Confederate flag wavers, Traitors to America

These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.

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That's real.
Hey but.. them boys are living good in America and it shows. :auiqs.jpg:
I love it!

As for the "boys" reference, they are damn sure younger than me and my friends by about a decade.
Not the old man kneeling at his kin's headstone, the other ones.
I would call that older man "sir".
They know what's what, though, not no snarky leftist douche that lives in a "gated community" up north.
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No discussion of the Confederate flag would be complete without this awesome (short) article by Mychal Massie >>>


"The homosexual flag flies wherever it is wanted without a thought pursuant to how people who oppose homosexuality may feel or what they may think about it. Muslims are now flying their flags in America, but it is the Confederate Flag that is worthy of condemnation."
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So you think that the confederates were fighting for "fairness for those around them" when they were fighting for the ideology of holding people enslaved against their will? I ask you whether you would voluntarily be a slave? would you join your white brothers and sisters in working in the cotton fields and the rice fields for no pay and enjoy being beaten and yous sisters raped? In short: would you voluntarily give your own life? Do you know how the people forced to do this were feeling? Did they give their lives up out of pure altruism so that the guys in the mansion could afford the high life?
90% of the southerners (many of them civilians) who died fighting in the Civil War, didn't even know slavery existed. Most never knew black people even existed. Slavery was only on small sections of the coastal plains. Most of the South had no slavery, and knew nothing about it.

No TVs, radios, computers, and most 1860s southerners could not read a newspaper (if they even had access to one) All they knew was some guys in blue suits were shooting at them. What would you do about those blue suit guys ? Offer them lollipops ?
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Fighting for fairness for those around them. I do not expect you to understand that. Your world is too obtuse and filled with commie propaganda and crazy for that to happen.
They gave it a helluva fight, too.
So you think that the confederates were fighting for "fairness for those around them" when they were fighting for the ideology of holding people enslaved against their will? I ask you whether you would voluntarily be a slave? would you join your white brothers and sisters in working in the cotton fields and the rice fields for no pay and enjoy being beaten and yous sisters raped? In short: would you voluntarily give your own life? Do you know how the people forced to do this were feeling? Did they give their lives up out of pure altruism so that the guys in the mansion could afford the high life?
Fuck you! My family has picked cotton.
We owned the house and the land and picked the cotton our damn selves.
Yeah, some of the kids didn't like it so much, but they liked to eat.
Trying to get on some kind of moral high horse because you've never done a day of work?
I say that's to your detriment.
Lincoln's war was the war of Northern Aggression. The only thing that ended it was Yankee Sherman's atrocities committed on innocent people on his "march to the sea". That had to stop, even if it meant surrendering, just stop the nastiness.
Ask old people in Georgia...they know.
They didn't care to come this far south, that would involve a lot of quicksand and gators n snakes n stuff.
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Fighting for fairness for those around them. I do not expect you to understand that. Your world is too obtuse and filled with commie propaganda and crazy for that to happen.
They gave it a helluva fight, too.
So you think that the confederates were fighting for "fairness for those around them" when they were fighting for the ideology of holding people enslaved against their will? I ask you whether you would voluntarily be a slave? would you join your white brothers and sisters in working in the cotton fields and the rice fields for no pay and enjoy being beaten and yous sisters raped? In short: would you voluntarily give your own life? Do you know how the people forced to do this were feeling? Did they give their lives up out of pure altruism so that the guys in the mansion could afford the high life?
Fuck you! My family has picked cotton.
We owned the house and the land and picked the cotton our damn selves.
Yeah, some of the kids didn't like it so much, but they liked to eat.
Trying to get on some kind of moral high horse because you've never done a day of work?
I say that's to your detriment.
Lincoln's war was the war of Northern Aggression. The only thing that ended it was Yankee Sherman's atrocities committed on innocent people on his "march to the sea". That had to stop, even if it meant surrendering, just stop the nastiness.
Ask old people in Georgia...they know.
They didn't care to come this far south, that would involve a lot of quicksand and gators n snakes n stuff.
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
No. My family came here way before 1840 and farmed, in Florida. From French royalty to florida..whee!
Sounds like your ancestors owned slaves!
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.

I've never heard of the "white grievance movement".
You call it the republican party.

i wish. why you lie so much?
Why should I lie when the truth burns your thin skin like holy water on Dracula?

A good question to ask yourself. why do you lie so much?

after all, by lying, you are admitting that on some level, you know you are in the wrong.

for example, for generations the confederate flag has been accepted as a harmless symbol of regional pride, as part of the larger American Identity.

you know that. but, you want to be able to bully and smear modern day southern patriots, who are a problem for you anti-american lefties.

so you lie.

because you know, deep down, that what you are doing is wrong, and if seen for what it is, you would lose. big time.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Private property and this jew fucking leftist douche "reporter" can fuck the hell off!

I know the man that owns that property, have for a long time. May that flag wave forever!
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These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Sadly shake my head and pity your ignorance.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Sadly shake my head and pity your ignorance.
Fuck you and your virtue signal going out, commie puke! Do notice that's a real flag in my signature.
I know who flies that flag off of '75, It ain't coming down even after he dies. It's in his will..

:aargh: That's him! Fuck everybody else. I don't care what she says.
That's a good ol' boy in my book. He's a good old man.
He's a smart old dude. Natasha Goodley can fuck off.
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These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Sadly shake my head and pity your ignorance.
Fuck you and your virtue signal going out, commie puke!
Fuck you and your loser flag you fucking loser. My family fought for the South and you know what they got? Generations of subsistence sharecropper misery. The rich slave owners stayed rich and made slaves of the poor. Black and white. That flag was part of a big lie told to get the white trash fighting for someone else's bottom line. In a history context that's what the rebel flag means to me.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Sadly shake my head and pity your ignorance.
Fuck you and your virtue signal going out, commie puke!
Fuck you and your loser flag you fucking loser. My family fought for the South and you know what they got? Generations of subsistence sharecropper misery. The rich slave owners stayed rich and made slaves of the poor. Black and white. That flag was part of a big lie told to get the white trash fighting for someone else's bottom line. In a history context that's what the rebel flag means to me.
A black man who is the son of one of those sharecroppers now owns at least 160 acres of what used to be my family's land. He bought ours and the neighbor's up.
What he doesn't own is what we donated to something else.
Sounds like they were losers to begin with. My family fought for the south because we're from Florida.
We owned the land and sublet to some sharecroppers and worked the rest ourselves.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Sadly shake my head and pity your ignorance.
Fuck you and your virtue signal going out, commie puke!
Fuck you and your loser flag you fucking loser. My family fought for the South and you know what they got? Generations of subsistence sharecropper misery. The rich slave owners stayed rich and made slaves of the poor. Black and white. That flag was part of a big lie told to get the white trash fighting for someone else's bottom line. In a history context that's what the rebel flag means to me.
A black man who is the son of one of those sharecroppers now owns at least 160 acres of what used to be my family's land. He bought ours and the neighbor's up.
What he doesn't own is what we donated to something else.
Sounds like they were losers to begin with. My family fought for the south because we're from Florida.
We owned the land and sublet to some sharecroppers and worked the rest ourselves.
I'm originally from Alabama. My family picked another man's cotton all the way up until the new deal made it possible to get a real job. We owe nothing to the assholes who started the civil war for their own callous purposes.

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