Congratulations Democrats

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You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
All of those blue collar workers that were entranced by a promise of a $2,000 check are going to be surprised when they retire and they find out their pension will have a capital gains tax that will lower their monthly income from what they thought it will be.
Most don't know what capital gains tax is. According to what their elected leaders tell them...."its a tax on the rich". They don't realize their pensions are invested in the same market the rich invest in.

How will the Family who voted for the 2000 check feel when they are paying 10,000 a year for healthcare while undocumented immigrants get it for free?

Like I have been saying......all should be careful for what they wish for.

This is not 2008 where we hade moderate to left people in the house, the senate and the WH. This is 2021 where we have far left elected representatives with total control.

I hate to say it....but for ALL of us....Joe Manchin is our futures only life line
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Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

What a perfectly brainwashed, indoctrinated imbecile you are.
Congrats !!

FYI - Socialism is what happened in Venezuela. It is a plague on the human condition.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

LOL...maybe income taxes. How about captial gain taxes? How about death taxes? How about a lowering of allowable deductions(charitable contributions)? Democrats are so short sighted, which is why Democratic politicians love their base so much.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.

Blacks will have complete license and permission to burn loot and murder at will. Look for many more riots.

Whoops wrong side

You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

LOL...maybe income taxes. How about captial gain taxes? How about death taxes? How about a lowering of allowable deductions(charitable contributions)? Democrats are so short sighted, which is why Democratic politicians love their base so much.
Three weeks go Mitch McConnel made the 3 martini lunch tax deductible.. are you happy?
Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

What a perfectly brainwashed, indoctrinated imbecile you are.
Congrats !!

FYI - Socialism is what happened in Venezuela. It is a plague on the human condition.

Socialism is what you get when you destroy the middle class.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

I think it's great, Azog! All the Left has said for years is that they can make everything so much better if they are free to just do MORE of what they want!

When the nation sees the tire fire that is left of America in short order as they institute their plan, it is going to cause an up-welling of a return to conservative values.

Democrats are as always their own worst enemy.
we have show that.

they don't care.
Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

What a perfectly brainwashed, indoctrinated imbecile you are.
Congrats !!

FYI - Socialism is what happened in Venezuela. It is a plague on the human condition.

Socialism is what you get when you destroy the middle class.

It's easy to be a socialist in a free country. It is impossible to be free in a socialist country.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.

You're famous for saying that Trump's lies and childish tweets didn't affect you.

I would wager that many people who voted for the Reverend Warnock couldn't pick him out of a police line up or name one policy he will work and the possible Osoff (sp?) victory are clear rebukes of Trump.

Do you still think those thousands and thousands of lies your blob has you still think that those thousands and thousands of school yard you still think that the boorish behavior (firing people by tweet for example) don't affect you?

Because that is what elected Biden, Warnock, probably Kelly and possibly Osoff. I think Hickenlooper would have won regardless personally.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.

Trump isn't ruining the GOP, the GOP is ruining the GOP. The faster the GOP dies to be replaced by the new Trump-Tea Party Constitutional whatever you want to call it to offer America REAL change, the better.

And the Democrats are just about to prove how much we need it.
Are your negs really necessary?

You have a brain aneurysm? I'm one of the few positive unshaken people here! You are the one throwing in the towel, giving up, and declaring doom and gloom because of one set back. Grow the fuck up.

12 years ago, the Democrats controlled EVERYTHING and were in a much stronger position than today.

Then they lost the Senate, the House, the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court! Out of all that they gave us Trump.

The GOP is washed up. Blame them and start looking for a new party because the Bob Doles/John McCains/Mitt Romneys and Jeff Flakes are all self-serving dead meat. They can't compete.
You're idea of "giving up" is fucking retarded.

Recognizing REALITY is not giving up.
We lost. Period. Full stop. Trump has to get the fuck out. McConnell has to step down.

Those are the facts despite the wild dreams perpetrated on this board.

In the mean time RATIONAL PEOPLE have to figure out why and how to correct it lest we lose even more ground. Your pipe dreams won't rescue America, a fully fleshed out platform and roadmap to implement it will.

Next is figuring out why you lost...good luck with that if you believe that the lies, behavior, chaos, and division sown by your blob didn't affect you.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.

Trump isn't ruining the GOP, the GOP is ruining the GOP. The faster the GOP dies to be replaced by the new Trump-Tea Party Constitutional whatever you want to call it to offer America REAL change, the better.

And the Democrats are just about to prove how much we need it.
Are your negs really necessary?

You have a brain aneurysm? I'm one of the few positive unshaken people here! You are the one throwing in the towel, giving up, and declaring doom and gloom because of one set back. Grow the fuck up.

12 years ago, the Democrats controlled EVERYTHING and were in a much stronger position than today.

Then they lost the Senate, the House, the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court! Out of all that they gave us Trump.

The GOP is washed up. Blame them and start looking for a new party because the Bob Doles/John McCains/Mitt Romneys and Jeff Flakes are all self-serving dead meat. They can't compete.
You're idea of "giving up" is fucking retarded.

