Congress exempt from the ACA? The latest lie that won't die

It is unbelievable. These people keep saying it. They don't know what they are saying....but they keep saying it.

I saw Joe Scarborough and every member of the panel allow Bill Kristol to spout that lie THREE times this morning. Not a peep out of anyone.
Let them pay the difference out of their own pockets just like we have to.

Its easy to love something when someone elses money is paying your way.

According to what I've read Congress itself isn't exempted but you can bet your ass every one of those Clowns will get the cadillac hc plan at our expense.

You do know congress is already compensated at our expense , don't you?

Yup. I sure do.

But I also thought they would have to buy into the exchanges just like others do since they aren't exempted.

You do know that Congress voted themselves and staffers a 72% subsidy to take care of their costs??

Apparantly the law doesn't apply to everyone equally.

You still do not understand the situation.

Anyone in America who has a qualifying ( meaning worth a shit ) health care plan through their place of employment is exempt from having to go on the exchange...BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE INSURANCE.

The members of Congress and their staffers are actually being forced to use the exchange even though they already have a qualifying plan. That is because a nutter dropped an amendment in the bill saying that they had to.

What that nutter did not do is provide a mechanism for paying for it. So it was going to amount to a pay cut for all of these workers. The subsidy is simply restoring the terms of their employment contract to the way it was before they were forced to change their plan.

Do you get it? Please say you get it.
You do know congress is already compensated at our expense , don't you?

Yup. I sure do.

But I also thought they would have to buy into the exchanges just like others do since they aren't exempted.

You do know that Congress voted themselves and staffers a 72% subsidy to take care of their costs??

Apparantly the law doesn't apply to everyone equally.

You still do not understand the situation.

Anyone in America who has a qualifying ( meaning worth a shit ) health care plan through their place of employment is exempt from having to go on the exchange...BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE INSURANCE.

The members of Congress and their staffers are actually being forced to use the exchange even though they already have a qualifying plan. That is because a nutter dropped an amendment in the bill saying that they had to.

What that nutter did not do is provide a mechanism for paying for it. So it was going to amount to a pay cut for all of these workers. The subsidy is simply restoring the terms of their employment contract to the way it was before they were forced to change their plan.

Do you get it? Please say you get it.

Look, uber-douche. Not one 'nutter' voted for that piece of fucking shit legislation while every dimocrap scumbag DID.

If they didn't want it in there, they should have voted it out. But hubris wouldn't allow that.

If you want a fair and accurate explanation of what happened.... Try a fair and accurate source:

The Obamacare Non-Exemption | National Review Online

When you hear about a “congressional exemption” from Obamacare, this refers to the fact that the Office of Personnel Management, part of the executive branch, has chosen to make up for this differential treatment by paying part of congressional employees’ health-care premiums on the new exchanges. They haven’t been “exempted” from the amendment that forces them onto the exchanges, in a way no other American is.

OPM decided to contribute the same amount to these exchanges that the government now spends on congressional employees’ health benefits ($5,000 for individuals, $11,000 for families). This decision was probably illegal, since Congress didn’t authorize funds for the plan, as Cato’s Michael Cannon explains.

Congressmen and their staff, then, are getting a questionable workaround from the law — but it’s from a provision of the law that treated them particularly badly rather than neutrally. The net result of the law and the workaround isn’t a “special handout” for congressional employees.
Yup. I sure do.

But I also thought they would have to buy into the exchanges just like others do since they aren't exempted.

You do know that Congress voted themselves and staffers a 72% subsidy to take care of their costs??

Apparantly the law doesn't apply to everyone equally.

You still do not understand the situation.

Anyone in America who has a qualifying ( meaning worth a shit ) health care plan through their place of employment is exempt from having to go on the exchange...BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE INSURANCE.

The members of Congress and their staffers are actually being forced to use the exchange even though they already have a qualifying plan. That is because a nutter dropped an amendment in the bill saying that they had to.

What that nutter did not do is provide a mechanism for paying for it. So it was going to amount to a pay cut for all of these workers. The subsidy is simply restoring the terms of their employment contract to the way it was before they were forced to change their plan.

