Congratulations Democrats

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You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
People will start fleeing the country to escape the Corrupt Democrat Party's dystopia.
We are no longer a free country.
The Democrat Party is about to go on a multi trillion dollar looting spree.
They will raise taxes but is will never be enough to pay for it.
Democrat Dark Days are upon us.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.


It is the miserable education system, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans.

Mitt Romney and his ilk are not the answer. Romney played Mr. Nice Guy and they crapped all over him and he was buried.

Trump won, the DemonRats stole the election. So, what do the buffoons in Georgia do? They allow the same drop-boxes and voting machines for the runoffs.

Trump isn't ruining the GOP, the GOP is ruining the GOP. The faster the GOP dies to be replaced by the new Trump-Tea Party Constitutional whatever you want to call it to offer America REAL change, the better.

And the Democrats are just about to prove how much we need it.
Are your negs really necessary?

You have a brain aneurysm? I'm one of the few positive unshaken people here! You are the one throwing in the towel, giving up, and declaring doom and gloom because of one set back. Grow the fuck up.

12 years ago, the Democrats controlled EVERYTHING and were in a much stronger position than today.

Then they lost the Senate, the House, the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court! Out of all that they gave us Trump.

The GOP is washed up. Blame them and start looking for a new party because the Bob Doles/John McCains/Mitt Romneys and Jeff Flakes are all self-serving dead meat. They can't compete.
You're idea of "giving up" is fucking retarded.

Recognizing REALITY is not giving up.
We lost. Period. Full stop. Trump has to get the fuck out. McConnell has to step down.

Those are the facts despite the wild dreams perpetrated on this board.

In the mean time RATIONAL PEOPLE have to figure out why and how to correct it lest we lose even more ground. Your pipe dreams won't rescue America, a fully fleshed out platform and roadmap to implement it will.

Next is figuring out why you lost...good luck with that if you believe that the lies, behavior, chaos, and division sown by your blob didn't affect you.
Why we lost?

How about why all of us lost.

I dont know your financial situation. But I see my cap gains taxes being raised dramatically and my death tax being raised dramatically. I see my healthcare being increased dramatically and I see my quality of life being decreased dramatically when I retire. ANd I see what I leave my children when I die decreased dramatically.

In essence, my 40 years of 10 to 12 hour vacations, sometimes 6 day weeks and paying 100's of thousands in payroll tax for my employees will result in my retirement no different than the 9-5er who took no risk and paid no employer payroll tax.

And all because people used a pandemic as a political too; and the promise of a 2000 check as a way to win votes.

Speak for yourself.

Your blob wanted 2,000 checks too... so I don't know where you can honestly say that the democrats were behind that master plan to buy votes.

Nobody forced the GOP to adopt a stance that treated the virus as something on the same order as the seasonal flu. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to rally behind a President whos maturity ranks somewhere below Paulie Shore and Snooki. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to look the other way on all of the lies. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to look the other way on impeachable offenses. You guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced the GOP to ignore covid relief for over 8 months. You guys did that on your own.

As for your business and the upcoming doom and gloom you predict...My advice to you is this:....file bankruptcy....don't pay your vendors...stiff your employees...and sell a worthless college course of study. It worked for your blob.
Once I saw you called the current President of the United States "Blob". I lost all interest in communicating with a childish debater.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass

Yeah. Your outrage is noted. I found this board in 2016 and lurked a long time before I joined. I can't tell you the amount of taunting, memes, gifs, quoting a-holes on YouTube, and the outright rubbing noses in the dirt that occurred for the left and progressive leaning posters after Trump was elected. You people were merciless at times. And the bile and muck just rose from there. You get what you give.

For myself, I was willing to give Trump a chance to pivot. But he never did. Just stayed the same corrupt, incompetent gasbag that he always was. Coasted on his predecessors gifts while constantly badmouthing him and blaming the press for his bad decisions.
Trump exists because of the forced Republican RINO elitist liars that showed up as their candidate in election after election. There were few bad decisions by Trump. There was a change in the direction to sense that was fought with by tooth and nail by the same political people who promoted the same sense over their illustrious half century careers at one time or another. Rino after rino from Bush senior up to Trump tried to be forced on us. It is not about conservatism. It is about a counter to Prog Socialists who will move to communism. And the dumb ph uks who elect this and do not realize what the end result will be.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
People will start fleeing the country to escape the Corrupt Democrat Party's dystopia.
We are no longer a free country.
The Democrat Party is about to go on a multi trillion dollar looting spree.
They will raise taxes but is will never be enough to pay for it.
Democrat Dark Days are upon us.

Plenty of other countries in the world. Leave if you don't like it.
Sucks when that shoe is on the other foot, huh? :)
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.
I predict that our next "president" will take office in less than a year.

Keeping in mind that this is a person that only 5% of democrats wanted and 0% everybody else.

We are a conquered nation. Time for the insurrection to begin.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
People will start fleeing the country to escape the Corrupt Democrat Party's dystopia.
We are no longer a free country.
The Democrat Party is about to go on a multi trillion dollar looting spree.
They will raise taxes but is will never be enough to pay for it.
Democrat Dark Days are upon us.

Plenty of other countries in the world. Leave if you don't like it.
Sucks when that shoe is on the other foot, huh? :)

Nah, I will have way more fun making you leave.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
People will start fleeing the country to escape the Corrupt Democrat Party's dystopia.
We are no longer a free country.
The Democrat Party is about to go on a multi trillion dollar looting spree.
They will raise taxes but is will never be enough to pay for it.
Democrat Dark Days are upon us.

