congress woman Sanchez says R admitt its about getting rid of Obama's a good thing to tell TM to shove it up her arse. My rep jumped from 11 to 16 in a couple hours. Much thanks to everyone. I think I will follow her around and tell her off more often. :lmao:

She makes just about everyone else look smart. it's sad really. I wish she would learn to communicate better and think before she writes things.
Who cares about some stupid movie and Pub BS about it- The OP is about the whole unpatrioic Pub effort to ruin Obama no matter how much damage and suffering is caused to the country. We've given you the rope and now you're going to pay.

Pub no compromise filibustering of EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010 and their BS propaganda machine are an un-American disgrace. Hoping for your recovery.

Removing Obama from office isn't going to damage the nation.

Nor is opposing his damaging policies.

If he wants to propose something that will actually benefit our nation, we will gladly support it. He hasn't and probably won't.
are you so stupid and partisan that you really think that is their job?

If a democRats are in office the REP party tries to beat that side. If the Rep in office the Dems try to defeat them. I am sure a 2nd grader can figure that one at . But of course we have to put you on a 2nd grade level to spell it out for you:lol:

And why the fuck does our politics have to resemble a sporting match, with winners and losers, insults, blood and snot flying, tweaked into overdrive by a players ethic that makes street rules hockey seem positively girlie?!?

:dunno: Whatever happened to the common political goals of building a national infrastructure, and educating the next generation to run it and improve on it?

:eusa_think: Hard to believe the country that won WWII gave rise to such a selfish bunch of Momma's little bastards.....
are you so stupid and partisan that you really think that is their job?

If a democRats are in office the REP party tries to beat that side. If the Rep in office the Dems try to defeat them. I am sure a 2nd grader can figure that one at . But of course we have to put you on a 2nd grade level to spell it out for you:lol:

And why the fuck does our politics have to resemble a sporting match, with winners and losers, insults, blood and snot flying, tweaked into overdrive by a players ethic that makes street rules hockey seem positively girlie?!?

:dunno: Whatever happened to the common political goals of building a national infrastructure, and educating the next generation to run it and improve on it?

:eusa_think: Hard to believe the country that won WWII gave rise to such a selfish bunch of Momma's little bastards.....

There's a reason it's hard to believe. Squeaky wheel syndrome. Most Americans are not selfish at all.

It's only a small %..... :eusa_whistle:
That's not the point. True bullshit speaks a LOT about nothing. She obviously has a story to tell.... one that's not being refuted - far from it, the story is gaining traction.

I'm so disgusted with the republicans at this point in time, I'm dreaming of a viable 3rd party option. Politics is expensive though and the status quo can barely afford the 2 parties they currently lease.

Oh puh-leeeze. Democrats have been saying this all year. Her comments (from what I can tell) were today and your claim of legitimacy is that her story is not being refuted and is picking up momentum? Come on, man. This is the same shit that the Democrats and MSNBC and and the Daily Kos, blah, blah, blah have been blathering about to cover their own incompetence.

All I'm saying is that I, an average American Joe voter, am beginning to buy the story......

:dunno: Whatever that means.....​
They are there to represent the communities that sent them.

NOT to lie to their communities about what they will do once elected.

Then why did so many Democratic representatives vote in favor of Obamacare even when their constituents opposed it?

:dunno: Same reason the right voted for tax cuts?

:wtf: They're ALL voting to fund their campaign war chests while trying to vote against anything that might line the war chest of the opposition. It's rich guys playing fucked up chess with your money.

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Tell me TM. In what way would reelecting President Obama be bettter for our nation?

Your team crashed the world economy and gave us years of useless debt and war.

He is not you

LOL. Go read my OP on the thread "A Lesson in Civics for Liberals." Here's the link. for my next big hit "A Lesson in Economics for Liberals" coming soon to a discussion board near you.

Can you for a moment separate McConnell the Senator from McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader. His duties to the citizens of Kentucky and to the GOP Senate Caucus are, like.... different.


Why? Because he has 2 jobs in the Senate as most Senators that sit on committees do. He represents the interests of the people of Kentucky and he is the leader of the Senate GOP Caucus.
Just like Speaker Boehner, House Minority Leader Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, McConnell has a partisan position separate from his duties as Senator from Kentucky.