Recognizing REALITY is not giving up.
We lost. Period. Full stop. Trump has to get the fuck out. McConnell has to step down.

Those are the facts despite the wild dreams perpetrated on this board.

In the mean time RATIONAL PEOPLE have to figure out why and how to correct it lest we lose even more ground. Your pipe dreams won't rescue America, a fully fleshed out platform and roadmap to implement it will.

Next is figuring out why you lost...good luck with that if you believe that the lies, behavior, chaos, and division sown by your blob didn't affect you.
Why we lost?

How about why all of us lost.

I dont know your financial situation. But I see my cap gains taxes being raised dramatically and my death tax being raised dramatically. I see my healthcare being increased dramatically and I see my quality of life being decreased dramatically when I retire. ANd I see what I leave my children when I die decreased dramatically.

In essence, my 40 years of 10 to 12 hour vacations, sometimes 6 day weeks and paying 100's of thousands in payroll tax for my employees will result in my retirement no different than the 9-5er who took no risk and paid no employer payroll tax.

And all because people used a pandemic as a political too; and the promise of a 2000 check as a way to win votes.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.
True. People want a leader. Not a self serving performer.
Congratulation China.

Your pandemic trick worked.

With the help of the Useful Idiots in the US you now have your man in the White House.

The Useful Idiots have also learned how to fraudulently steal any election from now on.

You win China! The Art of War beat The Art of the Deal.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass

Yeah. Your outrage is noted. I found this board in 2016 and lurked a long time before I joined. I can't tell you the amount of taunting, memes, gifs, quoting a-holes on YouTube, and the outright rubbing noses in the dirt that occurred for the left and progressive leaning posters after Trump was elected. You people were merciless at times. And the bile and muck just rose from there. You get what you give.

For myself, I was willing to give Trump a chance to pivot. But he never did. Just stayed the same corrupt, incompetent gasbag that he always was. Coasted on his predecessors gifts while constantly badmouthing him and blaming the press for his bad decisions.
Catholics are gonna have to start paying for the abortion services to illegal immigrants ...

so you rather have illegal immigrants pop out babies that they dont want, cant take care of and neither can afford ha...

and when i say you are stupid, you think i am trying to insult you...
but in reality, i am merely pointing out the obvious fact...
When the illegals have abortions, they should have complete hysterectomy as well.
When the illegals have abortions, they should have complete hysterectomy as well.
Gee...I wonder why public opinion has turned against you. :dunno:
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.

Trump isn't ruining the GOP, the GOP is ruining the GOP. The faster the GOP dies to be replaced by the new Trump-Tea Party Constitutional whatever you want to call it to offer America REAL change, the better.

And the Democrats are just about to prove how much we need it.
Are your negs really necessary?

You have a brain aneurysm? I'm one of the few positive unshaken people here! You are the one throwing in the towel, giving up, and declaring doom and gloom because of one set back. Grow the fuck up.

12 years ago, the Democrats controlled EVERYTHING and were in a much stronger position than today.

Then they lost the Senate, the House, the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court! Out of all that they gave us Trump.

The GOP is washed up. Blame them and start looking for a new party because the Bob Doles/John McCains/Mitt Romneys and Jeff Flakes are all self-serving dead meat. They can't compete.
You're idea of "giving up" is fucking retarded.

Recognizing REALITY is not giving up.
We lost. Period. Full stop. Trump has to get the fuck out. McConnell has to step down.

Those are the facts despite the wild dreams perpetrated on this board.

In the mean time RATIONAL PEOPLE have to figure out why and how to correct it lest we lose even more ground. Your pipe dreams won't rescue America, a fully fleshed out platform and roadmap to implement it will.

Next is figuring out why you lost...good luck with that if you believe that the lies, behavior, chaos, and division sown by your blob didn't affect you.
Why we lost?

How about why all of us lost.

I dont know your financial situation. But I see my cap gains taxes being raised dramatically and my death tax being raised dramatically. I see my healthcare being increased dramatically and I see my quality of life being decreased dramatically when I retire. ANd I see what I leave my children when I die decreased dramatically.

In essence, my 40 years of 10 to 12 hour vacations, sometimes 6 day weeks and paying 100's of thousands in payroll tax for my employees will result in my retirement no different than the 9-5er who took no risk and paid no employer payroll tax.

And all because people used a pandemic as a political too; and the promise of a 2000 check as a way to win votes.

Speak for yourself.

Your blob wanted 2,000 checks too... so I don't know where you can honestly say that the democrats were behind that master plan to buy votes.

Nobody forced the GOP to adopt a stance that treated the virus as something on the same order as the seasonal flu. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to rally behind a President whos maturity ranks somewhere below Paulie Shore and Snooki. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to look the other way on all of the lies. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to look the other way on impeachable offenses. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to ignore covid relief for over 8 months. You guys did that on your own.

As for your business and the upcoming doom and gloom you predict...My advice to you is this:....file bankruptcy....don't pay your vendors...stiff your employees...and sell a worthless college course of study. It worked for your blob.
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