Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

Deny, deny, deny. Obama doubles the debt and gives us the slowest continuing GDP growth in history. Trump comes along and reverses Obama's policies, gives us record low unemployment, higher wages, higher GDP growth, and all you're able to do is point to a slight increase in the deficit and try to hold him responsible for 200 years worth of debt (half of which belongs to Obama). And sticking to your liberal talking points you just can't bring himself to give Trump credit for anything but happy to blame him for the disasters of his predecessor. You can go back to wringing your hands now and whining about Donald Trump's booming economy. I'll be enjoying some of the newfound prosperity we never saw for 8 years under the Kenyan dictator. See ya.
Bush nearly doubled the debt and increased GDP at a lower rate than Obama.

Let’s see your post about that.....
The first $Trillion dollar deficits were signed into law by BUSH that ran until October 2009!!! Obama Reduced the Deficit Every Year!
Actually, FY2008 was the first trillion dollar deficit.

I think you are mistaken.

US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis

View attachment 222191
09/30/2008 ... 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 ..... 9,007,653,372,262.48

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2018

I stand corrected.
Welcome to another edition of It's Okay When Trump Does It!

Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.
It is not an additional $222 billion, it is an additional 599,702,865,010. I gave you the numbers, are you too stupid to understand more than 3 numbers?
Like I predicted, the CBO is lying, right? Don't let those inconvenient facts distract you from your leftist talking points, just keep doubling down and hope nobody notices you're full of shit. You think people can't see that you're adding in the EXISTING DEFICIT left by Obama? You conveniently forgot to subtract that $674 from both the debt and the deficit left by the Kenyan communist. You just can't bring yourself to acknowledge that Obama drove the debt through the roof while the GDP was consistently the lowest in history for 8 straight years, yet you want to give him credit for the current economy (the economy every leftist predicted would collapse under Trump's policies). Can't have it both ways, buddy boy. Now go ahead and call me some names and claim victory, maybe that'll make your ass hurt a little less.
Like I predicted, the CBO is lying, right? Don't let those inconvenient facts distract you from your leftist talking points, just keep doubling down and hope nobody notices you're full of shit. You think people can't see that you're adding in the EXISTING DEFICIT left by Obama? You conveniently forgot to subtract that $674 from both the debt and the deficit left by the Kenyan communist. You just can't bring yourself to acknowledge that Obama drove the debt through the roof while the GDP was consistently the lowest in history for 8 straight years, yet you want to give him credit for the current economy (the economy every leftist predicted would collapse under Trump's policies). Can't have it both ways, buddy boy. Now go ahead and call me some names and claim victory, maybe that'll make your ass hurt a little less.

Look you stupid fuck, I gave you the debt on 1 Oct 2017 and the Debt on 30 Sept 2018 and then subtracted those numbers, that is how much debt was added in that one single year. Why do you suck so much at math? This is just simple arithmetic, you should have learned how to add and subtract in 3rd grade.

One more time for the really stupid at math..

according to the Treasury Department..Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Debt on 1 Oct 2017... $20,244,900,016,053
Debt on 30 Sept 2018...$21,516,058,183,180

That is a difference of $1,271,158,167,127. Difference means that you subtracted one number from the other, in case you did not know.

The difference is how much debt was added in the one single year between those two dates.

This is not hard math, this is pretty simple stuff. I know there are a lot of numbers, but you can trust me, the math is correct.

Yes, Obama drove the debt through the roof while the GDP was consistently the lowest in history for 8 straight years.

The only thing I have ever given Obama credit for was fucking up the healthcare system even more than it was. I have never given him one dollar of credit for the economy.
Deficits and debt are 2 different things

the fact that you want to quibble about deficits when both parties continue to run up the debt is more proof that none of you idiots give a flying or any other kind of fuck about the debt just like the the idiot politicians you vote for

Debt is made of deficits dummy, it’s a pretty direct relationship.

Generally speaking Democrats care about deficits and debt more than Republicans, more willing to compromise to get this issue solved.

and it doesn't fucking matter because EVERY single president since Coolidge has added to the debt even Clinton even though you get a hard on over his surplus


Not you or any asshole politician you vote for the proof is evident

Yes it does matter silly. $1 defict increases debt, but IT IS in fact very different from 1.3T deficit, IT IS in fact very different from $900B deficit.

Quantities and direction not only matter, they are crucial to the issue.

Our deficits have gone down under Clinton, have gone down under Obama and increased under all Republicans that have stepped into the office starting with Reagan.