Plenty of other countries in the world. Leave if you don't like it.
Sucks when that shoe is on the other foot, huh? :)

It sucks when the Democrats lie, cheat and steal.
Democrats ARE the problem in America.
You can have your crime, corruption, hate and racism.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
We ain't going socialist so quit worrying. When are you going to figure out all the rhetoric is from the fringes from both parties right now most the US is in the middle. How the fuck we got to all this lip service to the fringe I don't understand but it will not last for ever sooner or later the middle will get serviced again. Hopefully sooner than later.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
Let’s hope they stay moderate like Biden says.

Packing the court seems to not be an effective strategy. Judges seemed to prove they are mostly above politics by denying trumps imaginary fraud claims.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
People will start fleeing the country to escape the Corrupt Democrat Party's dystopia.
We are no longer a free country.
The Democrat Party is about to go on a multi trillion dollar looting spree.
They will raise taxes but is will never be enough to pay for it.
Democrat Dark Days are upon us.

Plenty of other countries in the world. Leave if you don't like it.
Sucks when that shoe is on the other foot, huh? :)

It sucks when the Democrats lie, cheat and steal.
Democrats ARE the problem in America.
You can have your crime, corruption, hate and racism.

All things made worse under Trump..
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
Of course they have no moral compass. Self righteous,self important democratic twats don’t. They just like to tell others what to do.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
Uncharacteristically gracious of you.

Yes there will be changes you won't like and you'll whine...but life will go on
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.
No, it doesn't. Our constitution doesn't suddenly disappear in mid January.
Can they tinker around the edges? Of course. But that one pesky document that REQUIRES a states input to be altered still stands in their way.
They have two years to convince the public that free shit is the path. If we lose the midterms THEN I will get worried
BOTH parties need to get it through their heads that 50.0001% is NOT a mandate. And forcing their "wishlist" on a divided public will do no good.

Obama poisoned the well with his in-your-face "elections have consequences" comment - but it does sum up the core dysfunction of our politics. We need leaders who will rise above the partisan thrashing and represent ALL the people, and not just those who voted for them.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.
Wow. Thank you. I needed the laugh. You ARE a funny person.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.

And I predict that all three may be in prison. See how I did that?
Sorry, Republicans are not going to forget that Trump cost them the GA runoffs.
That will trickle down to the juniors...who have absolutely no accomplishments among themselves.

Not...gonna...happen. :auiqs.jpg:
Ossoff is a rich boy whose daddy bought him everything he has.

Warlock is an evil, race-baiting, POS.
And they both now hold more power than you and I.

Calling them names solves nothing.
Where is our platform? Where is our winning message? It sure as fuck isn't "they're socialists" otherwise we would have won.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.
It won't be the guy in the middle.
We need a WINNING message. The insults against the left, while fun and often accurate, clearly don't work.

Nutless Republicans brought this upon themselves by allowing the Left to hijack America’s core value / belief systems. They sat on their hands and took it up the ass from the Left for far too long. The GOP is now forced to comply and move Left to stay relevant.
Moving forward they’ll have to proclaim and pretend the following:
Blacks are America’s greatest asset
Wetbacks have always owned America and have a right rob taxpayers
Whitey is greedy and evil and belongs at the back of the bus
Faggots, rug munchers and chicks with dicks are normal
Bottom feeding degenerates have a right to the checking accounts of the productive.

If they do all of that they could win in metropolitan areas and stay relevant on a national scale.
I am afraid you are wrong. If they win the Senate, they will seize the opportunity to take complete control.

Stop screaming and take some deep breaths. The very conservative Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin isn't going to vote for anything excessively liberal. There won't be any SC expansion or universal healthcare.

And Biden? A fine center-right politician. Calling him "communist" indicates brain damage in the speaker.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.
You deserve props for being classy about this. I wouldn’t in your position lol
Obviously, very few of you leftist twats on this board have ANY class. When Obama won myself and a few others threw out the congratulations and crossed fingers. NOT ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKERS did the same when Trump won.
At least you admit you have no moral compass
It's a bit different now. This election takes us into full blown communism.

Don't worry Tipsy, the left think they've excised Trump, instead, they shot their last wad and exposed the flaws of our elections that we now have four years to fix. And what will be waiting for them in 2024?


Trump, Trump and Trump.

View attachment 437899

I predict your next president will be the guy standing on the Left.

And I predict that all three may be in prison. See how I did that?
Sorry, Republicans are not going to forget that Trump cost them the GA runoffs.
That will trickle down to the juniors...who have absolutely no accomplishments among themselves.

Not...gonna...happen. :auiqs.jpg:
That's not fair.

MCCONNELL cost the GOP the Georgia runoffs.

Had he passed the $2000 stimulus checks it's almost a guarantee that at least one of the GA seats would have gone to the GOP.

Thank you Mitch you stupid Bitch
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night
Pretty quick to drop to your knees since the Ossof/Perdue race hasn't been called and, as usual in Georgia,
there appears to be some voting irregularities.

I will never congratulate or acquiesce to socialist thieves.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night
Pretty quick to drop to your knees since the Ossof/Perdue race hasn't been called and, as usual in Georgia,
there appears to be some voting irregularities.

I will never congratulate or acquiesce to socialist thieves.
Sorry. You lose. '

'Go away now
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