Congratulations, Walmart Shoppers!

How quickly and for so little they ditch the sanctity of the sacred Thanksgiving holiday.

Sacred Thanksgiving holiday???

Right. The day liberals think every business should close and every employee should get the day off to spend with family. Never mind that they do everything they can to destroy the family. Gotta have that entertainment. It's right up there with medical services. And anyone who goes for the bargain on Black Friday is the biggest sinner of all.

Holidays are for the wealthy. The poor go to work. And it's the right that is forcing that because it's the right that thinks it's just nifty to subsidize walmart wages with higher taxes. How is that a "bargain"?

If you really want bargains, plan ahead and decide for yourself when to buy. Quit relying on your overlords to tell you what to do.

Do you ever just think for yourself?

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You're shocked that Black Friday shopping is crazy? Have you been asleep the last century?
I just got back from the local thrift store and boy did I score!!! 28 bucks...and I bought a carole little dress, a tienda ho duster, some knightgowns with the tags still on it, a watch that is still in it's case and a buncha other stuff. 28 bucks. TWENTY EIGHT.

I'm done shopping. Everyone gets something and I don't have to put out another buck OR shop. Well, except for the mailman. I always get the two drivers something, so a box of candy for them to munch on as they deliver mail will make them happy. :)
I just got back from the local thrift store and boy did I score!!! 28 bucks...and I bought a carole little dress, a tienda ho duster, some knightgowns with the tags still on it, a watch that is still in it's case and a buncha other stuff. 28 bucks. TWENTY EIGHT.

I'm done shopping. Everyone gets something and I don't have to put out another buck OR shop. Well, except for the mailman. I always get the two drivers something, so a box of candy for them to munch on as they deliver mail will make them happy. :)

Cool Beans!

And your gifts will be loved just as much as if you had gone into debt or been a slave to the WalMart mentality. Really, I think its just sad that people will shop there just to show how cold and empty they are.

We haven't been buying xmas gifts for each other for some while now. By the time you get to our age, there's really nothing we need. Instead, we give to the food bank.

Because of my surgery, this year is a bit different. We want to do something for the staff but the usual box of candy seems pretty small and meaningless. So, we're upping the donation to the food bank and sending it in their name.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

What kinds of things do you do to give back to your community?
sacred thanksgiving holiday???

right. The day liberals think every business should close and every employee should get the day off to spend with family. Never mind that they do everything they can to destroy the family. Gotta have that entertainment. It's right up there with medical services. And anyone who goes for the bargain on black friday is the biggest sinner of all.

holidays are for the wealthy. The poor go to work. And it's the right that is forcing that because it's the right that thinks it's just nifty to subsidize walmart wages with higher taxes. How is that a "bargain"?

If you really want bargains, plan ahead and decide for yourself when to buy. Quit relying on your overlords to tell you what to do.

Do you ever just think for yourself?

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wat the fock? ^^
Sacred Thanksgiving holiday???

Right. The day liberals think every business should close and every employee should get the day off to spend with family. Never mind that they do everything they can to destroy the family. Gotta have that entertainment. It's right up there with medical services. And anyone who goes for the bargain on Black Friday is the biggest sinner of all.

Holidays are for the wealthy. The poor go to work. And it's the right that is forcing that because it's the right that thinks it's just nifty to subsidize walmart wages with higher taxes. How is that a "bargain"?

If you really want bargains, plan ahead and decide for yourself when to buy. Quit relying on your overlords to tell you what to do.

Do you ever just think for yourself?

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neddy has lost her flipping mind.
Because of my surgery, this year is a bit different. We want to do something for the staff but the usual box of candy seems pretty small and meaningless. So, we're upping the donation to the food bank and sending it in their name.

Anybody have any thoughts on this??

Congrats on the Lobotomy.
Sacred Thanksgiving holiday???

Right. The day liberals think every business should close and every employee should get the day off to spend with family. Never mind that they do everything they can to destroy the family. Gotta have that entertainment. It's right up there with medical services. And anyone who goes for the bargain on Black Friday is the biggest sinner of all.

Holidays are for the wealthy. The poor go to work. And it's the right that is forcing that because it's the right that thinks it's just nifty to subsidize walmart wages with higher taxes. How is that a "bargain"?

If you really want bargains, plan ahead and decide for yourself when to buy. Quit relying on your overlords to tell you what to do.

Do you ever just think for yourself?

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