it off.

Both want the state to be able to decide who lives and who does not live. The Democrats simply advocate the same thing as the Nazis but with a slight variation to hide it. The Democrats will nationalize the health care system and them issue regs that require no 'waste' of scarce resources to provide medical care for those over the age of 70, and then doctors will volunteer people for suicide which will be entirely legal by 2050.

Both are radical environmentalist in their take on ecological issues. In Germany you could go to prison for running your car into a tree.

Both see human life as a function of utility of that life to the state, and see human beings as without intrinsic value, but only to have value as seen through their ideological lens again buttressing the power of the government as long as they control it.

The Democratic Party has aligned itself with the Nazi Party on 90% of its core beliefs and policies. The only significant differences being that the Democrats advocate the destruction of whites and try to camouflage their power more from the public. They are kind of like a more polite version of Mugabe who is a big fan of Adolf Hitler.
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Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
To some, to others it represents a history of racism and hate.

The people will decide this matter themselves, through debate in the context of private society, in a free and democratic society, absent interference from government or the courts.
What is the problem with citizens of a state deciding on whether they want to keep a flag that causes discomfort and bad feelings to some other folks or change it to something that will be more welcoming and friendly? Nobody is forcing S. Carolina or Mississippi to change their flags. They can make a stand if they want. They can influence tourist and new business ventures to stay away from their states as they cling to the past, or they can make their futures the priority and adjust and adapt.
The fascist swine in that article said it themselves they want almighty government to decide FOR the people what should be done instead of letting the people of the state decide for themselves.

General Sherman should have been allowed to finish the job as a clean up even after the surrender and whipping of the south
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
That flag was brought out in 1962 to protest integration, at the height of the civil rights movement. It remains just that.
Ummm. Let's see. The name George Wallace comes to mind. Alabama. Good old George was a DEM fucking radical negro hater. Did I mention he was a DEM?
and you all are going to vote for the racist Hypocrite Hillary. man oh man
you are all phonies calling for the flag be taken down. You just NEED something to bitch over CONSTANTLY TO stir and divide our country and for what. YOU OWN dirty politics.

Hillary Clinton Refusing To Talk About ’92 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button…


More on this story.

Via The Blaze:

It’s unclear if the Clinton-Gore Confederate flag campaign button that has been prominent on social media was an official part of their 1992 presidential campaign.

And Hillary Clinton isn’t clarifying, nor is her team responding to questions about her husband honoring the flag as Arkansas governor in 1987.

TheBlaze left phone and email messages with the Clinton campaign Monday inquiring whether the button, and other similar designs sold on eBay, was part of the official campaign of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

TheBlaze also asked if the former Arkansas first lady opposed now or opposed then an act signed by her husband honoring the Confederate flag. The Clinton campaign did not respond to either question.

The Confederate battle flag has become an issue following last week’s shooting massacre at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina. The Confederate flag is still flown on the South Carolina Capitol grounds. After increasing calls for its removal, Gov. Nikki Haley (R) on Monday called for the flag to finally come down.

all of it here:

Hillary Clinton Refusing To Talk About 92 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button Weasel Zippers

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