Congratulations Democrats

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Republicans had better get their shit together. Democrats, mostly driven by irrational anger at being out of power, just flipped GA purple at best. And make no mistake about it, Americans will pay the price here...

So, when we get that $1400 additional, we’d better bank it, for taxes....

This is not going to be good. I for one am disappointed in our country at present.

So, to Democrats, congratulations, now y’all better find a way to moderate, less you further anger frustrations.
Not to worry. The Ds will do nothing fundamentally different, but they will purposely inflame the right with non-issues to keep the nation divided. It’s an old tactic, but somehow many miss it.

I am afraid you are wrong. If they win the Senate, they will seize the opportunity to take complete control. DC and PR become welfare states ensuring they get those electoral votes in the future. Single-payer healthcare will destroy the quality of medical care and limit innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Ridiculously high taxes on the middle and upper classes, but not the ultra-wealthy, as they have loopholes. Amnesty, free healthcare for illegals. It is all on the table. If they can get illegals the right to vote, that will happen as well. Did I mention gun rights? They will circumvent the 2nd Ammendent in every way possible, including taxing guns and ammunition to extreme levels. The list goes on, these things are on their initial todo list. Read the left-wingers posts on this board. They are drunk lunatics. That is the party that will be taking control. This is not the party of JFK.
Republicans had better get their shit together. Democrats, mostly driven by irrational anger at being out of power, just flipped GA purple at best. And make no mistake about it, Americans will pay the price here...

So, when we get that $1400 additional, we’d better bank it, for taxes....

This is not going to be good. I for one am disappointed in our country at present.

So, to Democrats, congratulations, now y’all better find a way to moderate, less you further anger frustrations.
Not to worry. The Ds will do nothing fundamentally different, but they will purposely inflame the right with non-issues to keep the nation divided. It’s an old tactic, but somehow many miss it.

I only hope you’re right about that....We’ll find out in a couple of weeks won’t we?
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.
Republicans had better get their shit together. Democrats, mostly driven by irrational anger at being out of power, just flipped GA purple at best. And make no mistake about it, Americans will pay the price here...

So, when we get that $1400 additional, we’d better bank it, for taxes....

This is not going to be good. I for one am disappointed in our country at present.

So, to Democrats, congratulations, now y’all better find a way to moderate, less you further anger frustrations.
Not to worry. The Ds will do nothing fundamentally different, but they will purposely inflame the right with non-issues to keep the nation divided. It’s an old tactic, but somehow many miss it.

I am afraid you are wrong. If they win the Senate, they will seize the opportunity to take complete control. DC and PR become welfare states ensuring they get those electoral votes in the future. Single-payer healthcare will destroy the quality of medical care and limit innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Ridiculously high taxes on the middle and upper classes, but not the ultra-wealthy, as they have loopholes. Amnesty, free healthcare for illegals. It is all on the table. If they can get illegals the right to vote, that will happen as well. Did I mention gun rights? They will circumvent the 2nd Ammendent in every way possible, including taxing guns and ammunition to extreme levels. The list goes on, these things are on their initial todo list. Read the left-wingers posts on this board. They are drunk lunatics. That is the party that will be taking control. This is not the party of JFK.

Single payer/private delivery will save 35% in administrative costs and improve outcomes.. and public health overall. It will also end cost shifting.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.
Republicans had better get their shit together. Democrats, mostly driven by irrational anger at being out of power, just flipped GA purple at best. And make no mistake about it, Americans will pay the price here...

So, when we get that $1400 additional, we’d better bank it, for taxes....

This is not going to be good. I for one am disappointed in our country at present.

So, to Democrats, congratulations, now y’all better find a way to moderate, less you further anger frustrations.
Not to worry. The Ds will do nothing fundamentally different, but they will purposely inflame the right with non-issues to keep the nation divided. It’s an old tactic, but somehow many miss it.

I am afraid you are wrong. If they win the Senate, they will seize the opportunity to take complete control. DC and PR become welfare states ensuring they get those electoral votes in the future. Single-payer healthcare will destroy the quality of medical care and limit innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Ridiculously high taxes on the middle and upper classes, but not the ultra-wealthy, as they have loopholes. Amnesty, free healthcare for illegals. It is all on the table. If they can get illegals the right to vote, that will happen as well. Did I mention gun rights? They will circumvent the 2nd Ammendent in every way possible, including taxing guns and ammunition to extreme levels. The list goes on, these things are on their initial todo list. Read the left-wingers posts on this board. They are drunk lunatics. That is the party that will be taking control. This is not the party of JFK.

Single payer/private delivery will save 35% in administrative costs and improve outcomes.. and public health overall. It will also end cost shifting.

LOL...complete brainwashing. I no longer have the energy to argue with 3 year olds about this.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

LOLOL.. How silly for you to assume they will bring socialism. So many Americans don't even know what socialism means.

Why don’t you explain it to us then?

LOLOL.. Services that are socialist in nature include the police, fire and rescue and the Veterans Administration.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Biden won't be nationalizing anything.

Except for the health insurance industry....And just for your information, police, fire, rescue are all local entities....not federal.

They are socialist in nature... Can't you read?

The insurance business will survive on homeowners, auto insurance etc.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.
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Democrats riot and it is “Trump riots”. China releases a virus that destroys the world’s economy and it is the “Trump Plague” and “Trump Recession” felt around the world. You are on another level of stupid and ignorant. That is a horrible combination.

The buck stops here....

Trump can't take credit for the good things that happened when he was president and then avoid any responsibility for the bad things.

It just doesn't work that way.

