Confederate flag wavers, Traitors to America

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Fighting for fairness for those around them. I do not expect you to understand that. Your world is too obtuse and filled with commie propaganda and crazy for that to happen.
They gave it a helluva fight, too.
Yeah she is a shill from Langley that has penetrated this site.she is incapable of opening up her mouth without farting.Lol
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Police move in after opposing demonstrators clash at Georgia Confederate monument

If they are brandishing a Confederate flag, the people who fought to bring down present day American government, then they are by all accounts betraying their country. It is a spit in the face to every soldier who fought and died for America.

The South never fought to bring down the American Government. They fought to form their own Country. There is a big difference.
No Southerner ever betrayed his country. Every former American officer who fought for the South, resigned his commission
first and returned to his Home State to help defend them from invasion from the North.

As far as your nonsense about spitting in the face of evry soldier who has fought and died for America..... you have zero clue
what you are talking about. In Vietnam there were as many Confederate flags flying as American flags.

The Revolutionary War was won in the South...not the North. Southern Militias with some help from the Continentals drove
Cornwallis and the Brits out of the South, then they went North to help force General Howe out of New York City.

The American Officer who raised the American flag over the Mexican fortress in Mexico City ending the Mexican War
was Lt George Pickett. The best strtegists in the Mexican War who foudnways around 3 Mexican choke points between
Vera Cruz and Mexico City was CPT Robert E. Lee...who's Daddy is buried at West Point being considered
Washington's greatest Cavalry Officer..."Light Horse" Harry Lee.

Major John Armisted who's nephew was a brigae commandr in Pickett's Division and who achieved the high water mark
of the Confederacy when his men advanced 50 yards pass the stone wall at Cemetery Ridge (Lewis Armisted)
John Armisted commanded Ft McHenry in the War of 1812, and will always be remembered as the guardian of the
original Star-Spangled Banner.

And in the Spansih-American War, it was President McKinley who named Joe Wheeler to command all American
Cavalry Units in Cuba. Wheeler was second in command to Bedford Forrest in the Confederate Army of the West.
Not only was Wheeler victorious in Cuba and the San Juan Heights, but after the Spaniards were forced from Cuba,
McKinley promoted Wheeler from Maj Gen to Lt Gen and sent him to the Pacific to command all American
forces in the Phillipines.

Without the men of the South this Country would still be answering to King George III.
Best damn post on this thread,you so much took him to school and checkmated him.hopefully after seeing all these excellent informative posts by people like you,his next step will be to do some research on these facts you posted so he can realise his American history teacher from our corrupt school system indoctrinated him with propaganda same as they had us indoctrinated for years before we learned the REAL facts.
Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?

Apparently because the Communist Chinese democrats want to erase history so they can rewrite the past to promote their agenda.

Orwell wrote "1984" as a cautionary tale, democrats are using it for an instruction manual...
Police move in after opposing demonstrators clash at Georgia Confederate monument

If they are brandishing a Confederate flag, the people who fought to bring down present day American government, then they are by all accounts betraying their country. It is a spit in the face to every soldier who fought and died for America.
Fcuk you! They are American.. go away Stalin
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Remember that these monuments were not created to ‘honor’ anyone – they were created decades after the Civil War in an effort to codify the racism and hate that was Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

The monuments’ intent was to intimidate black Americans, to keep blacks ‘in their place,’ and to justify racism and hate.
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Remember that these monuments were not created to ‘honor’ anyone – they were created decades after the Civil War in an effort to codify the racism and hate that was Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

The monuments’ intent was to intimidate black Americans, to keep blacks ‘in their place,’ and to justify racism and hate.
So says the other troll from
Police move in after opposing demonstrators clash at Georgia Confederate monument

If they are brandishing a Confederate flag, the people who fought to bring down present day American government, then they are by all accounts betraying their country. It is a spit in the face to every soldier who fought and died for America.
That isn't what the Confederate states fought for, douchebag. Lincoln is the one who committed treason by making war on the states, not the Confederate states. They were just defending themselves.
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Remember that these monuments were not created to ‘honor’ anyone – they were created decades after the Civil War in an effort to codify the racism and hate that was Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

The monuments’ intent was to intimidate black Americans, to keep blacks ‘in their place,’ and to justify racism and hate.
That's nothing but your worthless opinion.
Ah yes, the ignorant revised Communist-indoctrinated version of history once again makes it to the limelight.

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

No they weren't traitors at all. Most of the Confederate were exonerated of Treason by the end of 1865 by liberal President Andrew Johnson. The last rebel exonerated was President Jeff Davis, by Jimmy Carter in 1977.

BTW, the leftist Carter , as governor of the state of Georgia, never tried to destroy Stone Mountain.
None of them were ever convicted in a trial.

Gotta love these psycho fuckin Leftist ......

Let them keep parroting just who is a traitor ....

