Congratulations Democrats

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It's going to be ok, Trumpsters. There's still good news. Trump has a brilliant plan that's going to make it ALL work out for you.

It's such an amazing plan. The best of plans.



You see, all Mike Pence has to do is reject some of the electors. Then Trump gets to stay as the President! It's brilliant, right?!


Are you tired of the winning yet!?!?
Catholics are gonna have to start paying for the abortion services to illegal immigrants ...

They already do. We all have been doing so, for years.

The only difference is that now the leftarded baby killers don't have to play a shell game with the tax payers money, anymore.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.
At some point we have to look within.

Keep blaming the media and the schools or play within the guardrails of the racetrack and find a way to win...
When the system is rigged for one side it is not an easy thing to win. Progs have and have had that advantage for many years. Incredibly Repubs do win their fair share but blow their opportunities. The globalists succeeded in getting the 17th Amendment passed over a century ago. The Federal Senate can be and is a seat that can be bought in modern times.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.

Trump isn't ruining the GOP, the GOP is ruining the GOP. The faster the GOP dies to be replaced by the new Trump-Tea Party Constitutional whatever you want to call it to offer America REAL change, the better.

And the Democrats are just about to prove how much we need it.
Are your negs really necessary?

You have a brain aneurysm? I'm one of the few positive unshaken people here! You are the one throwing in the towel, giving up, and declaring doom and gloom because of one set back. Grow the fuck up.

12 years ago, the Democrats controlled EVERYTHING and were in a much stronger position than today.

Then they lost the Senate, the House, the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court! Out of all that they gave us Trump.

The GOP is washed up. Blame them and start looking for a new party because the Bob Doles/John McCains/Mitt Romneys and Jeff Flakes are all self-serving dead meat. They can't compete.
The Democratic party is controlled by way far left Progressives. If it was Moderate Party in its own politics, the people you typed would not be an issue or at least as much. They are a cushion for Progs.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried
The Constitution says nothing about the economy, business or socialism. It is irrelevant.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried

Yeah, it does. The COTUS is now dead. It just needs to be buried. The US has been subverted by china. They knew they couldn't beat us in war, so they bought the Dem Party, and a good portion of the Repubs too.

This Republic is toast.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried

Yeah, it does. The COTUS is now dead. It just needs to be buried. The US has been subverted by china. They knew they couldn't beat us in war, so they bought the Dem Party, and a good portion of the Repubs too.

This Republic is toast.
Sad reality.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

Respect for the congrats to the Dems.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
They haven't won yet.
The only reason why Pres. Trump had won. It is because the Deep state wasn't prepared for so many people to vote for Pres. Trump. The school children only had made enough ballots to move Hillary Clinton up a few notches. But now they have to have school children to make four times the ballots that they had made before and put in RINO poll watchers election officials to allowed the Democrats to rig the elections and rigged the machines.
But it shows that those who won the elections in the past has won by rigging the elections. Especially those career politicians.
The schools already have the ballots that the children had made inside of the schools before the election officials comes to pick them up.
The stage has already have been set for election fraud years ago.
School children are very easily to manipulate their minds. That they will do anything for something they have seen on T.V.

You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
I have been a basketball coach for 10 yrs now. It’s easy to act cool when you win. Very hard do so when you lose.

Congratulations again

I tip my hat to you and just know in 2022 the House should flip and if Harris is the left candidate in 2024 then the Oval Office will flip also...

Senate should flip also...

This is just a slight bump and hopefully it purges Trumpism from the party...
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.

Well, that's because Trump is a verminous scumbag.... that's why nobody said congrats...

Because even Republicans knew it was a horrible idea.

So, yes, people kept their fingers crossed this man who fell ass backwards into the Presidency wouldn't fuck it up due to his complete unfitness for the job.

It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.

Trump isn't ruining the GOP, the GOP is ruining the GOP. The faster the GOP dies to be replaced by the new Trump-Tea Party Constitutional whatever you want to call it to offer America REAL change, the better.

And the Democrats are just about to prove how much we need it.
Are your negs really necessary?

You have a brain aneurysm? I'm one of the few positive unshaken people here! You are the one throwing in the towel, giving up, and declaring doom and gloom because of one set back. Grow the fuck up.

12 years ago, the Democrats controlled EVERYTHING and were in a much stronger position than today.

Then they lost the Senate, the House, the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court! Out of all that they gave us Trump.

The GOP is washed up. Blame them and start looking for a new party because the Bob Doles/John McCains/Mitt Romneys and Jeff Flakes are all self-serving dead meat. They can't compete.
The Democratic party is controlled by way far left Progressives. If it was Moderate Party in its own politics, the people you typed would not be an issue or at least as much. They are a cushion for Progs.
That’s absurd. The D Party isn’t progressive. They’re crony capitalists, just like the R Party.

No need for all this concern. There isn’t a dimes worth of difference between Dumb Don and Old Joe. Be happy the uniparty always wins, but they will screw you.
Republicans had better get their shit together. Democrats, mostly driven by irrational anger at being out of power, just flipped GA purple at best. And make no mistake about it, Americans will pay the price here...

So, when we get that $1400 additional, we’d better bank it, for taxes....

This is not going to be good. I for one am disappointed in our country at present.

So, to Democrats, congratulations, now y’all better find a way to moderate, less you further anger frustrations.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried

Yeah, it does. The COTUS is now dead. It just needs to be buried. The US has been subverted by china. They knew they couldn't beat us in war, so they bought the Dem Party, and a good portion of the Repubs too.

This Republic is toast.
With all due respect, that was one dumbass post.
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.

Well, that's because Trump is a verminous scumbag.... that's why nobody said congrats...

Because even Republicans knew it was a horrible idea.

So, yes, people kept their fingers crossed this man who fell ass backwards into the Presidency wouldn't fuck it up due to his complete unfitness for the job.


Democrats riot and it is “Trump riots”. China releases a virus that destroys the world’s economy and it is the “Trump Plague” and “Trump Recession” felt around the world. You are on another level of stupid and ignorant. That is a horrible combination.
Republicans had better get their shit together. Democrats, mostly driven by irrational anger at being out of power, just flipped GA purple at best. And make no mistake about it, Americans will pay the price here...

So, when we get that $1400 additional, we’d better bank it, for taxes....

This is not going to be good. I for one am disappointed in our country at present.

So, to Democrats, congratulations, now y’all better find a way to moderate, less you further anger frustrations.
Not to worry. The Ds will do nothing fundamentally different, but they will purposely inflame the right with non-issues to keep the nation divided. It’s an old tactic, but somehow many miss it.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried

Yeah, it does. The COTUS is now dead. It just needs to be buried. The US has been subverted by china. They knew they couldn't beat us in war, so they bought the Dem Party, and a good portion of the Repubs too.

This Republic is toast.
hahaha hahaha.

hahaha hahaha
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried

Yeah, it does. The COTUS is now dead. It just needs to be buried. The US has been subverted by china. They knew they couldn't beat us in war, so they bought the Dem Party, and a good portion of the Repubs too.

This Republic is toast.
With all due respect, that was one dumbass post.

There are lots of people now uncertain of their futures...
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?
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