Congress exempt from the ACA? The latest lie that won't die

what you ain't getting is that the rider for this was put in by Grassley, a republican.


Obamacare?s Impact: Congress to Lose their Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

Four Key Points of Legal Ambiguity

3. Coverage subsidy. On the crucial question of whether Members of Congress and their staff will continue to receive the employer contribution toward the cost of their coverage provided to other federal government employees, S. 1796 and the Grassley amendments are clear that they would—while the enacted language makes no such provision.


Why Congress is (or isn't) exempt from Obamacare | Detroit Free Press |

I give you an article written by some of the greatest minds in the Country and you counter with some shit from a hippie-infested, left-wing rag?

Read the fucking article I gave you --


Obamacare?s Impact: Congress to Lose their Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

It is brilliant, correct and what I rely on. And it takes an IQ to read it. So I'm not expecting much from our leftist pals

Read it and get back to me, don't give me some shit from some 22 year-old fucking stoners who just got out of the University of Phoenix School of Journalism
Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.

Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being forced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?

It is not a falsehood. These private sector workers are.

• 18,000 SeaWorld workers
• 120,000 from Walgreens
• 110,000 at IBM
• 15,000 spouses of UPS workers
• 10,000’s each from General Electric and TIme-Warner
• 20,000 Home Depot workers
• 100,000’s more with other affected firms
• 8-million Americans (minimum) stuck in part-time jobs although they want full-time work
• Another 7-milion projected to lose company health benefits due to Obamacare
The list grows each day and includes hundreds more restaurants, medical suppliers, universities, and other businesses.

Not only are they losing their Employer Provided Health Insurance, they're losing the benefits of paying for their Health Insurance pre-tax.

Even if some of those Employers decide to give their employees some extra money to pay for their own Private Health Insurance consider this....

They have to pay Income Tax, Socialist Security, State and local taxes on it first and then, and ONLY then do they get to go to one of the Stuttering Clusterfuck's exchanges and pay for a Health Insurance Plan that is NOT tax deductible!

We're talking a GIGANTIC swing in cost.

dimocraps are so stupid.

It's just time we tore this law up and moved on. Maybe we can do something in a couple years.... With Republicans in charge.

Certainly not the stupidest people on Earth..... dimocraps
Of course they do.

I just wonder why we taxpayers have to subsidize them. Shouldn't they have to pay just like the rest of us?

After all the ACA is the new face of HC

You aren't being intentionally dense? You are asking that question in a serious manner?

Nope. Just an honest question.

Why shouldn't they have to pay part of their HC?

I pay part of mine every week. I also pay a decuctable if I have to go to the Doctors office. No one pay 100% of my HC. Why should it be any different for them?

Just because they are Fed employees shouldn't mean they don't have to pay any out of pocket expenses. Just like us common folks.

OK....honest question.....honest answer.

Before the ACA was passed, these staffers had an employment contract that outlined their health care benefits. I am not sure if the terms were 100% employer paid or not.....but lets assume that they were.

That benefit is part of the employees compensation package.

Now...when the nutter added the rule that Congress and staffers were, unlike employees of all other large businesses in this country, REQUIRED to give up the plan they had and get insured on the exchange......they did not consider that there would be a glitch in how the funds were paid. If the premiums were then not paid by the employer, these employees would be taking a cut in pay.

That is not fair, I believe you will agree. So....the "fix" that everyone is talking about only restored the terms of their contracts.

You pay part of defined in the employment contract that you have with your employer. I imagine you could negotiate a scenario where your employer pays your full premium.....but your employer would then reduce your pay to cover it. It is all compensation.

Now...I don't think these staffers have zero out of pocket costs. But if they is due to their employment agreement. It has nothing to do with Obamcare.

That's it. You now know. Please refrain from passing on faulty info on this subject.
Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

NO emplloyee w/ employer sponsored HC has to buy on the exchanges UNLESS the plan is so small it doesn't pass muster. In short, fed workers are not treated differenly from GE or GM workers.

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It is more bs brought to us by the folks at death panels for u.

That is true.

We received an email from our HR dept about 2 weeks ago. They stated our company's coverage options for full time employees "meet the minimum value requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act". So since our plan meets the minimum value requirements, the full time employees should not need to utilize the exchanges while covered by one of their plans.

I'm still very much against Obamacare, mainly for the fact that nobody has ever really explained what in it. And so many people are unaware of what they have to do. I know people that didn't even know they have to sign up for it! The way they've pushed this law but yet didn't try to make sure people understood it stinks to high heaven.
Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

NO emplloyee w/ employer sponsored HC has to buy on the exchanges UNLESS the plan is so small it doesn't pass muster. In short, fed workers are not treated differenly from GE or GM workers.

