Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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HOW did the UDC get "co-opted" ?

UDC's history and heritage is well secured. They made sure of that when they went on this massive propaganda campaign a century ago. Now they're trying to clean up their image. Who are you to tell them they can't do that, in a place you don't even live?

I'm someone who is noticing that there is a move to marginalize a large subculture and I can see that it will be harmful for my nation as a whole, and I want to call out the bad people that are doing it.

ie you liberals.

That is who I am.


History revisionist propagandists is a "subculture" now? Y'all have History Revisionist Pride Parades and shit?

And you're saying the nation will "suffer" because historical revisionism is called out for what it is?

By that logic we never would have dumped Slavery, would we.

You are the person trying as hard as you can, to hide your intentions and reasons and goals.

I ain't "hiding" a damn thing dood. I put it right out here same as I've done before on the same topic. The fact is, this is the city of Charlottesville's affair, not yours and not mine. It ain't me trying to tell a city I don't even live in what they can do with their own land, nor trying to tell the UDC it can't move its own property.

Yes that IS the Liberal thing to do --- leave people the fuck alone to manage their own affairs. What do you call the opposite? "Very fine people"?

1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

When are you going to stop?
Once AGAIN history lives in BOOKS, not in STATUES.

Moreover, this being a Confederate statue, it can't have anything to do with "Democrats". The CSA had no political parties. And yet, here you are trying to rewrite history. Ironic, that.

Prove me wrong and you can have that rewrite.

Let's take down the Statue of Liberty then.

Statue of Liberty.... Statue of Liberty ........... :eusa_think:
---- OK that has WHAT to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause?

You said history is in books not statues.
Once AGAIN history lives in BOOKS, not in STATUES.

Moreover, this being a Confederate statue, it can't have anything to do with "Democrats". The CSA had no political parties. And yet, here you are trying to rewrite history. Ironic, that.

Prove me wrong and you can have that rewrite.

Let's take down the Statue of Liberty then.

Statue of Liberty.... Statue of Liberty ........... :eusa_think:
---- OK that has WHAT to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause?

You said history is in books not statues.

Which, it is.

--------- And?
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Slippery slope fallacy and a lie.

“…where it had stood since 1907.”

Which was the at the height of Jim Crow, Black Codes, and lynching – the purpose of this ‘monument’ was to intimidate blacks and reaffirm white supremacy, having nothing whatsoever to do with ‘honoring’ those who fought in the ‘civil’ War.

The statue served only to ‘honor’ racism, division, and hate, its removal was perfectly appropriate and warranted.
Communist much? Cry much?
Once AGAIN history lives in BOOKS, not in STATUES.

Moreover, this being a Confederate statue, it can't have anything to do with "Democrats". The CSA had no political parties. And yet, here you are trying to rewrite history. Ironic, that.

Prove me wrong and you can have that rewrite.

Let's take down the Statue of Liberty then.

Statue of Liberty.... Statue of Liberty ........... :eusa_think:
---- OK that has WHAT to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause?

You said history is in books not statues.

Which, it is.

--------- And?

And, according to what you posted we don’t need the Statue Of Liberty either then. Shall we tear it down too?
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Slippery slope fallacy and a lie.

“…where it had stood since 1907.”

Which was the at the height of Jim Crow, Black Codes, and lynching – the purpose of this ‘monument’ was to intimidate blacks and reaffirm white supremacy, having nothing whatsoever to do with ‘honoring’ those who fought in the ‘civil’ War.

The statue served only to ‘honor’ racism, division, and hate, its removal was perfectly appropriate and warranted.
Statues that honor Confederate soldiers are there to pay homage to courage, duty, and brotherhood.
1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

I want you to answer the question. Who the fuck are you to tell some distant city what they can or cannot do with their own land?

I already answered that question, you drooling moron.

You're the one playing silly games, because you don't dare to admit what you are all about. You cowardly race baiting asshole.

Nape, I'm afraid you didn't.

You see son, the question "who the fuck are you" means what is your STANDING to tell a city you don't live in what they can or cannot do with their own property.

And now you want to play games with semantics, anything to avoid any real discussion of what is really going on.

You are a cowardly, race baiting asshole.
Once AGAIN history lives in BOOKS, not in STATUES.

Moreover, this being a Confederate statue, it can't have anything to do with "Democrats". The CSA had no political parties. And yet, here you are trying to rewrite history. Ironic, that.

Prove me wrong and you can have that rewrite.

Let's take down the Statue of Liberty then.

Statue of Liberty.... Statue of Liberty ........... :eusa_think:
---- OK that has WHAT to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause?

You said history is in books not statues.

