Congressional Black Caucus: Ferguson Decision a Slap in the Face to Blacks

The only thing at fault was the thug that got his sorry ass shot for being one.

That is the entire problem in a nutshell. In this country, we don't gun down thugs in the street just because they are thugs. What else you got?

He didn't get shot simply because he was a thug. There are plenty of them still walking around. He was shot because his ACTIONS due to him being a thug went beyond just being one. That's all I need boy.

OK he wasn't shot for being a thug, even though that is what you said before. He wasn't shot for robbing the store like you claimed, because the cop couldn't shoot him for just matching the description. That knocks out most of what you said before, so what else you got?
He was shot because he assaulted an officer, refused to stop and kept on coming to assault again. He was lunging at Wilson when he was shot in the head, causing the fatal blow.

Why don't yall get together and decide why you think the cop killed him in the street. I've heard at least a dozen different reasons, and none of them hold water.

I know why. The police officer was defending himself from a thug that attacked him. They don't hold water to you because you want to believe that the only reason the officer did it was because Michael Brown was black. You discount anything else because it would require you to admit a piece of shit thug got shot because he was acting like a thug.
The only thing at fault was the thug that got his sorry ass shot for being one.

That is the entire problem in a nutshell. In this country, we don't gun down thugs in the street just because they are thugs. What else you got?

He didn't get shot simply because he was a thug. There are plenty of them still walking around. He was shot because his ACTIONS due to him being a thug went beyond just being one. That's all I need boy.

OK he wasn't shot for being a thug, even though that is what you said before. He wasn't shot for robbing the store like you claimed, because the cop couldn't shoot him for just matching the description. That knocks out most of what you said before, so what else you got?

He was shot for taking the actions of a thug. I didn't say he was shot for robbing a store. Please quote me where you claim I made that statement. The actions for which he got shot were his attack on the police officer. If anyone should have shot him for the cigars was the owner of the store from which he stole the cigars. Please get it right if you are going to make claims.

OK to be clear, you are saying the reason, and the only reason he was shot was because he attacked the cop. Is that right?

That's what the police officer said with plenty of evidence to prove it.
Brown was killed when he turned back to charge the officer. Interestingly enough the grand jury was presented with witnesses who said that Brown was running away. Witnesses who said Brown stood with his arms up in surrender and witnesses who said he turned and charged. Why did the jury believe the witnesses who said he turned and charged and not the others?

It was the blood trail. It clearly showed all of Brown's movements.

Forensics and autopsies showed that the bullets that his Brown came in ways opposite of what the witnesses said.
Do you support the protestors?

I understand their frustration in feeling that the prosecutor intentionally took the unprecedented step to present defense evidence to the grand jury. That leads me to believe his agenda was not to do the prosecutor's job as it has been done in virtually every other grand jury inquiry. It's his job to prosecute, not as a prosecutor/defense attorney combination. Your accusation that I support burning buildings is a perfect example of the unreasonable thinking we have all grown to expect from right wingers.

Since the protestors are burning buildings and your failure to answer a simple yes/no question shows you do support what they do, that means you support what they are doing.

OK.....Since you are having trouble understanding Yes, I support the protests, and NO, I don't support the violence. I understand that might be a little too complex for a right winger to understand, but you will just have to do your best. All I can do is give you the information. I can't understand it for you..

Since the protests are violent, you support the violence. I'm sorry you can't understand that supporting that they are doing something means supporting how they do it.

No need to apologize. I knew you would have a hard time with anything but the most basic thought processes. Think of it this way. You and your friends are getting ready for a cross burning. Some of them put their hoods on backwards so they can't see where they are going. You support them wearing the hoods, but you disagree with the way they do it. Same principal.

I wasn't. It was more of an acknowledgement that you failed in life and in getting enough education to understands simple concepts.

I don't support what the Klan does or the way they do it. If that is all you have boy, you have nothing.

You're problem on this matter is your first, automatic, and only thought when this happened was that the cop shot him because he was black. Those rioting have the same mindset. Otherwise, they would protest in a way civilized people do instead of acting like a bunch of savages.
And negroes wonder why the other races on the planet despise them. It's impossible to have any rational conversation with them.
Billions and billions of the 'Maker's' money has been flushed down the toilet trying to help the negroes help themselves.
Nothing. Nowhere has worked.......EVER!
They just destroyed what was left of the shithole they live in.
Now the 'leaders' like the fucking race whore is going to demand the 'gubbermint' spend the 'Maker's' tax money to rebuild the shithole. You watch.

