Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Check what century that's from. Kind of making my case for me that you've been taking Ls on the way towards cultural extinction. That flag won't fly at a NASCAR or Country Music Festival today, let alone the Democratic party. 😄
Well, that's okay, as no sane person with a healthy self image gives a fuck about NASCAR, country music awards or the dimwittedcratic party.


Yeah, a state's right to keep their slaves. :icon_rolleyes:
Again, you'll get no argument from me on that point. It was the reason, period.

The complaint was legitimate because the Northern states were threatening to go back on their agreements they made when all the states became united under the Constitution. They got unity from the Southern states in exchange for not interfering in State affairs. The war was in response to an anticipatory repudiation.

So, yeah slavery was a horrible institution and needed to go, but the North agreed to
That attitude is why I AGREE 100% with the CMA and NASCAR about your loser flag.
The South lost. Get over it.
Again, you'll get no argument from me on that point. It was the reason, period.

The complaint was legitimate because the Northern states were threatening to go back on their agreements they made when all the states became united under the Constitution. They got unity from the Southern states in exchange for not interfering in State affairs. The war was in response to an anticipatory repudiation.

So, yeah slavery was a horrible institution and needed to go, but the North agreed to
So what you're saying is America was founded in racism and has a deeply deplorable and racist past? 😄
Again, you'll get no argument from me on that point. It was the reason, period.

The complaint was legitimate because the Northern states were threatening to go back on their agreements they made when all the states became united under the Constitution. They got unity from the Southern states in exchange for not interfering in State affairs. The war was in response to an anticipatory repudiation.

So, yeah slavery was a horrible institution and needed to go, but the North agreed to
Where was the North (federal) government threatening to eliminate slavery? Link that threat.

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