It won't be long and there will not be any of these psychos left!!!!
Ah yes, the ignorant revised Communist-indoctrinated version of history once again makes it to the limelight.

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.
Ah yes, the ignorant revised Communist-indoctrinated version of history once again makes it to the limelight.

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

No they weren't traitors at all. Most of the Confederate were exonerated of Treason by the end of 1865 by liberal President Andrew Johnson. The last rebel exonerated was President Jeff Davis, by Jimmy Carter in 1977.

BTW, the leftist Carter , as governor of the state of Georgia, never tried to destroy Stone Mountain.
None of them were ever convicted in a trial.

Excellent point. To accuse the rebels of "treason" is actually absurd.

The Union and the confederacy had a dispute, and reconciled after the war. It was an open question at the start of hostilities whether states had the right to secede and the war was conducted to settle that dispute. Why do libs want to continue to fight this war which was concluded in 1865?

BTW, even in the heat of the war, Linc never referred to the South in his tremendous speech at Gettysburg as "traitors"
Ah yes, the ignorant revised Communist-indoctrinated version of history once again makes it to the limelight.

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

No they weren't traitors at all. Most of the Confederate were exonerated of Treason by the end of 1865 by liberal President Andrew Johnson. The last rebel exonerated was President Jeff Davis, by Jimmy Carter in 1977.

BTW, the leftist Carter , as governor of the state of Georgia, never tried to destroy Stone Mountain.
None of them were ever convicted in a trial.

Excellent point. To accuse the rebels of "treason" is actually absurd.

The Union and the confederacy had a dispute, and reconciled after the war. It was an open question at the start of hostilities whether states had the right to secede and the war was conducted to settle that dispute. Why do libs want to continue to fight this war which was concluded in 1865?

BTW, even in the heat of the war, Linc never referred to the South in his tremendous speech at Gettysburg as "traitors"
Poland and Germany had a similar "dispute" in 1939. The former wanted to be left alone and the latter wanted to destroy the former. Apparently you use the term "reconciliation" to mean military occupation and installation of puppet governments.
Police move in after opposing demonstrators clash at Georgia Confederate monument

If they are brandishing a Confederate flag, the people who fought to bring down present day American government, then they are by all accounts betraying their country. It is a spit in the face to every soldier who fought and died for America.

Same for any asshole waving an Antifa, Mexico, or any other nations flag while you are protesting in this country.
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Fighting for fairness for those around them. I do not expect you to understand that. Your world is too obtuse and filled with commie propaganda and crazy for that to happen.
They gave it a helluva fight, too.
So you think that the confederates were fighting for "fairness for those around them" when they were fighting for the ideology of holding people enslaved against their will? I ask you whether you would voluntarily be a slave? would you join your white brothers and sisters in working in the cotton fields and the rice fields for no pay and enjoy being beaten and yous sisters raped? In short: would you voluntarily give your own life? Do you know how the people forced to do this were feeling? Did they give their lives up out of pure altruism so that the guys in the mansion could afford the high life?

The Union and the confederacy had a dispute...

Nope. There never was a "confederacy." Whatever name the traitorous dogs tried to apply to their criminal enterprise, it was never a nation and was never recognized as such by any country on earth.
Ah yes, the ignorant revised Communist-indoctrinated version of history once again makes it to the limelight.

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

TAXES (Yes, the northern states were abusing the southern states and taxing them to death before the civil war)-states rights verses federal rights--and drunk uneducated south carolina soldiers or soldier. You should have told your history teacher that they were dumb to teach history and then visited some civil war sights and statues such as can be found at fort sumpter.
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Fighting for fairness for those around them. I do not expect you to understand that. Your world is too obtuse and filled with commie propaganda and crazy for that to happen.
They gave it a helluva fight, too.
So you think that the confederates were fighting for "fairness for those around them" when they were fighting for the ideology of holding people enslaved against their will? I ask you whether you would voluntarily be a slave? would you join your white brothers and sisters in working in the cotton fields and the rice fields for no pay and enjoy being beaten and yous sisters raped? In short: would you voluntarily give your own life? Do you know how the people forced to do this were feeling? Did they give their lives up out of pure altruism so that the guys in the mansion could afford the high life?
Fuck you! My family has picked cotton.
We owned the house and the land and picked the cotton our damn selves.
Yeah, some of the kids didn't like it so much, but they liked to eat.
Trying to get on some kind of moral high horse because you've never done a day of work?
I say that's to your detriment.
Lincoln's war was the war of Northern Aggression. The only thing that ended it was Yankee Sherman's atrocities committed on innocent people on his "march to the sea". That had to stop, even if it meant surrendering, just stop the nastiness.
Ask old people in Georgia...they know.
They didn't care to come this far south, that would involve a lot of quicksand and gators n snakes n stuff.
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