Congress exempt from the ACA? The latest lie that won't die


Active Member
May 5, 2013
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

What percentage of your health insurance cost does your employer cover?
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

What percentage of your health insurance cost does your employer cover?

None, but that's not the point.

I agree that it's a technicality but the fact remains...... the Stuttering Clusterfuck PERSONALLY ORDERED the OPM to read the ACA Law the way he wanted it read.

Therefore, it is an 'exemption' or a waiver. Whatever you want.

dimocraps fucked up in the language of the law. They could have fixed it easily. They could even have voted themselves and their Staff a pay-raise to cover the expense of paying for their own Insurance.

But they didn't want to. They wanted to play politics with it. They didn't want to admit to a mistake -- dimocraps never make them, y'know. In fact dimocrap pencils don't even have erasers on them.

And the way dimocraps play politics is to lie like the scumbags they are.

It is a technicality, but it is also A FACT that they are getting an exemption that no other American Citizen can get.

All they had to do was say..... "Hey, we fucked up. Sorry 'bout that" and move on down the road. I wouldn't have gotten upset and neither would 90% of America.

we would have teased them a little bit about how come, if they're so smart, how'd they fuck that little bit of unimportant bullshit up.

But now.... Now, they're lying.

But.... That's what dimocraps do.

They lie.

Dogs bark, babies cry, ducks quack

dimocraps lie
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

But the Law doesn't allow for that. The Law was badly written and needed EXECUTIVE ACTION to fix it.

In the REAL WORLD, that is called an EXEMPTION.


THAT IS AN EXEMPTION, you stupid little girl.

Now......... Should Congress and their staffers be allowed to keep the Health Benefits and Employer Contributions they had before the Law?


But that doesn't change the FACT that an exemption had to be PERSONALLY ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest........ Or both?
No one said they were IMMUNE from it...only that they were given EXEMPTIONS.
Apparently you don't understand the difference.
The Democrats gave over 2000 exemptions to favored corporations/unions and to some government agencies (which is especially egregious)
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

The correct spelling is s t u p i d.

You are going to have to do a better job explaining the difference between exemption and exempt.

You failed.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

But the Law doesn't allow for that. The Law was badly written and needed EXECUTIVE ACTION to fix it.

In the REAL WORLD, that is called an EXEMPTION.


THAT IS AN EXEMPTION, you stupid little girl.

Now......... Should Congress and their staffers be allowed to keep the Health Benefits and Employer Contributions they had before the Law?


But that doesn't change the FACT that an exemption had to be PERSONALLY ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest........ Or both?

The law was intentionally written to force Congress to use the Healthcare Exchanges they created. Let them see firsthand how well or poorly it functions. Not a bad idea in itself

But Congtressional staff (Secretaries, accountants, administrative support) were also forced to move to the exchanges. In doing so they would forfeit the employer contribution to their healthcare which amounts to a cut in pay

All the exemption does is allow them to keep that employer contribution
The law was intentionally written to force Congress to use the Healthcare Exchanges they created. Let them see firsthand how well or poorly it functions. Not a bad idea in itself

But Congtressional staff (Secretaries, accountants, administrative support) were also forced to move to the exchanges. In doing so they would forfeit the employer contribution to their healthcare which amounts to a cut in pay

All the exemption does is allow them to keep that employer contribution

What about private employees everywhere that will face the same scenario?
They will you know. No exemption for them. Well, unless they work for one of the favored corporations that received like exemptions.
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Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.
More lies from the left.

When are you going to start calling people names? That's about the speed of the Democrats these days.
Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

But the Law doesn't allow for that. The Law was badly written and needed EXECUTIVE ACTION to fix it.

In the REAL WORLD, that is called an EXEMPTION.


THAT IS AN EXEMPTION, you stupid little girl.

Now......... Should Congress and their staffers be allowed to keep the Health Benefits and Employer Contributions they had before the Law?


But that doesn't change the FACT that an exemption had to be PERSONALLY ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest........ Or both?

The law was intentionally written to force Congress to use the Healthcare Exchanges they created. Let them see firsthand how well or poorly it functions. Not a bad idea in itself

But Congtressional staff (Secretaries, accountants, administrative support) were also forced to move to the exchanges. In doing so they would forfeit the employer contribution to their healthcare which amounts to a cut in pay

All the exemption does is allow them to keep that employer contribution

That is absolutely true.....

But it is STILL AN EXEMPTION!:eek:
But the Law doesn't allow for that. The Law was badly written and needed EXECUTIVE ACTION to fix it.

In the REAL WORLD, that is called an EXEMPTION.


THAT IS AN EXEMPTION, you stupid little girl.

Now......... Should Congress and their staffers be allowed to keep the Health Benefits and Employer Contributions they had before the Law?


But that doesn't change the FACT that an exemption had to be PERSONALLY ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest........ Or both?

The law was intentionally written to force Congress to use the Healthcare Exchanges they created. Let them see firsthand how well or poorly it functions. Not a bad idea in itself

But Congtressional staff (Secretaries, accountants, administrative support) were also forced to move to the exchanges. In doing so they would forfeit the employer contribution to their healthcare which amounts to a cut in pay

All the exemption does is allow them to keep that employer contribution

That is absolutely true.....

But it is STILL AN EXEMPTION!:eek:
What are you going to do? Lying liars are gonna lie.
Let them pay the difference out of their own pockets just like we have to.

Its easy to love something when someone elses money is paying your way.

According to what I've read Congress itself isn't exempted but you can bet your ass every one of those Clowns will get the cadillac hc plan at our expense.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.

Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being foced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?
The law was intentionally written to force Congress to use the Healthcare Exchanges they created. Let them see firsthand how well or poorly it functions. Not a bad idea in itself

But Congtressional staff (Secretaries, accountants, administrative support) were also forced to move to the exchanges. In doing so they would forfeit the employer contribution to their healthcare which amounts to a cut in pay

All the exemption does is allow them to keep that employer contribution

What about private employees everywhere that will face the same scenario?
They will you know. No exemption for them. Well, unless they work for one of the favored corporations that received like exemptions.

Try reading the link.

Clearly, you do not understand.

Private employees already get healthcare through their employers, you idiot. They are not being forced onto the exchanges. The exchanges are for people who don't have health insurance through employers.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.
More lies from the left.

When are you going to start calling people names? That's about the speed of the Democrats these days.

What exactly about my post is a lie?

Say exactly what the supposed lie is or sit down and shut up.
Let them pay the difference out of their own pockets just like we have to.

Its easy to love something when someone elses money is paying your way.

According to what I've read Congress itself isn't exempted but you can bet your ass every one of those Clowns will get the cadillac hc plan at our expense.

You do know congress is already compensated at our expense , don't you?
Let them pay the difference out of their own pockets just like we have to.

Its easy to love something when someone elses money is paying your way.

According to what I've read Congress itself isn't exempted but you can bet your ass every one of those Clowns will get the cadillac hc plan at our expense.

You do know congress is already compensated at our expense , don't you?

Yup. I sure do.

But I also thought they would have to buy into the exchanges just like others do since they aren't exempted.

You do know that Congress voted themselves and staffers a 72% subsidy to take care of their costs??

Apparantly the law doesn't apply to everyone equally.
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