Congress exempt from the ACA? The latest lie that won't die

Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot
Again we see how the Right constructs a lie by giving the most misleading incomplete information. Remember a half-truth is a whole lie.

It is true that SOME staffers will get UP TO a 75% subsidy, but not all staffers earn $174,000 and those that do are not the ones getting a 75% subsidy! But the mindless misinformation voter has been convinced by GOP hate radio that those making $174,000 are getting a 75% subsidy.

I bolded the word Congress since it was included by the poster you are calling a liar. I believe that Congressmen's salary is $174,000 and that they get a 75% subsidy. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but my intent is not to lie.
Again, it is true that Congressmen can earn $174,000 but it is also true that staffers do not. And it is true that if they choose the cheapest of the 112 gold plans and are eligible for the max subsidy it would come to 75%, but again that is not everybody. That is why the professional misleaders use the words "UP TO" for the salary and
subsidy, knowing the suckers will drop the "UP TO" as the poster here did.

BTW, it was Boner's plan that allowed the Congressmen and staffers keep their subsidy!!!!!! That's Right BONER is the one who fought like mad for Congressmen and staffers to keep their subsidy. Now he used the provision, he demanded, as one of his excuses for shutting down the government!!!! Kinda tells you what kind of special scum you have to be to be a Republican!!!!
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

"Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption"

You have such a way with words.

You're fucking kidding, right?

Huelskamp told Sharpton that despite what the Department of Health and Human Services may say, they’ve “released selective statistics,” and told Sharpton, “I don’t think Washington can run the health care system better than Kansans can.” He questioned why, if the health care law is so good, Congress and President Obama don’t have to enroll in it. He said if it’s good enough for the rest of the country, “it should be good enough for the President of the United States.”

Fox's Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Obama Administration "Has Decided That Congress And Their Staff Will Receive Extra Benefits That No Other American Gets." Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck claimed that congressional members and staff got an "exemption" from the Affordable Care Act because of an Office of Personnel Management decision:

HASSELBECK: The president's health care law [is] supposed to apply to everybody, but now President Obama's Office of Personnel Management has decided that Congress and their staff will receive extra benefits that no other American gets. How fair is that? [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 9/19/13, via Media Matters].
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Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

Plenty of people were forced out of the plan they liked. In fact, I don't know a single employed person who isn't affected by this law. They either have to buy a plan they don't need, have to pay more for a plan because theirs is gone, or have to pay more for the group plan they get from their employer.

My new plan REQUIRES birth control to be covered for my wife, but she can't get pregnant anymore. It REQUIRES our kids to be covered until they are 26 even though none of them are even close to that age. Having arbitrary universal requirements like that drive up costs substantially.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.

Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being foced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?

Home Depot to tap health insurance exchanges for part-timers - Yahoo Finance

The math in your post is the false calculation that federal workers would quit their jobs to join the private sector during high unemployment because they'd have to pay more for healthcare - which is exactly what private sector workers have to do also.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

But the Law doesn't allow for that. The Law was badly written and needed EXECUTIVE ACTION to fix it.

In the REAL WORLD, that is called an EXEMPTION.


THAT IS AN EXEMPTION, you stupid little girl.

Now......... Should Congress and their staffers be allowed to keep the Health Benefits and Employer Contributions they had before the Law?


But that doesn't change the FACT that an exemption had to be PERSONALLY ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest........ Or both?

I vote both
NO emplloyee w/ employer sponsored HC has to buy on the exchanges UNLESS the plan is so small it doesn't pass muster. In short, fed workers are not treated differenly from GE or GM workers.

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It is more bs brought to us by the folks at death panels for u.

That is true.

We received an email from our HR dept about 2 weeks ago. They stated our company's coverage options for full time employees "meet the minimum value requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act". So since our plan meets the minimum value requirements, the full time employees should not need to utilize the exchanges while covered by one of their plans.

I'm still very much against Obamacare, mainly for the fact that nobody has ever really explained what in it. And so many people are unaware of what they have to do. I know people that didn't even know they have to sign up for it! The way they've pushed this law but yet didn't try to make sure people understood it stinks to high heaven.

the problem with obamacare is that by 2018 if this crap stays there won't be ANY employer-sponsored plans - everybody will be forced to the exchanges

That's part of the plan.

The rest is elimination of all private insurance plans.

Employer Mandate Delay: The Path to a Single-Payer Healthcare | Physicians Practice

Reid says Obamacare just a step toward eventual single-payer system - Las Vegas Sun News
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

Plenty of people were forced out of the plan they liked. In fact, I don't know a single employed person who isn't affected by this law. They either have to buy a plan they don't need, have to pay more for a plan because theirs is gone, or have to pay more for the group plan they get from their employer.

My new plan REQUIRES birth control to be covered for my wife, but she can't get pregnant anymore. It REQUIRES our kids to be covered until they are 26 even though none of them are even close to that age. Having arbitrary universal requirements like that drive up costs substantially.

