Confederate flag wavers, Traitors to America

Why was the Civil War fought? Because Black Lives Matter.
No it was fought because Lincoln refused to allow the South to secede. He ignorantly believed the Union was perpetual. He also cared not one iota about blacks and intended to deport them all, until Booth thankfully saved us from that injustice.
He had no intentions of deporting anyone. In the 1850s he said they should be given the option to leave. You`re badly in need of some book learning, kid.
It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

You're a traitor - so why do you have a beef with earlier traitors?

Sounds like your history teacher was a moron. We have statues of Genghis Khan not to celebrate but to remember. Those who erase the past and refuse to learn are destined to be democrat toads pimping for Communist China.

Why can't these guys be "remembered" in museums and history books? We all know what they did. What did this supposedly great Confederate ideology consist of aside from promoting and preserving the practice of enslaving other human beings?
Fighting for fairness for those around them. I do not expect you to understand that. Your world is too obtuse and filled with commie propaganda and crazy for that to happen.
They gave it a helluva fight, too.
So you think that the confederates were fighting for "fairness for those around them" when they were fighting for the ideology of holding people enslaved against their will? I ask you whether you would voluntarily be a slave? would you join your white brothers and sisters in working in the cotton fields and the rice fields for no pay and enjoy being beaten and yous sisters raped? In short: would you voluntarily give your own life? Do you know how the people forced to do this were feeling? Did they give their lives up out of pure altruism so that the guys in the mansion could afford the high life?
The North didn't invade the Confederate states to end slavery, shit for brains. That makes your moral prancing irrelevant.
Fuck you and your loser flag you fucking loser. My family fought for the South and you know what they got? Generations of subsistence sharecropper misery. The rich slave owners stayed rich and made slaves of the poor. Black and white. That flag was part of a big lie told to get the white trash fighting for someone else's bottom line. In a history context that's what the rebel flag means to me.
You can see it that way, in a history context. It also represents, in a history context, the courage and loss of lives of those who fought to defend their homes, all having noting to do with slavery. It also now represents a southern culture (ex. bluegrass music), again having nothing to do with slavery.
I'm originally from Alabama. My family picked another man's cotton all the way up until the new deal made it possible to get a real job. We owe nothing to the assholes who started the civil war for their own callous purposes.
You have a one track mind, but the confederate flag has multiple tracks.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Every northerner was also a racist, dumbass. The only reason they opposed slavery was because they didn't want to compete against slave labor. There was nothing noble about the war of Northern aggression.
These days it is the symbol of the white grievance movement and has almost nothing to do with the old confederacy.
FALSE! It is southern heritage, and respect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers (military and civilian, black & white) who died DEFENDING their towns, homes, farms, etc.
If the rebel flag was ever anything good the racists ruined it. No one who supposedly cared about the rebel flag lifted a finger or said a word when the white supremacists co-opted it for their hateful purposes. Now that it is forever associated with organized violent racism it is way too late to salvage it. At this point anyone waving it in public knows what it means now.
Fuck you! I'll hoist it tomorrow, what you gonna do, boy?
Sadly shake my head and pity your ignorance.
Fuck you and your virtue signal going out, commie puke!
Fuck you and your loser flag you fucking loser. My family fought for the South and you know what they got? Generations of subsistence sharecropper misery. The rich slave owners stayed rich and made slaves of the poor. Black and white. That flag was part of a big lie told to get the white trash fighting for someone else's bottom line. In a history context that's what the rebel flag means to me.
A black man who is the son of one of those sharecroppers now owns at least 160 acres of what used to be my family's land. He bought ours and the neighbor's up.
What he doesn't own is what we donated to something else.
Sounds like they were losers to begin with. My family fought for the south because we're from Florida.
We owned the land and sublet to some sharecroppers and worked the rest ourselves.
I'm originally from Alabama. My family picked another man's cotton all the way up until the new deal made it possible to get a real job. We owe nothing to the assholes who started the civil war for their own callous purposes.
Lincoln started the Civil War, moron.
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
Why do you keep yammering about slavery ? It's 2020. the confederate flag only has to so with southern culture and heritage, As far as the civil war is concerned, it was 99% fought in the south, with southerners defending their homes and lives. Not a thing to do with slavery.
Every northerner was also a racist, dumbass. The only reason they opposed slavery was because they didn't want to compete against slave labor. There was nothing noble about the war of Northern aggression.
The civil war US north against the south was like the US against the Vietnamese. Went to their turf and attacked them there.
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
Why do you keep yammering about slavery ? It's 2020. the confederate flag only has to so with southern culture and heritage, As far as the civil war is concerned, it was 99% fought in the south, with southerners defending their homes and lives. Not a thing to do with slavery.

dems are obsessed with slavery. they use it to excuse their current evilness.
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
Why do you keep yammering about slavery ? It's 2020. the confederate flag only has to so with southern culture and heritage, As far as the civil war is concerned, it was 99% fought in the south, with southerners defending their homes and lives. Not a thing to do with slavery.

dems are obsessed with slavery. they use it to excuse their current evilness.
Who would vote for them if it wasn't for the bogus claims about racism?
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
Why do you keep yammering about slavery ? It's 2020. the confederate flag only has to so with southern culture and heritage, As far as the civil war is concerned, it was 99% fought in the south, with southerners defending their homes and lives. Not a thing to do with slavery.

dems are obsessed with slavery. they use it to excuse their current evilness.
Who would vote for them if it wasn't for the bogus claims about racism?

not many and they know it.
The civil war actually started in Kansas. No one who had witnessed the border skirmishes was under the impression that the confederacy was going to be a peaceful neighbor. They had some pretty grand imperialistic plans that few talk about these days. War with the south was a certainty.
Liberals will say anything. Oh so "grand imperialistic plans" is it now ? :puhleeze:Well, if they were so "grand" then surely there must have been some reporting of these so-called "imperialistic plans". Problem with that notion is, in millions of hours of Americans' history studies, nobody has ever mentioned this.