Trump Plague
Trump Recession
Trump Riots

Worst president since James Buchanan
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

Nope. Biden hasn't learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump knew. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

Once they don't get what they think they will get they will raise everyone's taxes. You voted for that fool, so enjoy. No one else will.
I am afraid you are wrong. If they win the Senate, they will seize the opportunity to take complete control. DC and PR become welfare states ensuring they get those electoral votes in the future.

DC and PR are American citizens...Why shouldn't they have representatives in Congress?

Single-payer healthcare will destroy the quality of medical care and limit innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

Is health care 40% of us can't access really "quality"?

Ridiculously high taxes on the middle and upper classes, but not the ultra-wealthy, as they have loopholes.

Again, we can't borrow our way to prosperity...

Amnesty, free healthcare for illegals.

They're here... let's deal with them.

It is all on the table. If they can get illegals the right to vote, that will happen as well.

Why not? Frankly, if you spent half as much time giving people of color a reason to vote for your side that you spend trying to cheat them out of a vote, you guys might actually legitimately win elections once in a while.

Did I mention gun rights? They will circumvent the 2nd Ammendent in every way possible, including taxing guns and ammunition to extreme levels.

Second Amendment is about militias, and frankly, I'm tired of paying for your Gun Fetish that costs $270,000,000,000.00 in economic losses every year.

The list goes on, these things are on their initial todo list. Read the left-wingers posts on this board. They are drunk lunatics. That is the party that will be taking control. This is not the party of JFK.

And the Cult of Trump isn't the Party of Lincoln or even Reagan. What's your point?
I’m not happy with the result, but democrats are going to overplay their hand and in two years the house and senate will be Republican
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

Nope. Biden hasn't learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump knew. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

Once they don't get what they think they will get they will raise everyone's taxes. You voted for that fool, so enjoy. No one else will.

LOL.. So you still believe in "trickle down"? Right .. That's why the middle class has been shrinking for 30 years.. Keep it up and you get Venezuela.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

Nope. Biden hasn't learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump knew. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

Once they don't get what they think they will get they will raise everyone's taxes. You voted for that fool, so enjoy. No one else will.

LOL.. So you still believe in "trickle down"? Right .. That's why the middle class has been shrinking for 30 years.. Keep it up and you get Venezuela.

I liked my tax cut and Biden will do away with all tax cuts for everyone in the US.

You want Venezuela, you will get it with Biden and a Dem Congress. Enjoy.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

Nope. Biden hasn't learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump knew. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

Once they don't get what they think they will get they will raise everyone's taxes. You voted for that fool, so enjoy. No one else will.

LOL.. So you still believe in "trickle down"? Right .. That's why the middle class has been shrinking for 30 years.. Keep it up and you get Venezuela.

I liked my tax cut and Biden will do away with all tax cuts for everyone in the US.

You want Venezuela, you will get it with Biden and a Dem Congress. Enjoy.

The reason VZ elected Chavez is because the string of dictators controlled all the money and the middle class had disappeared. Stay informed and you won't be hoodwinked by con artists like Trump.
You win the WH and now you win both senate seats in GA. Tough to swallow but it is what it is. The majority wants to go Socialist. I ll grin and bear it and hope that we don’t go too far left as in packing the court, adding two more states, green new deal, BDS vs Israel, open borders, reparations and universal healthcare.

Unfortunately I think we will go very far left now. The Democrats have won the culture war and now we are going to pay for it for years to come.

Congratulations again and good night.

The biggest losers will be the blacks.
Nope. The biggest losers will be the tax payers of America.

Only if you are earning more than $400,000 a year.

Nope. Biden hasn't learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump knew. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

Once they don't get what they think they will get they will raise everyone's taxes. You voted for that fool, so enjoy. No one else will.

LOL.. So you still believe in "trickle down"? Right .. That's why the middle class has been shrinking for 30 years.. Keep it up and you get Venezuela.

I liked my tax cut and Biden will do away with all tax cuts for everyone in the US.

You want Venezuela, you will get it with Biden and a Dem Congress. Enjoy.

The reason VZ elected Chavez is because the string of dictators controlled all the money and the middle class had disappeared. Stay informed and you won't be hoodwinked by con artists like Trump.

LMAO Trump did a good job as POTUS unless you don't like UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across this country and a great economy.All that with Trump at the helm. Of course you like to forget that. Then that very convenient Chines Virus hit and knocked America on its ass.

With the Dems controlling Congress and going ahead with what Biden wants to do we might as well be Venezuela. Enjoy.
LMAO Trump did a good job as POTUS unless you don't like UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across this country and a great economy.All that with Trump at the helm. Of course you like to forget that.

Yeah, probably because millions of us lost our jobs and watched people die or get sick during TRUMP PLAGUE.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, and it's not remembered today for it's speed record.

Democrats riot and it is “Trump riots”. China releases a virus that destroys the world’s economy and it is the “Trump Plague” and “Trump Recession” felt around the world. You are on another level of stupid and ignorant. That is a horrible combination.

The buck stops here....

Trump can't take credit for the good things that happened when he was president and then avoid any responsibility for the bad things.

It just doesn't work that way.

Trump Plague
Trump Recession
Trump Riots

Worst president since James Buchanan

Cool. Absolutely EVERYTHING that happens under the Harris administration will be her and her sidekick’s fault, that includes if a tree falls on top of my car in a storm. Somehow I think the goal posts will be moved very shortly by the MSM. They will do everything they can to kiss the Democrat’s sorry butts while they destroy our country one bill at a time.
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