Trump will have trillion dollar deficits ASSUMING GOOD ECONOMY....and if it goes sour? Then we are really fucked.


ergo no one who has been in office or who has voted for anyone since then gives a shit about the debt

that includes you

You can't tell a difference between adding $1 to debt and $10 Trillion

ergo you are a fucking moron.

doesn't matter
all you sheep fucking hypocrites do is whine about debt when the guy you didn't vote for runs it up

you vote for people who run up the debt you keep voting for people who run up the debt then you complain about people you didn't vote for running up the debt

you have absolutely no credibility
Welcome to another edition of It's Okay When Trump Does It!

Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.

it is obviously OK when anyone does it because people who do it keep getting voted into office

actions speak louder than words and the actions of the voters tell us the no one gives a shit about the debt
Don't be stupid , I detest Bush but he "inherited" a "projected" surplus.

and he inherited the tech bubble and the law that Clinton signed at the end of his last term that made too big to fail possible

And before any of you idiots start saying I'm defending Bush I'm not I am merely pointing out facts
Don't be stupid , I detest Bush but he "inherited" a "projected" surplus.

and he inherited the tech bubble and the law that Clinton signed at the end of his last term that made too big to fail possible

And before any of you idiots start saying I'm defending Bush I'm not I am merely pointing out facts

Which has nothing to do with my post

you want to talk about what presidents inherited so at least be thorough if not honest

LOL, apparently context eludes you. You are dismissed

fuck off

LOL, you seem to be a bit high strung for this game?
and he inherited the tech bubble and the law that Clinton signed at the end of his last term that made too big to fail possible

And before any of you idiots start saying I'm defending Bush I'm not I am merely pointing out facts
and he inherited the tech bubble and the law that Clinton signed at the end of his last term that made too big to fail possible

And before any of you idiots start saying I'm defending Bush I'm not I am merely pointing out facts

Which has nothing to do with my post

you want to talk about what presidents inherited so at least be thorough if not honest

LOL, apparently context eludes you. You are dismissed

fuck off

LOL, you seem to be a bit high strung for this game?

Disingenuous assholes try my patience
Welcome to another edition of It's Okay When Trump Does It!

Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.

it is obviously OK when anyone does it because people who do it keep getting voted into office

actions speak louder than words and the actions of the voters tell us the no one gives a shit about the debt

I don't speak for anyone but me ,you do understand that right?
Welcome to another edition of It's Okay When Trump Does It!

Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.

it is obviously OK when anyone does it because people who do it keep getting voted into office

actions speak louder than words and the actions of the voters tell us the no one gives a shit about the debt

I don't speak for anyone but me ,you do understand that right?

and if you have voted for anyone who has run up the debt you're a hypocrite
Which has nothing to do with my post

you want to talk about what presidents inherited so at least be thorough if not honest

LOL, apparently context eludes you. You are dismissed

fuck off

LOL, you seem to be a bit high strung for this game?

Disingenuous assholes try my patience

I posted nothing disingenuous. You simply don't understand the concept of context.
you want to talk about what presidents inherited so at least be thorough if not honest

LOL, apparently context eludes you. You are dismissed

fuck off

LOL, you seem to be a bit high strung for this game?

Disingenuous assholes try my patience

I posted nothing disingenuous. You simply don't understand the concept of context.

and you don't understand the evolving nature of a conversation
Welcome to another edition of It's Okay When Trump Does It!

Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.

it is obviously OK when anyone does it because people who do it keep getting voted into office

actions speak louder than words and the actions of the voters tell us the no one gives a shit about the debt

I don't speak for anyone but me ,you do understand that right?

and if you have voted for anyone who has run up the debt you're a hypocrite

LOL, get over yourself kid. I was freed from the false two party paradigm years ago. Were you industrious enough you could free too.
Welcome to another edition of It's Okay When Trump Does It!

Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.

it is obviously OK when anyone does it because people who do it keep getting voted into office

actions speak louder than words and the actions of the voters tell us the no one gives a shit about the debt

I don't speak for anyone but me ,you do understand that right?

and if you have voted for anyone who has run up the debt you're a hypocrite

LOL, get over yourself kid. I was freed from the false two party paradigm years ago. Were you industrious enough you could free too.

