Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

You obviously have no clue as to what "We the People" entails
I never said We the People are the government....I said the Government is us. We the People created it, We the People elect the representatives, We the People fund it

"Men are enabled by their Creator who endowed them with inalienable rights, including the right to self-govern" This is from the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution
And since "We the People", who created the government, that created the environment businesses could thrive, corporate America is obligated to put that money back into the system for the benefit of "We the People".
You are as usual, confused.

The government does NOT create jobs and both Bush and Trump would tell you that. If you had a functioning brain cell to your name, you'd know what they meant but you are an idiot so it has to be explained to you.

What they mean is to create an environment where private businesses can create jobs. Like reducing taxes, giving tax incentives, cutting regulations, and basically getting the goverent out if the way.

Another ignorant left wing nut thread killed. My job is done here.
Shove that right wing bullshit up your ass, fuckface.

I personally worked on a DOE contract for 4 years. That's 4 years collecting a paycheck. That's 4 years with a fucking job, you asshole.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much taxes or regulations are reduced, the only thing that creates jobs, is demand. No company, let me repeat, NO COMPANY is going to invest capitol in a market that's not in demand.


Trying to imply that all tax dollars that a company pays would otherwise go to creating more jobs is ridiculous
We need to raise taxes on capital gains and stock dividends by 10%.

We also need to create a Financial Transactions Tax on every share traded on Wall Street.
...they will never approve of raising revenue to pay for it. They will not approve a one percent raise in taxes...

It's because some people are too illiterate to understand that you don't always raise revenues by increasing tax rates. Here is a general rule of thumb: The more you tax something, the less of it you will have. So the more you increase taxes the less you get of whatever you're taxing. Illiterate liberals such as yourself don't realize this. You live in a vacuum where the thing your increasing the taxes on will continue unfettered without change.

Currently, someone who earns income of more than $10 million a year pays the top marginal tax rate of 39.6% and there are quite a few people in America who fall in this bracket. However... raise that rate to 70% or 92% as some have proposed, and suddenly you're going to discover there aren't hardly any Americans earning incomes over $10 million a year. You see... when you are earning that kind of income, you really don't need an income anymore. You can simply stop earning income and avoid the confiscatory taxes, then put all your wealth into securities and tax-free investments.

So this is what happens in reality... not in Liberal Utopialand where all your idiotic plans come to fruition and solve all the problems of the world. They have done extensive studies on increasing the top marginal tax rates and how it effects revenues. What they found is, every time (in modern history) we've raised the top marginal tax rates it has resulted in a decrease of revenue as compared to GDP. Subsequently, every time we've lowered the top marginal rates, we've experienced an increase in revenues as compared to GDP.
Trying to imply that all tax dollars that a company pays would otherwise go to creating more jobs is ridiculous

Of course it's ridiculous. All kinds of things can happen with that money. New technology can be purchased, equipment can be upgraded, employees can be trained or promoted, stockholders can realize more profits, suppliers and vendors can be paid more, or the CEO can buy a new yacht.

All of these things are more desirable than throwing the money down a bureaucratic rat hole so that you and your cousin can send love letters to each other for 50 cents.
Trying to imply that all tax dollars that a company pays would otherwise go to creating more jobs is ridiculous

Of course it's ridiculous. All kinds of things can happen with that money. New technology can be purchased, equipment can be upgraded, employees can be trained or promoted, stockholders can realize more profits, suppliers and vendors can be paid more, or the CEO can buy a new yacht.

All of these things are more desirable than throwing the money down a bureaucratic rat hole so that you and your cousin can send love letters to each other for 50 cents.

More desirable than roads and bridges? Education? Police and Fire? Clean air, water? Safe food and drugs?

You are delusional
We need to raise taxes on capital gains and stock dividends by 10%.

We also need to create a Financial Transactions Tax on every share traded on Wall Street.

Again... The more you tax something, the less of it you will get. So...Raise cap gains 10% and you'll have less cap gains investment. Tax shares traded and you get less shares traded. So basically, you want to kill capital gains investments and stock trading? Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant idea to stimulate the economy and ensure prosperity! NOT!
Again... The more you tax something, the less of it you will get. So...Raise cap gains 10% and you'll have less cap gains investment. Tax shares traded and you get less shares traded. So basically, you want to kill capital gains investments and stock trading? Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant idea to stimulate the economy and ensure prosperity! NOT!
Where there's a demand, company's will invest. And a .003% tax on each traded stock, is not going to stop the market from trading.