Do you get it? Please say you get it.

Look, uber-douche. Not one 'nutter' voted for that piece of fucking shit legislation while every dimocrap scumbag DID.

If they didn't want it in there, they should have voted it out. But hubris wouldn't allow that.

If you want a fair and accurate explanation of what happened.... Try a fair and accurate source:

The Obamacare Non-Exemption | National Review Online

When you hear about a “congressional exemption” from Obamacare, this refers to the fact that the Office of Personnel Management, part of the executive branch, has chosen to make up for this differential treatment by paying part of congressional employees’ health-care premiums on the new exchanges. They haven’t been “exempted” from the amendment that forces them onto the exchanges, in a way no other American is.

OPM decided to contribute the same amount to these exchanges that the government now spends on congressional employees’ health benefits ($5,000 for individuals, $11,000 for families). This decision was probably illegal, since Congress didn’t authorize funds for the plan, as Cato’s Michael Cannon explains.

Congressmen and their staff, then, are getting a questionable workaround from the law — but it’s from a provision of the law that treated them particularly badly rather than neutrally. The net result of the law and the workaround isn’t a “special handout” for congressional employees.

He doesn't get it

Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

NO emplloyee w/ employer sponsored HC has to buy on the exchanges UNLESS the plan is so small it doesn't pass muster. In short, fed workers are not treated differenly from GE or GM workers.

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It is more bs brought to us by the folks at death panels for u.
You do know congress is already compensated at our expense , don't you?

Yup. I sure do.

But I also thought they would have to buy into the exchanges just like others do since they aren't exempted.

You do know that Congress voted themselves and staffers a 72% subsidy to take care of their costs??

Apparantly the law doesn't apply to everyone equally.

You still do not understand the situation.

Anyone in America who has a qualifying ( meaning worth a shit ) health care plan through their place of employment is exempt from having to go on the exchange...BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE INSURANCE.

The members of Congress and their staffers are actually being forced to use the exchange even though they already have a qualifying plan. That is because a nutter dropped an amendment in the bill saying that they had to.

What that nutter did not do is provide a mechanism for paying for it. So it was going to amount to a pay cut for all of these workers. The subsidy is simply restoring the terms of their employment contract to the way it was before they were forced to change their plan.

Do you get it? Please say you get it.[/QUOTE

Of course I get it.
Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

You failed to comprehend the information in the cited link. The staffers must buy insurance on the exchange.

Man.....what is with you people? This is like a fucking bad dream.

Of course they do.

I just wonder why we taxpayers have to subsidize them. Shouldn't they have to pay just like the rest of us?

After all the ACA is the new face of HC
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You still do not understand the situation.

Anyone in America who has a qualifying ( meaning worth a shit ) health care plan through their place of employment is exempt from having to go on the exchange...BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE INSURANCE.

The members of Congress and their staffers are actually being forced to use the exchange even though they already have a qualifying plan. That is because a nutter dropped an amendment in the bill saying that they had to.

What that nutter did not do is provide a mechanism for paying for it. So it was going to amount to a pay cut for all of these workers. The subsidy is simply restoring the terms of their employment contract to the way it was before they were forced to change their plan.

Do you get it? Please say you get it.

Look, uber-douche. Not one 'nutter' voted for that piece of fucking shit legislation while every dimocrap scumbag DID.

If they didn't want it in there, they should have voted it out. But hubris wouldn't allow that.

If you want a fair and accurate explanation of what happened.... Try a fair and accurate source:

The Obamacare Non-Exemption | National Review Online

When you hear about a “congressional exemption” from Obamacare, this refers to the fact that the Office of Personnel Management, part of the executive branch, has chosen to make up for this differential treatment by paying part of congressional employees’ health-care premiums on the new exchanges. They haven’t been “exempted” from the amendment that forces them onto the exchanges, in a way no other American is.

OPM decided to contribute the same amount to these exchanges that the government now spends on congressional employees’ health benefits ($5,000 for individuals, $11,000 for families). This decision was probably illegal, since Congress didn’t authorize funds for the plan, as Cato’s Michael Cannon explains.

