Congressman To Donald Trump: Shove The Border Wall ‘Up Your Ass’

But her husband raped and harassed his way to the Presidency, and his bitch enabled him.

Wow... You know this!!!

Have you reported it to the cops... He will be arrested and convicted....

Now this might need some proof...

There is far more proof that Trump is a rapist than Bill Clinton... I mean far more, his wife gave a detailed affidavit of the event..
Why even have borders at this point? Doesn't a border do everything a wall does? It keeps people in other countries from entering it (assuming they follow the law). How is a border different than a wall?
“Before you dismiss me as just another ‘Mexican,’ let me point out that my great-great grandfather came to this country in 1857, well before your own grandfather.”

WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela took a poison pen to the Republican presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, in an open letter Monday morning.

“Mr. Trump, you’re a racist and you can take your border wall and shove it up your ass,” the Brownsville Democrat wrote in a lengthy missive to the real estate magnate.

Vela notes in the letter that he agreed with Trump on some policies, like improving veterans care, addressing Mexican drug cartels and deporting criminal felons who are in the country illegally. But then he savages Trump for his rhetoric on those of Mexican descent and his promise to build a wall on the southern U.S. border.

“While you would build more and bigger walls on the U.S.-Mexico border, I would tear the existing wall to pieces,” Vela wrote. “Why any modern-thinking person would ever believe that building a wall along the border of a neighboring country, which is both our ally and one of our largest trading partners, is frankly astounding and asinine.”

Vela then defended U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the judge overseeing litigation related to Trump’s education enterprise, Trump University, with fraud. Trump has questioned Curiel’s capacity for fairness based on his Mexican heritage. Curiel was born in Indiana.

Vela then pointed out that his own family lineage in the United States goes back farther than Trump’s paternal grandfather.

“Before you dismiss me as just another ‘Mexican,’ let me point out that my great-great grandfather came to this country in 1857, well before your own grandfather,” he wrote. “His grandchildren (my grandfather and his brothers) all served our country in World War I and World War II. His great-grandson, my father, served in the U.S. Army and, coincidentally, was one of the first ‘Mexican’ federal judges ever appointed to the federal bench.”

More: Congressman To Donald Trump: Shove The Border Wall 'Up Your Ass'

Amen, Sir! I second that emotion.

So wait a minute, you just agreed with this Congressmen bringing Trump's heritage into the conversation, so why then would you complain when Trump brings other peoples' heritage into a conversation?

You stupid fucking partisans are always so hypocritical

Oh, also if elected Trump can certainly issue an EO ordering that the wall be built without Congressional approval, you can thank Obama for that , who set a precedent who you were too stupid to realize that it might come back to bite you in the ass as you were cheering him on as he issued EOs that YOU agreed with.

In short, you are a moron.
Why even have borders at this point? Doesn't a border do everything a wall does? It keeps people in other countries from entering it (assuming they follow the law). How is a border different than a wall?[/QUOTE

Leftards see wetbacks as another underclass to cater to and add to their voting base. Wetbacks come from socialist countries so they are use to leftards running their lives even if it be badly. Leftards are nothing but pawns of the globalists that want to flood countries with immigrants in order to water down nationalism and erode the sovereignty of every nation state. My hatred for the leftard clown posse knows no boundaries.

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