Which, it is.

--------- And?

And, according to what you posted we don’t need the Statue Of Liberty either then. Shall we tear it down too?

And we're right back to where we started, which is --------- WHAT does the Statue of Liberty have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? Don't think I ever got an answer on that.
I'm someone who is noticing that there is a move to marginalize a large subculture and I can see that it will be harmful for my nation as a whole, and I want to call out the bad people that are doing it.

ie you liberals.

That is who I am.


History revisionist propagandists is a "subculture" now? Y'all have History Revisionist Pride Parades and shit?

And you're saying the nation will "suffer" because historical revisionism is called out for what it is?

By that logic we never would have dumped Slavery, would we.

You are the person trying as hard as you can, to hide your intentions and reasons and goals.

I ain't "hiding" a damn thing dood. I put it right out here same as I've done before on the same topic. The fact is, this is the city of Charlottesville's affair, not yours and not mine. It ain't me trying to tell a city I don't even live in what they can do with their own land, nor trying to tell the UDC it can't move its own property.

Yes that IS the Liberal thing to do --- leave people the fuck alone to manage their own affairs. What do you call the opposite? "Very fine people"?

1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

When are you going to stop?

Stop what? Calling you cowardly race baiting assholes on being cowardly race baiting assholes?

I will never stop calling cowardly race baiting assholes like you, on your cowardly race baiting assholeness.


I will always be here, in your face.

Deal with it.
Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

I want you to answer the question. Who the fuck are you to tell some distant city what they can or cannot do with their own land?

I already answered that question, you drooling moron.

You're the one playing silly games, because you don't dare to admit what you are all about. You cowardly race baiting asshole.

Nape, I'm afraid you didn't.

You see son, the question "who the fuck are you" means what is your STANDING to tell a city you don't live in what they can or cannot do with their own property.

And now you want to play games with semantics, anything to avoid any real discussion of what is really going on.

You are a cowardly, race baiting asshole.

So you still have no answer. Nothing deeper than "WAAH ASSOLE".

Just say it --- you have NO standing to be telling other people what they can do with their own city.
Just admit it.

History revisionist propagandists is a "subculture" now? Y'all have History Revisionist Pride Parades and shit?

And you're saying the nation will "suffer" because historical revisionism is called out for what it is?

By that logic we never would have dumped Slavery, would we.

I ain't "hiding" a damn thing dood. I put it right out here same as I've done before on the same topic. The fact is, this is the city of Charlottesville's affair, not yours and not mine. It ain't me trying to tell a city I don't even live in what they can do with their own land, nor trying to tell the UDC it can't move its own property.

Yes that IS the Liberal thing to do --- leave people the fuck alone to manage their own affairs. What do you call the opposite? "Very fine people"?

1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

When are you going to stop?

Stop what? Calling you cowardly race baiting assholes on being cowardly race baiting assholes?

I will never stop calling cowardly race baiting assholes like you, on your cowardly race baiting assholeness.


I will always be here, in your face.

Deal with it.

You seem to be under the impression that stomping around the room slamming doors and throwing things, somehow improves your argument.

Guess what.
I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

I want you to answer the question. Who the fuck are you to tell some distant city what they can or cannot do with their own land?

I already answered that question, you drooling moron.

You're the one playing silly games, because you don't dare to admit what you are all about. You cowardly race baiting asshole.

Nape, I'm afraid you didn't.

You see son, the question "who the fuck are you" means what is your STANDING to tell a city you don't live in what they can or cannot do with their own property.

And now you want to play games with semantics, anything to avoid any real discussion of what is really going on.

You are a cowardly, race baiting asshole.

So you still have no answer. Nothing deeper than "WAAH ASSOLE".

Just say it --- you have NO standing to be telling other people what they can do with their own city.
Just admit it.

Listen fucktard, the point of this thread has been discussed over and over. You are pretending that it has not, and making up a lot of shit, to justify, your being a race baiting asshole.

You are a piece of shit.
1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

When are you going to stop?

Stop what? Calling you cowardly race baiting assholes on being cowardly race baiting assholes?

I will never stop calling cowardly race baiting assholes like you, on your cowardly race baiting assholeness.


I will always be here, in your face.

Deal with it.

You seem to be under the impression that stomping around the room slamming doors and throwing things, somehow improves your argument.

Guess what.

I made a number of real points. YOu are refusing to address them and doing nothing but lying and insulting me.

So, I am calling you on your lies, and insulting you back.

Only the fact that you liberals are not used to being called on either your lies, or your complete asshole behavior, is leading you to be confused here.

