Congressman Miller says transgenderism is rebellion against God

miketx said:
Maybe they can find an island for them.

you COULD do that and it could be the most awesome island ever with just themselves.....but that is not what they want. They want to be around heteros so that they can stick their homosexuality/transgender-ness finger in your eye. And they can never be satisfied. Just like race baiting blacks will never be satisfied; just like trump hating leftists will never be satisfied in their hatred and desiring harm to President Trump. KIlling DJT will not satisfy their hatred....they would prefer to kill him, revive him and do it again, every day 24/7/365 and even then they cannot be satisfied. Just like homo/trans. They cannot be satisfied no matter how much you give in to them because it is never enough. They do not want your acceptance and tolerance or even love. They want to make you suffer. They want to lord it over you, boss you around, make you do what they want. they want to spit in your face, they want to see you squirm in their presence. maybe bow and scrape...every day 24/7/365. period.
you COULD do that and it could be the most awesome island ever with just themselves.....but that is not what they want. They want to be around heteros so that they can stick their homosexuality/transgender-ness finger in your eye. And they can never be satisfied. Just like race baiting blacks will never be satisfied; just like trump hating leftists will never be satisfied in their hatred and desiring harm to President Trump. KIlling DJT will not satisfy their hatred....they would prefer to kill him, revive him and do it again, every day 24/7/365 and even then they cannot be satisfied. Just like homo/trans. They cannot be satisfied no matter how much you give in to them because it is never enough. They do not want your acceptance and tolerance or even love. They want to make you suffer. They want to lord it over you, boss you around, make you do what they want. they want to spit in your face, they want to see you squirm in their presence. maybe bow and scrape...every day 24/7/365. period.
Exactly. They want you to bend your knee and submit.
and they don't care if you fact they would prefer that you don't like it but that they win anyway. Remember how some came out and said this past year. We want your kids. we will get your kids. Teachers openly go on social media and talk about how they propagandize our kids for homo/trans agenda.

I heard/read a story and it has disappeared....... Pharrell Williams ALLEGEDLY said that it makes him and others happy to see conservative (repunklican) parents' girl children turned into twirking liberals. ruined. I have paraphrased greatly but that is the gist of his remarks.
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and they don't care if you fact they would prefer that you don't like it but that they win anyway. Remember how some came out and said this past year. We want your kids. we will get your kids. Teachers openly go on social media and talk about how they propagandize our kids for homo/trans agenda.

I heard/read a story and it has disappeared....... Pharrell Williams ALLEGEDLY said that it makes him and others happy to see conservative (repunklican) parents' girl children turned into twirking liberals. I have paraphrased greatly but that is the gist of his remarks.
They're demon possessed.

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