Sure you have

I don't bother voting anymore because it doesn't matter when the sheep fucking hypocrites like you have me so outnumbered
Get over yourself child, it's not ok when ANYBODY does it. But if you had a brain or any integrity you'd admit that they ALL do it.

it is obviously OK when anyone does it because people who do it keep getting voted into office

actions speak louder than words and the actions of the voters tell us the no one gives a shit about the debt

I don't speak for anyone but me ,you do understand that right?

and if you have voted for anyone who has run up the debt you're a hypocrite

LOL, get over yourself kid. I was freed from the false two party paradigm years ago. Were you industrious enough you could free too.

Sure you have

I don't bother voting anymore because it doesn't matter when the sheep fucking hypocrites like you have me so outnumbered

You dont get to decide when my posts should evolve. You replied to something you did not understand and now you're upset that I've made you look bad. I not only posted something that agreed with what you said I also disavowed anyone who spends too much. You are too busy trying prove how big you think your sick is.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

increasing the minimum wage is the way to go, left wingers.
Well, yeah actually it does. The CBO is famous for it poor predictions. I gave a link to the Treasury with the exact numbers.

I left off a 2 when typing in the number, so sue me.

It does not matter if you said it cancels out part of or all of it, the whole idea has no merit and no logic behind it.

In this case, the Dems were right, the GDP will not rise enough to cancel out the increase, even if such a thing made any sense. The tax cuts decreased revenue, which I proved to you in my last post, with the numbers straight out of the Monthly Treasury Statement.

you keep parroting the talking point that the GPD will cancel out the INCREASE in the debt. If that really happened, we would not have a debt that is 105% larger than our GDP.
Deny, deny, deny. Obama doubles the debt and gives us the slowest continuing GDP growth in history. Trump comes along and reverses Obama's policies, gives us record low unemployment, higher wages, higher GDP growth, and all you're able to do is point to a slight increase in the deficit and try to hold him responsible for 200 years worth of debt (half of which belongs to Obama). And sticking to your liberal talking points you just can't bring himself to give Trump credit for anything but happy to blame him for the disasters of his predecessor. You can go back to wringing your hands now and whining about Donald Trump's booming economy. I'll be enjoying some of the newfound prosperity we never saw for 8 years under the Kenyan dictator. See ya.
Bush nearly doubled the debt and increased GDP at a lower rate than Obama.

Let’s see your post about that.....
The first $Trillion dollar deficits were signed into law by BUSH that ran until October 2009!!! Obama Reduced the Deficit Every Year!
Actually, FY2008 was the first trillion dollar deficit.

I think you are mistaken.

US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis

View attachment 222191
Every Budget Clinton & Obama signed Lowered the Deficit. Every one Trump signed & most Bush signed Increased the Deficit!
Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!


We are on a downward spiral to hell thanks to Dumb Donald.
Bullshit. Stimulus added 800 billion, but our debt increase was primarily caused by tax-cuts, unfinanced wars and Great Recession.


Nice monkey math. We’re not talking about hypotheticals or “taking into account...”, we’re talking about the actual deficit. Dems have never demonstrated the ability to decrease it. You might want to accept the fact that the “Bush tax cuts” were extended by Dems that had a super majority in Congress and signed into law by your beloved Hussein.

Dummy actual deficits have ACTUAL CAUSES. Don't want to use that reasoned aproach? Fine lets not.

Bush inherited a surplus, left office with 1.3T dollar deficit budget for 2009 (fiscal year that started October 2008).

Obama inherited 1.3T dollar deficit, left office with 600B deficit.

Trump inherited 600 Billion dollar deficit and it ALREADY UP TO 900B this year.

Don't be stupid , I detest Bush but he "inherited" a "projected" surplus.

We had a surplus budget in 2000 and 2001, budgets were balanced and in fact would still be balanced if it wasn't for all the tax-cutting, wars, other spending and economy slightly better handled.

Sorry, all smoke and mirror's. Look an off the books item. The Fed was sitting on an unfunded 10 trillion issue with SS

wtf?...the Fed doesn't handle any "SS" issues, they deal with monetary, not fiscal policies.
Look you stupid fuck
Right on cue.
The only thing I have ever given Obama credit for was fucking up the healthcare system even more than it was. I have never given him one dollar of credit for the economy.
Bullshit. You tried to give him credit for the current drop in the unemployment rate. AND you tried to lump in Obama's deficits with Trump's. then blame Trump for the entire amount. Your sole purpose for being here is to bash Trump and downplay his successes while claiming to not be a leftist hack. When someone calls you out on your bullshit you immediately resort to name calling and poisoning the atmosphere so a rational discussion can't possibly take place. We all know the routine, we've seen it many times before.

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