Congresional Dem going after Trump's tax returns


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
House Democrats on Monday offered a resolution in an attempt keep the issue of the release of Donald Trump‘s tax returns on the negotiating table in exchange for any tax reform bills in the House of Representatives.

Democratic Rep. Hakeen Jeffries introduced the rather unique resolution, according to The Hill, because “it would direct the House to delay consideration of tax-reform legislation until after lawmakers review Trump’s tax returns and determine how the president could benefit from tax-code changes”

As a member of the House Democratic leadership, Jeffries maintains the ability to tag measures as “privileged.” This entitles him to have his matters brought before the House for action within 48 hours, or two legislative days.

Jeffries’ resolution also seeks for the House Ways and Means Committee to be given the ability to obtain and Trump’s returns and review them in a closed session.

Democratic Congressman Wants to Force Trump Tax Disclosures

drip drip drip.........only a matter of time
Makes sense to know about conflicts in interest
The desperation of the Dems is absolutely hilarious.

O's IRS audited those returns 7 straight years....
Makes sense to know about conflicts in interest

it would be similar to how they caught the Trumpies.......while investigating one crime (conflict of interst), they uncover another crime along the way (overseas/Russian/dark money all over the forms)
You are a lousy poster, and spamming the forum. Just another troll I am crossing off of my list and passing on by.

Let's see your tax return.
I could care less about "how much", I want to know exactly where and who with.

Americans deserve to know about the person making decisions for them and the country.
The desperation of the Dems is absolutely hilarious.

O's IRS audited those returns 7 straight years....

Desperation? Are you kidding? This is like shooting ducks in a barrel for the Dems. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving with his endless stupid arrogance, Tweets and outrageous, baldfaced lies.

And now this:

Trump Can Pull Money From His Businesses Whenever He Wants ...
1 day ago - Trump Can Pull Money From His Businesses Whenever He Wants ... Trump can draw money from his more than 400 businesses, at any time, without ... Trump to disclose when he takes profits from the trust, which could go ...
Missing: means
Trump trust allows president to easily withdraw money - Chicago Tribune
16 hours ago - He is still entitled to the income and the profits of the trust ifhe wants them," ... said Monday that Trump's trust was not changed and defended its use. ... money off the trust's financial interests and can revoke the trust at any time. ... have to disclose when or whether he draws moneyfrom the trust, which is ...
Missing: means
Donald Trump's Trust Was Reportedly Changed to Withdraw from His ...
1 day ago - And he doesn't have to disclose it to anyone. ... was a change made to the trust agreement that not only means conflicts of ... but actually shows that Trump can use his businesses as personal ... money from his more than 400 businesses, at any time, without ... He wants to take moneyout of his businesses.
Default Trump changes trust rules to allow him take money from biz ...
18 hours ago - He needs $$ since he gave away $80k to a group he wants to cut $1.6B from. ... Putting your businesses or stock in Trust doesn't meanyou don't get profits. ... It's that he can use the trust as a personal piggy bank without having to disclose the money, except on his taxes which willnever see the light of day.

You are a lousy poster, and spamming the forum. Just another troll I am crossing off of my list and passing on by.

Let's see your tax return.

He's not running for POTUS, you stupid fucking idiot.

Who is the Idiot here?
You? A poster with a 73% rating?

Or me? A poster with a 136% rating?

You are just a hair above a D average dummy.

And what you are failing to realize....(most likely due to your lack of intelligence) is that ..

1.) Tax Returns are not required to run for president.

2.) If Congress can force any person to have their tax returns revealed to The Public, you have turned The Constitution on it's head and eliminated The Right To Privacy...

Wasn't it bad enough that your Boy Obama, used The IRS as a weapon, and that someone in The IRS already illegally leaked one of his tax returns?

As if that wasn't criminal enough for you, he then had to go and use our Intelligence Community too against his political opponents?

Please cite one instance in US History where a sitting president engaged in Espionage against an Incoming President.

You see nothing wrong with that at all, do you?

Stupid Is, As Stupid Does.

You are The Poster Boy For It!


But let me spell this out for you can join your heroes where you and they can carry out their morally corrupt fantasies when this is all over.

A smarter man would already realize he is flying on The Hindenberg.....but you'll go on sipping tea with your little limp wrist and just sachet your way to your own damnation.
Ignorance may be Bliss, but sometimes it is damn right deadly. In your case, it's the latter.

Last edited:
You are a lousy poster, and spamming the forum. Just another troll I am crossing off of my list and passing on by.

Let's see your tax return.

He's not running for POTUS, you stupid fucking idiot.

Who is the Idiot here?
You? A poster with a 73% rating?

Or me? A poster with a 136% rating?

You are just a hair above a D average dummy.

And what you are failing to realize....(most likely due to your lack of intelligence) is that ..

1.) Tax Returns are not required to run for president.

2.) If Congress can force any person to have their tax returns revealed to The Public, you have turned The Constitution on it's head and eliminated The Right To Privacy...

Wasn't it bad enough that your Boy Obama, used The IRS as a weapon, and that someone in The IRS already illegally leaked one of his tax returns?

As if that wasn't criminal enough for you, he then had to go and use our Intelligence Community too against his political opponents?