70% of the economy is from consumer spending. It doesn't care whether that's a public dollar, or a private dollar, all that matters is spending occurs.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

Dishonesty is the Dim Party.

Presidents DON'T create jobs. Any such claims past, present and future are bullshit. Democrat or Republican.

The ALLEGED cutting of unemployment is also bullshit, you idiot. When the "figures" used by shit head hack politicians like Obumbler EXCLUDE all those who have given up even trying to find work, it takes a moron of your pathetic lack of intelligence to buy those bullshit figures.

Your OP is absolutely worthless. Like the President.
Personally, I am sick of all this corporate welfare.

I am also of the opinion, that corporations in this country, should have absolutely no voice in our government.
...they will never approve of raising revenue to pay for it. They will not approve a one percent raise in taxes...

It's because some people are too illiterate to understand that you don't always raise revenues by increasing tax rates. Here is a general rule of thumb: The more you tax something, the less of it you will have. So the more you increase taxes the less you get of whatever you're taxing. Illiterate liberals such as yourself don't realize this. You live in a vacuum where the thing your increasing the taxes on will continue unfettered without change.

Currently, someone who earns income of more than $10 million a year pays the top marginal tax rate of 39.6% and there are quite a few people in America who fall in this bracket. However... raise that rate to 70% or 92% as some have proposed, and suddenly you're going to discover there aren't hardly any Americans earning incomes over $10 million a year. You see... when you are earning that kind of income, you really don't need an income anymore. You can simply stop earning income and avoid the confiscatory taxes, then put all your wealth into securities and tax-free investments.

So this is what happens in reality... not in Liberal Utopialand where all your idiotic plans come to fruition and solve all the problems of the world. They have done extensive studies on increasing the top marginal tax rates and how it effects revenues. What they found is, every time (in modern history) we've raised the top marginal tax rates it has resulted in a decrease of revenue as compared to GDP. Subsequently, every time we've lowered the top marginal rates, we've experienced an increase in revenues as compared to GDP.
You are living in a delusional world of political commentary theories. When you need funds you go out and raise funds. Need something you can't afford, go out an get another job or ask the boss for overtime. Sure, it will put you in a higher tax bracket and cause you to pay more taxes, but it will also give you a bigger income to apply to your budget. In the end, your paycheck revenue is increased. If people making 10 million a year want to quit earning to avoid paying 1% more tax, let them. There are lines of competitors waiting to take their places.
Personally, I am sick of all this corporate welfare.

I am also of the opinion, that corporations in this country, should have absolutely no voice in our government.

There is damn little corporate welfare. By and large, that liberal bromide has very little basis in reality.

Thankfully, your stilted notions of the proper voice a corporate entity should be able to have doesn't control shit.
You are as usual, confused.

The government does NOT create jobs and both Bush and Trump would tell you that. If you had a functioning brain cell to your name, you'd know what they meant but you are an idiot so it has to be explained to you.

What they mean is to create an environment where private businesses can create jobs. Like reducing taxes, giving tax incentives, cutting regulations, and basically getting the goverent out if the way.

Another ignorant left wing nut thread killed. My job is done here.
Shove that right wing bullshit up your ass, fuckface.

I personally worked on a DOE contract for 4 years. That's 4 years collecting a paycheck. That's 4 years with a fucking job, you asshole.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much taxes or regulations are reduced, the only thing that creates jobs, is demand. No company, let me repeat, NO COMPANY is going to invest capitol in a market that's not in demand.

Meh, you just proved that you are an ignorant shit. You'll never have the intelligence to understand anything even slightly complicated. Good luck with that, moron.
There is damn little corporate welfare. By and large, that liberal bromide has very little basis in reality.

Thankfully, your stilted notions of the proper voice a corporate entity should be able to have doesn't control shit.
Tell that to all the profits companys offload from this country.

GE makes about 1 billion a year and paid zero taxes last year.

