Confederate Flag to be Removed from Mississippi State Flag?

Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
To some, to others it represents a history of racism and hate.

And those ignorant baboons don't have any relevance to honest inquiry.

This is what you libtards don t get. History is not written in the University departments or the popular books. It is written by people not born yet who have a love of reality and the reality others lived in in different places and times. Those people write the histories that matter and last.

The political left is going to be remembered a thousand years from now as a fatal form of insanity that destroyed Western civilization and turned white ethnic communities into ghost societies of continually dwindling number till they all died out. Ten thousand years from now the colonial era will be regarded as an exaggerated myth or boogeyman that the left used to destroy the system of cultural values that ever made it even relevant.
Its best to just get out of the way when the lemming stampede begins...

Simply take note of those who are willing to compromise their principles from cowardice and work to replace them with people who don't apologize for their principles.
Slavery was legal in New Jersey for about 200 years until 10 years before the Civil War. That's about 196 years longer than the Confederacy existed. As a matter of fact the last slaves were freed in N.J. around 1865. Why not ban the N.J. state flag?
well after they remove it they should burn it.

They should make it into a big diaper, put it on Haley Barbour, and make him run up and down the street while being pelted with tomatoes.

Yep, pvt Pyle style.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.
And the Confederates weren't defeated? I see where your problem is. :lol:
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
To some, to others it represents a history of racism and hate.

And those ignorant baboons don't have any relevance to honest inquiry.

This is what you libtards don t get. History is not written in the University departments or the popular books. It is written by people not born yet who have a love of reality and the reality others lived in in different places and times. Those people write the histories that matter and last.

The political left is going to be remembered a thousand years from now as a fatal form of insanity that destroyed Western civilization and turned white ethnic communities into ghost societies of continually dwindling number till they all died out. Ten thousand years from now the colonial era will be regarded as an exaggerated myth or boogeyman that the left used to destroy the system of cultural values that ever made it even relevant.
Interesting rant.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.
And the Confederates weren't defeated? I see where your problem is. :lol:

The CBF was never the Confederate state flag, dumbass.
its what they need to transform our country. a bunch of freaking Fascist but don't talk of BANNING abortion. omg
The Constitution says abortion is legal.

Where? What article? What paragraph and sentence of that article?

You fucking liar.

Look what they tried to do to Indiana when they didn't bow to them. now they have went after SC because of some flag. and you can bet none of these race hustlers/ the people filled with nothing but racial greivence lives in the state

And which state is your trailer park in?

Don't you have a car to go chase, dog?

If I had a car to chase, I guarantee you, I would catch it/
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.
To some, to others it represents a history of racism and hate.

And those ignorant baboons don't have any relevance to honest inquiry.

This is what you libtards don t get. History is not written in the University departments or the popular books. It is written by people not born yet who have a love of reality and the reality others lived in in different places and times. Those people write the histories that matter and last.

The political left is going to be remembered a thousand years from now as a fatal form of insanity that destroyed Western civilization and turned white ethnic communities into ghost societies of continually dwindling number till they all died out. Ten thousand years from now the colonial era will be regarded as an exaggerated myth or boogeyman that the left used to destroy the system of cultural values that ever made it even relevant.
Interesting rant.

Yes, it is interesting indeed how views can change on a dime.

The Constitution says abortion is legal.

Where? What article? What paragraph and sentence of that article?

You fucking liar.

Look what they tried to do to Indiana when they didn't bow to them. now they have went after SC because of some flag. and you can bet none of these race hustlers/ the people filled with nothing but racial greivence lives in the state

And which state is your trailer park in?

Don't you have a car to go chase, dog?

If I had a car to chase, I guarantee you, I would catch it/

Not with your head so far up your ass like that.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.
Stupid. The flag represents history. It should stay there where it has been all this time.

So by your "logic" the germans should be allowed to fly the swastika on government property in berlin

And Batshit wins the stupidity prize for three years running now.

The Nazi flag was the national flag of a defeated state. The Confederate Battle flag has never been the flag of a soveriegn state, you ignorant ass hat.

Defeated nontheless.

That is still no basis for comparison, dude.

The CBF was not the only symbol used to defend slavery and racism by various short sighted people. The Bible, the US flag Old Glory and the Cross were also used in various ways. The commie fucktards are only fighting against the CBF because they sense a weakness in current public opinion to go after it, but they will get to banning all the rest of them too one fine day.

We might as well take a stand stop you commie fucks NOW on THIS issue and not wait for you to crawl on to the next one after this.


Why don't they post the bible or the cross as their symbol of southern heritage at the statehouse?

Why was it decided to fly the CBF over the statehouse in 1962?
What was happening in 1962 that made them feel the need to fly that flag?

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