Stop being a lying asshole, and address the topic, you race baiting fucktard.
I want you to answer the question. Who the fuck are you to tell some distant city what they can or cannot do with their own land?

I already answered that question, you drooling moron.

You're the one playing silly games, because you don't dare to admit what you are all about. You cowardly race baiting asshole.

Nape, I'm afraid you didn't.

You see son, the question "who the fuck are you" means what is your STANDING to tell a city you don't live in what they can or cannot do with their own property.

And now you want to play games with semantics, anything to avoid any real discussion of what is really going on.

You are a cowardly, race baiting asshole.

So you still have no answer. Nothing deeper than "WAAH ASSOLE".

Just say it --- you have NO standing to be telling other people what they can do with their own city.
Just admit it.

Listen fucktard, the point of this thread has been discussed over and over. You are pretending that it has not, and making up a lot of shit, to justify, your being a race baiting asshole.

You are a piece of shit.

On the contrary, I've been expounding on this very subject for years, bringing in all manner of related history about its origins, probably more than any other poster. I know exactly what it's about and what it isn't about.

From one of those older threads, I like this:

Statues of Robert E. Lee should be festooned with a disclaimer stating "General Lee specifically told us not to do this, which tells us much about the agendas of those who went ahead and did it anyway".
Wrong again. "Lost Cause" is not mentioned in the OP, only your repeated drivel.
Fighting to protect your sacred homeland from a Terrorist invasion sent by a Tyrant is a lost cause?

Oh but it is. Roll tape.

>> News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone.

But county officials argued in court that the monument was private property, owned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy

Protesters have also torn down two such monuments in recent years, including one at a historic Durham courthouse and another on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. <<

Those two were erected 1924 and 1913 respectively, also spurred by the UDC. The latter was dedicated with a Confederate veteran rambling on about how he had publicly "whipped a negro wench" near that very spot years before.

We did all this shit before. It may be new to you, not new to us.

Oh and that court decision to send it back to the UDC and let them decide what to do with it but not on our public property, that's not new either.
So the left is like the Taliban eh?
Taliban blow apart 2,000 years of Buddhist history

"So the left is like the Taliban eh?"

in this regard, yes.

but overall....
no more so than the right.

I imagine that in many ways "tyrannical ideologies" (extremist islam, extremist, christianity, extremist jews, extremist left wingers) have similar traits and behaviors; destroying any mention of the opposition seems to be one of those traits.
It is a Marxist trait for sure.

There is no way the United Daughters of the Confederacy is "the left". Nor are they a religion, nor are they a political movement.

Again, it's THEIR property and THEY are taking it back. And the land on which it stood is CITY property. Feel free to essplain to the class how you get to dick-tate what some random city you don't live anywhere near, can do with its own land, from the comfort of your barcalounger.
So it would not be vandalized by communist. I would post a sniper and pop liberal heads.
I already answered that question, you drooling moron.

You're the one playing silly games, because you don't dare to admit what you are all about. You cowardly race baiting asshole.

Nape, I'm afraid you didn't.

You see son, the question "who the fuck are you" means what is your STANDING to tell a city you don't live in what they can or cannot do with their own property.

And now you want to play games with semantics, anything to avoid any real discussion of what is really going on.

You are a cowardly, race baiting asshole.

So you still have no answer. Nothing deeper than "WAAH ASSOLE".

Just say it --- you have NO standing to be telling other people what they can do with their own city.
Just admit it.

Listen fucktard, the point of this thread has been discussed over and over. You are pretending that it has not, and making up a lot of shit, to justify, your being a race baiting asshole.

You are a piece of shit.

On the contrary, I've been expounding on this very subject for years, bringing in all manner of related history about its origins, probably more than any other poster. I know exactly what it's about and what it isn't about.

From one of those older threads, I like this:

Statues of Robert E. Lee should be festooned with a disclaimer stating "General Lee specifically told us not to do this, which tells us much about the agendas of those who went ahead and did it anyway".​

For over 5 generations, Confederate symbols, and southern pride, have been accepted as part of the wider American culture and Patriotism.

For you to act as though this did not happen, is just you being a liar.

Your motive, is race baiting of the worst sort.

History revisionist propagandists is a "subculture" now? Y'all have History Revisionist Pride Parades and shit?

And you're saying the nation will "suffer" because historical revisionism is called out for what it is?

By that logic we never would have dumped Slavery, would we.

I ain't "hiding" a damn thing dood. I put it right out here same as I've done before on the same topic. The fact is, this is the city of Charlottesville's affair, not yours and not mine. It ain't me trying to tell a city I don't even live in what they can do with their own land, nor trying to tell the UDC it can't move its own property.