Congressmen and their staff, then, are getting a questionable workaround from the law — but it’s from a provision of the law that treated them particularly badly rather than neutrally. The net result of the law and the workaround isn’t a “special handout” for congressional employees.

He doesn't get it


Everything I've said on this topic coincides with the article...

1) The law was badly written.

2) The law never intended to take away benefits from Congress and Staffers.

3) The OPM had to be ORDERED by the Executive Branch to interpret the Law in such a manner as to allow for Federal Contributions. because the OPM was afraid of breaking the Law.

4) Nobody else can get Federal Contributions or Federal Subsidies when they make $174k per year.

5) The whole thing is a technicality.

6) Instead of fixing the law and doing it properly, they got the Stuttering Clusterfuck to issue an order.

Like I've said in here in the past (you should remember my verbiage) You can call it an exemption, a waiver, you can stick it up your ass and whistle Dixie with it or play with it but the fact is.....

the Stuttering Clusterfuck had to step in and ORDER a fix to the problem

The problem, to me, shows that these people are so stupid, so ignorant, that they couldn't even get the part that DIRECTLY AFFECTS THEM RIGHT.

That is why they refused to address it. That is why they tried to run an end-around.

We caught them and we're mocking them for it.

I said that from the get-go.

Me not get something? I 'get' everything. NOTHING gets by me
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what you ain't getting is that the rider for this was put in by Grassley, a republican.
Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

You failed to comprehend the information in the cited link. The staffers must buy insurance on the exchange.

Man.....what is with you people? This is like a fucking bad dream.

Of course they do.

I just wonder why we taxpayers have to subsidize them. Shouldn't they have to pay just like the rest of us?

After all the ACA is the new face of HC

You aren't being intentionally dense? You are asking that question in a serious manner?
Saying what??

Congress isn't exempt but they did put the fix in so they and staffers don't have to buy out of the exchanges.

Rule finalizes ObamaCare 'fix' for lawmakers, staff members - The Hill's Healthwatch

You failed to comprehend the information in the cited link. The staffers must buy insurance on the exchange.

Man.....what is with you people? This is like a fucking bad dream.

Of course they do.

I just wonder why we taxpayers have to subsidize them. Shouldn't they have to pay just like the rest of us?

After all the ACA is the new face of HC

We were subsidizing them before, Claudette.

The problem is that dimocraps wrote the law so badly that they couldn't even get the part right that directly affected them.

They had to have the POS-TUS step in a directly order the OPM to interpret the Law in way that provided Congress and Staffers with participatory benefits.

It's a technicality. An accident. But Congress isn't supposed to have 'accidents'.

This is more than an accident, it's called stupidity.

Wonder what else these idiots got wrong?

I guess we won't know until it happens to you
what you ain't getting is that the rider for this was put in by Grassley, a republican.


Obamacare?s Impact: Congress to Lose their Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

Four Key Points of Legal Ambiguity

3. Coverage subsidy. On the crucial question of whether Members of Congress and their staff will continue to receive the employer contribution toward the cost of their coverage provided to other federal government employees, S. 1796 and the Grassley amendments are clear that they would—while the enacted language makes no such provision.
Look, stoopid.

Congress and their Staffers are not exempt. Nobody ever said they were.

What we said was that they got an 'exemption' A special waiver that will allow them to get 75% of their Health Care Costs paid for by the Federal Government.

Nobody else can. Nobody in that Income bracket. No way.

You try to get a Federal subsidy while making $174,000 a year and see where it gets you.

Nobody else can get it.

Unless they get a special exemption directly from the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

yer an idiot
Again we see how the Right constructs a lie by giving the most misleading incomplete information. Remember a half-truth is a whole lie.

It is true that SOME staffers will get UP TO a 75% subsidy, but not all staffers earn $174,000 and those that do are not the ones getting a 75% subsidy! But the mindless misinformation voter has been convinced by GOP hate radio that those making $174,000 are getting a 75% subsidy.
what you ain't getting is that the rider for this was put in by Grassley, a republican.