Why are you lying?
Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.

Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being foced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?

Home Depot to tap health insurance exchanges for part-timers - Yahoo Finance

The math in your post is the false calculation that federal workers would quit their jobs to join the private sector during high unemployment because they'd have to pay more for healthcare - which is exactly what private sector workers have to do also.

You completely fail to understand my point, and you obviously failed to read my link.

Federal workers lost all of their health care compensation...every bit of it.

Moreover, there is no evidence private sector employees are paying more for insurance.

So obviously, unless they are given a subsidy, public employees will quit their government jobs to join the private sector.

The unemployment rate is not high for qualified workers or workers who have a marketable skill.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.


They have Group Insurance through their Employers....NOBODY else in America gets a subsidy for their group insurance policies...the EXEMPTION is that he is GIVING the subsidsidies.

Please educate yourself

How about actually reading my link so you understand the facts of the issue before you call someone a "fucktard."

You obviously don't understand the issue.
Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.

Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being forced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?

It is not a falsehood. These private sector workers are.

• 18,000 SeaWorld workers
• 120,000 from Walgreens
• 110,000 at IBM
• 15,000 spouses of UPS workers
• 10,000’s each from General Electric and TIme-Warner
• 20,000 Home Depot workers
• 100,000’s more with other affected firms
• 8-million Americans (minimum) stuck in part-time jobs although they want full-time work
• Another 7-milion projected to lose company health benefits due to Obamacare
The list grows each day and includes hundreds more restaurants, medical suppliers, universities, and other businesses.

Aah! Another dumb dumb who swallows the vomit spewed by right wing propagandists.

These employees are not being forced off employer health care plans to sign up for health care exchanges.

Workers whose spouses are employed by different companies and have insurance through them can no longer have their spouses on their plans.

People in part time jobs have no health insurance anyway, so the health care exchanges are an added benefit.

That is all.
On Monday, the Office of Personnel Management issued a final rule stating that lawmakers and their staff must purchase health insurance through the District of Columbia's small business insurance exchange to continue to receive employer contributions.

That requirement applies whether such individuals work or live outside of D.C. Additional OPM guidance stipulates that lawmakers and their staff must purchase a gold-level plan offered in the exchange to receive contributions.

OPM Final Rule Requires Congress, Staff To Enroll in D.C.'s Small Business Exchange To Keep Employer Contribution - California Healthline

..and there ya go they will have to abide by the rules.....they won't get the "subsidies", and the "subsidies" are what they argument is all about.

Now they'll get their employer "contributions" which I agree should never have been in question.

NOBODY in America according to Bammy's Law and gets ANY employer contribution CANNOT by Law get a "sussidy".


Nutters love to play semantics games when their ideological arguments get shitcanned.

Arguments are BUILT on semantic nuances that some people just cant grasp, like yourself apparently. BTW, the dude has proven his point several times, and the fact that you and your lib buddies keep high fiving each other anyway doesn't change anything.

Way to do that research.....after you opened your big mouth, kid.

He was right, you are wrong, and the same old game of the oligarch's setting the people against each other carries on.

These hardworking public servants ain't gettin' over on us, nutters. They are just gettin' their due.

1. Most Americans have had employer assistance (prior to Obamacare) on paying for their health care insurance and ALL of them are getting stopped if they go on the exchanges.

2. But Congress is getting an exemption on the employer contribution, which is NOT the same as everyone else is getting.

3. And so it is patently unfair exemptions like this that are making average Americans pay their full health care insurance costs while Congress, Obama, and his cronies that are exempted and/or their required participation delayed.

4. That you cant understand how this is unfair simply because 'they were getting it before' is a testament to your inability to think, nothing more.
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

"Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption"

You have such a way with words.

You're fucking kidding, right?

Huelskamp told Sharpton that despite what the Department of Health and Human Services may say, they’ve “released selective statistics,” and told Sharpton, “I don’t think Washington can run the health care system better than Kansans can.” He questioned why, if the health care law is so good, Congress and President Obama don’t have to enroll in it. He said if it’s good enough for the rest of the country, “it should be good enough for the President of the United States.”

Republican Humiliates Sharpton: If ObamaCare Is So Good, Why Is Congress Exempted? - Fox Nation

Fox's Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Obama Administration "Has Decided That Congress And Their Staff Will Receive Extra Benefits That No Other American Gets." Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck claimed that congressional members and staff got an "exemption" from the Affordable Care Act because of an Office of Personnel Management decision:

HASSELBECK: The president's health care law [is] supposed to apply to everybody, but now President Obama's Office of Personnel Management has decided that Congress and their staff will receive extra benefits that no other American gets. How fair is that? [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 9/19/13, via Media Matters].

15 Myths The Media Should Ignore During Obamacare Implementation | Research | Media Matters for America

They ARE exempt from paying their full costs unlike most other people.

