Confirmed! Rich People Live Off The Work Of Others!

Why is money spent on rice and beans "wasted"?

We got from the stone age to here not because the poor consumed everything they had, but because the rich saved and invested (S=I).

Accordingly, everyone's long term happiness is best secured by encouraging the rich to do what they do, and best insecured by violent idiot liberals stealing from them as if they were cash cows.
Better to "tax the poor since they waste the money on daily consumption"?

Better to maintain equal protection of the law for all citizens. The tax code shouldn't be used for social engineering. If rich people are doing something wrong, make that 'something' a crime and punish them for it. But punishing classes of people based on some presumed wrongdoing of everyone in the group seems like bad government to me.

True. I don't really see the tax code as punishment, though. You could see it as a way of paying for government. In which case it's the rich who benefit most from our system of government, and who have the most to lose should it fail. Attempting to pay for government on the backs of the poor is a guaranteed failure. In which case, one could see taxation as the price one pays for living better than others, while working less. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.
In which case it's the rich who benefit most from our system of government,

That of course a huge liberal lie used to justify violent theft. The rich invented the products that got us from the stone age to here, will save us from the Chinese, create all the jobs, and pay 99% more taxes than the poor based on the progressive tax.

There has never been a place half as good as American to be poor. They get a free ride in terms of new products, new jobs, plus, they get trillions in welfare of all kinds while the rich get not one penny!
Without rich people there'd be no jobs?

Of course there would be. Regular people need to eat, and drive, and live in houses too. The only difference is that regular people would live in bigger houses, and drive nicer cars, if they didn't have to support the leisure of the idle rich.
People getting rich does not make other people poorer. This is leftist nonsense.

Where do rich people get their money from?

A. Other people.
B. The government.
C. The printing press in the basement.

Who got poor because Bill Gates got rich?
I'm not sure what your point is - or if you even have one. Of course people use money to buy and sell good and services to each other. That was the point of my example.

Money is a good and useful thing, because it makes transactions easier. But money is created by government, not by rich people. Rich people don't literally "make" money. They accumulate it.
Yes, the government prints money. No, the government does not create wealth.
Rich people don't give money its value, either. The value of money is created in what money can buy - by the work done by working people.

Since they have the good fortune of living better than everyone else, while working less - or not at all - wouldn't it make sense for them to pay most of the taxes? Or even all of them?

Of course that's not how it is now. But isn't that how it should be?
Your post makes Lenin smile.

However, out here in the real world, some people pay more to the government in taxes than they receive in government spending.

And some pay far less.



Really? The bottom 20% get $24,000 each from the government?

That's amazing, since their MAXIMUM income is only $23,000.
Obviously, you didn't read the source. Don't claim you did, because you'd be lying.

Go read it, and then we can discuss it.
Anyway, the truth is the rich don't pay enough taxes.

An average middle-class taxpayer where I live pays about 10% in property taxes - $5000 on a $200,000 home. If he's self-employed (I am) he pays 15% in payroll taxes. That's 25%.

Someone who lives in a million dollar home, on the other hand, and has $10 million in capital gains, pays 0.25% property taxes, and 0% in payroll taxes.

On top of that, he pays less in sales taxes - unless he manages to spend every dime of the $10 million - and his capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income!
Lots of assumptions. Few appear to be based on reality.

You really think someone making $10mil in capital gains is going to spend less money buying stuff than the average member of the middle class? :lol:
How is that fair?
Who said life is fair?

This isn't kindergarten. This is real life.
In which case it's the rich who benefit most from our system of government,

That of course a huge liberal lie used to justify violent theft. The rich invented the products that got us from the stone age to here, will save us from the Chinese, create all the jobs, and pay 99% more taxes than the poor based on the progressive tax.

There has never been a place half as good as American to be poor. They get a free ride in terms of new products, new jobs, plus, they get trillions in welfare of all kinds while the rich get not one penny!

