Congressional Sleeves Up as Work Resumes.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Someone behind the handy link below. said:
“If the president is frustrated by the mounting failures of his health care law, it wasn’t apparent today,” Boehner said in a statement responding to Obama’s comments.
“Americans are looking for accountability..."

Read more: Sebelius to testify on ObamaCare's rocky rollout (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

:eusa_eh: Really?​

I think this average voter would prefer a little more discussion on fixing the fucker. :dunno:
It looks like, instead of fixing it, Congress is going get to work defining fault with the pile of shit called ObamaCare that it passed in to law in the first place.
* sigh *

Still lookin' stupid from space there, Congress.
Someone behind the handy link below. said:
“If the president is frustrated by the mounting failures of his health care law, it wasn’t apparent today,” Boehner said in a statement responding to Obama’s comments.
“Americans are looking for accountability..."

Read more: Sebelius to testify on ObamaCare's rocky rollout (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

:eusa_eh: Really?​

I think this average voter would prefer a little more discussion on fixing the fucker. :dunno:

Republicans have no obligation to help fix it.

It's a travesty from the word go, forced upon us by the Democrats.

That doesn't stop me from being very curious about what Obama will propose to help the people who are being hurt by it.
I think the average voter would rather those in Congress work their résumé rather than resume work...

I can't think of one worth re-electing...
It's no longer a split party issue! Repeal is apparently NOT an option, so now what?


Congress made that pile of shit / Congress has an obligation to clean it up.

It's no longer a split party issue! Repeal is apparently NOT an option, so now what?


Congress made that pile of shit / Congress has an obligation to clean it up.


The DEMOCRATS made the pile of shit.

Asking the Republicans to help make the shit more palatable is like asking them to make the bed more comfortable for a victim of FGM after the courts decided that FGM was legal.

Obama violated us. Reid and Pelosi violated us. Obamacare is so effed up that we can't even get an accurate accounting of how many people are losing how much of their savings and livelihoods over this. Obama didn't even give enough of a sh*t about us to make sure that that the BRAGGED about vehicle for acquiring his unaffordable health care was working.

Trying to "fix" this is like trying to "fix" a building with mold all the way through the walls. What are we supposed to do? Put aluminum siding up and say the problem is solved.

I don't think there is a fix.

So much money down the drain and the result is a new class of people without insurance or anticipating deductions and copays which would exceed their ability to pay. The sickening thing is that this new class are people who were making their payments just fine until Obama and the Democrats came in and decided they needed to take over everything rather than make targeted fixes.

How can this be fixed? ANOTHER overhaul to fix the first one? It's rotten to the core. So much money wasted. So much debt to replace one problem with another.

This is a nightmare.
Politics aside, it's been there for too long to repeal completely. Some sort of legislation is going to be required in lieu of it.
Now what? :dunno:

:eusa_think: What profession should The People turn to in the crafting of legislation?

"Just say no!" has served its useful purpose and is now being counter productive.
The whine fest needs to come to an end and Congress needs to join hands, sing 'Kumbaya', and FIX THE FUCKER!
Negative leadership is getting us nowhere.​
No joining hands.

Not until the debris clears and we can measure the damage.

THEN the damage must be acknowledged. How long do you think it will take for the Democrats to do that? And THEN we can start thinking about how best to help the people who have been hurt by this evil.
Partisan blame assignment is your primary goal, eh?

Partisan blame assignment is your primary goal, eh?


It will remain partisan as long as Democrats are in denial about the damage they have done. First they have to admit that there is a problem. Until Obama drops bullshit like "we can't sugar coat this" while he spins and acts like the problem is only superficial and says "the product is good", then there can't be a solution.
On the other hand, perhaps partial repeal is still possible. Roberts rewriting the legislation from the bench may not be the last word. At some point, the legislation has to stand as written and then maybe some of the injured parties will be able to peel back some of the burdens and make some headway toward reversing the damage.

Bombshell: Federal judge suddenly green-lights lawsuit that could stop Obamacare in its tracks | Mail Online

Some of the damage is simply irreparable. Nothing can give back the years lost of what might have been a more robust economic recovery if we hadn't been dragging the Obamacare anchors behind us.

But maybe there is still some hope for legal remedy.

Fingers crossed.
I sure as hell hope it's not the last word! As you said, at some point, something.

Think of where we'd be if congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams.

"Think of where we'd be if congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams."

That doesn't make sense.

I guess if the congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams, we might be in better shape. Of course they couldn't because the Dems wouldn't let it happen.

They set it up perfectly. Postpone implementation until after the elections to prevent the electorate from being informed in time to do something about it.

Until now, Dems could have argued that the postponement was to give the system time to be made ready. But they can't use that excuse anymore.

Republicans need to make sure that people hear about the damage. And then when the people are sufficiently informed, and Democrats have acknowledged how much pain there is, then maybe something meaningful can be done.

But people have to see the extent of the problem. The people who are being hurt have to be given a voice. Hopefully the Democrats will start being honest and the media will hold them accountable and not try to find something to blame the Republicans for to help Obama save face or the will won't be there to do any more than cosmetic fixes.
So, Joe, what ideas do you have for "fixing the fucker"?

What do you think is wrong with it? Do you have a problem with people losing their insurance and/or having to pay higher prices?

Or are you mainly concerned with the website not working?

What do you want done?
"Think of where we'd be if congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams."

That doesn't make sense.

I guess if the congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams, we might be in better shape. Of course they couldn't because the Dems wouldn't let it happen.

