Congressman To File Bill Requiring A Psychiatrist At The White House

Pres. Obama needed a freakin team of psychiatrists to help deal with his mental issues. ..... :lol: .. :lol:

I agree and you never heard of a Dem congressman looking to get a psychiatrist in the WH for him.

Trump sure pisses off the Dems and the left.

Way ta go.
Trump does piss on a lot of people, so much in fact, just about all our allies, would rather eat shit than dine with this man or deal with this country!!

I'm sure you hope so but then you are a lefty POS who doesn't know much.

After having to dal with douchebag for eight years I'm pretty sure our allies will enjoy dealing with a real POTUS.
Trump's extremely THIN-SKIN must be contagious.......Most right wingers on here take "offense" when the emperor is called out for not having any clothes.

The term 'snowflake' was created BY Democrats to describe DEMOCRATS who are weak, easily offended.

'The Emperor Has No Clothes', as you call it, is nothing more that a snowflake spewing his weak, bitter, offended OPINION.

Pointing out that your comments are OPINION does not mean one is offended by them. In truth, I personally am entertained by them, watching the STILL defiant, bitter, angry, sour-grapes, butt-hurt snowflakes attempting to declare their own opinions are 'fact' / 'reality'.

Poor snowflakes - it's going to be a long 4 ... or 8 ... years for you.
This has been true for the previous Presidents as well. Lieu is just another disrespectful, sorry-ass, whiny, bitter, butt-hurt snowflake trying to undermine the President of the United States. This type of behavior and total obstructionism is what we can expect for the next 4 - 8 years from the Left.

MEMO to right wingers.........Please use the terms in bold above at EVERY post...Do NOT bother thinking on your own (that is dangerous) just use these terms as instructed......LOL

'Instructed'? Poor snowflake, Conservatives are not like you - they actually think for themselves. :p
I agree a psychiatrist IS needed:

D-DEM Frank Johnson: Believed GUAM would TIP OVER if any more troops were stationed there.

D-Maxine Waters: Believes Putin / Russia is advancing on KOREA.

D-Barak Obama: Believed there were / are 57 States.

Libs need serious help.
Well will you look at that. Congressman Ted is almost as batshit crazy as you, stone age boy.
Wait, I thought the loony left was talking about impeachment just 2 weeks in to Trump's Administration, now they want a Psychiatrist in The White House?

Is this to tell Trump which of the Lying Left is the most Loony? Maybe The Psychiatrist will recommend barring Nancy PelNazi, Dirty Harry Reed, and UpChuck Schummer from entering the White House on grounds of insanity and delusional and irrational behavior.

If that's what his role will be, I recommend this.

And isn't this the same Congressman who stupidly admitted that half his family was here in the US illegally and committed felonies by having fraudulent Social Security Cards, and Fake Driver's Licenses and Fake Birth Certificates?
Truly, in Trump's case, I think psychiatric monitoring is warranted. I'm not saying that because I can't stand him. I'm saying it because his behavior and comments strike me as that of a person suffering from dementia. That's not something to joke about. It happens and it's real and it's sad. All the same, the U.S. does not deserve to have a President who is suffering from it and Republicans, Democrats and others should want to be sure that Trump's antics are the result of willful but "in his right mind" choices and not the result of the man's failing mental faculties. If you've experienced dementia, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you haven't well, you just have no idea, but God willing you won't ever be forced to have one.
"What if we offered Trump's ego a deal. Put him on Rushmore. Pass law declaring him best president ever. In return he stops being president"
My God, this is what our Congress has become? The Democrats have turned it into a Jerry Springer Show farce. Is there any hope for the Democratic Party. I don't see it.


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