In which case it's the rich who benefit most from our system of government,

That of course a huge liberal lie used to justify violent theft. The rich invented the products that got us from the stone age to here, will save us from the Chinese, create all the jobs, and pay 99% more taxes than the poor based on the progressive tax.

There has never been a place half as good as American to be poor. They get a free ride in terms of new products, new jobs, plus, they get trillions in welfare of all kinds while the rich get not one penny!


Many homeless people have some money. They may get some kind of check, so even though they are homeless they still have money to spend. Some even carry thousands of dollars sewn in their clothes or in a duffle bag or even just an old pillow case. I just have to wonder how foolish M felt after this little debacle, though.
Yes, the government prints money. No, the government does not create wealth.

Your post makes Lenin smile.

However, out here in the real world, some people pay more to the government in taxes than they receive in government spending.

And some pay far less.



Really? The bottom 20% get $24,000 each from the government?

That's amazing, since their MAXIMUM income is only $23,000.
Obviously, you didn't read the source. Don't claim you did, because you'd be lying.

Go read it, and then we can discuss it.
Anyway, the truth is the rich don't pay enough taxes.

An average middle-class taxpayer where I live pays about 10% in property taxes - $5000 on a $200,000 home. If he's self-employed (I am) he pays 15% in payroll taxes. That's 25%.

Someone who lives in a million dollar home, on the other hand, and has $10 million in capital gains, pays 0.25% property taxes, and 0% in payroll taxes.

On top of that, he pays less in sales taxes - unless he manages to spend every dime of the $10 million - and his capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income!
Lots of assumptions. Few appear to be based on reality.

You really think someone making $10mil in capital gains is going to spend less money buying stuff than the average member of the middle class? :lol:
How is that fair?
Who said life is fair?

This isn't kindergarten. This is real life.

Well if life were fair, I wouldn't have this illness and someone would have a feather up their butt, then we would both be tickled!!! Life just doesn't deal out 'fair' hands. But so many think that 'fair' means equal. Fair and equal are not generally the same. It is equal if you and I both get a piece of chocolate cake. It is not fair though, because I don't care for chocolate cake!
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That of course a huge liberal lie used to justify violent theft. The rich invented the products that got us from the stone age to here, will save us from the Chinese, create all the jobs, and pay 99% more taxes than the poor based on the progressive tax.

There has never been a place half as good as American to be poor. They get a free ride in terms of new products, new jobs, plus, they get trillions in welfare of all kinds while the rich get not one penny!


Many homeless people have some money. They may get some kind of check, so even though they are homeless they still have money to spend. Some even carry thousands of dollars sewn in their clothes or in a duffle bag or even just an old pillow case. I just have to wonder how foolish M felt after this little debacle, though.
I don't think the Obama spend much time on retrospection.
Well if life were fair, I wouldn't have this illness and someone would have a feather up their butt, then we would both be tickled!!! Life just doesn't deal out 'fair' hands. But so many think that 'fair' means equal. Fair and equal are not generally the same. It is equal if you and I both get a piece of chocolate cake. It is not fair though, because I don't care for chocolate cake!
Well said.

America is about equality of opportunity, and for the most part, we have it.

But some, in an effort to gain and hold political power, say that America is about equality of outcome, and seek to punish the successful to reward the politically useful.

Many homeless people have some money. They may get some kind of check, so even though they are homeless they still have money to spend. Some even carry thousands of dollars sewn in their clothes or in a duffle bag or even just an old pillow case. I just have to wonder how foolish M felt after this little debacle, though.
I don't think the Obama spend much time on retrospection.

Well, then they aren't as smart Oprah. Even Oprah stacks her audience with white people so it will look like she is the black goddess they all worship. Obama should have given a little 'talk' to their clientelle that day. You know, photos later out of sight of press! Poor planning. Or misdirected hopey changey. Or something!
Many homeless people have some money. They may get some kind of check, so even though they are homeless they still have money to spend. Some even carry thousands of dollars sewn in their clothes or in a duffle bag or even just an old pillow case. I just have to wonder how foolish M felt after this little debacle, though.
I don't think the Obama spend much time on retrospection.