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It is more bs brought to us by the folks at death panels for u.

That is true.

We received an email from our HR dept about 2 weeks ago. They stated our company's coverage options for full time employees "meet the minimum value requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act". So since our plan meets the minimum value requirements, the full time employees should not need to utilize the exchanges while covered by one of their plans.

I'm still very much against Obamacare, mainly for the fact that nobody has ever really explained what in it. And so many people are unaware of what they have to do. I know people that didn't even know they have to sign up for it! The way they've pushed this law but yet didn't try to make sure people understood it stinks to high heaven.

So you're saying you might actually like the law if you understood it better? Nothing wrong with that.
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot
Again we see how the Right constructs a lie by giving the most misleading incomplete information. Remember a half-truth is a whole lie.

It is true that SOME staffers will get UP TO a 75% subsidy, but not all staffers earn $174,000 and those that do are not the ones getting a 75% subsidy! But the mindless misinformation voter has been convinced by GOP hate radio that those making $174,000 are getting a 75% subsidy.

I bolded the word Congress since it was included by the poster you are calling a liar. I believe that Congressmen's salary is $174,000 and that they get a 75% subsidy. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but my intent is not to lie.
You aren't being intentionally dense? You are asking that question in a serious manner?

Nope. Just an honest question.

Why shouldn't they have to pay part of their HC?

I pay part of mine every week. I also pay a decuctable if I have to go to the Doctors office. No one pay 100% of my HC. Why should it be any different for them?

Just because they are Fed employees shouldn't mean they don't have to pay any out of pocket expenses. Just like us common folks.

OK....honest question.....honest answer.

Before the ACA was passed, these staffers had an employment contract that outlined their health care benefits. I am not sure if the terms were 100% employer paid or not.....but lets assume that they were.

That benefit is part of the employees compensation package.

Now...when the nutter added the rule that Congress and staffers were, unlike employees of all other large businesses in this country, REQUIRED to give up the plan they had and get insured on the exchange......they did not consider that there would be a glitch in how the funds were paid. If the premiums were then not paid by the employer, these employees would be taking a cut in pay.

That is not fair, I believe you will agree. So....the "fix" that everyone is talking about only restored the terms of their contracts.

You pay part of defined in the employment contract that you have with your employer. I imagine you could negotiate a scenario where your employer pays your full premium.....but your employer would then reduce your pay to cover it. It is all compensation.

Now...I don't think these staffers have zero out of pocket costs. But if they is due to their employment agreement. It has nothing to do with Obamcare.

That's it. You now know. Please refrain from passing on faulty info on this subject.

Pretty sure the gubmint paid 75% of their Insurance costs.

That's from memory.

And if you read this incredible link I so thoughtfully provided for you, it will explain everything you need to know about what a Charlie Foxtrot this thing has become.

And it is NOT a negative report or a partisan report.

It is just the facts but it is written by Lawyers IMO. And while I'm accustomed to reading the language known as 'legalese' it still gives me a headache. It's actually work

Obamacare?s Impact: Congress to Lose their Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

Although OPM centrally negotiates with plan providers to participate in the FEHBP, the employer coverage contributions are actually paid on a decentralized basis by each agency from its appropriated funds. Indeed, as 5 U.S.C. § 8906(f) expressly states:

The Government contribution, and any additional payments under subsection (e)(3)(A), for health benefits for an employee shall be paid—

(1) in the case of employees generally, from the appropriation or fund which is used to pay the employee;

(2) in the case of an elected official, from an appropriation or fund available for payment of other salaries of the same office or establishment;

(3) in the case of an employee of the legislative branch who is paid by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, from the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives; and

(4) in the case of an employee in a leave without pay status, from the appropriation or fund which would be used to pay the employee if he were in a pay status.

The statutory framework makes it clear that the employer contributions for health benefits for Members of Congress and their staffs are to be paid from the “appropriation or fund” that is used to pay their salaries; they are not paid out of funds appropriated to OPM.

Furthermore, there is no provision in Title 41 of the U.S. Code—which codifies the statutes governing federal contracting and procurement—that supersedes the grants and limitations of OPM’s contracting authority for FEHB plans as set forth in Title 5.
You aren't being intentionally dense? You are asking that question in a serious manner?

Nope. Just an honest question.

Why shouldn't they have to pay part of their HC?

I pay part of mine every week. I also pay a decuctable if I have to go to the Doctors office. No one pay 100% of my HC. Why should it be any different for them?

Just because they are Fed employees shouldn't mean they don't have to pay any out of pocket expenses. Just like us common folks.