Please cite one instance in US History where a sitting president engaged in Espionage against an Incoming President.

You see nothing wrong with that at all, do you?

Stupid Is, As Stupid Does.

You are The Poster Boy For It!


But let me spell this out for you can join your heroes where you and they can carry out their morally corrupt fantasies when this is all over.

A smarter man would already realize he is flying on The Hindenberg.....but you'll go on sipping tea with your little limp wrist and just sachet your way to your own damnation.
Ignorance may be Bliss, but sometimes it is damn right deadly. In your case, it's the latter.


"Who is the Idiot here?
You? A poster with a 73% rating?
Or me? A poster with a 136% rating?"""

Wait, you're serious, aren't you? You're a rightwing idiot commenting about a liberal on a far-rightwing/alt-right message board. You're posting to the crowd inside a hermetically-sealed rightwing bubble. Do I really have to explain this to you? ...... I pity that your life is so devoid of meaning that you actually take the time to check the "ratings" here of other members. Sad.
I could care less about "how much", I want to know exactly where and who with.

Americans deserve to know about the person making decisions for them and the country.

The president isn't the only one making decisions affecting this country. We also have congressmen, senators, those in charge of the various federal agencies and members of the federal judiciary including the Supreme Court, especially members of the Supreme Court.

What do you suppose would happen if someone proposed a law that required every candidate for the congress and senate to provide his/her tax returns for the proceeding 5 years and every year afterwards while serving in office? Anyone who even thought such a law had the chance of passing should be confined to a mental institution. In fact, I can tell exactly how many senators and congressmen from either party would vote in favor: none.

Democrats want to get something on Trump. They hope they will find something in Trump's returns they can use to discredit him. It doesn't have to be something illegal or unethical, just something they can twist to make him look bad. The Democrats are masters of spin and deception. It's the only thing they do well.

This country is facing serious problems, both domestically and international In spite of record tax revenues, the massive and unsustainable debt is increasing dramatically; Obamacare is imploding; illegal immigration is creating chaos; our infrastructure is crumbling; our nation's intelligence institutions have been engaging in massive criminal surveillance of private citizens, members of the press and even the president for purely political purposes; our educational institutions are failing; the dollar is in danger of losing its status as the world's reserve currency; we are engaged in senseless wars in the Middle East and in spite of all of this – and more - the dimwit, arrogant and self-serving Democrat assholes' primary concern is for Trump's tax returns? What a bunch of losers!

Trump should do what Obama did: seal all of his records to prevent them from disclosure. Trump has more important things to do than deal with Democrat witch hunts and other shenanigans.
The desperation of the Dems is absolutely hilarious.

O's IRS audited those returns 7 straight years....

Desperation? Are you kidding? This is like shooting ducks in a barrel for the Dems. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving with his endless stupid arrogance, Tweets and outrageous, baldfaced lies.

And now this:

Trump Can Pull Money From His Businesses Whenever He Wants ...
1 day ago - Trump Can Pull Money From His Businesses Whenever He Wants ... Trump can draw money from his more than 400 businesses, at any time, without ... Trump to disclose when he takes profits from the trust, which could go ...
Missing: means
Trump trust allows president to easily withdraw money - Chicago Tribune
16 hours ago - He is still entitled to the income and the profits of the trust ifhe wants them," ... said Monday that Trump's trust was not changed and defended its use. ... money off the trust's financial interests and can revoke the trust at any time. ... have to disclose when or whether he draws moneyfrom the trust, which is ...
Missing: means
Donald Trump's Trust Was Reportedly Changed to Withdraw from His ...
1 day ago - And he doesn't have to disclose it to anyone. ... was a change made to the trust agreement that not only means conflicts of ... but actually shows that Trump can use his businesses as personal ... money from his more than 400 businesses, at any time, without ... He wants to take moneyout of his businesses.
Default Trump changes trust rules to allow him take money from biz ...
18 hours ago - He needs $$ since he gave away $80k to a group he wants to cut $1.6B from. ... Putting your businesses or stock in Trust doesn't meanyou don't get profits. ... It's that he can use the trust as a personal piggy bank without having to disclose the money, except on his taxes which willnever see the light of day.

how they gonna do it?
Yeah...that pla\yed out so well for Madcow
Way to deflect from the topic at hand.
Every patriotic American wants and needs to know just how deep Trump is in debt to Russia. I know YOU don't. You don't want to know if your president is a crook.
House Democrats on Monday offered a resolution in an attempt keep the issue of the release of Donald Trump‘s tax returns on the negotiating table in exchange for any tax reform bills in the House of Representatives.

Democratic Rep. Hakeen Jeffries introduced the rather unique resolution, according to The Hill, because “it would direct the House to delay consideration of tax-reform legislation until after lawmakers review Trump’s tax returns and determine how the president could benefit from tax-code changes”

As a member of the House Democratic leadership, Jeffries maintains the ability to tag measures as “privileged.” This entitles him to have his matters brought before the House for action within 48 hours, or two legislative days.

Jeffries’ resolution also seeks for the House Ways and Means Committee to be given the ability to obtain and Trump’s returns and review them in a closed session.

Democratic Congressman Wants to Force Trump Tax Disclosures

drip drip drip.........only a matter of time

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