Go fuck yourself, liar!
Trying to imply that all tax dollars that a company pays would otherwise go to creating more jobs is ridiculous

Of course it's ridiculous. All kinds of things can happen with that money. New technology can be purchased, equipment can be upgraded, employees can be trained or promoted, stockholders can realize more profits, suppliers and vendors can be paid more, or the CEO can buy a new yacht.

All of these things are more desirable than throwing the money down a bureaucratic rat hole so that you and your cousin can send love letters to each other for 50 cents.

More desirable than roads and bridges? Education? Police and Fire? Clean air, water? Safe food and drugs?

You are delusional

LMAO... Where do you get that I have called for elimination of these things? Why do you constantly attempt to paint my viewpoint as some radical insanity calling for elimination of things we hold dear? I've said nothing of the sort and it's just blatant dishonesty on your part to continue insisting I have.

CUTTING taxes is not really an issue for me. I am staunchly opposed to any INCREASE in taxes and I can explain why. But regardless of tax rates, we're going to have to make some fairly dramatic cuts in spending. We cannot sustain $1.6 trillion deficits every year for very long. At some point, it all collapses and we turn into Greece. So we have to start making some really tough decisions here or we're all going to be fucked.

Now, I am sorry, but I don't see you advocating ANY cuts in ANY programs. If anything, you whine and complain for MORE funding, MORE taxing, MORE government spending. YOU are the one who is delusional. Either you don't grasp the seriousness of the problem or you're just a complete moron. Either way, we cannot, as a nation, follow you off this cliff.
Meh, you just proved that you are an ignorant shit. You'll never have the intelligence to understand anything even slightly complicated. Good luck with that, moron.
Fuck you, you little punk ass bitch!

Prove anything I said was wrong.

You can't, because you're a fuckin' pussy!
Meh, you just proved that you are an ignorant shit. You'll never have the intelligence to understand anything even slightly complicated. Good luck with that, moron.
Fuck you, you little punk ass bitch!

Prove anything I said was wrong.

You can't, because you're a fuckin' pussy!

lol, again you prove your stupidity.

I never said anything you said was wrong, I only said you didn't have the intelligence to understand the argument.

Thanks for again proving I'm right.
There is damn little corporate welfare. By and large, that liberal bromide has very little basis in reality.

Thankfully, your stilted notions of the proper voice a corporate entity should be able to have doesn't control shit.
Tell that to all the profits companys offload from this country.

GE makes about 1 billion a year and paid zero taxes last year.

Go fuck yourself, liar!
Your pitiably brainwashed ignorant liberal "understanding" of the real world is on full display, you fucking dishonest scumbag jackoff moron.

I don't think any publicly traded company ought to pay one fucking penny in taxes.

I know that shocks your socialist sensibilities. And I'm fine with that. But the fact that you are drooling clueless imbecile cannot be denied or fixed; so really, who gives a rat's twat what rattles your cretin sensibilities.

Again... The more you tax something, the less of it you will get. So...Raise cap gains 10% and you'll have less cap gains investment. Tax shares traded and you get less shares traded. So basically, you want to kill capital gains investments and stock trading? Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant idea to stimulate the economy and ensure prosperity! NOT!
Where there's a demand, company's will invest. And a .003% tax on each traded stock, is not going to stop the market from trading.

70% of the economy is from consumer spending. It doesn't care whether that's a public dollar, or a private dollar, all that matters is spending occurs.

You are completely misguided. Capital gains investments are not companies investing in supplying a demand. You're talking about the source the company turns to in order to fund various ventures which may or may not pan out. Venture capitalists risk their wealth for the chance of realizing a profit on their investment... a capital gain. Tax that gain too much and they are just better off not investing and keeping their wealth in securities or tax shelters.

The .003% tax is cute, but who here believes that would; a.) produce enough revenue to even pay for one of Obama's vacations? b.) remain at .003% after liberal democrats get it instituted? c.) do anything to stimulate the economy? What it WOULD do is have an effect on stocks traded. Especially for large stock trades and the more risky trades.

Yes, I know the economy doesn't care if what we are spending is taxpayer dollars or dollars earned through production, talent, ingenuity, etc. Obama has proven that. We can actually GROW the economy that way for a while, and we have done this the past few years at about 1~2% or so. The problem is, it's not sustainable.

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