Well, then they aren't as smart Oprah. Even Oprah stacks her audience with white people so it will look like she is the black goddess they all worship. Obama should have given a little 'talk' to their clientelle that day. You know, photos later out of sight of press! Poor planning. Or misdirected hopey changey. Or something!
Typical tactic of this Administration: Ready, fire, aim!
I don't think the Obama spend much time on retrospection.

Well, then they aren't as smart Oprah. Even Oprah stacks her audience with white people so it will look like she is the black goddess they all worship. Obama should have given a little 'talk' to their clientelle that day. You know, photos later out of sight of press! Poor planning. Or misdirected hopey changey. Or something!
Typical tactic of this Administration: Ready, fire, aim!

Yea, pathetic!~

I even thought that stupid vegetable garden was pathetic. They looked for a 'precedent' for......ta dah...a garden. A garden. I wonder how many white house staff we had to pay to do their due working in the damn thing every day.
Well, then they aren't as smart Oprah. Even Oprah stacks her audience with white people so it will look like she is the black goddess they all worship. Obama should have given a little 'talk' to their clientelle that day. You know, photos later out of sight of press! Poor planning. Or misdirected hopey changey. Or something!
Typical tactic of this Administration: Ready, fire, aim!

Yea, pathetic!~

I even thought that stupid vegetable garden was pathetic. They looked for a 'precedent' for......ta dah...a garden. A garden. I wonder how many white house staff we had to pay to do their due working in the damn thing every day.
You hush. It's For The Children.
Yes, the government prints money. No, the government does not create wealth.

Your post makes Lenin smile.

However, out here in the real world, some people pay more to the government in taxes than they receive in government spending.

And some pay far less.



Really? The bottom 20% get $24,000 each from the government?

That's amazing, since their MAXIMUM income is only $23,000.
Obviously, you didn't read the source. Don't claim you did, because you'd be lying.

Go read it, and then we can discuss it.
Anyway, the truth is the rich don't pay enough taxes.

An average middle-class taxpayer where I live pays about 10% in property taxes - $5000 on a $200,000 home. If he's self-employed (I am) he pays 15% in payroll taxes. That's 25%.

Someone who lives in a million dollar home, on the other hand, and has $10 million in capital gains, pays 0.25% property taxes, and 0% in payroll taxes.

On top of that, he pays less in sales taxes - unless he manages to spend every dime of the $10 million - and his capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income!
Lots of assumptions. Few appear to be based on reality.

You really think someone making $10mil in capital gains is going to spend less money buying stuff than the average member of the middle class? :lol:
How is that fair?
Who said life is fair?

This isn't kindergarten. This is real life.

You're right. Life's unfair. So my question is: Since you don't give a shit about anybody else, why do you think anybody should give a shit about you?
Really? The bottom 20% get $24,000 each from the government?

That's amazing, since their MAXIMUM income is only $23,000.
Obviously, you didn't read the source. Don't claim you did, because you'd be lying.

Go read it, and then we can discuss it.

Lots of assumptions. Few appear to be based on reality.

You really think someone making $10mil in capital gains is going to spend less money buying stuff than the average member of the middle class? :lol:
How is that fair?
Who said life is fair?

This isn't kindergarten. This is real life.

You're right. Life's unfair. So my question is: Since you don't give a shit about anybody else, why do you think anybody should give a shit about you?
Where am I demanding that anybody give a shit about me?
Who got poor because Bill Gates got rich?

Way to avoid the question.
The answer is A.

Now who got poor because Bill Gates got rich?

Personally, I don't think anybody is "poor" because he got rich. Other people, however, have less money than they would have had.

Suppose it was Gill Bates, instead of Bill Gates, who licensed DOS to IBM. Then Bates would be the billionaire. Bates lost billions on that deal. Or suppose it was Linux, instead of Windows, that came preloaded on every PC. Then we'd all be a few hundred dollars richer.

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