Congress ethic ratings at bottom of barrel.


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Americans give Congress lowest ethics rating in Gallup history | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

You think the above is bad, look at the RCP poll below, YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!

RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

RCP average has an ALL TIME LOW CONGRESSIONAL DISAPPROVAL RATING that cleared 80% & is heading towards 90% disapproval rating. The RCP avg spread of a whopping -70.5 spells out a MAJOR changeover for the congress! Anyone got an opinion on which seats change over?

It's a reflection of the Washington leadership
Americans give Congress lowest ethics rating in Gallup history | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

You think the above is bad, look at the RCP poll below, YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!

RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

RCP average has an ALL TIME LOW CONGRESSIONAL DISAPPROVAL RATING that cleared 80% & is heading towards 90% disapproval rating. The RCP avg spread of a whopping -70.5 spells out a MAJOR changeover for the congress! Anyone got an opinion on which seats change over?

It's a reflection of the Washington leadership

True but sadly the re-election of these people will be a reflection of the sheer stupidity of the citizenry, and its lack of will to even approach the issues this nation faces and create an atmosphere of "real" change.
Bitch and moan all we want to about the "leaders" we are dis-satisfied with, but ultimately the blame is squarely on the uneducated fucks who engage in partisan party bickering, instead of thinking for themselves, or what is truly best for the nation.
The tying in of the Keystone project(a project I happen to agree with, actually) to the FICA tax holiday, UC Extension is a prime example of why their disapproval ratings are so low.

At every turn as of late, they are holding the country hostage to sneak in their own Agenda... rather than bringing it up on it's own merits and having an honest debate about it.

Like I said... I am pretty much in support of the Keystone XL project... but not as a "sneak it in" kind of thing. It's a major project that needs proper discussion.

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