OK....honest question.....honest answer.

Before the ACA was passed, these staffers had an employment contract that outlined their health care benefits. I am not sure if the terms were 100% employer paid or not.....but lets assume that they were.

That benefit is part of the employees compensation package.

Now...when the nutter added the rule that Congress and staffers were, unlike employees of all other large businesses in this country, REQUIRED to give up the plan they had and get insured on the exchange......they did not consider that there would be a glitch in how the funds were paid. If the premiums were then not paid by the employer, these employees would be taking a cut in pay.

That is not fair, I believe you will agree. So....the "fix" that everyone is talking about only restored the terms of their contracts.

You pay part of defined in the employment contract that you have with your employer. I imagine you could negotiate a scenario where your employer pays your full premium.....but your employer would then reduce your pay to cover it. It is all compensation.

Now...I don't think these staffers have zero out of pocket costs. But if they is due to their employment agreement. It has nothing to do with Obamcare.

That's it. You now know. Please refrain from passing on faulty info on this subject.

Thanks for your info.

Oh and thanks for your politness as well.
Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

NO emplloyee w/ employer sponsored HC has to buy on the exchanges UNLESS the plan is so small it doesn't pass muster. In short, fed workers are not treated differenly from GE or GM workers.

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It is more bs brought to us by the folks at death panels for u.

That is true.

We received an email from our HR dept about 2 weeks ago. They stated our company's coverage options for full time employees "meet the minimum value requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act". So since our plan meets the minimum value requirements, the full time employees should not need to utilize the exchanges while covered by one of their plans.

I'm still very much against Obamacare, mainly for the fact that nobody has ever really explained what in it. And so many people are unaware of what they have to do. I know people that didn't even know they have to sign up for it! The way they've pushed this law but yet didn't try to make sure people understood it stinks to high heaven.

the problem with obamacare is that by 2018 if this crap stays there won't be ANY employer-sponsored plans - everybody will be forced to the exchanges
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Congress deserves everyu bad thing that happens to them

But their staff has done nothing wrong. Unlike other Americans, they were forced to give up the healthcare plan they liked (FEHB) and join the exchanges. Others who "chose" to dump their employer provided healthcare to join the exchanges had to give up their employer contribution to do so.
The only "exemption" they receive is they get to keep the employer contribution they always had

Republicans run with this and scream.....Congress is exempt from Obamacare!

Good points :D They must stll think that if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth :rolleyes:

Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 4
Nope. Just an honest question.

Why shouldn't they have to pay part of their HC?

I pay part of mine every week. I also pay a decuctable if I have to go to the Doctors office. No one pay 100% of my HC. Why should it be any different for them?

Just because they are Fed employees shouldn't mean they don't have to pay any out of pocket expenses. Just like us common folks.

OK....honest question.....honest answer.

Before the ACA was passed, these staffers had an employment contract that outlined their health care benefits. I am not sure if the terms were 100% employer paid or not.....but lets assume that they were.

That benefit is part of the employees compensation package.

Now...when the nutter added the rule that Congress and staffers were, unlike employees of all other large businesses in this country, REQUIRED to give up the plan they had and get insured on the exchange......they did not consider that there would be a glitch in how the funds were paid. If the premiums were then not paid by the employer, these employees would be taking a cut in pay.

That is not fair, I believe you will agree. So....the "fix" that everyone is talking about only restored the terms of their contracts.

You pay part of defined in the employment contract that you have with your employer. I imagine you could negotiate a scenario where your employer pays your full premium.....but your employer would then reduce your pay to cover it. It is all compensation.

Now...I don't think these staffers have zero out of pocket costs. But if they is due to their employment agreement. It has nothing to do with Obamcare.

That's it. You now know. Please refrain from passing on faulty info on this subject.

Thanks for your info.

Oh and thanks for your politness as well.

You are welcome.
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.


They have Group Insurance through their Employers....NOBODY else in America gets a subsidy for their group insurance policies...the EXEMPTION is that he is GIVING the subsidsidies.

Please educate yourself
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.


They have Group Insurance through their Employers....NOBODY else in America gets a subsidy for their group insurance policies...the EXEMPTION is that he is GIVING the subsidsidies.

Please educate yourself

This is Roo the expert telling you that employers do not subsidize the health insurance plans that they sponsor for their employers. This is an insurance agent telling you this.

Makes you want to rush out and hire him, don't it?
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.


They have Group Insurance through their Employers....NOBODY else in America gets a subsidy for their group insurance policies...the EXEMPTION is that he is GIVING the subsidsidies.

Please educate yourself

This is Roo the expert telling you that employers do not subsidize the health insurance plans that they sponsor for their employers. This is an insurance agent telling you this.