Thanks again for demonstrating just how racist the right wing is. The DNC should put you on the payroll.

What's racist about killing a thug who just robbed a store and was resisting arrest?

So you think every robbery suspect should be killed on sight?

Suspect??? He was hardly a suspect. The robbery was recorded. It was a strong-arm robbery. He could have given himself up without fighting with the police officer. He was a thug and was killed. Get over it. Brown was no choir boy.

I'm not saying he was a choirboy. I don't doubt he was a thug. I don' have a problem with thieves being caught and punished for their crime after proper prosecution procedures are followed. Are you saying that everyone who fits the description of a criminal should be killed in the street? All the cop had was a description, turns out it was the same person, but the cop didn't know that for sure. Robbery is not generally punishable by death anyway.

He wasn't shot because he robbed a store. He was shot because when the officer approached him as he matched the description of the person that did, the thug took it upon himself to attack the officer. If you think he was shot because he robbed the store, your mindset is nothing more than it was done because the punk was black.
Brown was killed when he turned back to charge the officer. Interestingly enough the grand jury was presented with witnesses who said that Brown was running away. Witnesses who said Brown stood with his arms up in surrender and witnesses who said he turned and charged. Why did the jury believe the witnesses who said he turned and charged and not the others?

It was the blood trail. It clearly showed all of Brown's movements.

The autopsy showed the entry wounds of gun shots. There were no shots in the back of Brown showing that he was not shot in the back. The shot that was fatal was in the head, in the front where he was looking down as he was lunging forward. If he was running toward Wilson with his arms up to "surrender," he would not have had his head down like a bull or a football player about to tackle someone.
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

I dont know about the rest of you,but I'm getting more racist by the hour.

Don't worry. Nobody ever doubted the racism of the right wing.

Says the plantation party....

What does that even mean?

Haven't been following politics for long huh?
I agree with the Congressional Black Caucus. The decision, actually decisions (plural) made in Ferguson were indeed a slap in the face to all decent Black man and women.

The decision that Michael Brown made to rob a store and strong-arm its owner was a slap in the fact to all Blacks. His decision to disrespect the law and threaten a law enforcement officer was also a slap in the face to all Blacks . But the wanton destruction of the property of innocent people was the ultimate slap in the face to all Blacks everywhere. What kind of fools make such stupid decisions? And, just as important, what kind of fools support and justify such conduct? Certainly not those who care about their neighbors, their community or their race. No, these law breakers are just a bunch of selfish, ignorant savages with little or no impulse control. This is not how my Black friends live; this is not how most Black men and women live and I resent any attempts to justify or minimize the violence of young Black thugs.

Fuck all this bullshit. Look, gang, a thug died at the hands of the police as thugs often do. I would have preferred it had ended differently. I would have preferred Brown had been arrested, tried and convicted of his crimes. I would also prefer that racial cowards such as Holder and Obama would address the epidemic of crime among inner-city young Blacks but they – and others like them – ignore the issue and thus nothing changes. Ten thousand Blacks can die at the hands of other Blacks and there is only silence, but let a single Black be killed by a White – even in a situation involving a claim of self defense - and it's front page news for months. Clearly, Black victims don't count at all unless they die at the hands of a White person. What the fuck is that all about?

Unlike the Congressional Black Caucus, I care about the senseless deaths of all Blacks. Unlike the Congressional Black Caucus, I question how in the hell Michael Brown got to the point in his life where he thought it was OK to rob and manhandle others. This I know: Michael Brown never made a conscious choice to become a loser. The circumstances that caused him to lose hope and direction were set in motion long before he was even born. It takes decades of conditioning to kill the aspirations of an entire group or culture. The day he died, Michael Brown should have been planning for college, fucking his girlfriend or watching a game on TV instead of engaging in self-destructive behavior. What happened? This is where the emphasis should be.

And don't blame it on slavery or oppressive White people. Too many Blacks have succeed under similar circumstances.
I agree with the Congressional Black Caucus. The decision, actually decisions (plural) made in Ferguson were indeed a slap in the face to all decent Black man and women.