I don't bother asking for sources/links, for what is obviously laughable bullshit. :rolleyes:
Why was the Civil War fought? Because Black Lives Matter.
No it was fought because Lincoln refused to allow the South to secede. He ignorantly believed the Union was perpetual. He also cared not one iota about blacks and intended to deport them all, until Booth thankfully saved us from that injustice.
He had no intentions of deporting anyone. In the 1850s he said they should be given the option to leave. You`re badly in need of some book learning, kid.
Even the establishment History Channel knows more than you.

What Abraham Lincoln Thought About Slavery
Every northerner was also a racist, dumbass. The only reason they opposed slavery was because they didn't want to compete against slave labor. There was nothing noble about the war of Northern aggression.
The civil war US north against the south was like the US against the Vietnamese. Went to their turf and attacked them there.
There was no such thing as "their turf". South Carolinians tried to steal a fort they could call their own. They fired first and lost.
A message from a southern born author of Civil War books whose great grandfather who commanded a Tennessee regiment:
Ah yes, the ignorant revised Communist-indoctrinated version of history once again makes it to the limelight.

It isn't revisionist. It's just history. They were traitors. Yet we built statues and monuments to them. I asked my history teacher more than 40 years ago why we did this and even back then, he didn't have a good answer for me.
Now we know they were largely monuments to slavery.

TAXES (Yes, the northern states were abusing the southern states and taxing them to death before the civil war)-states rights verses federal rights--and drunk uneducated south carolina soldiers or soldier. You should have told your history teacher that they were dumb to teach history and then visited some civil war sights and statues such as can be found at fort sumpter.

This is a load of utter revisionist bullshit. The Civil War was about slavery and the end or continuation of it. Period. Southerners chose to secede and form the Confederacy. Which makes them traitors. Who shouldn't have monuments and statues built for them. Those should be in a museum where history can be explained in context. End of story.
FALSE! The majority of fighting in the Civil War had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH SLAVERY. Most of it was a self-defense war of southerners (mostly civilians) fighting against Union soldiers attacking them and the towns.

And BEGINNING of the "story" for you, is that most of the Confederate statues are of SOLDIERS, who don't make policy (including about slavery) They merely follow orders and bravely go out and fight a war. You got a beef ? Go crab at the POLITICIANS who set up the policy you don't like.

HANDS OFF THE SOLDIERS!!! Let their statues be ANYWHERE.


There was no such thing as "their turf". South Carolinians tried to steal a fort they could call their own. They fired first and lost.
Yes there is. Their turf was the South, and the northern armies invaded it, for 5 years. Southerners DEFENDED it.

Liberals have a habit of changing reality to how it suits them, and then w=expecting the normal people to go along with it.
Every northerner was also a racist, dumbass. The only reason they opposed slavery was because they didn't want to compete against slave labor. There was nothing noble about the war of Northern aggression.
The civil war US north against the south was like the US against the Vietnamese. Went to their turf and attacked them there.
There was no such thing as "their turf". South Carolinians tried to steal a fort they could call their own. They fired first and lost.
A message from a southern born author of Civil War books whose great grandfather who commanded a Tennessee regiment:
Sorry, turd, but that Fort was on SC territory. If a foreign government tells you to get out of the country, then you are committing an act of war by refusing. You idiots refuse to acknowledge the difference between territory and property so you can lie about who started the war.
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
Why do you keep yammering about slavery ? It's 2020. the confederate flag only has to so with southern culture and heritage, As far as the civil war is concerned, it was 99% fought in the south, with southerners defending their homes and lives. Not a thing to do with slavery.

This "southern culture" and "heritage" seems to feature only white and male culture, not the culture of everyone who has lived or is living in the southern portion of this country. Race aside, Are you aware that half of white citizens could not even vote in the 1800's?
I'm sorry that your family was poor and picked cotton. My father's family arrived in NYC in the 1840's.
What does this have to do with holding other people as slaves? People who were held in bondage wanted a life, too. Where any of your ancestors enslaved?
Why do you keep yammering about slavery ? It's 2020. the confederate flag only has to so with southern culture and heritage, As far as the civil war is concerned, it was 99% fought in the south, with southerners defending their homes and lives. Not a thing to do with slavery.

This "southern culture" and "heritage" seems to feature only white and male culture, not the culture of everyone who has lived or is living in the southern portion of this country. Race aside, Are you aware that half of white citizens could not even vote in the 1800's?

your take on women being left out of southern culture is pretty ignorant, and oddly intolerant.

your concern about poor whites of the 1800s not being able to vote, is noted. you have a tremendous heart, but, i think they are over it now. you know, being all dead and stuff.

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