Makes you want to rush out and hire him, don't it?

Poor lil LL, is it your humble opinion that Employees of GMC should be able to get subsidies?

You are simply not very bright LL, people on Group plans where Employers pay any portion of their insurance CANNOT get a subsidy..its the Law...Obama exempted the staffers from THAT Law.

You will never win with me kid, you aren't informed enough.

They have Group Insurance through their Employers....NOBODY else in America gets a subsidy for their group insurance policies...the EXEMPTION is that he is GIVING the subsidsidies.

Please educate yourself

This is Roo the expert telling you that employers do not subsidize the health insurance plans that they sponsor for their employers. This is an insurance agent telling you this.

Makes you want to rush out and hire him, don't it?

Poor lil LL, is it your humble opinion that Employees of GMC should be able to get subsidies?

You are simply not very bright LL, people on Group plans where Employers pay any portion of their insurance CANNOT get a subsidy..its the Law...Obama exempted the staffers from THAT Law.

You will never win with me kid, you aren't informed enough.


When these people go to the exchange for their coverage, will they be doing so as part of a group plan?

Think first.
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

Exactly right.
NO emplloyee w/ employer sponsored HC has to buy on the exchanges UNLESS the plan is so small it doesn't pass muster. In short, fed workers are not treated differenly from GE or GM workers.

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It is more bs brought to us by the folks at death panels for u.

That is true.

We received an email from our HR dept about 2 weeks ago. They stated our company's coverage options for full time employees "meet the minimum value requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act". So since our plan meets the minimum value requirements, the full time employees should not need to utilize the exchanges while covered by one of their plans.

I'm still very much against Obamacare, mainly for the fact that nobody has ever really explained what in it. And so many people are unaware of what they have to do. I know people that didn't even know they have to sign up for it! The way they've pushed this law but yet didn't try to make sure people understood it stinks to high heaven.

the problem with obamacare is that by 2018 if this crap stays there won't be ANY employer-sponsored plans - everybody will be forced to the exchanges

That's the whole point. If they were serious about keeping the insurance companies afloat, or allowing them to stay afloat, then they would inflict penalties that are MORE COSTLY than the costs of the HC that a person is refusing to buy. It will be much cheaper for people to not buy HC till they need it, then they can get it since the insurers can no longer deny people for pre-existing conditions.

Obamacare is all about closing down the health insurers that are not Big or Democrat supporters. Then the independent big insurers will go down, then later even the Democrat supporting insurers will get the axe as the government takes over 17% of our nations economy.
On Monday, the Office of Personnel Management issued a final rule stating that lawmakers and their staff must purchase health insurance through the District of Columbia's small business insurance exchange to continue to receive employer contributions.

That requirement applies whether such individuals work or live outside of D.C. Additional OPM guidance stipulates that lawmakers and their staff must purchase a gold-level plan offered in the exchange to receive contributions.

OPM Final Rule Requires Congress, Staff To Enroll in D.C.'s Small Business Exchange To Keep Employer Contribution - California Healthline

..and there ya go they will have to abide by the rules.....they won't get the "subsidies", and the "subsidies" are what they argument is all about.

Now they'll get their employer "contributions" which I agree should never have been in question.

NOBODY in America according to Bammy's Law and gets ANY employer contribution CANNOT by Law get a "sussidy".

Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot

The correct spelling is s t u p i d.

OMG, you really think the dude couldn't spell the word 'stupid?'

Lord, the irony is so thick its probably rusting the air around my monitor.

It is truly amazing when people like you pretend to not understand something that is simple enough for regular people to grasp.
On Monday, the Office of Personnel Management issued a final rule stating that lawmakers and their staff must purchase health insurance through the District of Columbia's small business insurance exchange to continue to receive employer contributions.

That requirement applies whether such individuals work or live outside of D.C. Additional OPM guidance stipulates that lawmakers and their staff must purchase a gold-level plan offered in the exchange to receive contributions.

OPM Final Rule Requires Congress, Staff To Enroll in D.C.'s Small Business Exchange To Keep Employer Contribution - California Healthline

..and there ya go they will have to abide by the rules.....they won't get the "subsidies", and the "subsidies" are what they argument is all about.

Now they'll get their employer "contributions" which I agree should never have been in question.

NOBODY in America according to Bammy's Law and gets ANY employer contribution CANNOT by Law get a "sussidy".


Nutters love to play semantics games when their ideological arguments get shitcanned.

Way to do that research.....after you opened your big mouth, kid.

These hardworking public servants ain't gettin' over on us, nutters. They are just gettin' their due.

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