Obamacare?s Impact: Congress to Lose their Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

Four Key Points of Legal Ambiguity

3. Coverage subsidy. On the crucial question of whether Members of Congress and their staff will continue to receive the employer contribution toward the cost of their coverage provided to other federal government employees, S. 1796 and the Grassley amendments are clear that they would—while the enacted language makes no such provision.


Why Congress is (or isn't) exempt from Obamacare | Detroit Free Press |
Congress Exempt from Obamacare: The Latest Lie That Won't Die | New Republic

Just about every conservative on this board has vomited up the Fox News Lie that Congress and their staffers are somehow exempt from the Affordable Care Act.

In fact the opposite is true.

They were forced to go on health care exchanges even though THEY ALREADY GET HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THEIR COMPENSATION.

So to avoid losing a benefit (and thereby taking a pay cut) the Obama administration is trying to federal workers reimbursed to pay for the insurance they choose on the health care exchange. Many federal workers will quit and find jobs in the private sector, if they are forced to take a pay cut.

Quit and find jobs in the private sector with 7% unemployment? Yeah right.

In case you haven't noticed, private sector employees are being forced onto the exchanges too and they don't get the increased costs paid for by their employers. So by your logic they are going to quit and find jobs in the public sector right? :lol:

Math is a basic skill taught in elementary school. You should go back and give it another shot.

Qualified workers are not having a hard time finding employment. The most talented workers in the federal government would not have a problem finding a job.

Private sector employees are not being forced into exchanges. That is just a falsehood.

What's wrong with my math? There was no math in my post. What are you talking about?

It is not a falsehood. These private sector workers are.

• 18,000 SeaWorld workers
• 120,000 from Walgreens
• 110,000 at IBM
• 15,000 spouses of UPS workers
• 10,000’s each from General Electric and TIme-Warner
• 20,000 Home Depot workers
• 100,000’s more with other affected firms
• 8-million Americans (minimum) stuck in part-time jobs although they want full-time work
• Another 7-milion projected to lose company health benefits due to Obamacare
The list grows each day and includes hundreds more restaurants, medical suppliers, universities, and other businesses.
What about them, Too Tall?

Lets pick one for starters. The Walgreens employees.

Do you know what that is all about? Have you looked behind the nutter talking point to find out?

If not, please do. I don't want to embarrass you in public like that.
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You failed to comprehend the information in the cited link. The staffers must buy insurance on the exchange.

Man.....what is with you people? This is like a fucking bad dream.

Of course they do.

I just wonder why we taxpayers have to subsidize them. Shouldn't they have to pay just like the rest of us?

After all the ACA is the new face of HC

You aren't being intentionally dense? You are asking that question in a serious manner?

Nope. Just an honest question.

Why shouldn't they have to pay part of their HC?

I pay part of mine every week. I also pay a decuctable if I have to go to the Doctors office. No one pay 100% of my HC. Why should it be any different for them?

Just because they are Fed employees shouldn't mean they don't have to pay any out of pocket expenses. Just like us common folks.
Yup. I sure do.

But I also thought they would have to buy into the exchanges just like others do since they aren't exempted.

You do know that Congress voted themselves and staffers a 72% subsidy to take care of their costs??

Apparantly the law doesn't apply to everyone equally.

You still do not understand the situation.

Anyone in America who has a qualifying ( meaning worth a shit ) health care plan through their place of employment is exempt from having to go on the exchange...BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE INSURANCE.

The members of Congress and their staffers are actually being forced to use the exchange even though they already have a qualifying plan. That is because a nutter dropped an amendment in the bill saying that they had to.

What that nutter did not do is provide a mechanism for paying for it. So it was going to amount to a pay cut for all of these workers. The subsidy is simply restoring the terms of their employment contract to the way it was before they were forced to change their plan.

Do you get it? Please say you get it.

Look, uber-douche. Not one 'nutter' voted for that piece of fucking shit legislation while every dimocrap scumbag DID.

If they didn't want it in there, they should have voted it out. But hubris wouldn't allow that.
And there you have it! Even after the Democrats added amendments that the Right wanted, the Right STILL refused to vote for the bill, and then lied that they were locked out of the process as their excuse for not voting for the bill. :eusa_liar:

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