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Congressional D's vs. R's

wait a minute, what is wrong with this point?.


First off, liberals have a variety of views and saying "all liberals think x" is stupid.

Secondly, most liberals don't want to ban SUV's. That is an out and out lie.

Thirdly, most liberals don't think that talk radio needs to be silenced. I suspect a lot are split on the fairness doctrine, and those that support it believe that both sides should be presented. How that equals one side being silenced I have no idea, but rsr rarely makes sense.
I dont think its possible to legislate fairness, how would you do that?. would you have two hosts for every radio show?. a conservative and liberal, and they both have to speak the exact amount of time, and both have a word limit, so its not like hannity and colmes, very funny article on that lol.

Or course, fairness is a good thing, if liberals could tone it down, air america, would have succeedded in my opinion. I have not heard liberals talking about banning suvs, and rsr, does need to add more to the debate then articles, and sentences that sound like a political writer wrong them.

what is wrong with it is that is nothing but a rehashed conservative talking point. First...very few liberals "rant" about anything. I share the concern of many that the Patriot Act flies in the face of the wishes of the founding fathers. I have NEVER heard a liberal "rant" about silencing talk radio.... only providing some balance...and even then, I am not personally all that concerned. Conservatives may own talk radio, but, if so, TV belongs to the liberals. I have never heard anyone rant about "banning" SUV's.... the whole little RSR parroted conservative aphorism adds nothing to the debate..... but is nothing more than a schoolyard taunt... very immature, very pointless.

THAT is what is wrong with it.
I try to differentiate. You are correct, as their are all kinds of liberals, so too all kinds of conservatives. And yes, liberals are not really talking about banning suv's. I am actually in favor of banning them, unless the gas miliage is raised and im not a liberal :p.


First off, liberals have a variety of views and saying "all liberals think x" is stupid.

Secondly, most liberals don't want to ban SUV's. That is an out and out lie.

I am all for fairness, but I dont think the government can impose fairness, life by its very definition is not fair, and how do you do it?.

i can seriously imagine, every tv channel, every blog, every radio station, being regulated, so its fair and balanced, for equal time.

Diversity is a good thing, but we need a positive way to get there.

Thirdly, most liberals don't think that talk radio needs to be silenced. I suspect a lot are split on the fairness doctrine, and those that support it believe that both sides should be presented. How that equals one side being silenced I have no idea, but rsr rarely makes sense.
I dont think its possible to legislate fairness, how would you do that?. would you have two hosts for every radio show?. a conservative and liberal, and they both have to speak the exact amount of time, and both have a word limit, so its not like hannity and colmes, very funny article on that lol.

Or course, fairness is a good thing, if liberals could tone it down, air america, would have succeedded in my opinion. I have not heard liberals talking about banning suvs, and rsr, does need to add more to the debate then articles, and sentences that sound like a political writer wrong them.

whatever you think of the fairness doctrine, it does NOT equate to "liberals wanting to SILENCE conservative talk radio". RSR is a soundbite/cut and paste machine designed to generate much heat and little light... and absolutely NO demonstrated ability to create and express complex independent thought.
and ANM...the bottom line most certainly is that RSR will once again spin and evade and marginalize this newest poll from his favorite cable news organization that shows that a MAJORITY of Americans disapprove of congressional republicans.

you could bet the farm on it.
Sadly, as much as I rsr, and consider him a friend, I think you are right, he has not demonstrated an ability to engage on a deeper level, of any real meaning. And he is way too partisan, refusing to acklowdge any good point, if made by someone with a non r by there name which is sad, congressional r and d, suck right now, the approval was for the entire congres not one party.

I must ask you a question though, if the government puts pressure on radio broadcasters and stations, to put more liberal progamming on the radio, would that or would that not, displace conservative shows, and what if the liberal shows are not popular. I truly believe that air america is not successful because the hosts are hateful angry people, who do not neccasrily represent all of most liberals, NOT running the democratic party, and they are not entertaing, even michael savage is entertaning. My point, couldnt that partially atleast silence conservative radio?

im trying to fair, and honest.

and ANM...the bottom line most certainly is that RSR will once again spin and evade and marginalize this newest poll from his favorite cable news organization that shows that a MAJORITY of Americans disapprove of congressional republicans.

you could bet the farm on it.
how do you "partially silence" something?

IF your stereo is blaring so loud that it shakes the wall, and you turn the volume down, to a level where you still can't hear someone talk until you stand right next to them, have you really "silenced" anything?
Good point, but do you think its fair, if the government forced stations (assuming that happens, and i have no idea if it would, but for arguing sake, can i :)?) to fire some hosts who are conservative to make room for liberal hosts?

how do you "partially silence" something?

IF your stereo is blaring so loud that it shakes the wall, and you turn the volume down, to a level where you still can't hear someone talk until you stand right next to them, have you really "silenced" anything?
I have a very important question for you.

How do you, or anyone really know what would happen in iraq if we left. Now please understand, that is not meant as a personal attack, but more as a, convince me, its better we leave. Because im on the fence.
Good point, but do you think its fair, if the government forced stations (assuming that happens, and i have no idea if it would, but for arguing sake, can i :)?) to fire some hosts who are conservative to make room for liberal hosts?

as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out on the fairness doctrine. I remain unconvinced. But I AM convinced that it does NOT SILENCE conservative talk radio.
I have no evidence it will silence anyone, so I am going to say. NOT guilty on that charge, because its un-fair. However, I think we can find a better way then the government to do it. Maybe government with private sector?