Yes that IS the Liberal thing to do --- leave people the fuck alone to manage their own affairs. What do you call the opposite? "Very fine people"?

1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

When are you going to stop?

Stop what? Calling you cowardly race baiting assholes on being cowardly race baiting assholes?

I will never stop calling cowardly race baiting assholes like you, on your cowardly race baiting assholeness.


I will always be here, in your face.

Deal with it.

Nothing to deal with, you are a racist ass clown that is fighting to keep those racist monuments in place.
Oh but it is. Roll tape.

>> News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone.

But county officials argued in court that the monument was private property, owned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy

Protesters have also torn down two such monuments in recent years, including one at a historic Durham courthouse and another on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. <<

Those two were erected 1924 and 1913 respectively, also spurred by the UDC. The latter was dedicated with a Confederate veteran rambling on about how he had publicly "whipped a negro wench" near that very spot years before.

We did all this shit before. It may be new to you, not new to us.

Oh and that court decision to send it back to the UDC and let them decide what to do with it but not on our public property, that's not new either.
So the left is like the Taliban eh?
Taliban blow apart 2,000 years of Buddhist history

"So the left is like the Taliban eh?"

in this regard, yes.

but overall....
no more so than the right.

I imagine that in many ways "tyrannical ideologies" (extremist islam, extremist, christianity, extremist jews, extremist left wingers) have similar traits and behaviors; destroying any mention of the opposition seems to be one of those traits.
It is a Marxist trait for sure.

There is no way the United Daughters of the Confederacy is "the left". Nor are they a religion, nor are they a political movement.

Again, it's THEIR property and THEY are taking it back. And the land on which it stood is CITY property. Feel free to essplain to the class how you get to dick-tate what some random city you don't live anywhere near, can do with its own land, from the comfort of your barcalounger.
So it would not be vandalized by communist. I would post a sniper and pop liberal heads.

And I would offer you free English lessons.
Nape, I'm afraid you didn't.

You see son, the question "who the fuck are you" means what is your STANDING to tell a city you don't live in what they can or cannot do with their own property.

And now you want to play games with semantics, anything to avoid any real discussion of what is really going on.

You are a cowardly, race baiting asshole.

So you still have no answer. Nothing deeper than "WAAH ASSOLE".

Just say it --- you have NO standing to be telling other people what they can do with their own city.
Just admit it.

Listen fucktard, the point of this thread has been discussed over and over. You are pretending that it has not, and making up a lot of shit, to justify, your being a race baiting asshole.

You are a piece of shit.

On the contrary, I've been expounding on this very subject for years, bringing in all manner of related history about its origins, probably more than any other poster. I know exactly what it's about and what it isn't about.

From one of those older threads, I like this:

Statues of Robert E. Lee should be festooned with a disclaimer stating "General Lee specifically told us not to do this, which tells us much about the agendas of those who went ahead and did it anyway".​

For over 5 generations, Confederate symbols, and southern pride, have been accepted as part of the wider American culture and Patriotism.

For you to act as though this did not happen, is just you being a liar.

Your motive, is race baiting of the worst sort.

Wow that's your weak ass argument. What is patriotic about being a traitor.
1. You asked an open ended question and then pretended that my answer was specific to what we were discussing before, instead of an answer to your question. Such dishonesty is constant from lefties like you as you desperately try to hide what you are and what you are about.

2. The subculture I am referring to, you know what it is. Your dishonest pretense otherwise, is a lie. YOu are a liar.

3. This is not about a single statue in a single town. It is part of a larger issue. As you well know, but that was just another lie, from you, the liar.

Ummmmmmmmmm yes it is. Far as I know "one" is a singular. One statue, in one city.

There may be other situations like it but Charlottesville has no say over that, do they.

You went whining about a "subculture". The only "subculture" I can see involved here is the propaganda mill, the one who put this shit up. Now they agreed to take it back. And you want to march in with your Tiki torch and dick-tate that they can't do that?

You're gonna tell the UDC, "youse cannot replace us"?

I want you to be honest about what is going on and to stop being a cowardly race baiting asshole.

When are you going to stop?

Stop what? Calling you cowardly race baiting assholes on being cowardly race baiting assholes?

I will never stop calling cowardly race baiting assholes like you, on your cowardly race baiting assholeness.


I will always be here, in your face.

Deal with it.

Nothing to deal with, you are a racist ass clown that is fighting to keep those racist monuments in place.

Your excuse for your race baiting and being a fucking asshole is noted and dismissed. YOu are still the bad guy here, asshole.

Why are you such an asshole? Why do you race bait? Everyone knows, but do you have the balls to admit it, or are you too much of a pussy?
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