The decision that Michael Brown made to rob a store and strong-arm its owner was a slap in the fact to all Blacks. His decision to disrespect the law and threaten a law enforcement officer was also a slap in the face to all Blacks . But the wanton destruction of the property of innocent people was the ultimate slap in the face to all Blacks everywhere. What kind of fools make such stupid decisions? And, just as important, what kind of fools support and justify such conduct? Certainly not those who care about their neighbors, their community or their race. No, these law breakers are just a bunch of selfish, ignorant savages with little or no impulse control. This is not how my Black friends live; this is not how most Black men and women live and I resent any attempts to justify or minimize the violence of young Black thugs.

Fuck all this bullshit. Look, gang, a thug died at the hands of the police as thugs often do. I would have preferred it had ended differently. I would have preferred Brown had been arrested, tried and convicted of his crimes. I would also prefer that racial cowards such as Holder and Obama would address the epidemic of crime among inner-city young Blacks but they – and others like them – ignore the issue and thus nothing changes. Ten thousand Blacks can die at the hands of other Blacks and there is only silence, but let a single Black be killed by a White – even in a situation involving a claim of self defense - and it's front page news for months. Clearly, Black victims don't count at all unless they die at the hands of a White person. What the fuck is that all about?

Unlike the Congressional Black Caucus, I care about the senseless deaths of all Blacks. Unlike the Congressional Black Caucus, I question how in the hell Michael Brown got to the point in his life where he thought it was OK to rob and manhandle others. This I know: Michael Brown never made a conscious choice to become a loser. The circumstances that caused him to lose hope and direction were set in motion long before he was even born. It takes decades of conditioning to kill the aspirations of an entire group or culture. The day he died, Michael Brown should have been planning for college, fucking his girlfriend or watching a game on TV instead of engaging in self-destructive behavior. What happened? This is where the emphasis should be.

And don't blame it on slavery or oppressive White people. Too many Blacks have succeed under similar circumstances.

Well said, Professor.
There will never ever be an end to racial spin in this country. Fuck it. I'm moving to Canada.

There is no end to this Mr H. I'd be more than happy to call you my brother.
People have to be held responsible for their actions. We have enabled people in so many ways, that they take have learned to take advantage of people and situations without a conscience.
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

Why is there no Congressional White Caucus? Who's the racists here?
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

Why is there no Congressional White Caucus? Who's the racists here?

I can't answer that. There is no WET, White Entertainment Television Station or NAAWP, National Association for the Advancement of White People either. That would be discriminatory.
Nothing matters you see. You talk to coloreds up here from islands and they understand issues. phfffffffffffffffft American blacks not at all.

They can be the richest sons of bitches on the block but the whitey man still put em down.

They are permanently a victim. Boring as all get out as well.

Fuck em. I'm really tired of yankee blacks. I know far more interesting colored souls who rock on without bitching that they've got nothing.

Ferguson shows it. Fuck em all. They are boring.
WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge on Monday categorized a Missouri grand jury's decision not to criminally charge the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown "a slap in the face" that underscores "an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value."

Rep. Marcia Fudge calls Ferguson acquittal a miscarriage of justice

Oh my...Stupid is and stupid says. Does she not understand law?

The problem is not necessarily with the Ferguson decision; the problem is that the outcome is always the same when cops kill blacks, even when it is more than obvious that the killing was unwarranted and could well be considered outright murder. This happens in case after case, so the Black community is up in arms. It's not just about Ferguson and Officer Wilson. Wilson may well have been justified in killing this kid, but the feeling in much of America is that cops can do whatever they want and we are no longer safe from the police. They are more of a threat to us than they are protecting us. I'm white, and I don't trust any of them anymore. They believe they are above the law, and in one case after another, juries reinstate this idea that they are above the law by letting them get off without even being charged and having to face a real jury.

Get real. Brown went out looking for trouble and found it. He stole the cigars from the convenience store and grabbed the store clerk by the throat. He and his buddy then went out and walked down the middle of a street. He was extremely stupid. He should have known the store clerk would call the police. Brown was a stupid thug feeling his oats and was fortunate the store clerk didn't shoot him. It would have happened were Brown a white guy. If you look for trouble it will find you.

It doesn't change the fact that many cops are killing innocent people with impunity. It makes everything else worse, and everyone reacts whenever a cop kills someone because so many cops are killing people when they have no reason to. If it's not killing people, then it's killing their dogs. Cops have a bad name right now, and it's because they get away with it all the time. It's not just about the Wilson case.

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