They set it up perfectly. Postpone implementation until after the elections to prevent the electorate from being informed in time to do something about it.

Until now, Dems could have argued that the postponement was to give the system time to be made ready. But they can't use that excuse anymore.

Republicans need to make sure that people hear about the damage. And then when the people are sufficiently informed, and Democrats have acknowledged how much pain there is, then maybe something meaningful can be done.

But people have to see the extent of the problem. The people who are being hurt have to be given a voice. Hopefully the Democrats will start being honest and the media will hold them accountable and not try to find something to blame the Republicans for to help Obama save face or the will won't be there to do any more than cosmetic fixes.

I disagree Amelia. I think that if congress would have started working together on the ACA the day after the Court upheld the law, there would have been plenty to do and plenty done.

I've heard plenty of Democrats state that the ACA needs adjustments. Now that "all or nothing" has been exhausted, it's time for the republicans to come to the table and start talking about it line-by-line.

Investigating the 24 day old roll out with a goal of 'shining a political light on who's at fault' is a waste of time and treasure. The fault thus far lay at the feet of those who wrote the legislation: Congress.
So, Joe, what ideas do you have for "fixing the fucker"?

What do you think is wrong with it? Do you have a problem with people losing their insurance and/or having to pay higher prices?

Or are you mainly concerned with the website not working?

What do you want done?

I honestly don't know. I never claimed a solution on this one.

My suggestion from the beginning was to just let everyone have the option of buying in to Medicare at a rate based on age alone.

The problem with the ACA is that it has some good qualities mixed in with the corporate protections and fat government contracts.
"Think of where we'd be if congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams."

That doesn't make sense.

I guess if the congress had spent the last 3 years tearing the ACA apart at the seams, we might be in better shape. Of course they couldn't because the Dems wouldn't let it happen.

They set it up perfectly. Postpone implementation until after the elections to prevent the electorate from being informed in time to do something about it.

Until now, Dems could have argued that the postponement was to give the system time to be made ready. But they can't use that excuse anymore.

Republicans need to make sure that people hear about the damage. And then when the people are sufficiently informed, and Democrats have acknowledged how much pain there is, then maybe something meaningful can be done.

But people have to see the extent of the problem. The people who are being hurt have to be given a voice. Hopefully the Democrats will start being honest and the media will hold them accountable and not try to find something to blame the Republicans for to help Obama save face or the will won't be there to do any more than cosmetic fixes.

I disagree Amelia. I think that if congress would have started working together on the ACA the day after the Court upheld the law, there would have been plenty to do and plenty done.

I've heard plenty of Democrats state that the ACA needs adjustments. Now that "all or nothing" has been exhausted, it's time for the republicans to come to the table and start talking about it line-by-line.

Investigating the 24 day old roll out with a goal of 'shining a political light on who's at fault' is a waste of time and treasure. The fault thus far lay at the feet of those who wrote the legislation: Congress.

You said "tearing the ACA apart at the seams", which is different from the tiny changes Obama and the Democrats would have allowed to pass through, if they allowed anything. Obama does not take well to perceived threats, and he perceives them at the stupidest times.

And since you're sticking with your "Congress did it" instead of the factual "Democrats did it", there's not much point. Democrats, in Congress and the administration, did it. If this were a congressional problem, the media wouldn't have been shilling so hard to protect Obama over it.

There is a systemic problem in the dissemination of information in this country. To protect one party. If Republicans had any actual blame in this, the media would have done everything they could to plaster them with it, kind of like how Republicans were excoriated for standing up against it. If the people who actually committed this atrocity aren't held to account, then the lesson which needs to be learned from this won't be learned. The Democrats need to do a huge mea culpa and promise not to ever do anything like this again. They'll keep doing it, but we need at least to get them on record acknowledging that their approach to government is what did this and the Republicans and people like Lieberman were correct. [Edit: yes, I know that in the end Lieberman voted for the ACA, but he at least proposed a reasonable approach, which would have avoided the fiasco we now have.]

Ciao ... I'll let you get back to trying to revise history and blame all of Congress for what the Congressional Democrats and the White House did. Even though you have to know at some level that solutions aren't going to come while people are still trying to deny their responsibility or the scope of the problem.
Last edited:
Someone behind the handy link below. said:
“If the president is frustrated by the mounting failures of his health care law, it wasn’t apparent today,” Boehner said in a statement responding to Obama’s comments.
“Americans are looking for accountability..."

Read more: Sebelius to testify on ObamaCare's rocky rollout (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

:eusa_eh: Really?​

I think this average voter would prefer a little more discussion on fixing the fucker. :dunno:

Republicans have no obligation to help fix it.

It's a travesty from the word go, forced upon us by the Democrats.

That doesn't stop me from being very curious about what Obama will propose to help the people who are being hurt by it.

That's very true. After all, its not as though the Rs work for the US.
:eusa_eh: Really?​

I think this average voter would prefer a little more discussion on fixing the fucker. :dunno:

Republicans have no obligation to help fix it.

It's a travesty from the word go, forced upon us by the Democrats.

That doesn't stop me from being very curious about what Obama will propose to help the people who are being hurt by it.

That's very true. After all, its not as though the Rs work for the US.

R's are working for US. D's didn't feel they needed any help to pass the thing. They rejected calls to pass smaller plans that they could get bipartisan support for. R's have no obligation to help "fix" something which they consider needs more than the tiny cosmetic patches D's would accept. When the D's are ready to acknowledge the magnitude of the "fix" which is needed, then maybe some good work can get done that both sides can agree on. Until then, R's are attempting to do what they promised when I voted to send them to Washington.

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