O.k. every fanny has a chair and every paycheck has jobs and tasks...

You said "His duties to the citizens of Kentucky and to the GOP Senate Caucus are, like.... different."

In that context it reflects more on his work focus than his work tasks...

The quantity and quality of his daily tasks just mean he can't delegate or he has skills.

Should his professional goals and the focus of his representation have such disparity between the professional obligation to actual voters in his actual district and his political 'contacts' and their 'special interests'?

Will you lefties ever stop whining? They showed a movie in American theaters about the assassination of President Bush while he was in office.

Which sitting representatives drawing federal paychecks were in on that little sampling of pop culture?

The point to me is that some of the representatives we currently employ to do a managerial task for a damn nice salary are sandbagging on the job 'cause they can't seem to play nice among their colleagues.

I'm sick of it. Like I said - Both parties have a childish streak a mile wide, but the republicans are getting out of control.
Who cares about some stupid movie and Pub BS about it- The OP is about the whole unpatrioic Pub effort to ruin Obama no matter how much damage and suffering is caused to the country. We've given you the rope and now you're going to pay.

Pub no compromise filibustering of EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010 and their BS propaganda machine are an un-American disgrace. Hoping for your recovery.

Removing Obama from office isn't going to damage the nation.

Nor is opposing his damaging policies.

If he wants to propose something that will actually benefit our nation, we will gladly support it. He hasn't and probably won't.

Yup, those jobs bills the old GOP would've supported were a waste. Better to play roulette with the world economy pandering to Tea Party morons- the Rush/Murdoch/Moon debt crisis...dittoheads!
It was about the country.

Right now you have a republican house that has admitted its main goal was NOT to help the American people but to win a political race with Obama

thereby helping the Country.. you are a true dyed in the wool moron.

They're not helping.

If they want to help they can do their fucking jobs and put their individual best ideas forward for debate, instead of running around sucking lobbyist cock for campaign money and schmoozing journalists for sound bites.

The only ones doing any work at all in DC are the waiters, bartenders and lobbyists... and business is good.

You wanna occupy something with meaning? Occupy "K" Street in Washington D.C.

Check out the trash can in Harry Reid's office. That seems to be where the GOP's ideas end up. Don't put this shit on Republicans and try to claim they put nothing forward.
The house has passed several jobs bills and Reid (D NV) won't schedule them in the Senate.
Or the Bob Dole/Romney style Obamacare to start fixing our ridiculous white whale of a health system. Tell us all your brainwashed BS about that, MORONS. LOL!
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The Republicans want to wreck the economy, so they can win the next election.

That is why they won't pass any jobs bills.
The pub jobs bills are ALL ideological reaming of EPA, OSHA, etc regs to protect the environment and people that won't produce jobs and are total crappe except to brainwashed dittoheads like yourself. Assume the position, bought off Pubs...only idiots believe your pander to the selfish rich crappe anymore...LOL!
The Republicans want to wreck the economy, so they can win the next election.

That is why they won't pass any jobs bills.

Yeah... wont pass a single jobs bill.

Except those 15 on Harry Reids desk...

Why? Because he has 2 jobs in the Senate as most Senators that sit on committees do. He represents the interests of the people of Kentucky and he is the leader of the Senate GOP Caucus.
Just like Speaker Boehner, House Minority Leader Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, McConnell has a partisan position separate from his duties as Senator from Kentucky.

O.k. every fanny has a chair and every paycheck has jobs and tasks...

You said "His duties to the citizens of Kentucky and to the GOP Senate Caucus are, like.... different."

In that context it reflects more on his work focus than his work tasks...

The quantity and quality of his daily tasks just mean he can't delegate or he has skills.

Should his professional goals and the focus of his representation have such disparity between the professional obligation to actual voters in his actual district and his political 'contacts' and their 'special interests'?

He WAS elected by people who oppose obama's policies and apparently support GOP policy, so where is the disparity? Both parties have their special interests. The obama administration lends money to their special interest campaign contributors with no hope of being repaid.
Will the DNC return all contributions from Solyndra and it's directors since they received the nearly half a billion, to the treasury?

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