Lol, you libs just refuse to let reality interfere with your ideology.
Again we see how the Right constructs a lie by giving the most misleading incomplete information. Remember a half-truth is a whole lie.

It is true that SOME staffers will get UP TO a 75% subsidy, but not all staffers earn $174,000 and those that do are not the ones getting a 75% subsidy! But the mindless misinformation voter has been convinced by GOP hate radio that those making $174,000 are getting a 75% subsidy.

I bolded the word Congress since it was included by the poster you are calling a liar. I believe that Congressmen's salary is $174,000 and that they get a 75% subsidy. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but my intent is not to lie.

Again, it is true that Congressmen can earn $174,000 but it is also true that staffers do not. And it is true that if they choose the cheapest of the 112 gold plans and are eligible for the max subsidy it would come to 75%, but again that is not everybody. That is why the professional misleaders use the words "UP TO" for the salary and
subsidy, knowing the suckers will drop the "UP TO" as the poster here did.

BTW, it was Boner's plan that allowed the Congressmen and staffers keep their subsidy!!!!!! That's Right BONER is the one who fought like mad for Congressmen and staffers to keep their subsidy. Now he used the provision, he demanded, as one of his excuses for shutting down the government!!!! Kinda tells you what kind of special scum you have to be to be a Republican!!!!

You posted:

But the mindless misinformation voter has been convinced by GOP hate radio that those making $174,000 are getting a 75% subsidy.

Then you posted:

Again, it is true that Congressmen can earn $174,000 but it is also true that staffers do not.

I don't remember anyone saying staffers make $174,000. Can you point that out to me if it was an oversight on my part?

At least you admit that those Congress critters that make that salary get a 75% subsidy. Perhaps the mindless information voter is you. Did I get that right?
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

so they aren't exempt from it. that point doesn't matter at all. what does matter is they don't need it because they have a different golden plan handed to themselves by themselves. why do you liberal douchebags try to spin the hell out of everything? exempt or not, congress will not be on obamacare becuase they have granted themselves and ONLY themselves something much better.
Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being forced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?

It is not a falsehood. These private sector workers are.

• 18,000 SeaWorld workers
• 120,000 from Walgreens
• 110,000 at IBM
• 15,000 spouses of UPS workers
• 10,000’s each from General Electric and TIme-Warner
• 20,000 Home Depot workers
• 100,000’s more with other affected firms
• 8-million Americans (minimum) stuck in part-time jobs although they want full-time work
• Another 7-milion projected to lose company health benefits due to Obamacare
The list grows each day and includes hundreds more restaurants, medical suppliers, universities, and other businesses.

Aah! Another dumb dumb who swallows the vomit spewed by right wing propagandists.

These employees are not being forced off employer health care plans to sign up for health care exchanges.

Workers whose spouses are employed by different companies and have insurance through them can no longer have their spouses on their plans.

People in part time jobs have no health insurance anyway, so the health care exchanges are an added benefit.

That is all.

You are a lying sack of dog squeeze! And that would be your only good point.

Home Depot is transferring roughly 20,000 part-time workers to the taxpayer-funded Obamacare exchanges, marking another step in the nationwide rollout of President Barack Obama’s most prized accomplishment.
“Unfortunately, the ACA [Affordable Care Act] precludes us from offering the limited liability medical plan we’ve been offering the part-time associates,” said Stephen Holmes, the company’s director of corporate communications.
The 20,000 employees will have more options on government-run exchanges, he told The Daily Caller.
The government-run exchange requires people to buy insurance for a government-designed set of health-care services, including services promoted by corporate lobbies. The insurance packages can be more expensive than sought by workers, especially younger workers, but the extra costs are partially offset by subsidies from other taxpayers.
Home Depot’s current limited liability plan allows part-timers to get critical health-care coverage at low cost.The accelerating shift of workers to Obama’s taxpayer-funded network will likely drive up costs to taxpayers, disadvantage companies that try to pay for their employees’ health-care and make more voters dependent on health-care decisions made by Democratic officials and legislators.
The switch is also making a mockery of Obama’s promise that Americans would be able to keep their pre-Obamacare insurance if they prefer.

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what,” he said in June 2009.

The he is Obama just in case you forgot.

Read more: Home Deport sends 20,000 employees to Obamacare | The Daily Caller
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Aah! Another dumb dumb who swallows the vomit spewed by right wing propagandists.

These employees are not being forced off employer health care plans to sign up for health care exchanges.

Workers whose spouses are employed by different companies and have insurance through them can no longer have their spouses on their plans.

But that's not "forced off?" Huh retard?

People in part time jobs have no health insurance anyway, so the health care exchanges are an added benefit.

They get the "benefit" of being force off of their spouses insurance and paying full tilt for Fascist care - wow you fuckwads sure help the poor. (Become far MORE poor.)

That is all.

Are you really as stupid as you present yourself to be?

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