Its not wrong to have different points of view. But people determine it.

as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out on the fairness doctrine. I remain unconvinced. But I AM convinced that it does NOT SILENCE conservative talk radio.
and ANM...the bottom line most certainly is that RSR will once again spin and evade and marginalize this newest poll from his favorite cable news organization that shows that a MAJORITY of Americans disapprove of congressional republicans.

you could bet the farm on it.

like taking candy from a baby :lol:
the hits just keep on coming....this from RSR's favorite network:

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 26-27, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"Do you approve or disapprove of the job Democrats in Congress are doing?"
Approve 36
Disapprove 49
Unsure 15

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Republicans in Congress are doing?"
Approve 30
Disapprove 56
Unsure 14

more than half of America disapproves of the job the GOP is doing in congress. wow.

Lets see 3 points either way is what it says AND the dems are only 6 points ahead of the republicans. Yup that SURE proves your point. As I recall didn't your last poll numbers have Republicans at like 26 percent? That means a 4 Percent increase for them and as I recall Dems were higher than 36, thus some kind of LOSS for them.

But hey don't let facts get in the way of a poor argument. Perhaps you would like to read my signature line, the one about facts and statistics?
The numbers for the Dem Congress keep heading South

But Congress also fared poorly in the poll. Its approval rating was also at 27 percent — a 9-point drop from last month. Nearly six in 10 among those surveyed said the 110th Congress has accomplished less during the last six months than Congress usually does.

Vice President Dick Cheney received a similarly low rating, with 28 percent approval and 59 percent disapproval.

The poll found a record number of Americans, 75 percent, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Only 19 percent think the U.S. is on the right track — the lowest number since CBS News first asked the question in 1983.

no. I would like for you to explain, if the republicans do, in fact, have the right answers for America and just stumbled slightly in '06 because they did not hold to their core conservative principles, why does your party's congressional delegation have such an absymal public approval? Why, if you guys are right and democrats are wrong, do all the public opinion polls suggest that the public thinks otherwise?

Can you comment on THAT?

Your latest poll has it 30 to 36.... wow what a HUGE difference..... And as I recall the previous numbers would indicate the republicans GAINING and the Democrats LOSING....
Some Republicans are starting to listen to the folks.......


There are many reasons for this slide in confidence. But I think one thing is certain: Confidence in the institution of Congress cannot improve until the elected leaders change from the old ways of conducting the people's business and adopt more open and accountable measures. In a word: transparency.

You would not think that the push for more open government should be a partisan issue. After all, there shouldn't be any deep-seated philosophical reasons for why one party favors more open and accountable government over the other. Indeed, both parties speak often of the need for more openness and accountability. But when it comes to leadership in Congress, there has been a difference between words and actions. The recent battle in the House of Representatives over so-called earmark spending requests illustrates this.

First, it is important to note that earmarks - special requests for spending that come from congressmen and senators - are not all bad. There are some very good programs that have received funding by earmarks. I, myself, have requested funding for a number of deserving programs ranging from support for local law enforcement agencies fighting the scourge of methamphetamine abuse in Hillsborough and Polk counties to funds to improve fisheries and marine habitats in the Gulf. You can see a list of all these programs on my Web page at www.adamputnam.house.gov. I think they are worthwhile requests, and I am willing to advocate for them.

The problem with earmark spending is when it is done secretly, without the opportunity to measure the value of a specific program in the open. Last year, the Republican House majority had rules in place to give congressmen the ability to challenge earmark spending when the bills came up for debate. The rules applied to all the budget, spending and taxation bills in the House.

But this year, the new House leadership - after paying lip service to the idea of transparency - tried to backslide to a system that was cloaked in secrecy. The plan would have created an unaccountable "earmark czar," a series of obscure slush funds, and no opportunity for open debate. In fact, earmarks would not have been made public until the very last moment, and there would be no way to even identify wasteful projects, let alone challenge them before a vote. With a $2.7 trillion budget, this is precisely how "bridges to nowhere" get funded.

Your latest poll has it 30 to 36.... wow what a HUGE difference..... And as I recall the previous numbers would indicate the republicans GAINING and the Democrats LOSING....

I never claimed it was a huge difference. I claimed it was a difference and that it disputed the continued claims by RSR that democrats were tanking in the polls and that his party was clearly the better alternative. The facts are pretty clear: however badly America might feel about the democrats in congress, they feel even worse about the republicans in congress.

And you are wrong about the previous numbers....the last FOX poll had the democrats with a 5 point edge...they now have a 6 point edge.
I never claimed it was a huge difference. I claimed it was a difference and that it disputed the continued claims by RSR that democrats were tanking in the polls and that his party was clearly the better alternative. The facts are pretty clear: however badly America might feel about the democrats in congress, they feel even worse about the republicans in congress.

And you are wrong about the previous numbers....the last FOX poll had the democrats with a 5 point edge...they now have a 6 point edge.

as long as the Dems keep moving to the left - their numbers will keep moving to the south
and apparently, the republicans will always keep ahead of them in that southerly journey

Time will tell. At least some Republicans are moving back to the right as Dems move more toward their old style liberal roots

The choice will be clear in Nov 08

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