Congress To Probe Lethal SEAL Team 6 Crash...

The government is totally treasonous except Cruz and maybe Rand bit the rest are pure socialist/communist crap. The repubs won't attack the administration on this, the drone to Iran, Benghazi, fnf, or the IRS.


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Only the dumbest of dumb rubes would believe this unfortunate incident was an "assassination" carried out by the US government on its own troops. This conspiracy theory has so many plot holes, you have to be down in the single digits of IQ to buy into it. It will obviously require the rubes to make several modifications to it over the coming months and years, just like every other idiotic conspiracy theory.

Christ, you idiots can't even make up a half-assed plausible conspiracy theory.

Piss off you pompous condescending little pissant. The Families are asking questions. They deserve answers. So it's just too damn bad that it conflicts with your fanatical Dear Leader-Worship. Deal with it asshole.
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Only the dumbest of dumb rubes would believe this unfortunate incident was an "assassination" carried out by the US government on its own troops. This conspiracy theory has so many plot holes, you have to be down in the single digits of IQ to buy into it. It will obviously require the rubes to make several modifications to it over the coming months and years, just like every other idiotic conspiracy theory.

Christ, you idiots can't even make up a half-assed plausible conspiracy theory.

Maybe not a conspiracy but once again a cluster f..k carried out by the Obama administration. If he just didn't lie to us so damn often maybe these things would not be questioned. But sending men into a hot zone in a Chinook? Cremation without even talking to their parents? WTF is that all about? Not even addressing the parents? WTF Where are the videos of the flagged draped coffins, oh right no bodies no coffins.
I don't know what happened but cremating a Father's son, a Mother's son without their permission IS TOTAL BULLSHIT.. Something stinks on Odumbo's bus again and this time it isn't his body odor. I say investigate.. If there's nothing to hide, why are the typical Obama Nut suckers pissing their panties in this thread?
I don't know what happened but cremating a Father's son, a Mother's son without their permission IS TOTAL BULLSHIT.. Something stinks on Odumbo's bus again and this time it isn't his body odor. I say investigate.. If there's nothing to hide, why are the typical Obama Nut suckers pissing their panties in this thread?

Yeah, that video still gets me. It's still hard watching that Father break down like that. Just the cremation issue alone, is enough reason to properly investigate this travesty. The Parents deserve that.
If nothing else, the disdain shown to the families because of their questions is disgusting and embarrassing.

Yes, just a bunch of silly "Conspiracy Theory Nuts." Move along, nothing to see here.
If nothing else, the disdain shown to the families because of their questions is disgusting and embarrassing.

Yes, just a bunch of silly "Conspiracy Theory Nuts." Move along, nothing to see here.

The Obama Zombies say that about everything.. the truth is they don't give the first damn about dead Americans or anything else that interferes with their agenda and quest for power.. their Zombie base are mush brain morons who would rat out their next door neighbor if asked to, simply for having a different opinion. They are traitors to freedom ..
If nothing else, the disdain shown to the families because of their questions is disgusting and embarrassing.

Yes, just a bunch of silly "Conspiracy Theory Nuts." Move along, nothing to see here.

The Obama Zombies say that about everything.. the truth is they don't give the first damn about dead Americans or anything else that interferes with their agenda and quest for power.. their Zombie base are mush brain morons who would rat out their next door neighbor if asked to, simply for having a different opinion. They are traitors to freedom ..

Matter of fact they did have a "rat your neighbor out" line set up not long ago.
Biden is a traitor to the country in releasing the information about who did the pretend raid on OBL. I say pretend because we only have the administration's word that it was OBL. Biden and Obama put our men in harms way to win an election. Both should be impeached and sent to Gitmo.

Here is another video/audio that should make your blood boil.

Navy SEAL?s dad: Obama sent my son to his death
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This, as with all the Obama f..kups will go no where.

The sin is that they were sent into a hot zone in an antique helicopter...why?

OBL wasn't killed by SEAL team 6 in my mind until someone produces a shred of evidence otherwise.

Agree, OBL was dead long before that raid.
I don't know what happened but cremating a Father's son, a Mother's son without their permission IS TOTAL BULLSHIT.. Something stinks on Odumbo's bus again and this time it isn't his body odor. I say investigate.. If there's nothing to hide, why are the typical Obama Nut suckers pissing their panties in this thread?

I would tend to think that the bodies were hard or impossible to recover and so they simply did not bother and that would be a reason that they were ‘cremated.’

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